Storybook hide or show args specific to a story - reactjs

I have a Storybook project and a component that looks like this:
export default {
title: 'MDButton',
argTypes: {
label: {
name: "Label",
defaultValue: "Button",
control: {
type: "text"
disabled: {
name: "Disabled",
defaultValue: false,
control: {
type: "boolean"
These are the stories:
export const Default = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {};
export const WithDisabled = Template.bind({});
WithDisabled.args = {};
I want the first story to not have the disabled arg.
Is that possible?
I know I can go over args and filter out the things I don't want, but what if I have tons of args?

You can disable specific arg prop with a next code. Example in MDX-format.
icon: { table: { disable: true } },
label: { table: { disable: true } },
onClick: { table: { disable: true } },
Good luck!


Switch storybook background through global parameter

I have the following globalTypes to enable a toolbar in storybook that lets me select the theme:
export const globalTypes = {
theme: {
name: 'Theme',
description: 'Global theme',
defaultValue: MyTheme.Light,
toolbar: {
icon: 'mirror',
items: [MyTheme.Light, MyTheme.Dark],
showName: true,
dynamicTitle: true,
This works fine and I can switch the theme through the toolbar:
Now I want to set the background color of the story (background-color of the body) according to the theme, but I cannot figure out how to do that for all stories globally.
I know how to configure different background colors, but I have no idea how to switch them based on the theme set in context.globals. How does this work?
You can use decorators to set global view and se
Like here
import { useEffect } from "react";
import "./preview.css";
enum MyTheme {
Light = "light",
Dark = "dark",
Tomato = "tomato"
export const globalTypes = {
theme: {
name: "Theme",
description: "Global theme",
defaultValue: MyTheme.Light,
toolbar: {
icon: "mirror",
items: [
title: "light",
value: MyTheme.Light
{ title: "dark", value: MyTheme.Dark },
{ title: "tomato", value: MyTheme.Tomato }
showName: true,
dynamicTitle: true
const clearStyles = (element: HTMLElement) => {
for (const className of Object.values(MyTheme)) {
const applyStyle = (element: HTMLElement, className: string) => {
const WithThemeProvider = (Story, context) => {
useEffect(() => {
const body = window.document.body;
applyStyle(body, context.globals.theme);
return () => {
}, [context.globals.theme]);
return <Story />;
export const decorators = [WithThemeProvider];
I know it might feel "dirty" to work directly with body. But it is suggested way for instance addons decorator.

Antd Tree component, how to add cache data

I have a problem with the Tree component of the Antd library. The problem is presented on the video. Namely that the component after changing the data tree renders anew and after selecting an option the previous ones are cleared. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this, so that after changing the data tree, the previous options that were selected are still selected?
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Tree } from 'antd';
import { Wrapper, TreeContainer } from './Tree.styled';
const treeData = [
title: '0-1',
key: '0-1',
children: [
{ title: '0-1-0-0', key: '0-0-0-0', },
{ title: '0-1-0-1', key: '0-0-0-1' },
{ title: '0-1-0-2', key: '0-0-0-2' },
title: '0-2',
key: '0-2',
title: '0-3',
key: '0-3',
children: [
{ title: '0-2-0-0', key: '0-2-0-0', },
{ title: '0-2-0-1', key: '0-2-0-1' },
{ title: '0-2-0-2', key: '0-2-0-2' },
title: '0-4',
key: '0-4',
children: [
{ title: '0-3-0-0', key: '0-3-0-0', },
{ title: '0-3-0-1', key: '0-3-0-1' },
{ title: '0-3-0-2', key: '0-3-0-2' },
title: '0-5',
key: '0-5',
children: [
{ title: '0-4-0-0', key: '0-4-0-0', },
{ title: '0-4-0-1', key: '0-4-0-1' },
{ title: '0-4-0-2', key: '0-4-0-2' },
const AntdTree = () => {
const [checkedKeys, setCheckedKeys] = useState<React.Key[]>([]);
const [optionValue, setOptionValue] = useState<any>();
const tree = treeData.filter(filterValue => filterValue.key == (!!optionValue ? optionValue : filterValue.key)).map(data => data)
const onCheck = (checkedKeysValue: any) => {
console.log('onCheck', checkedKeysValue);
return (
<select value={optionValue} onChange={e => setOptionValue(} >
<option value={'0-1'}>0-1</option>
<option value={'0-2'}>0-2</option>
<option value={'0-3'}>0-3</option>
<option value={'0-4'}>0-4</option>
<option value={'0-5'}>0-5</option>
<button onClick={() => setOptionValue('')} >Delete</button>
export default AntdTree;
Link to video with problem:
Thanks for your help !😊
onCheck callback in your case rewrite new values. You can save previous values using prevState in useState hook like so:
const onCheck = (checkedKeysValue: React.Key[], info: any) => {
console.log('onCheck', checkedKeysValue);
console.log('info', info);
if (info.checked) { // handle check case
setCheckedKeys(prevState => [...prevState, ...checkedKeysValue]);
} else { // handle uncheck case

How to implement AddAdiditions in React Sematic UI using Hooks?

I want to have a drop down in my application which allows the user to add an item to the dropdown. I am using React Sematic UI.
Sematic UI Dropdown ALlowAdditions
I am new to react hooks and I want to know how I can implement the onChange and onAddition function using hooks.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Dropdown } from 'semantic-ui-react'
const options = [
{ key: 'English', text: 'English', value: 'English' },
{ key: 'French', text: 'French', value: 'French' },
{ key: 'Spanish', text: 'Spanish', value: 'Spanish' },
{ key: 'German', text: 'German', value: 'German' },
{ key: 'Chinese', text: 'Chinese', value: 'Chinese' },
class DropdownExampleAllowAdditions extends Component {
state = { options }
handleAddition = (e, { value }) => {
this.setState((prevState) => ({
options: [{ text: value, value }, ...prevState.options],
handleChange = (e, { value }) => this.setState({ currentValue: value })
render() {
const { currentValue } = this.state
return (
placeholder='Choose Language'
export default DropdownExampleAllowAdditions
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Dropdown } from "semantic-ui-react";
const options = [
{ key: "English", text: "English", value: "English" },
{ key: "French", text: "French", value: "French" },
{ key: "Spanish", text: "Spanish", value: "Spanish" },
{ key: "German", text: "German", value: "German" },
{ key: "Chinese", text: "Chinese", value: "Chinese" }
const DropDownWithHooks = () => {
const [dropDownOptions, setDropDownOptions] = useState(options);
const [currentValue, setCurrentValue] = useState("");
const handleAddition = (e, { value }) => {
setDropDownOptions((prevOptions) => [
{ text: value, value },
const handleChange = (e, { value }) => setCurrentValue(value);
return (
placeholder="Choose Language"
export default DropDownWithHooks;
Working Sandbox

react-select change singleValue color based on options

I would like to modify the 'selected' singleValue color in my styles object based on the options that are provided.
const statusOptions = [
{ value: "NEW", label: i18n._(t`NEW`) },
{ value: "DNC", label: i18n._(t`DNC`) },
{ value: "WON", label: i18n._(t`WON`) },
{ value: "LOST", label: i18n._(t`LOST`) },
For example, if the option selected in "NEW", I want the font color to be red, if it's "WON", then green, and so on. I am having trouble putting an if statement into the styles object. I see that its simple to put a ternary statement in, but how to you add more "complex" logic?
const customStyles = {
singleValue: (provided) => ({
color: 'red' <----- something like if('NEW') { color: 'green' } etc..
Use an style map object:
import React from 'react';
import Select from 'react-select';
const statusOptions = [
{ value: 'NEW', label: 'NEW' },
{ value: 'DNC', label: 'DNC' },
{ value: 'WON', label: 'WON' },
{ value: 'LOST', label: 'LOST' },
const styleMap = {
NEW: 'red',
DNC: 'blue',
const colourStyles = {
singleValue: (provided, { data }) => ({
color: styleMap[data.value] ? styleMap[data.value] : 'defaultColor',
// specify a fallback color here for those values not accounted for in the styleMap
export default function SelectColorThing() {
return (

Office React Fabric Event Declared But Never Used Demo Code Error

When using the Microsoft sample code for the React Office Fabric UI I am getting the error.
TS6133: 'event' is declared but its value is never read.
Code Pen: (No Error)
import * as React from 'react';
import { Dropdown, DropdownMenuItemType, IDropdownOption } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Dropdown';
export interface IDropdownControlledMultiExampleState {
selectedItems: string[];
export class DropdownControlledMultiExample extends React.Component<{}, IDropdownControlledMultiExampleState> {
public state: IDropdownControlledMultiExampleState = {
selectedItems: []
public render() {
const { selectedItems } = this.state;
return (
placeholder="Select options"
label="Multi-select controlled example"
{ key: 'fruitsHeader', text: 'Fruits', itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Header },
{ key: 'apple', text: 'Apple' },
{ key: 'banana', text: 'Banana' },
{ key: 'orange', text: 'Orange', disabled: true },
{ key: 'grape', text: 'Grape' },
{ key: 'divider_1', text: '-', itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Divider },
{ key: 'vegetablesHeader', text: 'Vegetables', itemType: DropdownMenuItemType.Header },
{ key: 'broccoli', text: 'Broccoli' },
{ key: 'carrot', text: 'Carrot' },
{ key: 'lettuce', text: 'Lettuce' }
styles={{ dropdown: { width: 300 } }}
private _onChange = (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLDivElement>, item: IDropdownOption): void => {
const newSelectedItems = [...this.state.selectedItems];
if (item.selected) {
// add the option if it's checked
newSelectedItems.push(item.key as string);
} else {
// remove the option if it's unchecked
const currIndex = newSelectedItems.indexOf(item.key as string);
if (currIndex > -1) {
newSelectedItems.splice(currIndex, 1);
selectedItems: newSelectedItems
My use is no different, just implemented outside codepen. I have found the same with all the sample code. What else should be used to utilize the event?
You shouldn't really force yourself to utilize it. An example might be where the _onChange handler is being used for bunch of other forms as well and a need might arise to look into the event object to see where is it coming from etc..
See here: Ignore TS6133: "(import) is declared but never used"?
You need to turn-off the noUnusedLocals option from your tsconfig.json for the error to disappear.
