Semantic UI react, render dropdown/modal only when it's visible? - reactjs

Is there a way to delay rendering of content of dropdown/modal until it is open?
I see they are being rendered even if they are not visible until user clicks to see its contents.

The Modal component uses Portal for rendering content, while Portal renders something only if it's open. This means that the component already satisfies your conditions.
With the Dropdown component, it will be more difficult. You can control it yourself, but it means that you will need to process all events self-consciously and it will be not easy.
<Dropdown open={true} options={open && options} />


AppBar / Dialog within child container boundaries

My issue stems from wishing to have a mobile phone rendered in the page, which mimics that of an actual phone. I would like to use components from Material UI such as AppBar and Dialog, however they do not stay confined to the container of the phone, and instead still show in the entire browser window.
When I use a Dialog Component however, it's still relative to the actual browser viewport, and not that of the "phone", such as the following:
I would like it to do what is seen in the picture below, without using an IFrame.
Is there a way I can set an anchor for the components - or at least force them to treat a specific element as their boundary? Thanks.
For those wondering if this is resolved, the solution was to roll my own Dialog and Backdrop Components with Paper, and Box components.
A ref was passed into a Box component which surrounds the entire "Phone App", and it's current Element is passed into a Mui Portal's container property.
This allows for the container of the Custom "Dialog" to be the container I wished to have things bounded by.

How to focus in SearchBox of office ui fabric react

I am unable to make a focus inside a searchbox of Office UI Fabric React component.
I have a DialogBox where I am having a searchbox. This dialog box I trigger on button click and I wants the focus to be inside the searchbox once the dialog is there.
I have tried the mostly what is mentioned in the documentation of Office UI Fabric.
So, what I have tried uptill now:
private _searchBoxRef = React.createRef<ISearchBox>();
My SearchBox component looks like:
placeholder="Ask a question"
iconProps={{ iconName: 'Chat' }} />
And in the componentDidMount hook:
I am trying to make a focus inside the searchBox.
I have followed the documentation under the link:
React Guidelines for Ref Usage
Does someboby have a clue what I am doing wrong here or something I am missing??
So, I found the answer after trying out few things.
The problem was, even though I was trying to make focus inside componentDidMount(), I found that the DOM was still not ready and my searchbox inside my modal was not there.
Two things could be done here,
Either, wait for some time with SetTimeout and then tried to make focus
Can use componentDidUpdate, if setting the state which is re-rendering the component. This might also give hickups if DOM is not ready, so keep this in mind.
Hope this will help someone.

Unmounting an fabric panel in react (SPFX)

So do I need to remove the from the Dom ? If so how do I do this ? I have an control on an SPFX Extension within SharePoint. The panel works fine and the props and the state is ok. when I click close the panel closes, but it doesn't trash the object - this means that the screen in the background remains grey.
I have used the react developer tools and I have been through all the states and I cannot find one that 'removes the component from the DOM' as such. I need the object completely going.
headerText='Case Approval'
hasCloseButton = {this.state.hasCloseButton}>

Pop over with React best practice

I'm trying to implement a pop over that can show on any screen in the web application, using React+Redux+React router
The popover is a container, that is triggered by the application state.
But how is the best practice to do such a thing, since the background is transparent, and it should just show on any screen that is currently presented.
Should it be on top of the router, on hidden, and unhide on present? I can seem to find any example for this senario...
Popover can sit inside Root component, something like this.
<HomePage />
{shouldShowPopOver && <PopOver />}
You can dispatch { type: TOGGLE_POPOVER } action anywhere, to alter shouldShowPopOver. The styling(transparent, whole page etc) should be done through css.
You ca use react-bootstrap popover. Checkout the link
I'm using react-modal component and it works pretty well.
I have used react-modal-dialog before and it works like a charm! The benefit of this library is that you can define your <Modal> component near where the source of trigger is (some button?) and it is easy to trace the condition that determines whether the modal is displayed since it is near the trigger source.
Using this library, technically it does not matter where you put the modal component among your markup as the CSS of the modal makes it appear above all other elements.

Specify html content in html and have React process this

Is it possible to have this markup in the html:
<tab title="a title" tab-content="content">
<tab title="a title" tab-content="content">
and have react take that structure and create tabs functionality from it? i.e. create a list from the tab titles and divs for the content which get switched on/off depending on which tab is active.
I've come a background in Angular so may be thinking too angular-centric.
There are a variety of ways to go about creating tabbed content in React. What I believe you're asking though - specifying the content in the html - seems counter to the "react way" of doing things. From the React docs:
Remember: React is all about one-way data flow down the component
hierarchy. It may not be immediately clear which component should own
what state. This is often the most challenging part for newcomers to
The data for a given component is passed to the DOM rather than derived from it. So I wouldn't expect a React navigation component to get its functionality from existing html content but from the props passed in from the parent component or state that it manages itself.
While you could build this yourself, you may want to look at react-router which will provide some mechanisms for client-side routing and managing tabbed content.
