How to add Radio Button in columns while rendering Data Grid in React js - reactjs

Is there any way to use radio button instead of checkboxes in react-data-grid component ?
As per my project requirement , I can only edit a single Row at a time in DataGrid.
For example : If we have columns, Employee ID and Employee Name in DataGrid, On selecting particular Row a button will be enabled which will direct to a page wherein we could edit the other details of the selected Employee. At a time, only one Row should be editable.
How can I achieve this?


in react ag-grid table , how to prevent a dropdown component from collapsing when user selects an option and open a sub-grid on selecting an option

In react ag-grid table , I want to use Custom Dropdown component for a particular column and on selecting options from that dropdown, I want to prevent dropdown from collapsing and I want to show another flyout table on select of any option from dropdown and then select a row from that flyout table to populate the parent grid/column.For eg - Initial values in my dropdown component will be author like ['John', 'Jason'] now on select of suppose John, below is the expectation : Dropdown should not collapse after selecting John and On selecting John another sub-grid should open which should have details like - Author's Full Name and ProfessionNow after selecting any row from this sub-grid , Author's full name should get set in the original field .
Even after I tried using event.stopPropagation, my dropdown component is getting collapsed as soon as I select any option

How can I detect click on the checkbox in header dataTable

I am using material-ui / data-grid
and I need to know when the user clicks on the selection of all the elements of the table, to be able to add or edit said selection function, or if there is a property that is activated when selecting the checkbox
enter image description here

Angular ui grid make a non editable row into editable

I am trying to add edit, trash icons to Angular UI grid. On click on a particular row I want to allow the user to only edit the particular row.
Is there any api method available which will make non editable row into editable row on fly? I want to disable the feature of making ui grid editable if user double clicks it as well.
you can refer to the ui-grid 201 Edit Feature
if you want to edit the row, please use the method:cellEditableCondition

Simulate a click event on a grid row

How can I dynamically click rows in my grid?
E.g.: I am using border layout.
I have a grid in the west with a list of Companies.
When I click on a Company, the information of the company which has an Id, is displayed in a form in my center area.
Now, when I want to add a company ( I am doing this with a button which opens a "Add window"), and type all information in the form and then press "save", I reload the grid.
How could I make it, that the company which is newly added, is clicked on and its information is displayed in the center area.
NOTE: The companies are listed with an ajax request, and the information is called with a "onCompanyGridHandler".
You can make the new campany created added in the top of the grid by sorting the grid's store with, for example, the date of campany creation. You can so add this line in the grid's store:
sorters: { property: 'datecreate', direction : 'DESC' },
Then, after the campany creation, you select the first row of the grid, using this code:
There are a couple of approaches you can take here:
In the function where you add the data from the Add Window to the grid panel's store, you can also get the form and use the form's loadData() method to load the data into the form, populating both the Grid and Form at the same time.
As is mentioned in a comment, after adding the data to the grid's
store, make fire the click event on the row in the grid that is
displaying the new data. I prefer the first approach because you do
not have to find the correct row in the grid and fire its click
event. In the first approach both the grid and form are loaded
with the data directly.

On Click on the RowHeader the current row should be editable and On click of the columnHearder current column of all row should be editable

I have a silverlight DataGrid, by default on page load the all the cells of the datagrid should be Readonly. I have 2 problem , can any one help me?
1.On Click on the RowHeader the current row should be editable
2. On click of the columnHearder current column of all row should be editable
This might not solve your entire problem but it should partially address it.
This is to make a column read-only in a datagrid
DataGrid.Columns[7].IsReadOnly = true;
Obviously the property can be changed from events but the data grid does not have row/column headers event handlers. Custom controls seem the way to go without introducing any new gui elements like buttons and changing the feel of the application.
