When do Tealium vendor tags fire on React pages? - reactjs

We've implemented Tealium throughout our site, including some newer, single page app (SPA) content. Our devs are new to Tealium, so we're all kind of building the car as we drive it.
I've read Tealium's docs on both single page apps and the standard order of operations. What I don't fully understand is when vendor tags fire on SPA sections. For example, when I first land on a SPA page, I see the HTTP requests indicating the tags have fired (We haven't disabled the initial page view event yet). But as I navigate around that app, triggering the manual link/view events that the devs implemented in the site code, I see those events being logged but the HTTP requests from vendor tags are inconsistent or not-existent. For example, we have a Google Ads tag that appears to fire with each of these events, but we also have Microsoft Ads tag that does not, despite both tags' Load Rules being configured to load on all pages.
Can anyone confirm whether utag.view() and utag.link() fire vendor tags when called? If I'm misunderstanding a piece of the implementation, I'd be grateful for a clarification. Thank you :)

As a general rule, Tealium knows nothing about your app's events. Like most tag managers, it'll default to firing off a utag.view() indicating a new pageview once the page has loaded, but in an SPA app, that happens once and it's got no hook into your router to understand future navigations.
Rather, it's on you to instrument your SPA and augment the router so that when a new route is successfully rendered, you call a utag.view() and when other actions occur that you want to track, you make the appropriate utag.link() calls as Tealium will not do this for you.


Why is React Js called as Single Page Application

Hello guys i am new to React Js i often hear and see posts regarding react is single page app but never understood what is SPA and many say that it doesn't reload the pages but i didn't understood why so could you guys please explain me with simple examples.
A Single Page Application is a web application or website that interacts with the web browser by dynamically rewriting the current web page with new data from the web server, instead of the default method of the browser loading entire new pages.
This means that the URL of your website will not change completely (page will not reload), instead it will keep getting content and rewriting the DOM with it instead of loading a new page.
The goal is faster transitions that make the website feel more like a native app
Example: Netflix
This is the dashboard, and when we click on any movie, it changes to /watch and the content is rewritten.
In Technical Terms:
When building your react-app, you can see that there is only one
App.js from where your entire web-app is loaded in fragments and
components. This behaviour of rendering components and pages on a single page and changing the DOM( is a single page behaviour and hence the name), instead of loading a new page with new content, this makes it feel like a single application.
As mentioned in Glossary of React Terms:
A single-page application is an application that loads a single HTML page and all the necessary assets (such as JavaScript and CSS) required for the application to run. Any interactions with the page or subsequent pages do not require a round trip to the server which means the page is not reloaded.
And about "Why is React Js called as Single Page Application":
Though you may build a single-page application in React, it is not a requirement. React can also be used for enhancing small parts of existing websites with additional interactivity. Code written in React can coexist peacefully with markup rendered on the server by something like PHP, or with other client-side libraries. In fact, this is exactly how React is being used at Facebook.
A single page application has one single page e.g. www.google.ch. It is exactly one HTML file (with all its required dependencies) loaded into the browser. You'd navigate between paragraphs only using hash-router, but never ever visit another page like www.google.ch/maps (that would then be www.google.ch/#maps, which references / -> index.html) (tho google may not be the best example, it is more about URIs).
ReactJS is an open source JS library for building UI and used for SPA, and it manages the views of web apps. Reactjs can help you to modify your data without reloading of a page. It is a popular library in the market trend because of its scalability & fast performance.
Single Page applications are different from multiple page apps that we see everywhere because the SPA doesn't move into new pages; instead, it will load the pages inline within the same page.
In traditional websites, when we go from one page to another, the whole site is loaded. e.g - if you go from "www.example.com/hi" to "www.example.com/hello" the whole website is reloaded. No matter how much portion of the website is really changed. Let's say, the website has "Sidebar, logo, menu" on both of its pages, then the full reload doesn't make any sense. This takes too much time and decreases the performance.
Single Page Applications, as the name suggests, have only one single page that is loaded the first time you open the website. After this, no matter where you click, it is not gonna refresh the website fully.
browser reload button
The loading icon of the browser doesn't load when we move from one page to another on SPA site, as it does on the traditional websites.
Cons- SPA sites are great for UI UX but they are not the best when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation, it creates problems with rankings.

ExtJS6: Partial App load for special request that always opens in a new window

We have a ExtJS7 app, that for special requests like reset password, that always opens a new tab via email reset link, get loaded in full. We would like to load only few pages that are needed to load for these kind of request
Is there a way in ExtJS that would only load a particular page and its dependencies
I have not seen tutorials on this subject in official documentation. Myself did the following - just created another app (or bundle) for logging. The backend is responsible for the logic of what to display (loginapp or mainapp) - in the absence of a session, the user receives the app login
Absolutely. You can make another app - each app is a page, and will have its own packaged dependencies.
That's the easiest approach. A more complicated approach is to break your application into several ExtJS packages. You can then configure the app.json to exclude all of the packages from the micro loader. You then need to load these packages dynamically, presumably after logging in.
Doing this, though, is extremely complicated, and almost certainly not worth doing.

How to notify crawler that ajax powered page is completely loaded and ready to take snapshot

There are Angular/REST powered web pages, but with no navigation module being used (no hash based (#!) navigation).
Despite deprecating of google's ajax-crawling webmasters-ajax-crawling, it seems crawler only sees that JS generated content which does not rely on AJAX (REST) calls responses, and does not see page content which is depends on AJAX calls response.
It feels like google does not give enough time for a page to render, since it has no ability to identify if all expected logic in JS has finished completelly..
Q: is there a way to tell google (and to an abstract browser in general) that page completely rendered and no pending AJAX calls are there?
May be someone can suggest how to avoid rendering of page by angular - until all AJAX calls are completed (perhaps something like customized ng-cloak)?
Answering my own question..
It was asked because: it seemed that google failed to index text from
pages which is rendered by angular, after AJAX calls were performed.
Now: I see that google crawler actually indexes everything, so - no
need to notify crawler that page was rendered - it can recognize this
by itself.
But: I think google indexes pages in two phases: 1. Quickly indexing HTML of a page with no JS rendering involved (just after main document was fetched); 2. Performs heavy operation of rendering page with JS and indexes all rendered content. Second step may happen couple days after first one, so that's why you may see no indexed content for a while..

Efficiently handling backbone pushState routes server-side?

I have Backbone working with pushState. It's very nice, but now I understand that I should support loading the app from any route that backbone uses. For example, if somebody enters a backboen route manually to their browser, the server should respond to that and render the page and then let backbone take over.
What I am wondering, is what is the most efficient way to handle it? Backbone recommends also bootstrapping data on initial page load to reduce ajax requests. Should I only try to bootstrap data that is necessary for that particular view or should I try to bootstrap basic collections (for example: users, settings, documents, etc)?
For the first part of your question, you could just specify a callback route (which matches everything and gives the homepage) so the user never gets a 404 (don't use that when developing the app though, it could give you some hard times debugging it if you have a real 404 when making a call to the server).
For the second one, I'd say it depends on the amounts of data you need. I'm personally developing a modular application, and unfortunately can't really bootstrap anything. I'd say it's just some advice.

What is client-side routing and how is it used?

I will be glad if someone could answer the following questions
How does it work?
Why is it necessary?
What does it improve?
Client side routing is the same as server side routing, but it's ran in the browser.
In a typical web application you have several pages which map into different URLs, and each of the pages has some logic and a template which is then rendered.
Client-side routing simply runs this process in the browser, using JavaScript for the logic and some JS based template engine or other such approaches to render the pages.
Typically it's used in single page applications, where the server-side code is primarily used to provide a RESTful API the client-side code uses via Ajax.
I was trying to build a Single page application and came to know about client side routing.
By implementing client side routing I was able to achieve the following
The front and back buttons in the browser started working for my single page JavaScript application. This was very important while accessing the page from a mobile browser.
The user was able to Bookmark/share a URL which was not possible earlier.
I know that it's late but I have some information about how the client side routing (CSR) works. This answer does not try to provide a full js implementation of client side routing but rather tries to shed some light on what concepts will help you implement one of your own. It's true that when user click an anchor tag, the browser sends a request to the server. But we will be able to intercept the event and prevent it's default behavior, i.e sending a request to the server by using "event.preventDefault();". Below is snippet from React routers web page.
onClick={event => {
// stop the browser from changing the URL and requesting the new document
// push an entry into the browser history stack and change the URL
window.history.pushState({}, undefined, "/contact");
Also listening to forward/backward button click is important. This can be done by,
window.addEventListener("popstate", () => {
// URL changed!
But looking at the above two snippets you can imagine how a CSR could be implemented. There is much more to it. That's why libraries like React Router exists and web frameworks like angular provide CSR by default.
If you want more information please visit the link below, it will take your the concepts page of react router.
Also if you want to get more depth into the topic your could check out the code of Angular router. Comparing the two implementations will give a much more insight.
What :
In react the history object takes care of that what it does..it keeps track of all the addresses and the Router defines all the different routes. So Router takes the help of this History object to keep a track of various addresses / History of the current URL and based on that location it serves the appropriate content.
Why :
To reduce unnecessary reloads.
For better user experience.
It's internally handled by JS.
