Hugo Reference Error When Accessing Subfolder's File - hugo

Everything is working when I run locally, but when I deploy I'm getting this error.
I have a folder structure like this:
I am able to get to render and link to [some_sub_folder]/[another_sub_folder]/index.html.
The problem is that index.html relies on Build/[some_file.js] and is unable to load it. I'm seeing the folowing in my console
The real errors I see are:
Loading failed for the with source ““. web:10:1
ReferenceError: UnityLoader is not defined[Learn More]
How can I get the sub folder's file accessible by my html file?

I followed the steps outlined in this blog post:
Put index.html and all files in /Build and /TemplateData into the same directory.
Modify index.html to remove “Build/” and “TemplateData/” from all file locations.


How do I access a file in a directory from html in a Wordpress Site?

I am trying to use reactjs components in wordpress. I was following this tutorial -
Until I got stuck at the last part: I have added this as an html custom block to an empty page:
<script src="/apps/csptest-component/direflowBundle.js"></script>
The console prints out:
GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
I have used FTP to put the file in a folder called apps/csptest-component in the root directory of the wordpress site and I can see that the upload was successful. Do I need to change the link that the src is pointing to? Any help is appreciated!
WordPress allows you to access files in the wp-content directory, so best practice would be to have a child theme setup and then you can upload your javascript to the directory: wp-content/themes/child/js and access it using .
It's recommended to use a child theme to ensure your script doesn't get removed when your theme is updated (plenty of resources on how to do this). Create a folder in here called js for tidiness.
EDIT: I think it will be easiest for you to upload your script to: /wp-content/themes/Divi/js folder, and then you can access your script like: <script src=""></script>

Getting an "Access Denied" error when I reload my React app on AWS Amplify

I am working on a React app that's running on AWS Amplify. My React app is using the react-router-dom library to route to different components. After running amplify publish in the CLI, at the root of the app ( everything is fine in the browser, I can also route to other components in the app just fine as well. But when I refresh my browser while I am on a route (, I get an Access Denied error message.
I have found other posts about similar issues regarding rewrites and redirects in Amplify, but the solutions given do not work for me.
Here is an image of the error:
My Amplify app rewrites & redirects :
Again, the error only displays when I refresh on a route ( or not on Is the issue being caused by the react-router-dom library or is it an issue with Amplify settings? I am not sure where to go from here.
I have been facing the same error since days.The error is being caused by the amplify settings. The solution is simple,
Edit your Rewrites and redirects by adding a new rule.
source address = </^[^.]+$|.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf|map|json)$)([^.]+$)/>
target address = /index.html
status = 200 (Rewrite)
Country code can be left blank
Save and try refreshing your app again. It should probably work.
use this for reference:
Then you can just put in (as Dhruv Godambe posted above)
as the Source address and
/index.html as your target address
You can navigate to 'rewrites and redirects' in your app from AWS Amplify console and click on edit and select open text editor, and add this piece of code in your array(if present) else put the array braces around it.
"source": "</^[^.]+$|\\.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf)$)([^.]+$)/>",
"target": "/index.html",
"status": "200",
"condition": null
I have faced the same problem.
I was using Manual Zip File (Compressed) download (wrong).
Here is how to deploy manually correctely:
Run this command
npm run build
Now a build folder will be created.
2. Compress the content of this folder
Not the content of the whole project.
You chnage directory to the build folder and Compress the content in side.
3. Upload that compressed file Inside the build directory
Now this should work just fine.
The correct rule should be like this:
Source address: </^[^.]+$|\.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf)$)([^.]+$)/>
Target address: /index.html
Status: 200
I was getting the an Access Denied error message too. The error went away when I followed the documentation described in the answer above, but then I got the white screen problem described above too.
Reviewing the steps I noticed the auto-complete for the "Destination Address" listed in the "Rewrites and redirects" settings was /. When I tried using / as the "Destination Address" instead of /index.html I no longer got the white screen and got the expected page content.
Sharing what I found in case this helps others who are seeing a white screen after fixing the error with the rewrite rule described in the answers above. (Note as of Nov 2022 the "Rewrites and redirects" setting page uses the wording "Target Address" instead of "Destination Address".)
I have faced the same problem. I was zipping build folder, but not the contents within the zip folder.
Here is how I fixed it:
Run build command
npm run build
Now a build folder will be created inside your project directory.
Open build folder.
Compress the contents of build folder, and not build folder.
Now upload this new zip created from sub files and folders from build folder.
App will run fine on AWS Amplify.
I got the same error,
I zipped the build folder first then uploaded it and got that error,
but when I just uploaded the folder without zipping it, it worked fine !! weird!!
in my application I used the port 8080

hugo serve content inside .well-known folder

Third party application which I'm trying to integrate, asking to put a file inside a .well-known folder. how can I make that file accessible from URL? ( site is deployed as a gitlab page. every attempt I tried gives 404 error.
If you put your ".well-known" folder inside the "static" folder it should get deployed to the root of your website as you expect.

When build the app: GET http://localhost ......json 404 (Not Found)

I have my App react (create-app-react...) My app access to file .json in the folder assets. In my test in local no problem but when publish in IIS (npm run build) can't access a this file .json, in console obtain this error: GET http://localhost:3700/assets/locales/en/isotope.json 404 (Not Found).
My structure app ...
Can you help me??
The problem was not having included in the MIME Types (IIS) the .json.
Now Work It!!!
You have to manually copy the resources that are not added via require or import. Make sure you have assets folder in the site root on the server.

IONIC run command always generate index.html file in 'www' folder, why?

I am trying to create an ionic app on existing angularjs project.
I followed the instructions here, and my problem is when I run ionic serve it overrides my index.html file in www folder. So the results will be empty! But if I replaced my index.html file in www folder while the server is running and refreshed I got an expected results and I have this process loop always.
Is there any way to prevent ionic from override my index.html file?
I got the same issue.
I have created a blank project, and everytime I launch:
ionic serve
My www/index.html file is replaced with the blank project one.
I just realize that it replaces the www/index.html file with the src/index.html file.
So now I just edit the index.html file located in src folder.
