Missing MIDI file format in magenta.js - tensorflow.js

does anyone has found in magenta.js documentation the proper formatting of MIDI objects to pass to model methods, like MusicRNN.continueSequence() or MusicVAE.interpolate()?
In the API is reported to accept INoteSequence[], but I can't find it's definition.
In the demos and examples it is possible to find different key/value pairs, but I wasn't able to find a document about what are the needed or accepted keys to include as passed argument.


Firebase: referencing docs with a string vs. referencing docs with a ref. Is there a difference?

This is more of a general question, I've been bouncing around multiple posts on StackOverflow and reading what I've found so far in the docs. I haven't found anything super concrete yet to answer the post question which is: what are the benefits of linking documents to one another through the ref type vs. the string type?
As of now, I'm converting all my string "refs" to properly typed "refs". However, since i'm still relatively new to the platform I'm scratching my head wondering if this is even necessary. I assume I'd be just as effective at finding related docs with the string as with a reference.
Also, for the sake of future readers as of me posting this, you can set a ref like so:
reference: firebaseFirestore.doc(
// reference is now typed as a 'ref'
I had found other posts on stackoverflow accessing it with .doc(...).ref which doesnt seem to be a thing anymore.
It's mostly a matter of personal preference and perceived convenience. There is not really anything a reference type can do that a string and your own code could not also do.
Having a reference type mostly saves you the trouble of building a new reference object in your code, if that's what you would have done with a string document ID anyway. You can also use it in security rules for the same purpose when it comes time to use get() to fetch another document referenced by a field.
Again, it's personal preference. Do whatever is most convenient for you.
When you call a document reference, you instantly get the document details while if you take a string path and call it, it will take some time to find that data. It is just a matter of a few milliseconds and a few lines of code. Imagine if you had a list of document references to store and you store them as strings, and then had to call all of them looping over it
I know of one tangible benefit, but it's only relevant if you are using a library for data binding that supports loading nested documents to n depth. I personally am using vuefire, but I would assume something similar exists for the react ecosystem.
It allows you to e.g. bind a collection or document to a variable, and automatically sync all the data of referenced documents.
You sync a collection('users') with a depth of two, and each user document contains an array of favourites:
favourites: [ref1, ref2, ref3]
The library would immediately download the references and replace the original ref files with the data:
favourites: [{title:'foo'}, {title:'bar', {title: 'baz'}]

How to separate text values from string in JSON payload

Could someone point me in the right direction please?
I am trying to extract specific text/numbers from a json payload. I can access/isolate the full string of text by using triggerFormDataValue('text').
The text in question may contain 'sendSMS 1122334455 actual message' as its actual value
Is there anyway, in a logic app flow, to break the text into its component parts?
(sendsms, 1122334455 and actual message)
n.b. I have already tried interacting with the cognitive analysis app for key word searches but that doesn't return the number, nor the full sting, just the key words.
For more complex logic like the one you have, I would recommend to create an Azure Function. This is a light-weight solution that will offer you the flexibility of a microservice which offers you this possibility.
To extract the numbers, you may use a regular expression.
I've found a similar question here on SO, but the conclusion is very similar.
I've done some small research now and it seems Microsoft deliberately does't put too much text parsing functionality in Logic Apps in order to avoid them being too complex. You might have a chance if you put them in JSON notation, but I think the better option would be to go to Azure functions, since it provides reuseability as well.
If that's all you need to do, you can use the split() function. Details: String Functions...split

Single-item-array json feeds not read by C parser

I have a recurring problem with single-item json data sources that are consistently rejected by a C data parser looking for the parent/child structure of a multi-item feed.
Where is it easiest to fix this - on my end, when I create the feeds, or for the C programmer to add a couple lines to also let it accept data that looks like object?
The error message I get is
Cannot access child value on Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JProperty
which tells me it looks around the house for children that don't exist, like a nosy aunt.
In case you need to know how the data is processed, I use yql to standardize various sources so the parser can import everything into the right MongoDB fields. Everything is generated dynamically a few times a day and I can't do anything about the sources that will only deliver one update at a time.
Here's an example of json rejected because it looks like an object.
The one whose fault it is, has to fix it. Simple. Look up the specification what you are allowed to pass to the parser.

What is the correct Protobuf content type?

JSON has application/json as a standard. For protobuf some people use application/x-protobuf, but I saw something as odd as application/vnd.google.protobuf being proposed. Do we have an RFC or some other standard that I can use as a reference for this?
There's an expired IETF proposal that suggests application/protobuf. It does not address the question how the receiving side could determine the particular message type. Previous discussions suggested using a parameter to specify package and message, e.g. application/protobuf; proto=org.some.Message
In practice, the types you listed seem to be indeed the ones in use, for example the monitoring system Prometheus uses application/vnd.google.protobuf, and the Charles web debugging proxy recognizes application/x-protobuf; messageType="x.y.Z".
At the risk of being overly pedantic, the other answers only make sense if we're assuming that "protobuf content type" means the standard wire format for protos.
Content types should map to encoding schemes, and there are multiple encoding schemes for protos. The wire format is the most common and important one, but there's also text format, and potentially others. That being said, I am unable to find any standard content type for proto text format, so I don't know of any other options to add here.
Protos are just a way of describing schema, and are not tightly coupled with any particular way of encoding data in that schema.
The Content-Type representation header is used to indicate the original media type of the resource (prior to any content encoding applied for sending). Meanwhile, protobuf is serialization/de-serialization schema/library.

Passing array with key-value in and REST API following HAL

I'm developing a REST API based on the HAL specification. The API is being developed in PHP with Symfony and the client is being build in angularjs. The API must return some lists and they are going to be shown using ngtables library, and filtering options will be needed, ideally in the format that ngtables uses, like in this sample.
{ "name": "M", "age": "4" }
(Of course future clients may be use the same options.)
My frontend-workmate is suggesting me to send the json encoded directly as a parameter in the url, like this:
I'm not very sure about that though.
I've been reading how to send arrays through the URL with a parameter like param[]=foo&param[]=bar but that does implies have one key for multiple values. In my case I need to be able to send different key-values for the arrays like a Json object does.
I'm wondering how should be the Request URL from the client to be able to include all the filter options inside one parameteror and if there is any standard way to do that.
EDITED: After #Ross_Turner I want to clarify that my intention of passing a key-value array inside a parameter is because we'll have another type of parameter. For example:
?filter=<my key-value array>&page=1&limit=50&anotherParam=whatever
Even we would like to use another parameter containing another key-value array like this:
?filter=<my key-value array>&sorting=<another key-value array>&page=1&limit=50
Where filter and sorting can have the same keys.
Currently there is no standard way to send queries in GET requests. So you have 2 options: you use your custom query language (like you already tried) or you choose a standard query language. Either way it is hard to make it RESTful, because you have to create a link, which contains a recipe how to generate such an URI. You can probably use URI templates, but sometimes they are not general enough...
#Ross Turner:
I think you misunderstood, I was talking about not having a standard. Ofc. there are non standard query string based solutions, for example RQL. Or you can send a standard SPARQL query in a single param, but there is no standard way to describe such a link, and without link descriptions you cannot generate the query in a REST client, so it won't be loosely coupled and so it will violate the uniform interface constraint.
I disagree with #inf3ero's answer - surely there is a very well defined way to send a query as part of a GET request - query parameters. If you want different key and value combinations this is the principal of the keys and values of query parameters, so in your example you should probably use ?name=M&age=4 and parse each of these on your server. It should be simple enough to convert
{ "name": "M", "age": "4" }
into this by iterating over the keys in the JSON object. I'm not sure why you would want to combine these into a single parameter if you are attempting to implement a RESTful API following the HAL specification.
