How do I access a file in a directory from html in a Wordpress Site? - reactjs

I am trying to use reactjs components in wordpress. I was following this tutorial -
Until I got stuck at the last part: I have added this as an html custom block to an empty page:
<script src="/apps/csptest-component/direflowBundle.js"></script>
The console prints out:
GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
I have used FTP to put the file in a folder called apps/csptest-component in the root directory of the wordpress site and I can see that the upload was successful. Do I need to change the link that the src is pointing to? Any help is appreciated!

WordPress allows you to access files in the wp-content directory, so best practice would be to have a child theme setup and then you can upload your javascript to the directory: wp-content/themes/child/js and access it using .
It's recommended to use a child theme to ensure your script doesn't get removed when your theme is updated (plenty of resources on how to do this). Create a folder in here called js for tidiness.
EDIT: I think it will be easiest for you to upload your script to: /wp-content/themes/Divi/js folder, and then you can access your script like: <script src=""></script>


Make a hugo static website site navigate correctly when browsing from the local file system

I understand that the normal workflow with hugo is to generate a static site using the "hugo" command, and then deploy your site by copying the public/ directory to your production web server. I don't want to do that: I just want the html files in the public/ directory to display correctly, and have links that work, when I open them in my web browser. I do not want to run the "hugo server" command.
Specifically, the links that are generated are all missing "index.html" at the end.
For example, a link to the About page will be:
file:///C:/Users/myusername/Documents/HugoTesting/quickstart/public/about/ which will open a view of that directory when I click on it. But it will display the web page properly if I can change the link to: .../public/about/index.html
How can I make that change throughout my site? I already set "relativeUrl" to true in my config file, as it says to do here: as it was necessary to get my index page to display properly. The documentation there says this helps to " make your site browsable from a local file system" so I know it must be possible.
I've tried using permalinks and using frontmatter to try and add "index.html" to all of my links, but hugo is adding an extra '/' to whatever I specify using permalinks, and while the "url" tag in the frontmatter works, it's not feasible for me to do for every url in every page.
I think ugly URLs configuration in Hugo might help you with this, (e.g.,
Set uglyurls = true or uglyurls: true in your site’s config.toml or config.yaml, respectively.

hugo serve content inside .well-known folder

Third party application which I'm trying to integrate, asking to put a file inside a .well-known folder. how can I make that file accessible from URL? ( site is deployed as a gitlab page. every attempt I tried gives 404 error.
If you put your ".well-known" folder inside the "static" folder it should get deployed to the root of your website as you expect.

Hugo Reference Error When Accessing Subfolder's File

Everything is working when I run locally, but when I deploy I'm getting this error.
I have a folder structure like this:
I am able to get to render and link to [some_sub_folder]/[another_sub_folder]/index.html.
The problem is that index.html relies on Build/[some_file.js] and is unable to load it. I'm seeing the folowing in my console
The real errors I see are:
Loading failed for the with source ““. web:10:1
ReferenceError: UnityLoader is not defined[Learn More]
How can I get the sub folder's file accessible by my html file?
I followed the steps outlined in this blog post:
Put index.html and all files in /Build and /TemplateData into the same directory.
Modify index.html to remove “Build/” and “TemplateData/” from all file locations.

cakephp access cs and js files inside webroot folders

I am getting a problem in deploying my app to the server. The problem is i have folders inside the webroot which points to the .css and .js files.
I was doing the basic cakephp function $this->Html->css('bootstrap') when my simple css files were in the css folder but now there are some other folders inside the webroot because of using the plugins for the frontend UI.
For this i have changed my url to like this $this->Html->css('/global/plugin/file')
Problem is on local it is working fine because of virtual host but on live server i have domain like this so it go to the main directory to and link the ip instead of going to
Is there any good way to solve this and add the flexibility to the url so that my local and live will not be disturbed while i push my code through git?
Just removes '/' from $this->Html->css('/global/plugin/file') to below
$this->Html->script('global/plugin/file'); //example loading file.js
I already had an issue about this one including my JS and CSS inside a folder but when I removed '/' it solve my problem.
Confirm that their is a file.css inside plugin inside webroot\css\global\plugin\file.css windows path or LINUX path /webroot/css/global/plugin/file.css

ExpressionEngine - Not sure how to fix this 404 not found error

I am trying to setup a localhost version of our site and have a problem getting this setup correctly.
Both our live and localhost site have this directory structure:
On our live site, CSS files in our templates are accessed like this:
How do I get rid of the 404 not found errors for the CSS and javascript files on the localhost site?
My config file has
$config[‘rewrite_short_tags’] = TRUE;
I'm obviously using assumptions here until further information gleamed...
You're using templates to hold your JS and CSS, rather than external files (Nothing wrong with that), so they're not technically relative URLs - it's pulled from the database so you won't have any more of a path than template group and template. The browser will not be targeting these template files directly, it will be EE providing them.
In your folder I'm assuming you have a file called "jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.min.js.js", which relates to a template group called "j" and a template called "jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.min.js"?
What I'm a bit confused at is "css/c/modal.css", as this is indicating a template group called css, but you've stated your template group is called "c" and the template is "modal.css". Possibly this was a mistake, or you've got a "css" template group and falling into the index template...?
Firstly, check your template folder settings in EE, Design -> Templates -> Template Manager, then "Global Template Preferences". Look for "Basepath to Template File Directory". I'm assuming that you copied the online database to your local, rather than a new fresh install?
If you're using htaccess rewriting, check that is working on your local.
Failing that, try changing the paths to the CSS and JS to use the path variable:
