How to separate text values from string in JSON payload - azure-logic-apps

Could someone point me in the right direction please?
I am trying to extract specific text/numbers from a json payload. I can access/isolate the full string of text by using triggerFormDataValue('text').
The text in question may contain 'sendSMS 1122334455 actual message' as its actual value
Is there anyway, in a logic app flow, to break the text into its component parts?
(sendsms, 1122334455 and actual message)
n.b. I have already tried interacting with the cognitive analysis app for key word searches but that doesn't return the number, nor the full sting, just the key words.

For more complex logic like the one you have, I would recommend to create an Azure Function. This is a light-weight solution that will offer you the flexibility of a microservice which offers you this possibility.
To extract the numbers, you may use a regular expression.
I've found a similar question here on SO, but the conclusion is very similar.
I've done some small research now and it seems Microsoft deliberately does't put too much text parsing functionality in Logic Apps in order to avoid them being too complex. You might have a chance if you put them in JSON notation, but I think the better option would be to go to Azure functions, since it provides reuseability as well.

If that's all you need to do, you can use the split() function. Details: String Functions...split


What is a good way to store text that contains checkboxes in a database?

I'm currently working on a notes app because I really dislike any notes app that I could find on the app store because the lists you can create are either:
only text
only checkboxes
lines of text followed by checkboxes or vice versa
But by now I found no app (except for Samsung's proprietary Samsung Notes app which only works on Samsung smartphones as it seems) that allows alternating use of lines text and checkboxes.
When thinking about how to implement this properly I had some issues coming up with a proper way of identifying when there is a checkbox and when there should be a line of text. For obvious reasons, just storing text and specifying an identifier like <chkbox> (or something along those lines) is not a good solution because checkboxes should only be placeable by clicking the respective icon. The user should neither be restricted to use the term <chkbox> (because for whatever reason he might want to use it) nor should injections like this be possible.
The best thing that came to my mind up until now was to store each line individually (identified by \n) in a list with dynamic datatype and for each line either store it as text object or string or as checkbox item. Finally, I could simply store the list as one single object in the database. However, I'm unsure whether that's good practice as I could imagine that it makes changes to the list quite cumbersome (e.g. for changing the ticked-value of one single checkbox we would need to store the entire datastructure again instead of just changing one boolean in the database)?
I'm working in Flutter and use Firebase Firestore as my backend/database. Although I'm mostly looking for a general approach/solution to this, with the chosen technologies in mind, is there any solution that would work better than what my recent thoughts are, or is there any serious flaws or drawbacks that I overlooked? Thanks in advance for any constructive input.

ComboBox and via ajax

I have a ComboBox and I'd like to fetch data from server first when user type at least 3 characters.
I've used* but it's deprecated and I cannot find something similar in* and xhr|ajax in one sentence. Do you have some tips?
I use declarative markup.
You probably used the dojox/data/QueryReadStore? There is no similar store at the moment I think. The best alternative you have (with the dojo/store API) is the JsonRest store.
But it isn't exactly the same, so you might have to extend it. You should probably start by looking at both API's (the old and the new API) and compare the dojox/data/QueryReadStore and the dojo/store/JsonRest to successfully extend it.

look up input field webbrowser C language

This is in C Language
I want to know how i can write a program to lookup all the input fields of a website. Any website. and then can fill them in. I can write the simple webbrowser in vbs but how can i analyse the input fields. even better would be is i could click the lookup field and it puts the name of it in a box..... that would be ideal.
Anyone can help? thanks :)
Are you sure you want to do this in C?
I ask because it is not easy. First of all, you need to be able to run the HTTP GET request against the webpage you wish to view. For this, you probably need libcurl; you definitely don't want to be writing from scratch at any rate.
Next, you need to process the html you get, finding all input fields. You do NOT want to do this using regular expressions, if anything for the sake of bobince's blood pressure. HTML is not a regular language is the bit you need to take away - you need an xml parser. Enter libxml. I'm sure there are other xml libraries out there, and even libraries for parsing html.
Finally, having done that (got the fields etc) you need to be able to populate them and submit the correct request as per the ACTION and METHOD parameters of the FORM.
This is of course assuming you know what the fields should be formatted with. And it also assumes nothing else is going on. If you have a javascript validated web form (I sincerely hope they're validating on the request too, but they might provide feedback via JS) you won't benefit from that (unless you're going to integrate JS, in which case you might as well write a browser).
This is not a trivial task and it is the reason there are accessibility standards for HTML, because otherwise it becomes tricky to interpret the form without human interaction.
Of course, this all assumes said html is well formed, which isn't always the case...
I might suggest another approach. BeautifulSoup is a well known Python web scraping library that works very well. Python as a language allows easier string manipulation too, which will dramatically cut down your development time. I'd suggest giving the need to use C some serious thought given the size and complexity of the task you want to undertake vs your need to get a result quickly. If you have a lot of time, by all means go for C.

Obfuscating email in html

I'm currently developing a website, into which I've included a filter that attempts to obfuscate any e-mail addresses present in the webpages it serves.
As it is now, it converts the addresses into images.
I've also seen a few other methods in use; some split the address into characters and use generated javascript to include it in the final document, but that requires javascript, so it's not that useful in my opinion. The upside is it can be used to create a working mailto-link.
Another method, quite similar to the above, uses hex-notation to markup the e-mail address. I'm not really convinced it will thwart any serious harvesters though.
Others utilize the human brains' ability to understand language, and will either replace characters like the #-symbol with words, or separate the host and the username etc.
My question now is, how reliable is my method, of using generated images (whose filename do not give the address away) against scrapers, when I'm not using any distortion on the text in the images? Should I prefer a different method?
And as a continuation: if I wan't a fallback method, just in case the image creation should fail for some reason, which would be the smartest way to go?
Here you'll find many ways of obfuscating emails, and their effectiveness.
Hope it helps!
My question now is, how reliable is my method, of using generated images (whose filename do not give the address away) against scrapers, when I'm not using any distortion on the text in the images?
I don't have any data to back that up, but I would say: Quite reliable. Harvesters can get millions of addresses using "conventional" means; I don't think it's economically feasible for them to do image processing just to get a handful more.
And as a continuation: if I wan't a fallback method, just in case the image creation should fail for some reason, which would be the smartest way to go?
Use a good spam filter. :-) No, seriously, it's really hard keeping a mail address hidden from harvesters.
one possibility is to continue using the image, but replace it with text and a mailto link if javascript is enabled.
As long as you don't name the image something obvious, like emailadress.png, you should be pretty safe - I think.
I think it's all about providing some kind of 'are you human test' before you display the email or display the email in a way that is itself a test.
Thinking along the same lines maybe providing a link as the email address and running the tests before displaying the email might be a solution too.
As a user, an image-obfuscated email address is almost as useless as no email address. Whatever method you choose, I should ideally be given a mailto link, second best is some sort of AT style address.

Cheapest Way To Export/Import Array Contents To File - AS3/AIR

I'm working on a basic editor application. It uses an array of varying size that I want to store to disk. This will eventually be in an AIR application, but for now it's just an AS3 project in Flex.
I want to store the array in a file. The application edits the data, so it doesn't need to be human readable. I want it to be in whatever format will be quickest to store and load back into the array when I need that data again.
Any recommendations?
Edit: It strikes me that importing/exporting in such a way that it can be immediately cast as an Array() would probably be the cheapest thing rather than some sort of iterating - if that's possible. Another obvious option is getting the data as a simple comma delineated string and using the String.split() function to get an array. Though again, the question is what would be cheapest - and I'm not quite convinced that's it.
I'll also add that it needs to be in some sort of permanent file, so a shared object - while possibly the fastest, isn't really a long term solution.
I think the fastest and easiest way is to use a shared object. It stores native objects, so there is no serialization / deserialization steps involved. Just assign the value and read it back.
Performance wise, probably the fastest route as well. If you are looking for a large dataset and are sure it's an AIR app, you can use AIR's db, but that will definitely take much more work.
First, take a look at this answer.
As for saving the contents of an Array, consider JSON using the export tools provided by Adobe.
