Need a way to set custom axisLabel & axisTick on the apache echarts - axis-labels

Currently the Gauge chart from Echarts only allow to configure splitNumber but I need a way to only show certain axisLabels and axisTicks like the example below, I tried to use formatter in axisLabel but I can only filter the labels not limit the ticks.
Current :-
Required :-


How to remove highlights tags before in Azure Cognitive Search documents before searching

Azure Search by default highlights search results with <em> tag. I've met with situation where user uploads document with that tag inside:
<em>Today</em> topic will be...
When i would search for "topic" i would get:
<em>Today</em> <em>topic</em> will be...
And i wouldn't be able to distinguish the right highlight.
I know that i can modify highlight_pre_tag and highlight_post_tag so i would avoid this in this particular situation. But is there other way to encode this tags before appyling highlighs?
By encoding i mean getting something like this:
<em>Today</em> <em>topic</em> will be...;
So I can send it to frontend and then display <em> from "Today" as <em> and use <em> in "topic" to highlight it to yellow.
Azure Search doesn't provide any built-in mechanism to modify the "raw" content of a document if you are using the Index API directly, however, if you are using one of our built-in indexers, you can look into using the field mapper functions (such as the UrlEncode function) or create your own custom skill (if you want to only apply very specific rules) to transform the documents in transit from your data source to the search index.
Alternatively, we've seen customers use custom highlight pre and post tags that are easily recognizable (and unlikely to be mistaken for original content) and then using a simple search and replace function in their client application to transform those back into the desired tag.
For example, using
pre-tag : "!HIGHLIGHT_START!" and post-tag :"!HIGHLIGHT_END!"
and then using
String.Replace("!HIGHLIGHT_START!", "<em>")
before displaying the results in their application. That way, any client-side logic that requires finding the actual highlights can use the custom tags, while still showing the desired tag in the UX.

Use Search Function instead of using dropdownlist in SSRS

Possible to use use search function instead of using dropdownlist in Reporting services.
Today, the dropdownlist consist of 2500 rows in relation to parameter for prompt.
You might understand that it is not userfriendly to review and locate a specific information from the dropdownlist by using scroll.
Does SSRS provide a function that you can write in a textbox something similiar and it will display the result based on the data from dropdownlist?
In other words, you write something and a result will display instead of reviewing the dropdownlist.
*This is related to reporting services that is part of SQL server
Thank you!
This picture is a sample of dropdownlist.

How to use CheckBoxes filter in Google DataStudio?

In a Report in Google DataStudio, I have a CSV connector (for the moment).
I would like to use a check box to sort only lines who are under a value on a specific page.
The Facts: I have a field who are listed the time in seconds. I've make a simple filter
Include |MyFieldinSeconds|<=|86400
This way work.
But I whould like to add a checkbox for apply this field or not. For the viewer, this is the hard part. The checkboxes options are "Source of Data" and "Control Field", only booleen.
I've try to solve this by the group selection, by the Filter group option with the filter without success.
Thank You

Display Popular today,month,all content

i'm using drupal7 and can't figure out how to display Todays/Month/All popular content in side bar.people suggest use Statistics module but only filter Todays most popular content.i think it can be done with Views module. help me. many thanks.
Views + Blocks + Statistics. The key here is to sort and filter based on the content statistics.
You configure sorting using the Field Settings section of the view's admin screen. You configure filtering from the Exposed Filters section of the same admin screen.
As for displaying it in a "side bar" (block in Drupal-speak); you need to create a Block display type from your view's admin screen.

Atk4 form Columns

I'm trying to use columns in a form.
I have the next code, that produces the
The code is this:
the fields of the columns, are based on form fields. I whant to add more than one field to the columns (ex. 2 fields on left column and 4 fields on right columns).
I have seen some examples about this, like
Why the fields are duplicated ?
What does the method addColumn(2) does ?
Very thanks
If you havent gone to far with development using atk 4.1, you could download 4.2 and look at the examples here. There is a lot of new functionality in 4.2 which you can take advantage of and the demos and examples are being updated to reflect these changes.
In 4.2, there is an example of styling with two columns like this
class StylingForm extends Form {
function init(){
->setFieldHint('Click "Register" to see error');
->validateField('filter_var($this->get(), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)')
.. .. ..
functoin init() {
// Stacked class puts labels on top of fields
$form->addClass('stacked atk-row');
In atk4.1, the form is a view so it has a template in atk4/templates/shared/view/form.html and some code in atk4/lib/View/form.php
In the example of the slot machine that you mention from here the addColumns(2) is being used to set the width of the views to 20% of the available screen width but in the example, each column will contain a view of the slot machine. If you wanted to forms on the same page, you could use the same functionality, but what you appear to want is a single form across two columns with a single submit button.
If you have to continue to use atk4.1, you need to look at the form.html. Romans may be able to suggest how you could create a two column form in that version. I can see there are some classes defined in the css such as atk-form-vertical-2col and atk-form-vertical-3col and there is a function setFormClass to set them but i cant see what tags you would set to put fields into the right hand side - by default, everything goes to the left.
