I need to install couchdb version 1.6.1 but could'nt findout any guide on installing the desired version rather than the ways of installing the latest version. Anyone can help me on this?
I am new to React. Although I am studying the react, I am not too clear about the concept react and react-native.
When trying to install react native app I am getting an error:
Command: npx expo-cli init reactapp
ERROR: Node.js v13.14.0 is no longer supported.
expo-cli supports following Node.js versions:
=12.13.0 <15.0.0 (Maintenance LTS)
=16.0.0 <17.0.0 (Active LTS)
When tried to install the latest version I am not able to get that on windows7 can anyone let me know if there's any way to install the latest React version on my OS? Please don't suggest changing the OS. I cant do that.
Your problem is not related to Windows7, it is related to your version of NodeJS (the back-end server-side environment that works with ReactJS). First you install Node, then you install React -- Node is required for React development.
Upgrade your version of NodeJS and all should work.
For your other question:
ReactJS is the programming library (kind of like a framework) for writing React apps. ReactNative (poorly named) is a specialized version of React that is specifically for writing mobile (phone) applications.
You can review this link to see how to install a specific version of NodeJS:
Here is information re the latest versions of Node that works with Windows7:
NodeJS for windows 7
Check your node version by node -v and if it is older than 12.13.0, try upgrading it to the latest LTS version. hope this resolves your problem.
For my project, I need .NET Core 2.2. The Chocolatey package repository states that .NET Core 2.2.8 is the most recent version of .NET Core 2.2 available. I can install this package with choco install dotnetcore --version 2.2.8 -m. But when 2.2.9 will be released, I will still be on 2.2.8, because I specified that specific version. What command do I need to have .NET Core 2.2 updated to a new minor version when I issue choco upgrade all?
EDIT: I do not want to upgrade to .NET Core 3.x when I issue choco upgrade all, because I have some projects that depend on it. Instead, I explicitly want Chocolatey to upgrade to .NET Core 2.2.9 if it will be released
While I think this belongs better on Super User, based on what is implied by using side by side installations of a package, if you want a new version of that package, use choco install -m to install the newer version of that package. Based on your experience of choco upgrade all upgrading one of your side by side packages however, you may want to inquire on the Chocolatey issue tracker as to what the recommended method of upgrading your other packages would be here.
I have postgreSQL 9.5 installed on Windows. I've cloned pgAudit repository and tried to install but there is no dll file in this repository and I could not build it.
I am new to postgreSQL extensions, so anybody know the better way to do this? or what I have to do to install this extension?
The BigSQL distribution of postgreSQL comes with tools to install community extensions like pgAudit. See https://www.openscg.com/bigsql/docs/security/pgaudit for details.
Alternatively, you can follow the steps here to build the dll yourself. I have successfully used this method to create a working distribution with pgAudit.
Is there a way to revert back to an older version of some yeoman generator? Specifically I'm using this https://github.com/keshavos/generator-angularjs-cordova for my project and the latest update has something wrong with $http so I'd like to go back to older version (0.2.2 in this case) until it's fixed.
Thanks in advance
npm install -g generator-angularjs-cordova#0.2.2
I have installed beta package on test org. Now i have released another beta package.
But while installing it in test org it is now allowing to install.
So, Can we install Beta version on existing beta package?
Thanks in advance.
If it is an upgrade to an existing managed package you must first uninstall the current version.