On Click on the RowHeader the current row should be editable and On click of the columnHearder current column of all row should be editable - silverlight

I have a silverlight DataGrid, by default on page load the all the cells of the datagrid should be Readonly. I have 2 problem , can any one help me?
1.On Click on the RowHeader the current row should be editable
2. On click of the columnHearder current column of all row should be editable

This might not solve your entire problem but it should partially address it.
This is to make a column read-only in a datagrid
DataGrid.Columns[7].IsReadOnly = true;
Obviously the property can be changed from events but the data grid does not have row/column headers event handlers. Custom controls seem the way to go without introducing any new gui elements like buttons and changing the feel of the application.


AgGrid loose edit mode when data is updated

I use AgGrid Enterprise, and allow users to edit an entire row so all cells switch to edit mode.
I also have an event listener to save the row in database when the user put the focus on a new line or outside the grid.
In the first column of my grid, i have a custom cell displaying a combo.
When the user select a value, it should update the cell AND 3 other cells in the row.
So i use the API to refresh the 3 cells.
Doing so put the cell in view mode, i loose the edit mode and the save event is triggered.
Is there a way in edit mode, to update cell content without loosing the edit mode ??
Thanks a lot.
You said your are try to entire row and and also have custom cell with combo
but ag-grid does not work any popup editor with full row edit.
You have to remove ag-grid property editType: 'fullRow' and it will work.

How to edit a ListView row programmatically?

I need to edit the values of an existing ListView row (i.e change the values of an Item and its Subitems).
I need to do that programmatically and not by clicking on the ListView item at runtime to rename it.
just use LVM_SETITEM as documented.

How to remove focus from the Infragistics ultragrid cell when clicking outside?

I have an infragistics ultragrid control in a windows form. There is an 'Add New' button outside to insert new rows to the grid.
The problem I faced is, when I click the button outside the grid, while I'm editing a cell inside the grid, the cell doesn't lose focus. Because of this the edited new value is not updated to its underlying data source.
I need this cell to lose focus and update it's underlying data source, because the 'Add New' button creates a new row with this particular column having a default value which is calculated based on the previous row's edited value.
So any ideas on how to unfocus the ultragrid cell? This situation may apply to normal GridView also.
If your button is on a Toolbar, then the behavior you are seeing is expected because toolbars don't take focus. If this is the case before performing your logic you can use the PerformAction method of the grid and pass in UltraGridAction.CommitRow to force the row that was being editor to commit its updates.
For example:
I used myUltraGrid.ActiveRow.Cells[0].Activate(); which also works. But the solution by #alhalama is better one I guess.

Datagrid Row Selection On Button Click In WPF

I am having a Datagrid that gets populated with values from a DataTable. In my program i have four buttons: Goto First, Last, Next and Previous, as the name name indicates i have to select the rows based on the selection made using these buttons. Everything seems well if i use the below code to get the row (for example first row).
DataGridRow row =(DataGridRow)userControl.m_DataGrid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(0);
row.IsSelected = true;
But the code throws null value when there is more rows than the height of the Datagrid(When scrollbar comes into picture).
Please help me out of this issue. I think this is because of the view problem.
Due to virtualization the containers are only created when the object is in view, so you could first scroll the item into view using the respective method, wait for the creation of the container and then select it.
As this is rather messy i would suggest binding the IsSelected to a property on your item using a style for DataGridRow (set it as ItemContainerStyle). Then you can just set the property to true and scroll the item into view if need be.

Binding a combobox to a database and gridview

I am displaying a database table on a grid view and displaying a selected item's details in a detailsview.
Here's the problem:
There's a combobox in the detailsview and I want to display the added value's string on grid and I want the combobox to select this value.
It will be possible to update, delete the selected item from grid or add a new item. And I couldn't do the transformations of string- comboboxitem-database item. And I am quite confused on the binding operations. I hope my question is clear enough. Thanks in advance for any help.
One solution that may preserve your sanity. Only allow edits in your detailsView. Use the grid to Add (clicking an Add Link which shows the detailsView) or Delete. Is it really necessary for the user to be able to edit in either place?
