Snowflake insert into table column - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

How can I insert into a table array column without using a select:
insert into demo.array_table
select array_construct(array_construct('cars','motorcycles','trucks','vans'),1);
I can't seem to use VALUES().

You need to use the SELECT for Array column.
More details in Docs:
A couple of examples are listed in the article:


Can you insert or update a row based on multiple values being identical in SQLite?

I'm not very experienced with SQLite, and I want to perform some operations based on a local database. My data consists of a lot of entries of one ID, and there are some additional IDs to specify the data. Based on multiple IDs, there should be a unique combination for each entry in the table.
I would like to select (if it exists) a row based on a combination of IDs, and either insert or update some columns in that row.
I haven't really tried anything because I can't find where to start.
But to illustrate what I mean, I would think of something like this:
UPDATE OR REPLACE INTO my_table (ID,Part_ID,Location_ID,Torque) VALUES (2,6,4,100) WHERE (ID,Part_ID,Location_ID) = (2,6,4)
First, you need a unique constraint for the combination of the columns ID, Part_ID and Location_ID, which you can define with a unique index:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_my_table ON my_table (ID, Part_ID, Location_ID);
Then use UPSERT:
INSERT INTO my_table (ID, Part_ID, Location_ID, Torque) VALUES (2, 6, 4, 100)
SET Torque = EXCLUDED.Torque;
See the demo.

Need to Add Values to Certain Items

I have a table that I need to add the same values to a whole bunch of items
(in a nut shell if the item doesn't have a UNIT of "CTN" I want to add the same values i have listed to them all)
I thought the following would work but it doesn't :(
Any idea what i am doing wrong ?
VALUES ('CTN','20220509','22513927','ADMIN','AU','1')
WHERE ITEMNO In '0','etc','etc','etc'
If I understand correctly you might want to use INSERT INTO ... SELECT from original table with your condition.
SELECT 'CTN','20220509','22513927','ADMIN','AU','1'
WHERE ITEMNO In ('0','etc','etc','etc')
The query you needs starts by selecting the filtered items. So it seems something like below is your starting point
select <?> from dbo.ICUNIT as icu where icu.UNIT <> 'CTN' order by ...;
Notice the use of schema name, terminators, and table aliases - all best practices. I will guess that a given "item" can have multiple rows in this table so long as ICUNIT is unique within ITEMNO. Correct? If so, the above query won't work. So let's try slightly more complicated filtering.
select distinct icu.ITEMNO
from dbo.ICUNIT as icu
where not exists (select * from dbo.ICUNIT as ctns
where ctns.ITEMNO = icu.ITEMNO -- correlating the subquery
and ctns.UNIT = 'CTN')
order by ...;
There are other ways to do that above but that is one common way. That query will produce a resultset of all ITEMNO values in your table that do not already have a row where UNIT is "CTN". If you need to filter that for specific ITEMNO values you simply adjust the WHERE clause. If that works correctly, you can use that with your insert statement to then insert the desired rows.
insert into dbo.ICUNIT (...)
select distinct icu.ITEMNO, 'CTN', '20220509', '22513927', 'ADMIN', 'AU', '1'
from ...

Automatically produce aliases for all columns in SELECT statement

I'm using Microsoft Query to pull data from MS SQL Server to Excel. Many of my tables have the same column names, for example:
When I pivot in Excel, only the column names are shown. A pivot filter might have multiple fields called "active" which is very confusing.
I'd like to alias every column with the table name it's from, so that in the filter it would say "task_active" and "user_active". My Excel SELECT statement would be:
SELECT active AS task_active, name AS task_name FROM task...
Is there a quick way to prepend the table name to an alias using a formatting tool? I have Apex SQL Refactor, and Notepad++ but I haven't found a way to do this without having to manually type all of the column names again.
If you populate resultset to datatable then datatable to excel then it will automatically change duplicate column name to col1,col2 etc.
This is not your want it to be specific.
Method 1 . Create temp table with desire column name
Insert the result in #temp table
Return #temp table result set
Method 2 : Use dynamic query.
Wht your real query look like ?

How can I get inserted ID in SQL Server while using SqlClient class?

So this is a continuation of post:
Best way to get identity of inserted row?
That post proposes, and I agree, to use Inserted feature to safely return inserted id column(s).
While implementing this feature, it seems SqlClient of the .net framework does not support this feature, and fails while trying to execute command, I get the following exception:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Cannot find either column "INSERTED" or the user-defined function or aggregate "INSERTED.Id", or the name is ambiguous.'
I'm just using:
return (T)command.ExecuteScalar();
Where the query is:
VALUES (#Description)
And the table just contains
ID (identity int)
Description (varchar(max))
If impossible to do, is there other safe way without using variables in the middle that might affect performance?
You are doing everything correctly, but you have misplaced the OUTPUT clause: it goes after the list of columns and before the VALUES, i.e.
INSERT INTO MyTable (Description)
VALUES (#Description)

Temporary tables in hana

it it possible to write script in hana that crate temporary table that is based
on existing table (with no need to define columns and columns types hard coded ):
create local temporary table #mytemp (id integer, name varchar(20));
create temporary table with the same columns definitions and contain the
same data ? if so ..i ill be glad to get some examples
i am searching the internet for 2 days and i couldn't find anything useful
Creating local temporary tables based on dynamic structure definition is not supported in SQLScript.
The question would be: for what do you want to use it?
Instead of a local temp. table you can use a table variable in most cases.
By querying sys.table_columns view, you can get the list and properties of source table and build a dynamic CREATE script then Execute to create the table.
You can find SQL codes for a sample case at Create Table Dynamically on HANA Database
For table columns read
select * from sys.table_columns where table_name = 'TABLENAME';
Seems to work in the hana version I have. I'm not sure how to find out what the version.
PROCEDURE "xxx.yyy.zzz::MY_TEST"(
SELECT distinct 'Cola' as out_col
select * from #LOCALTEMPTABLE ;
The newer HANA version (HANA 2 SPS 04 Patch 5 ( Build 4.4.17 )) supports your request:
create local temporary table #tempTableName' like "tableTypeName";
This should inherit the data types and all exact values from whatever query is in the parenthesis:
FROM MyTable
-- Now you can add the rest of your query here as such:
SELECT * FROM #mytemp
I suppose you can just write :
create column table #MyTempTable as ( select * from MySourceTable);
