hosting entire react application inside another react application landing page - reactjs

we have some wrapped up SPA react application, we need to host it inside another react application landing page as well as many other stand alone react applications, what is the best way to achieve such behavior?


URL route path in react application

What is the need of showing different URL path in react application, I can display all the react component conditionally on same URL path
What is the need of showing different URL path in react application, I
can display all the react component conditionally on same URL path
While you could render a single React app component that conditionally renders dynamic content without using the URL path, using routing/navigation libraries like react-router allow the app to do this conditional content rendering based on the URL. In other words, instead of using internal conditions to render dynamic content the app is using the URL.
React apps are essentially Single Page Apps (SPAs), meaning when the React app is hosted on a server only the single root index.html file is requested and sent over the wire.
A single-page application (SPA) is a web application or website that
interacts with the user by dynamically rewriting the current web page
with new data from the web server, instead of the default method of a
web browser loading entire new pages. The goal is faster transitions
that make the website feel more like a native app.
Using different URL paths in the browser's address bar is an easy way to let the React app know what "page" the user is really trying to access. If all the user enters is "" where the app is hosted, then how would they get to any specific page after the initial page load other than navigating there via the app's navigation? The URL path is what allows direct navigation via a browser, e.g. "".
If I did understand you right you mean the use of different URLs on the same website for different pages of your website. If thats the case you want to use a libary for routing. I personally like React-Router-Dom, there is great documentation on online pages and Youtube. Just search vor react-router-dom v6.
You can add it like so: npm install react-router-dom
if not, please elaborate your question further

MY React Web Page Does not work in an iframe

I've build a web app on react and used react hooks for my forms.
However it is not working when the web application is embedded within another application.
The forms shown to have none of the inputs filled. may i know why ? (Althought from the view, the forms are being filled up).
It works individually if not rendered in an iframe.

How to deep link login to a React SPA

I'm currently developing a React SPA with a Spring Boot backend API.
For one use case i need to create a dynamic link which contains login credentials for a one-time-User. With this link a user needs to be able to login to the SPA and use it further from outside the application.
This is the first time I'm working with a SPA.
What is the best way to achieve this goal?
I would really appreciate some ideas.
best regards
You probably need to use a Router (like React Router). These cause different components to be rendered in React depending on the current URL, and from there different code can be run (likely from event handlers or useEffect if you're using function components).

React js website inside a react native app

I want to build a website which has 3-4 pages. In later stage I want to build an app for the same. i.e I want to open the website in react native app. I want to do this to avoid app updates.
I will add/remove components in website so that it will reflect in the app without any update.
what is the best approach for this?
Any code samples or blogs ?

Difference between react habitat and react router

I just wanted to know the difference between react router and react habitat. From what I have been reading (which is not much) these two solve the same problem of externalizing components of a website. I would like to know why one would consider one above the other if they are even comparable in this manner.
React Habitat does not worry about routes or the application information architecture (IA). It simply lets some other system render HTML pages how ever it likes and will hook up one/or many React apps on the fly when ever it see's targets in the html. If a CMS content author changes the URL of a page, or adds a new page no problem React Habitat doesn't care and will continue to hook up React apps.
React Router use routes (urls) to mount React components, this means it needs to know allot about the IA of the application and cant simply be 'dumb' to it like React Habitat. If a CMS content author changes a URL React Router will no longer render, it will require a developer to update the route in the javascript. You could be fancy and dynamically load routes from the CMS but I would question is this too tightly coupled.
They both solve different problems.
1) If you are building a SPA or PWA and want to hold all the IA in the javascript application then use React Router.
2) If a system (.net/php/java/etc) is rendering your HTML such as a CMS and it holds all the IA then use React Habitat.
