Conditionally rendering Radio Buttons in React - reactjs

I am building a React app with a hefty search functionality. Essentially, I need to conditionally render Radio buttons based on other Radio buttons input. I am using the MUI library for Radio buttons.
Here's an example of the type of functionality that I need
if (value === 'Option1') {
return <Option1Radios />
I know this has to do with useState, so the actual code will look nothing like the above example, but that's the best way I can explain what I'm looking for.
Currently, I have the basic set of radio options that are necessary for all searches at the top. When the user reaches the 3rd set of radio buttons, I need to take their choice in those radio buttons, and render a large selection of radio buttons based upon that 3rd selection. My current plan is to create components for each set of radio buttons that can appear, and then set it up to render those components when the proper button is checked (Option1Radio component, Option2Radio component, etc.)
<FormLabel id="demo-row-radio-buttons-group-label">Options</FormLabel>
<FormControlLabel value="Option1" control={<Radio />} label="Option1" />
<FormControlLabel value="Option2" control={<Radio />} label="Option2" />
<FormControlLabel value="Option3" control={<Radio />} label="Option3" />
I have been looking for a resource on how to conditionally render Radio buttons in this way, but I've been unable to find anything. I would imagine there is some resource that shows me the proper way to set these up, so ideally if someone could link me to that (or even just a website that has implemented this type of searching that I could inspect,) that would be very helpful. If not, if someone could possibly give a code example on how to get this done I would greatly appreciate it.
My assumption on how this needs to be done:
I assume that in my main search page, I need to set the state of the search form.
I assume that I need to change the state of the search form to reflect the value of the specific radio option, so that it will render the appropriate set of options.
Thank you for the help and I'm happy to provide anything else that may help. I know this may seem like a ridiculous question, essentially asking for documentation/guide, but I have searched for a few hours now to no avail! Thank you again!

You can do conditional rendering like this:
Define the state to control the rendering:
const [contition, setCondition] = useState(false);
This code only displays <Option1Radios /> when your condition is true:
return {condition && <Option1Radios />};
Here is an article about it: ps: I still prefer && syntax specially in TypeScript where you can ensure the variable is always a boolean.


Adding conditional attributes components in React

I am trying to use MUI tabs control.
So in each of my Tab Panel I have form fields. So there are some validations functions executing and I am keeping a status flag for each of the Tabs.
const [contextStatus,setContextStatus]=React.useState(true);
And here is my Tab header
icon={<ErrorIcon />}
Here what I am trying to implement is I need the ErrorIcon to show there based when the above contextStatus boolean is false.
No idea how to achieve that..

Nested TinyMCE modal input controls not getting focused

After failing to load 5 TinyMCE editors on one page, I decided to create "edit" buttons which then loads the editor inside a modal.
<FormGroup className="mb-3">
<Editor name="text" label="Text" /> //My TinyMCE object
But when any of the TinyMCE features opens a modal of its own, none of its input controls are getting focused. Tried setting autoFocus to false on the Bootstrap Modal but still no use. I found this has been addressed in the past, as in this question. However, like the same, most responses are tailored for jQuery, which I'm not familiar with. Any React based solution?
Assuming you're using the react-bootstrap library, then you'd need to set the enforceFocus prop to false (instead of autoFocus). See
The reason this is needed is that bootstrap will try to ensure that the focus never leaves the modal dialog for accessibility purposes. This is normally fine, however in this case it conflicts with TinyMCE which itself needs to open new modal dialogs and focus the content inside (as you've already alluded to).

Show action only on row hover in material-UI v5 data grid

I'm using MUIv4 and built the following table component which show some actions on hover.
UI Before Hover
UI After Hover
Now I want to shift to MUI v5 Datagrid to replace this component. But could not find anything that could fulfill my design need i.e show actions on hover. Is there any way to do this on Datagrid component?
Link of MUI5 DataGrid with somehow desire result
Note: I want to show the action on one row at a time like in gmail
Just give me the code:
You can use renderCell with Chip like this:
renderCell: (params) => {
return (
<Chip variant="outlined" size="small" label={params.value} />
As you are requiring some GMail like interface try setting the icon property of Chip. Reference:
And it looks something like this:
You could check this documentation about migration from v4 to v5
There are some removed props related to hover event: onCellEnter, onCellLeave, onRowEnter, and onRowLeave. The developer said that they removed the props for better performance
You could also check this documentation for the implementation examples when the mouse cursor enters or leaves the row or this documentation when the mouse cursor enters or leaves the cell.

How to create React Modal that doesn't have any overlay?

I am using React and Semantic UI for my website and I'm looking to create a modal popup to provide some action items on the page.
Currently, with Semantic's Modal, you must choose between three dimmer options (Default, inverted and blurring). In my case, I want the pop-up to appear, but I don't want ANY overlay. The page behind the model should appear as normal. Strangely, this isn't easy/obvious to implement.
On my page, I have the following example model code.
<Modal dimmer="inverted" size='mini' open={this.state.modalopen} onClose={this.onClose}>
<Modal.Header>Select a Photo</Modal.Header>
<Modal.Content image>
<p>Some contents.</p>
The three options (default,inverted and blur) obviously don't work.
I have tried using styling to set the background color to transparent and other optoins, but nothing seems to work.
<Modal style={{backgroundColor: "transparent"}} dimmer="inverted" size='mini' open={this.state.modalopen} onClose={this.onClose}>
I know there must be an easy solution here..what is it?
Thx for your help.
Is used to be possible to set dimmer={false}, but this is deprecated (see link below) according to the documentation, and you will need to use styling in order to make it transparent, so your solution is close to what you need to do. If you inspect the rendered Modal, you'll see that you need to override the background-color of the .ui.dimmer css class. You should be able to do that in your component's stylesheet.

Semantic UI react, render dropdown/modal only when it's visible?

Is there a way to delay rendering of content of dropdown/modal until it is open?
I see they are being rendered even if they are not visible until user clicks to see its contents.
The Modal component uses Portal for rendering content, while Portal renders something only if it's open. This means that the component already satisfies your conditions.
With the Dropdown component, it will be more difficult. You can control it yourself, but it means that you will need to process all events self-consciously and it will be not easy.
<Dropdown open={true} options={open && options} />
