react-table add empty row button not working - reactjs

I have a react-table being loaded with 1 blank editable row. I have a button where I'd like to add a new blank editable row to the table.
I can add the new blank row to the data, but the Table is not updating. The table only updates with the correct amount of rows after I've changed a value from an existing textbox.
Here's the codesandbox link:


Add a column with no data - Prime React DataTable

Is there any way to add a column(Freeze either right/left) without any data and upon clicking on that column we can trigger some action, like kinda opening a dropdown to select show and hide the column.

Adding an editable row to Antd Table?

With material-table they have a property to add an editable row where an empty, editable row to the table, accepting input. I would like to have the same behavior for Ant's Table component. You can find an example of that behavior here under the editable drop down toggle at the bottom: They also have a property for setting the new row to be at the top which I also want..
Has anyone done this or seen this?
I currently have an editable Ant table but I'm not sure how I could merge the logic to add a row to the top of the table and then edit that row.
There is an example provided on Antd site
About Add button, you can easily add a new row with empty state

How to add Radio Button in columns while rendering Data Grid in React js

Is there any way to use radio button instead of checkboxes in react-data-grid component ?
As per my project requirement , I can only edit a single Row at a time in DataGrid.
For example : If we have columns, Employee ID and Employee Name in DataGrid, On selecting particular Row a button will be enabled which will direct to a page wherein we could edit the other details of the selected Employee. At a time, only one Row should be editable.
How can I achieve this?

How to add input tag to the last row of ui grid on button click

I am having a situation where I want to add input box at the end of the table. Is it possible to do this in ui-grid. I know rowTemplate, but it applies to whole column. I want to apply only to the last row of the table.

Angular-xeditable Editable row

I am using x-editable Editable row, it's default having each row is editable functionality.
But i would like to do one row editable. If i double click on first row it's should be editable when click on other row first row should be non-editable and current row should be editable.
