Unmounting an fabric panel in react (SPFX) - reactjs

So do I need to remove the from the Dom ? If so how do I do this ? I have an control on an SPFX Extension within SharePoint. The panel works fine and the props and the state is ok. when I click close the panel closes, but it doesn't trash the object - this means that the screen in the background remains grey.
I have used the react developer tools and I have been through all the states and I cannot find one that 'removes the component from the DOM' as such. I need the object completely going.
headerText='Case Approval'
hasCloseButton = {this.state.hasCloseButton}>


In the full screen component, the Material Ui modal does not work

I am using react-full-screen node package to make a full screen component, however modals, popovers, and drawers do not work.
Could you please help me make a working modal within my full screen component?
Are you sure it doesn't work ? maybe your modals are well displayed but behind your fullscreen component (did you use devtool's element inspector to check the html / css to see if your modal was here ?).
You might need to enrich your modal's css to make it visible ahead of fullscreen component, a mere z-index: 2 on the modal' style could help ?

Draggable disabled after opening a MUI modal, tooltip and popover

I use React MUI and some components disable my draggables.
I have put draggables on my page, that works perfectly.
When my draggable is dragged, I change some nodes in the page.
I'm on React MUI and I use tooltips, modals and menus on that page. After opening one of them and close it, no draggables can be dragged anymore. I mean that changing some nodes in the page makes that the drag ends directly.
Is there an event inserted or something like that that ends the drag action if an element is changing in the page ?
I found a workaround.
Actually this happens on Chrome and Safari only. Adding a setTimeout of 10ms before changing the DOM makes the job.

AppBar / Dialog within child container boundaries

My issue stems from wishing to have a mobile phone rendered in the page, which mimics that of an actual phone. I would like to use components from Material UI such as AppBar and Dialog, however they do not stay confined to the container of the phone, and instead still show in the entire browser window.
When I use a Dialog Component however, it's still relative to the actual browser viewport, and not that of the "phone", such as the following:
I would like it to do what is seen in the picture below, without using an IFrame.
Is there a way I can set an anchor for the components - or at least force them to treat a specific element as their boundary? Thanks.
For those wondering if this is resolved, the solution was to roll my own Dialog and Backdrop Components with Paper, and Box components.
A ref was passed into a Box component which surrounds the entire "Phone App", and it's current Element is passed into a Mui Portal's container property.
This allows for the container of the Custom "Dialog" to be the container I wished to have things bounded by.

Semantic UI react, render dropdown/modal only when it's visible?

Is there a way to delay rendering of content of dropdown/modal until it is open?
I see they are being rendered even if they are not visible until user clicks to see its contents.
The Modal component uses Portal for rendering content, while Portal renders something only if it's open. This means that the component already satisfies your conditions.
With the Dropdown component, it will be more difficult. You can control it yourself, but it means that you will need to process all events self-consciously and it will be not easy.
<Dropdown open={true} options={open && options} />

Leaflet map in ionic/angular map displays grey tiles

I'm working on a mapping app using ionic and leaflet. Note that I am not using the leaflet angular directive, I am using straight JS for the leaflet map (I know, I know...).
The initial state in my app loads the leaflet map just fine. If I switch to another state and back to the map everything is also fine. However, if I launch the app, switch to a different state and open a modal window in that state, then return to the original state, the map is broken and displays a number of grey tiles. The map will not update until the browser window resizes or the orientation of the mobile device is changed.
Here's a demo on Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/w67K2b?p=preview. To reproduce:
Click the button at the right side of the navbar which will take you to a different state.
Click the 'Back to map' button to go back to the original state. The map looks just fine.
Click the button in the navbar again.
Click the 'Open modal' button and then close the modal.
Click the 'Back to map' button and you will see that the map is now broken.
I've seen other people report issues with grey tiles, which typically can be resolved with a call to:
Unfortunately this does not resolve my issue. I'm pretty much a newb, but I think the problem is that when the modal opens, the invalidateSize() method in the leaflet source code is run, since the map div is not visible, the 'size' gets set to x:0, y:0 which ends up breaking the map when I transition back to the original state.
I'm not really sure where to go from here. Perhaps I can use JS to dynamically resize the div and trick leaflet into thinking a resize event has occurred? How would I do this? Any other thoughts?
