React and Next.js for server-side rendering - reactjs

I'm new to React and have started working on a project which uses Next.js for server-side rendering. The application will also use Next.js for routing. I'm having trouble understanding at what point does the browser pull the application code from the server.
When the browser starts the application, is the entire application (in vanilla JS) pulled from the server at one time? Or are pieces of the application pulled from the server as needed as the user routes between different pages?


React js website inside a react native app

I want to build a website which has 3-4 pages. In later stage I want to build an app for the same. i.e I want to open the website in react native app. I want to do this to avoid app updates.
I will add/remove components in website so that it will reflect in the app without any update.
what is the best approach for this?
Any code samples or blogs ?

hosting entire react application inside another react application landing page

we have some wrapped up SPA react application, we need to host it inside another react application landing page as well as many other stand alone react applications, what is the best way to achieve such behavior?

Azure multiple apps with react, unable to access other apps after loading react in broswer

I have multiple apps running in the same domain in Azure.
I added react project last week.
We have back office app separately running built using MVC.
we have react project now. When I load the react in the browser it works correctly.
let's say will load react by default and will load another app.
If I type the URL to access the back office app the problem comes in, now react scripts in the browser cache picks up the URL and try to match with react router and loads no route match page. I'm unable to load the back-office app anymore if I hard reload the page it loads the BO App now. how can we handle this problem I want to access the BO App even the react is loaded in the browser. How to prevent the react from getting the URL. I want to skip react router and send the request to the server so that server will send the BO App page.

React integration testing, how to wait for page to be ready

We have a web application written with React JS in the frontend and a PHP backend.
We are setting up Selenium integrated testing for the React frontend. In the past when we've done this for PHP applications, it is easy to wait for the page to be loaded before processing the assertions.
However in the React application, the web-browser doesn't actually change pages, instead the React renderer just renders the page differently.
Is there an easy way to tell if Reach is still busy fetching data from the server, and so the tests assertions need to wait?

React and React Native archetypal model

What is a good approach for making a React web and a React Native app that share their APIs for consuming the same database?
The system will have some CRUD screens for managing products and their images as well diferent events that the user will save.
I will follow the component / container pattern with Redux to be able to reuse code.
I am working in Windows SO.
I was thinking in:
NodeJs (APIs) and Heroku server
React (web app)
React Native (mobile app)
Are there some common archetypal model when using React and React Native consuming the same apis and DB?
I know I'm going to get flamed for this one....Even though it's not persistant to what you asked. I started a new project where we are using Firebase as our cloud backend and it works seamlessly between the web, ios, and android versions (building in react native).
But in regards to your question, react and react-native work well together, You can setup your redux actions (in react-native) almost identical to your react web app. The only differences between how you want to query your backend and handle auth (native uses asyncStorage vs localstorage/cookies). React native has a built in Fetch vs any other React package like Axios or SuperAgent.
