How to deep link login to a React SPA - reactjs

I'm currently developing a React SPA with a Spring Boot backend API.
For one use case i need to create a dynamic link which contains login credentials for a one-time-User. With this link a user needs to be able to login to the SPA and use it further from outside the application.
This is the first time I'm working with a SPA.
What is the best way to achieve this goal?
I would really appreciate some ideas.
best regards

You probably need to use a Router (like React Router). These cause different components to be rendered in React depending on the current URL, and from there different code can be run (likely from event handlers or useEffect if you're using function components).


Convert React SPA to HTTP items

I have a SPA web application, in REACTJS for investment consultation. However, I have to refactor it to make it possible to share its states by link, so that the user shares the link and by the link the selected items are shared. I want to know if you have a solution through some lib nodeJs or React that helps me solve this problem. Thank you!
If you want to share react state with only an http link and there's no stateful backend, you don't have a lot of options other than keeping state data in the URL. There is a useQueryParams hook would give you the basic tools you need for something like that
You can see some discussion of this technique below with an independent implementation

hosting entire react application inside another react application landing page

we have some wrapped up SPA react application, we need to host it inside another react application landing page as well as many other stand alone react applications, what is the best way to achieve such behavior?

Build Next.js multi-language application with client-side routing

I'm currently working in a multi-language application with Next.js that I intend to host in an S3 bucket.
In this site, I need to maintain an application state across routes, by doing client-side routing from one route to another.
Since I need to support 40+ languages and internationalization, the process to do so is the following:
In next.config.js, use exportPathMap to generate /[language] routes with a variable inside "query" that contains that particular locale for the language.
Load this locale in getInitialProps of _app and pass it down with a Provider, to be consumed in any part of the application using the context API.
To support client-side routing, I've wrapped the next/link component in a custom Link that passes down all props and sets the "as" prop to "/[language]/[route]".
This solution works for now, but ideally, I wouldn't need to "mock" the routing with the "as" prop. I have found that dynamic routing in next does not allow client-side routing in a way to avoid refreshing the page to a new .html file that matches the dynamic path.
Using the following directory structure:
From index.tsx, clicking on a link from next/link that redirects to /en/dashboard will trigger a request to the server and refresh the page completely. Thus, losing the client state.
Is there a better solution for this? It seems like a very common problem to solve, yet I cannot find an elegant solution using Next.js.

Set an externally accessible URL for a React component

I developed a React component representing a window that allows the user to interact with a chatbot. This window opens when the user clicks a button. Now, I want to make this button available in any site or application of my choice. The first idea that came to mind is to associate a URL to this button so I can call it in our site or application by simply creating a link like:
Chat with the robot .
I find the idea functional but I do not know how to associate a URL to a component in React. I looked at the React-Router side of what I understood it just allows to create the navigation between component of the same application but I do not know if its URL can be accessible outside the application where they are created.
Do you know any tips for solving such problems?
And if you have ideas other than linking the URL to the component, I'm interested.
Thank you in advance !!!
You cannot use a react component by pulling it in as external code. react-router works by wrapping you application. Any component you want to use has to be part of the actual codebase.

How to change component in react JS without using navigator?

I'm a newbie for React Native and I don't have native development experience(I only worked on several hybrid apps), while learning this react native framework, I get several questions which block my learning.
How to navigate from one page(component) to another page(component) without relying on navigatorIOS or navigator component? In Hybrid develop mode, it's so easy, just add element A with href attribute would work, but in React Native, how to do it? I read some examples, they all use navigator or navigateIOS component to do it.
Is there any interceptor mechanism in react native so that we could inject some logic before rendering or loading component, for example, we want to have interceptor to check whether user has been login?
How to save data globally (cross components)? In Hybrid mode, we have session, we have local storage, and if we angular JS framework, we could use Service or root Scope to save data, by using react native, how do we save data cross components?
Since I'm new to react native and new to native application development, these questions might be fairly stupid, if anyone could help on this.
I don't know i'm answering to your question but please check this router component for react
ComponentWillMount and ComponentDidMount can be used to perform some initial loading
You can use flux framework along with React which can do almost all like in angular js
