Why doesn't this cause overflow? - c

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
double b = 3.14;
double c = -1e20;
c = -1e20 + b;
return 0;
As long as I know type "double" has 52 bits of fraction. To conform 3.14's exponent to -1e20, 3.14's faction part goes over 60 bits, which never fits to 52 bits.
In my understanding, rest of fraction bits other than 52, which roughly counts 14 bits, invades unassigned memory space, like this.
rough drawing
So I examined memory map in debug mode (gdb), suspecting that the bits next to the variable b or c would be corrupted. But I couldn't see any changes. What am I missing here?

You mix up 2 very different things:
Buffer overflow/overrun
Your added image shows what happens when you overflow your buffer.
Like definining char[100] and writing to index 150. Then the memory layout is important as you might corrupt neighboring variables.
Overflow in values of a data type
What your code shows can only be an overflow of values.
If you do int a= INT_MAX; a++ you get an integer overflow.
This only affects the resulting value.
It does not cause the variable to grow in size. An int will always stay an int.
You do not invade any memory area outside your data type.
Depending on data type and architecture the overflowing bits could just be chopped off or some saturation could be applied to set the value to maximum/minimum representable value.
I did not check for yout values but without inspecting the value of c in a debugger or printing it, you cannot tell anything about the overflow there.

Floating-point arithmetic is not defined to work by writing out all the bits of the operands, performing the arithmetic using all the bits involved, and storing those bits in memory. Rather, the way elementary floating-point operations work is that each operation is performed “as if it first produced an intermediate result correct to infinite precision and with unbounded range” and then rounded to a result that is representable in the floating-point format. That “as if” is important. It means that when computer processor designers are designing the floating-point arithmetic instructions, they figure out how to compute what the final rounded result would be. The processor does not always need to “write out” all the bits to do that.
Consider an example using decimal floating-point with four significant digits. If we add 6.543•1020 and 1.037•17 (equal to 0.001037•1020), the infinite-precision result would be 6.544037•1020, and then rounding that to the nearest number representable in the four-significant-digit format would give 6.544•1020. But we do not have to write out the infinite-precision result to compute that. We can compute the result is 6.544•1020 plus a tiny fraction, and then we can discard that fraction without actually writing out its digits. This is what processor designers do. The add, multiply, and other instructions compute the main part of a result, and they carefully manage information about the other parts to determine whether they would cause the result to round upward or downward in its last digit.
The resulting behavior is that, given any two operands in the format used for double, the computer always produces a result in that same format. It does not produce any extra bits.
There are 53 bits in the fraction portion of the format commonly used for double. (This is the IEEE-754 binary64 format, also called double precision.) The fraction portion is called the significand. (You may see it referred to as a mantissa, but that is an old term for the fraction portion of a logarithm. The preferred term is “significand.” Significands are linear; mantissas are logarithmic.) You may see some people describe there being 52 bits for the significand, but that refers to a part of the encoding of the floating-point value, and it is only part of it.
Mathematically, a floating-point representation is defined to be s•f•be, where b is a fixed numeric base, s provides a sign (+1 or −1), f is a number with a fixed number of digits p in base b, and e is an exponent within fixed limits. p is called the precision of the format, and it is 53 for the binary64 format. When this number is encoded into bits, the last 52 bits of f are stored in the significand field, which is where the 52 comes from. However, the first bit is also encoded, by way of the exponent field. Whenever the stored exponent field is not zero (or the special value of all one bits), it means the first bit of f is 1. When the stored exponent field is zero, it means the first bit of f is 0. So there are 53 bits present in the encoding.


What happens if we keep dividing float 1.0 by 2 until it reaches zero?

float f = 1.0;
while (f != 0.0) f = f / 2.0;
This loop runs 150 times using 32-bit precision. Why is that so? Is it getting rounded to zero?
In common C implementations, the IEEE-754 binary32 format is used for float. It is also called “single precision.” It is a binary based format where finite numbers are represented as ±f•2e, where f is a 24-bit binary numeral in [1, 2) and e is an integer in [−126, 127].
In this format, 1 is represented as +1.000000000000000000000002•20. Dividing that by 2 yields ½, which is represented as +1.000000000000000000000002•2−1. Dividing that by 2 yields +1.000000000000000000000002•2−2, then +1.000000000000000000000002•2−3, and so on until we reach +1.000000000000000000000002•2−126.
When that is divided by two, the mathematical result is +1.000000000000000000000002•2−127, but −127 is below the normal exponent range, [−126, 127]. Instead, the significand becomes denormalized; 2−127 is represented by +0.100000000000000000000002•2−126. Dividing that by 2 yields +0.010000000000000000000002•2−126, then +0.001000000000000000000002•2−126, +0.000100000000000000000002•2−126, and so on until we get to +0.000000000000000000000012•2−126.
At this point, we have done 149 divisions by 2; +0.000000000000000000000012•2−126 is 2−149.
When the next division is performed, the result would be 2−150, but that is not representable in this format. Even with the lowest non-zero significand, 0.000000000000000000000012, and the lowest exponent, −126, we cannot get to 2−150. The next lower representable number is +0.000000000000000000000002•2−126, which equals 0.
So, the real-number-arithmetic result of the division would be 2−150, but we cannot represent that in this format. The two nearest representable numbers are +0.000000000000000000000012•2−126 just above it and +0.000000000000000000000002•2−126 just below it. They are equally near 2−150. The default rounding method is to take the nearest representable number and, in case of ties, to take the number with the even low digit. So +0.000000000000000000000002•2−126 wins the tie, and that is produced as the result for the 150th division.
What happens is simply that your system has only a limited number of bits available for a variable, and hence limited precision; even though, mathematically, you can halve a number (!= 0) indefinitely without ever reaching zero, in a computer implementation that has a limited precision for a float variable, that variable will inevitably, at some stage, become indistinguishable from zero. The more bits your system uses, the more precision it has and the later this will happen, but at some stage it will.
Since I suppose this is meant to be C, I just implemented it in C (with a counter counting each iteration), and indeed it ran for 150 rounds until the loop ended. I also implemented it with a double, where it ran for 1075 iterations. Keep in mind, however, that the C standard does not define the exact precision of a float variable. In most implementations it's 32 bits for a float and 64 for a double. With a long double, I get 16,446 iterations.

Problem of a simple float number serialization example

I am reading the Serialization section of a tutorial http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/html/#serialization .
And I am reviewing the code which Encode the number into a portable binary form.
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t htonf(float f)
uint32_t p;
uint32_t sign;
if (f < 0) { sign = 1; f = -f; }
else { sign = 0; }
p = ((((uint32_t)f)&0x7fff)<<16) | (sign<<31); // whole part and sign
p |= (uint32_t)(((f - (int)f) * 65536.0f))&0xffff; // fraction
return p;
float ntohf(uint32_t p)
float f = ((p>>16)&0x7fff); // whole part
f += (p&0xffff) / 65536.0f; // fraction
if (((p>>31)&0x1) == 0x1) { f = -f; } // sign bit set
return f;
I ran into problems with this line p = ((((uint32_t)f)&0x7fff)<<16) | (sign<<31); // whole part and sign .
According to the original code comments, this line extracts the whole part and sign, and the next line deals with fraction part.
Then I found an image about how float is represented in memory and started the calculation by hand.
From Wikipedia Single-precision floating-point format:
So I then presumed that whole part == exponent part.
But this (uint32_t)f)&0x7fff)<<16) is getting the last 15bits of the fraction part, if based on the image above.
Now I get confused, where did I get wrong?
It's important to realize what this code is not. This code does not do anything with the individual bits of a float value. (If it did, it wouldn't be portable and machine-independent, as it claims to be.) And the "portable" string representation it creates is fixed point, not floating point.
For example, if we use this code to convert the number -123.125, we will get the binary result
or in hexadecimal
Now, where did that number 10000000011110110010000000000000 come from? Let's break it up into its sign, whole number, and fractional parts:
1 000000001111011 0010000000000000
The sign bit is 1 because our original number was negative. 000000001111011 is the 15-bit binary representation of 123. And 0010000000000000 is 8192. Where did 8192 come from? Well, 8192 ÷ 65536 is 0.125, which was our fractional part. (More on this below.)
How did the code do this? Let's walk through it step by step.
(1) Extract sign. That's easy: it's the ordinary test if(f < 0).
(2) Extract whole-number part. That's also easy: We take our floating-point number f, and cast it to type unint32_t. When you convert a floating-point number to an integer in C, the behavior is pretty obvious: it throws away the fractional part and gives you the integer. So if f is 123.125, (uint32_t)f is 123.
(3) Extract fraction. Since we've already got the integer part, we can isolate the fraction by starting with the original floating-point number f, and subtracting the integer part. That is, 123.125 - 123 = 0.125. Then we multiply the fractional part by 65536, which is 216.
It may not be obvious why we multiplied by 65536 and not some other number. In one sense, it doesn't matter what number you use. The goal here is to take a fractional number f and turn it into two integers a and b such that we can recover the fractional number f again later (although perhaps approximately). The way we're going to recover the fractional number f again later is by computing
a + b / x
where x is, well, some other number. If we chose 1000 for x, we'd break 123.125 up into a and b values of 123 and 125. We're choosing 65536, or 216, for x because that lets us make maximal use of the 16 bits we've allocated for the fractional part in our representation. Since x is 65536, b has to be some number we can divide by 65536 in order to get 0.125. So since b / 65536 = 0.125, by simple algebra we have b = 0.125 * 65536. Make sense?
Anyway, let's now look at the actual code for performing steps 1, 2, and 3.
if (f < 0) { sign = 1; f = -f; }
Easy peasy. If f is negative, our sign bit will be 1, and we want the rest of the code to operate on the positive version of f.
p = ((((uint32_t)f)&0x7fff)<<16) | (sign<<31);
As mentioned, the important part here is (uint32_t)f, which just grabs the integer (whole-number) part of f. The bitmask & 0x7fff extracts the low-order 15 bits of it, throwing anything else away. (This is since our "portable representation" only allocates 15 bits for the whole-number part, meaning that numbers greater than 215-1 or 32767 can't be represented). The shift << 16 moves it into the high half of the eventual unint32_t result, where it belongs. And then | (sign<<31) takes the sign bit and puts it in the high-order position where it belongs.
p |= (uint32_t)(((f - (int)f) * 65536.0f))&0xffff; // fraction
Here, (int)f recomputes the integer (whole-number) part of f, and then f - (int)f extracts the fraction. We multiply it by 65536, as explained above. There may still be a fractional part (even after the multiplication, that is), so we cast to (uint32_t) again to throw that away, retaining only the integer part. We can only handle 16 bits of fraction, so we extract those bits (discarding anything else) with & 0xffff, although this should be unnecessary since we started with a positive fractional number less than 1, and multiplied it by 65536, so we should end up with a positive number less than 65536, i.e. we shouldn't have a number that won't exactly fit in 16 bits. Finally, the p |= operation stuffs these 16 bits we've just computed into the low-order half of p, and we're done.
Addendum: It may still not be obvious where the number 65536 came from, and why that was used instead of 10000 or some other number. So let's review two key points: we're ultimately dealing with integers here. Also, in one sense, the number 65536 actually was pretty arbitrary.
At the end of the day, any bit pattern we're working with is "really" just an integer. It's not a character, or a floating-point number, or a pointer — it's just an integer. If it has N bits, it represents integers from 0 to 2N-1.
In the fixed-point representation we're using here, there are three subfields: a 1-bit sign, a 15-bit whole-number part, and a 16-bit fraction part.
The interpretation of the sign and whole-number parts is obvious. But the question is: how shall we represent a fraction using a 16-bit integer?
And the answer is, we pick a number, almost any number, to divide by. We can call this number a "scaling factor".
We really can pick almost any number. Suppose I chose the number 3467 as my scaling factor. Here is now I would then represent several different fractions as integers:
    ½ → 1734/3467 → 1734
    ⅓ → 1155/3467 → 1155
    0.125 → 433/3467 → 433
So my fractions ½, ⅓, and 0.125 are represented by the integers 1734, 1155, and 433. To recover my original fractions, I just divide by 3467:
    1734 → 1734 ÷ 3467 → 0.500144
    1155 → 1155 ÷ 3467 → 0.333141
    433 → 1734 ÷ 3467 → 0.124891
Obviously I wasn't able to recover my original fractions exactly, but I came pretty close.
The other thing to wonder about is, where does that number 3467 "live"? If you're just looking at the numbers 1734, 1155, and 433, how do you know you're supposed to divide them by 3467? And the answer is, you don't know, at least, not just by looking at them. 3567 would have to be part of the definition of my silly fractional number format; people would just have to know, because I said so, that they had to multiply by 3467 when constructing integers to represent fractions, and divide by 3467 when recovering the original fractions.
And the other thing to look at is what the implications are of choosing various different scaling factors. The first thing is that, since in the end we're going to be using a 16-bit integer for the fractional representation, we absolutely can't use a scaling factor any greater than 65536. If we did, sometimes we'd end up with an integer greater than 65535, and it wouldn't fit in 16 bits. For example, suppose we tried to use a scaling factor of 70000, and suppose we tried to represent the fraction 0.95. Now, 0.95 is equal to 66500/70000, so our integer would be 66500, but that doesn't fit in 16 bits.
On the other hand, it turns out that ideally we don't want to use a number less than 65536, either. The smaller a number we use, the more of our 16-bit fractional representation we'll waste. When I chose 3467 in my silly example a little earlier, that meant I would represent fractions from 0/3467 = 0.00000 and 1/3467 = 0.000288 up to 3466/3467 = 0.999711. But I'd never use any of the integers from 3467 through 65536. They'd be wasted, and by not using them, I'd unnecessarily limit the precision of the fractions I could represent.
The "best" (least wasteful) scaling factor to use is 65536, although there's one other consideration, namely, which fractions do you want to be able to represent exactly? When I used 3467 as my scaling factor, I couldn't represent any of my test numbers ½, ⅓, or 0.125 exactly. If we use 65536 as the scaling factor, it turns out that we can represent fractions involving small powers of two exactly — that is, halves, quarters, eights, sixteenths, etc. — but not any other fractions, and in particular not most of the decimal fractions like 0.1. If we wanted to be able to represent decimal fractions exactly, we would have to use a scaling factor that was a power of 10. The largest power of 10 that will fit in 16 bits is 10000, and that would indeed let us exactly represent decimal fractions as small as 0.00001, although we'd waste about 5/6 (or 85%) of our 16-bit fractional range.
So if we wanted to represent decimal fractions exactly, without wasting precision, the inescapable conclusion is that we should not have allocated 16 bits for our fraction field in the first place. Better choices would have been 10 bits (ideal scaling factor 1024, we'd use 1000, wasting only 2%) or 20 bits (ideal scaling factor 1048576, we'd use 1000000, wasting about 5%).
The relevant excerpts from the page are
The thing to do is to pack the data into a known format and send that over the wire for decoding. For example, to pack floats, here’s something quick and dirty with plenty of room for improvement
On the plus side, it’s small, simple, and fast. On the minus side, it’s not an efficient use of space and the range is severely restricted—try storing a number greater-than 32767 in there and it won’t be very happy! You can also see in the above example that the last couple decimal places are not correctly preserved.
The code is presented only as an example. It is really quick and dirty, because it packs and unpacks the float as a fixed point number with 16 bits for fractions, 15 bits for integer magnitude and one for sign. It is an example and does not attempt to map floats 1:1.
It is in fact rather incredibly stupid algorithm: It can map 1:1 all IEEE 754 float32s within magnitude range ~256...32767 without losing a bit of information, truncate the fractions in floats in range 0...255 to 16 bits, and fail spectacularly for any number >= 32768. And NaNs.
As for the endianness problem: for any protocol that does not work with integers >= 32 bits intrinsically, someone needs to decide how to again serialize these integers into the other format. For example in the Internet at lowest levels data consists of 8-bit octets.
There are 24 obvious ways mapping a 32-bit unsigned integer into 4 octets, of which 2 are now generally used, and some more historically. Of course there are a countably infinite (and exponentially sillier) ways of encoding them...

Understanding casts from integer to float

Could someone explain this weird looking output on a 32 bit machine?
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("16777217 as float is %.1f\n",(float)16777217);
printf("16777219 as float is %.1f\n",(float)16777219);
return 0;
16777217 as float is 16777216.0
16777219 as float is 16777220.0
The weird thing is that 16777217 casts to a lower value and 16777219 casts to a higher value...
In the IEEE-754 basic 32-bit binary floating-point format, all integers from −16,777,216 to +16,777,216 are representable. From 16,777,216 to 33,554,432, only even integers are representable. Then, from 33,554,432 to 67,108,864, only multiples of four are representable. (Since the question does not necessitate discussion of which numbers are representable, I will omit explanation and just take this for granted.)
The most common default rounding mode is to round the exact mathematical result to the nearest representable value and, in case of a tie, to round to the representable value which has zero in the low bit of its significand.
16,777,217 is equidistant between the two representable values 16,777,216 and 16,777,218. These values are represented as 1000000000000000000000002•21 and 1000000000000000000000012•21. The former has 0 in the low bit of its significand, so it is chosen as the result.
16,777,219 is equidistant between the two representable values 16,777,218 and 16,777,220. These values are represented as 1000000000000000000000012•21 and 1000000000000000000000102•21. The latter has 0 in the low bit of its significand, so it is chosen as the result.
You may have heard of the concept of "precision", as in "this fractional representation has 3 digits of precision".
This is very easy to think about in a fixed-point representation. If I have, say, three digits of precision past the decimal, then I can exactly represent 1/2 = 0.5, and I can exactly represent 1/4 = 0.25, and I can exactly represent 1/8 = 0.125, but if I try to represent 1/16, I can not get 0.0625; I will either have to settle for 0.062 or 0.063.
But that's for fixed-point. The computer you're using uses floating-point, which is a lot like scientific notation. You get a certain number of significant digits total, not just digits to the right of the decimal point. For example, if you have 3 decimal digits worth of precision in a floating-point format, you can represent 0.123 but not 0.1234, and you can represent 0.0123 and 0.00123, but not 0.01234 or 0.001234. And if you have digits to the left of the decimal point, those take away away from the number you can use to the right of the decimal point. You can use 1.23 but not 1.234, and 12.3 but not 12.34, and 123.0 but not 123.4 or 123.anythingelse.
And -- you can probably see the pattern by now -- if you're using a floating-point format with only three significant digits, you can't represent all numbers greater than 999 perfectly accurately at all, even though they don't have a fractional part. You can represent 1230 but not 1234, and 12300 but not 12340.
So that's decimal floating-point formats. Your computer, on the other hand, uses a binary floating-point format, which ends up being somewhat trickier to think about. We don't have an exact number of decimal digits' worth of precision, and the numbers that can't be exactly represented don't end up being nice even multiples of 10 or 100.
In particular, type float on most machines has 24 binary bits worth of precision, which works out to 6-7 decimal digits' worth of precision. That's obviously not enough for numbers like 16777217.
So where did the numbers 16777216 and 16777220 come from? As Eric Postpischil has already explained, it ends up being because they're multiples of 2. If we look at the binary representations of nearby numbers, the pattern becomes clear:
16777208 111111111111111111111000
16777209 111111111111111111111001
16777210 111111111111111111111010
16777211 111111111111111111111011
16777212 111111111111111111111100
16777213 111111111111111111111101
16777214 111111111111111111111110
16777215 111111111111111111111111
16777216 1000000000000000000000000
16777218 1000000000000000000000010
16777220 1000000000000000000000100
16777215 is the biggest number that can be represented exactly in 24 bits. After that, you can represent only even numbers, because the low-order bit is the 25th, and essentially has to be 0.
Type float cannot hold that much significance. The significand can only hold 24 bits. Of those 23 are stored and the 24th is 1 and not stored, because the significand is normalised.
Please read this which says "Integers in [ − 16777216 , 16777216 ] can be exactly represented", but yours are out of that range.
Floating representation follows a method similar to what we use in everyday life and we call exponential representation. This is a number using a number of digits that we decide will suffice to realistically represent the value, we call it mantissa, or significant, that we will multiply to a base, or radix, value elevated to a power that we call exponent. In plain words:
We generally use 10 as base, because we have 10 finger in our hands, so we are habit to numbers like 1e2, which is 100=1*10^2.
Of course we regret to use exponential representation for so small numbers, but we prefer to use it when acting on very large numbers, or, better, when our number has a number of digits that we consider enough to represent the entity we are valorizing.
The correct number of digits could be how many we can handle by mind, or what are required for an engineering application. When we decided how many digits we need we will not care anymore for how adherent to the real value will be the numeric representation we are going to handle. I.e. for a number like 123456.789e5 it is understood that adding up 99 unit we can tolerate the rounded representation and consider it acceptable anyway, if not we should change the representation and use a different one with appropriate number of digits as in 12345678900.
On a computer when you have to handle very large numbers, that couldn't fit in a standard integer, or when the you have to represent a real number (with decimal part) the right choice is a floating or double floating point representation. It uses the same layout we discussed above, but the base is 2 instead of 10. This because a computer can have only 2 fingers, the states 0 or 1. Se the formula we used before, to represent 100, become:
That's still isn't the real floating point representation, but gives the idea. Now consider that in a computer the floating point format is standardized and for a standard float, as per IEE-754, it uses, as memory layout (we will see after why it is assumed 1 more bit for the mantissa), 23bits for the mantissa, 1bit for the sign and 8bits for the exponent biased by -127 (that simply means that it will range between -126 and +127 without the need for a sign bit, and the values 0x00 and 0xff reserved for special meaning).
Now consider using 0 as exponent, this means that the value 2^exponent=2^0=1 multiplied by mantissa give the same behavior of a 23bits integer. This imply that incrementing a count as in:
float f = 0;
f +=1;
printf ("%f\n", f);
You will see that the printed value linearly increase by one until it saturates the 23bits and the exponent will become to grow.
If the base, or radix, of our floating point number would have been 10, we would see an increase each 10 loops for the first 100 (10^2) values, than an increase of 100 for the next 1000 (10^3) values and so on. You see that this corresponds to the *truncation** we have to make due to the limited number of available digits.
The same phenomenon will be observed when using the binary base, only the changes happens on powers of 2 interval.
What we discussed up to now is called the denormalized form of a floating point, what is normally used is the counterpart normalized. The latter simply means that there is a 24th bit, not stored, that is always 1. In plane words we wouldn't use an exponent of 0 for number less that 2^24, but we shift it (multiply by 2) up to the MSbit==1 reach the 24th bit, than the exponent is adjusted to such a negative value that force the conversion to shift back the number to its original value.
Remember the reserved value of the exponent we talked above? Well an exponent==0x00 means that we have a denormalized number. exponent==0xff indicate a nan (not-a-number) or +/-infinity if mantissa==0.
It should be clear now that when the number we express is beyond the 24bits of the significant (mantissa), we should expect approximation of the real value depending on how much far we are from 2^24.
Now the number you are using are just on the edge of 2^24=16,277,216 :
|0|1|0|0|1|0|1|1|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1| = 16,277,215
s\______ _______/\_____________________ _______________________/
i v v
g exponent mantissa
Now increasing by 1 we have:
|0|1|0|0|1|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0| = 16,277,216
s\__ exponent __/\_________________ mantissa __________________/
Note that we have triggered to 1 the 24th bit, but from now on we are above the 24 bit representation, and each possible further representation is in steps of 2^1=2. Simply advance by 2 or can represent only even numbers (multiples of 2^1=2). I.e. setting to 1 the Less Significant bit we have:
|0|1|0|0|1|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1| = 16,277,218
s\__ exponent __/\_________________ mantissa __________________/
Increasing again:
|0|1|0|0|1|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0| = 16,277,220
s\__ exponent __/\_________________ mantissa __________________/
As you can see we cannot exactly represent 16,277,219. In your code:
// This will print 16777216, because 1 increment isn't enough to
// increase the significant that can express only intervals
// that are > 2^1
printf("16777217 as float is %.1f\n",(float)16777217);
// This will print 16777220, because an increment of 3 on
// the base 16777216=2^24 will trigger an exponent increase rounded
// to the closer exact representation
printf("16777219 as float is %.1f\n",(float)16777219);
As said above the choice of the numeric format must be appropriate for the usage, a floating point is only an approximate representation of a real number, and is definitively our duty to carefully use the right type.
In the case if we need more precision we could use a double, or an integer long long int.
Just for sake of completeness I would add few words on the approximate representation for irriducible numbers. This numbers are not divisible by a fraction of 2, so the representation in float format will always be not exact, and need to be rounded to the correct value during conversion to decimal representation.
For more details see:
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How does ' %f ' work in C?

Hey i need to know how %f works , that is how
extract a floating point number from a series of bits in number.
Consider the code:
int i=1;
printf("\nd %d\nf %f",i,i);
Output is :
d 1
f -0.000000
So ultimately it doesn't depend on variable 'i', but just depends on the usage of %d and %f(or whatever) i just need to know how %f extracts the float number corresponding to series of bits in 'i'
To all those who misunderstood my question i know that %f can't be used to an integer and would load garbage values if size of integer was smaller than float. As for my case the size of integer and float are 4 bytes.
Let me be clear if value of is 1 then the corresponding binary value of i will be this:
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 [32 bits]
How would %f extract -0.0000 as in this case from this series of bits.(How it knows where to put decimal point etc , i can't find it from IEEE 754)
It's undefined behavior to use "%f" to an int, so the answer to your question is: you don't need to know, and you shouldn't do it.
The output depends on the format specifier like "%f" instead of the type of the argument i is because variadic functions (like printf() or scanf()) have no way of knowing the type of variable argument part.
As others have said, giving mismatched "%" specifier and arguments is undefined behavior, and, according to the C standard, anything can happen.
What does happen, in this case, on most modern computers, is this:
printf looks at the place in memory where the data should have been, interprets whatever data it finds there as a floating-point number, and prints that number.
Since printf is a function that can take a variable number of arguments, all floats are converted to doubles before being sent to the function, so printf expects to find a double, which (on normal modern computers) is 64 bits. But you send an int, which is only 32 bits, so printf will look at the 32 bits from the int, and 32 more bits of garbage that just happened to be there. When you tried this, it seems that the combination was a bit pattern corresponding to the double floating-point value -0.0.
It's easy to see how an integer can be packed into bytes, but how do you represent decimals?
The simplest technique is fixed point: of the n bits, the first m are before the point and the rest after. This is not a very good representation, however. Bits are wasted on some numbers, and it has uniform precision, while in real life, most desired decimals are between 0 and 1.
Enter floating point. The IEEE 754 spec defines a way of interpreting bits that has, since then, been almost universally accepted. It has very high near-zero precision, is compact, expandable and allows for very large numbers as well.
The linked articles are a good read.
You can output a floating-point number (float x;) manually by treating the value as a "black box" and extracting the digits one-by-one.
First, check if x < 0. If so, output a minus-sign - and negate the number. Now we know that it is positive.
Next, output the integer portion. Assign the floating-point number to an integer variable, which will truncate it, ie. int integer = x;. Then determine how many digits there are using the base-10 logarithm log10(). Note, log10(0) is undefined, so you'll have to handle zero as a special case. Then iterate from 0 up to the number of digits, each time dividing by 10^digit_index to move the desired digit into the unit's position, and take the 10-residue (modulus).
for (i=digits; i>=0; i--)
dig = (integer / pow(10,i)) % 10;
Then, output the decimal point ..
For the fractional part, subtract the integer from the original (absolute-value, remember) floating-point number. And output each digit in a similar way, but this time multiplying by 10^frac_digits. You won't be able to predict the number of significant fractional digits this way, so just use a fixed precision (constant number of fractional digits).
I have C code to fill a string with the representation of a floating-point number here, although I make no claims as to its readability.
IEEE formats store the number as a normalized binary fraction. It's more similar to scientific notation, like 3.57×102 instead of 357.0. So it is stored as an exponent-mantissa pair. Being "normalized" means there's actually an implicit additional 1 bit at the front of the mantissa that is not stored. Hopefully that's enough to help you understand a more detailed description of the format from elsewhere.
Remember, we're in binary, so there's no "decimal point". And with the exponent-mantissa notation, there isn't even a binary point in the format. It's implicitly represented in the exponent.
On the tangentially-related issue of passing floats to printf, remember that this is a variadic function. So it does not declare types of arguments that it receives, and all arguments passed undergo automatic conversions. So, float will automatically promote to double. So what you're doing is (substituting hex for brevity), passing 2 64-bit values:
double f, double f
0xabcdefgh 0xijklmnop 0xabcdefgh 0xijklmnop
Then you tell printf to interpret this sequence of words as an int followed by a double. So the 32-bit int seen by printf is only the first half of the floating-point number, and then the floating-point number seem by printf has its words reversed. The fourth word is never used.
To get the integer representation, you'll need to use type-punning with a pointer.
printf("%d %f\n", *(int *)&f, f);
Which reads (from right-to-left): take the address of the float, treat it as a pointer-to-int, follow the pointer.

fixed point fx notation and converting

I have a fx1.15 notation. The underlying integer value is 63183 (register value).
Now, according to wikipedia the the complete length is 15 bits. The value does not fit inside, right?
So assuming it is a fx1.16 value, how do I convert it to a human readable value?
To convert a fixed-point value into something human-readable, do a floating-point divide by 2 to the number of fractional bits. For example, if there are 15 fractional bits, 2^15 = 32768, so you would use something like this:
int x = <fixed-point-value-in-1.15-format>
printf("x = %g\n", x / 32768.0);
Now converting fixed-point numbers to floating-point and invoking printf() are expensive operations, and they usually destroy any performance gained by using fixed-point. I presume you are only doing this for diagnostic purposes.
Also, note that if your platform is doing fixed-point because floating-point operations are forbidden or not available, then you'll have to do something different, along the lines of manually doing the decimal conversion. Model the integer as the underlying floating-point value multiplied by 32768 and go from there. There's some useful fixed-point code here.
p.s. I'm not sure you're still interested in this answer, ashirk, (I wrote it more for others), but if you are, welcome to Stack Overflow!
