Best practices for non-local exit with cleanup in C? - c

What is considered best practice for aborting on errors in C?
In our code base we currently have a pattern using
#define CHECKERROR(code) if(code) { return code; }
but this leads to resources not being closed in code of the form
/* not actual code due to non-disclosure restrictions */
int somefunction() {
handle_t res1, res2;
int errorcode;
res1 = getResource();
res2 = getResource();
errorcode = action1(res1, res2);
errorcode = action2(res1, res2);
return errorcode;
I came across the pattern
/* initialize resources */
do {
/* ... */
errorcode = action();
if(errorcode) break;
/* ... */
} while(0);
/* cleanup resources */
return errorcode;
before in articles, but couldn't find any source discussing it now.
What is a good practice, that would be considered idiomatic to C? Does the do { } while(0); pattern qualify? Is there an idiomatic way to make it more clear, that it is not intended to be a loop, but a block with non-local exit?

What is considered best practice for aborting on errors in C?
What is a good practice, that would be considered idiomatic to C?
Really, nothing. There is no best-practice. Best is to tailor a specific solution to the specific case you are handling. For sure - concentrate on writing readable code.
Let's mention some documents. MISRA 2008 has the following. The rule is strict - single exit point. So you have to assign variables and jump to a single return statement
Rule 6–6–5 (Required) A function shall have a single point of exit at
the end of the function.
Error handling is the only place where using goto is actually encouraged. Linux Kernel Coding style presents and encourages using goto to "keep all exit points close". The style is not enforced - not all kernel functions use this. See Linux kernel coding style # Centralized exiting of functions.
The kernel recommendation of goto was adopted by SEI-C: MEM12-C. Consider using a goto chain when leaving a function on error when using and releasing resources.
Does the do { } while(0); pattern qualify?
Sure, why not. If you do not allocate any more resources inside the do { .. here .. }while(0) block, you might as well write a separate function and then call return from it.
There are also expansions on the idea. Even implementations of exceptions in C using longjmp. I know of ThrowTheSwitch/CException.
Overall, error handling in C is not easy. Handling errors from multiple libraries becomes extremely hard and is an art of its own. See MBed OS error-handling, mbed_error.h, even a site that explains MBed OS error codes.
Strongly prefer single return point from your functions - as you found out, using your CHECK(errorcode); will leak resources. Multiple return places are confusing. Consider using gotos:
int somefunction() {
int errorcode = 0;
handle_t res1 = getResource();
if (!res1) {
errorcode = somethnig;
goto res1_fail;
handle_t res2 = getResource();
if (!res2) {
errorcode = somethnig_else;
goto res2_fail;
errorcode = action1(res1, res2);
if (!errorcode) {
goto actions_fail;
errorcode = action2(res1, res2);
if (!errorcode) {
goto actions_fail;
return errorcode;

First of all, mysterious macros such as your CHECKERROR which hide away flow control are widely considered very bad practice. Don't do that - creating secret macro languages that no other C programmer understands is a much more serious quality concern than code repetition. Code repetition isn't good but it shouldn't be solved by creating a much worse problem. Assume that the reader knows C well, but don't assume that they know or want to know your secret macro language local to this project.
In idiomatic C there are two acceptable ways to write this code. Either with explicit return or with the "on error goto" pattern à la BASIC. I would generally recommend the return version since it saves you from having that old tiresome "goto considered harmful" debate yet again. But goto to a clean-up at the end of the function is acceptable too, as long as you only jump downwards.
(Your do-while(0) with break is just a goto in disguise. It isn't better or worse.)
The single point of return from functions is also debated, especially in the context of MISRA-C (see this). Multiple returns from a function is however fine as long as it doesn't make the code harder to read. In practice this means that you should avoid return (or goto) from inside deeply nested loops or statements. Generally keep the "cyclomatic complexity" (the number of possible execution paths in a function) as low as possible.
In case you need to free up resources, I personally prefer return over goto. For return you need to make a wrapper function, which also serves the purpose of separating resource allocation from the algorithm. I would have rewritten your code like this:
typedef enum // use an actual enum not sloppy int
OK, // keeping code 0 for no error is the most common practice
} err_t;
static err_t the_actual_algorithm (handle_t res1, handle_t res2) // likely inlined
err_t errorcode;
errorcode = action1(res1, res2);
if(errorcode != OK) { return errorcode; }
errorcode = action2(res1, res2);
if(errorcode != OK) { return errorcode; }
return OK;
err_t somefunction (void) // note void, not empty parenthesis which is obsolete style
handle_t res1, res2;
err_t errorcode;
res1 = getResource();
res2 = getResource();
errorcode = the_actual_algorithm(res1, res2);
return errorcode;


if/else strive for logical completeness in single return function

I'm attempting to exist at the crossroads of MISRA C and CERT C and setting the lofty goal of no exceptions. The two rules most against my normal patterns are (paraphrased):
MISRA : A function should only have one return
CERT : Strive for logical completeness
The CERT rule keeps catching me when I have nothing to say in an else. For example:
static int32_t SomeFunc()
int32_t retval = PROJECT_ERROR_GENERIC;
retval = ChildFuncOne();
if (retval == PROJECT_SUCCESS)
retval = ChildFuncTwo();
//Common cleanup
return retval;
Assuming there is no specific cleanup for the failure of ChildFuncOne, I have nothing to say in else. Am I missing another way to lay out this function?
Option 1 is an else with an empty body:
static int32_t SomeFunc(void)
int32_t retval = PROJECT_ERROR_GENERIC;
retval = ChildFuncOne();
if (retval == PROJECT_SUCCESS)
retval = ChildFuncTwo();
// yes, I did consider every possible retval
//Common cleanup
return retval;
Option 2 is to add a second variable, and then set that variable in the if and the else. Note that I reversed the sense of the if, since that order makes more sense to me. YMMV.
static int32_t SomeFunc2(void)
int32_t retval = PROJECT_ERROR_GENERIC;
int32_t finalretval = PROJECT_ERROR_GENERIC;
retval = ChildFuncOne();
if (retval != PROJECT_SUCCESS)
finalretval = retval;
finalretval = ChildFuncTwo();
//Common cleanup
return finalretval;
The problem with option 2 is that it's easy to mix up the two variables that have similar names and uses. Which is where these coding standards make your code more likely to have bugs, rather than less.
The only problem with your code I can find is the obsolescent style function definition. static int32_t SomeFunc() should be static int32_t SomeFunc(void). The former has been obsolescent form in C since some 25-30 years back and also violates MISRA 8.2 for that reason. Other than that, the code is fine and MISRA compliant.
A style comment beyond MISRA is that I would use an enum over int32_t.
Regarding CERT I assume you refer to MSC01-C. This is a fuzzy and unclear rule, with just a bunch of non-related code examples. I would just ignore it.
The corresponding MISRA C:2012 15.7 and 16.1 are much clearer and can be summarized as:
All else if should end with an else.
All switch should contain default.
The rationale is defensive programming and self-documenting code: "yes, I have definitely considered this outcome". Likely this is what CERT C tried (and failed) to say as well. They refer to various "else if with else" rules in their crossref.
This isn't applicable to your code. Nobody requires that every if ends with an else, that would be a ridiculous requirement.
Am I missing another way to lay out this function?
It's sound practice to set the result variable to a known default state at the beginning of a function and later overwrite it if needed. So your function is not only compliant, but also fairly canonical style as safety-related programming goes.
So other than the () to (void), there's no need to change a thing.
My attempt:
static int32_t SomeFunc()
int32_t retval = ChildFuncOne();
retval = (retval == PROJECT_SUCCESS)? ChildFuncTwo() : retval;
retval = (retval == PROJECT_SUCCESS)? ChildFuncThree() : retval;
return retval;
Basically, the retval is set by the first function, and only if that result is PROJECT_SUCCESS, will the second function get called and set the retval.
If the retval is anything other than success, it remains unchanged, the second function is never called, and retval is returned.
I even show how it can be chained for an arbitrary number of functions.
I'm a bit unclear what you mean bye "common cleanup", so if you need different cleanup operations depending on what functions succeeded and failed, that will take extra work.
You should stop trying to appease the MISRA and CERT gods and just write clear code. The code that you posted is fine. Keep it that way.

Is there a suggested way to deal with errors in C?

There are two main ways,which is better?
Deal with error right now.
int func(){
rv = process_1();
// deal with error_1
return -1;
rv = process_2();
// deal with error_1
// deal with error_2
return -1;
return 0;
Deal with errors at go-to. I found a lot of this style of code in the Linux kernel code.
int func(){
rv = process_1();
goto err_1
rv = process_2();
goto err_2;
return 0;
// deal with error_2
// deal with error_1
return -1;
This is really prone to become a flame war, but here my opinion :
A lot of people will say that goto is inherently evil, that you should never use it.
While I can agree to a certain degree, I also can say that when it come to clean multiple variable (like by using fclose / free / etc etc), I find goto to be the cleanest (or more readable, at least) way of doing it.
To be clear, I advise to always use the simplest way for error handling, not using always goto.
For exemple,
bool MyFunction(void)
char *logPathfile = NULL;
FILE *logFile = NULL;
char *msg = NULL;
bool returnValue = false;
logPathfile = malloc(...);
if (!logPathfile) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
sprintf(logPathfile, "%s", "/home/user/exemple.txt");
logFile = fopen(logPathfile, "w");
if (!logFile) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
msg = malloc(...);
if (!msg) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
/* ... other code, with possibly other failure test that end with goto */
// Function's end
returnValue = true;
if (logFile) {
return returnValue;
By using goto to handle the error, you now really reduce the risk to do memory leak.
And if in the futur you have to add another variable that need cleaning, you can add the memory management really simply.
Or if you have to add another test (let's say for example that the filename should not begin by "/root/"), then you reduce the risk to forgetting to free the memory because the goto whill handle it.
Like you said it, you can also use this flow structure to add rollback action.
Depending the situation, you maybe don't need to have multiple goto label thougth.
Let's say that in the previous code, if there is an error, we have to delete the created file.
Simply add
/* rollback action */
if (!returnValue) {
if (logPathfile) {
rigth after the goto label, and you're done :)
edit :
The complexity added by using goto are, as far as I know, the following :
every variable that will be cleaned or use to use clean have to be intialized.
That should not be problematic since setting pointer to a valid value (NULL or other) should always be done when declaring the variable.
for example
void MyFunction(int nbFile)
FILE *array = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
array = malloc(nbFile * sizeof(*array));
if (!array) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
for (int i = 0; i < nbFile; ++i) {
array[i] = fopen("/some/path", "w");
if (!array[i]) {
// Error message (use possibly perror (3) / strerror (3))
/* ... other code, with possibly other failure test that end with goto */
/* We need size to fclose array[i], so size should be initialized */
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
(yeah, I know that If I had use calloc instead of malloc, I could have tested if array[i] != NULL to know if I need to fclose, but it's for the sake of the explanation ...)
You probably have to add another variable for the function return value.
I usually set this variable to indicate failure at the beginning (like setting false) and give it's success value just before the goto.
Sometime, in some situation, this can seem weird, but it's, in my opinion, still understandable (just add a comment :) )
I'd recommend you to read thoroughly the examples you have found (more if they are in the kernel code of an operating system.) The situation you describe corresponds to an algorithm that should make decisions at each stage of the execution, and those stages require to undo the previous steps.
You first allocate some resource #1, and continue.
then you allocate another resource (say resource #2) if that fails, then you have to free resource #1, as it is not longer valid.
finally you allocate resource #N, if that fails you must free resources #1 to #N-1.
The figure you show allows you to write in one line, a set of resource allocations, between which you have to decide if you continue.
In this scenario a policy like this is recommended (for novice C programmers, as it avoids the use of goto but becomes less readable (as it nests as things happen)
if ((res_1 = some_allocation(blablah)) != ERROR_CODE) {
if ((res_2 = some_other_allocation(blablatwo)) != ANOTHER_ERROR_CODE) {
if ((res_N = some_N_allocation(blablaN)) != NTH_ERROR_CODE) {
return_resource_N(res_N); /* free resN */
} else {
do_action_corresponding_to_failed_N(); /* error for failing N */
return_resource_N_minus_one(resN_1); /* free resN_1 */
} else {
do_action_corresponding_to_failed_2(); /* error for failing #2 */
return_resource_1(res1); /* free #1. (A): (see below) */
} else {
do_acttion_corresponding_to_failed_1(); /* error for failing #1 */
/* there's nothing to undo here, as we have returned the first resource in (A) above. */
nothing to say about this code, but that it has no gotos, but is incredible far less readable (it's a mess of nested things in which, when you fail for resource N, then you have to return up to N-1 resources.) you can messup the resources deallocated by putting them in the wrong position and it's error prone. But on the other side, it allocates and deallocates the things in just one place and is as compact as the code with gotos.
writing this code with gotos gives this:
if ((res_1 = some_allocation(blablah)) == ERROR_CODE) {
do_acttion_corresponding_to_failed_1(); /* error for failing #1 */
goto end;
if ((res_2 = some_other_allocation(blablatwo)) == ANOTHER_ERROR_CODE) {
do_action_corresponding_to_failed_2(); /* error for failing #2 */
goto res1;
if ((res_N = some_N_allocation(blablaN)) == NTH_ERROR_CODE) {
do_action_corresponding_to_failed_N(); /* error for failing #N */
goto resN1;
return_resource_N(res_N); /* free resN */
resN1: return_resource_N_minus_one(resN_1); /* free resN_1 */
res1: return_resource_1(res1); /* free #1. (A): (see below) */
end: /* there's nothing to undo here, as we have returned the first resource in (A) above. */
There's only thing that can be said about the first code that will make it perform better in some architectures. Dealing with goto is a pain for the compiler, as normally it has to make assumptions about all the possible resulting blocks that will end jumping to the same label, and this makes things far more difficult to optimice, resulting in not so optimiced code. (this is clear when you use structured blocks, and only implies one or two places you can come from), and you will get worse performance code (not much worse, but somewhat slower code)
You will agree with me that the equivalent code you post in your code is more readable, probably exactly the same level of correctness.
Other required use of goto constructs is when you have several nested loops and you have to exit more than the closest loop to exit.
for(...) {
for(...) {
for (...) {
goto out;
this is also C specific, as other languages allow you to label the construct you want to exit from and specify it in the break statement.
E.g. in Java:
external_loop: for(...) {
for(...) {
for (...) {
break external_loop;
In this case you don't need to jump, as the break knows how many loops we need to exit.
One last thing to say. With just the while() construct, all other language constructs can be simulated, by introducing state variables to allow you to do things (e.g. stepping out of each loop by checking some variable used precisely for that). And even less.... if we allow for recursive function call, even the while() loop can be simulated, and optimicers are capable of guessing a faster implementation without recursion for the simulated block. Why in the schools nobody says never use if sentences, they are evil? This is because there's a frequent fact that newbies tend to learn one struct better than others and then, they get the vice of using it everywhere. This happens frequently with goto and not with others, more difficult to understand but easier to use, once they have been understood.
The use of goto for everything (this is the legacy of languages like assembler and early fortran) and maintaining that code normally ends in what is called spaghetti programming. A programmer just selects at random a place to write his/her code in the main code of a program, opens an editor and inserts it's code there:
Let's say that we have to do several steps, named A to F:
and later, some steps, named G and H have to be added to be executed at the end. Spaghetti programming can make the code end being something like this:
code_for_C(); /* programmer opened the editor in this place */
goto A;-------.
code_for_G(); | | /* the code is added in the middle of the file */
code_for_H(); | |
goto C;-------+-+--.
| | |
A:<---------------' | |
code_for_D(); | |
code_for_E(); | |
code_for_F(); | |
goto B; --------' |
While this code is correct (it executes steps A to H in sequence), it will take a programmer some time to guess how the code flows from A to H, by following back and forward the gotos.
For an alternate open that can sometimes be used to "hide" the gotos, one of our programmers got us using what he calls "do once" loops. They look like this:
failed = true; // default to failure
do // once
if( fail == func1(parm1) )
{ // emit error
failed = false; // we only succeed if we get all the way through
// do common cleanup
// additional failure handling and/or return success/fail result
Obviously, the if block inside the 'do once' would be repeated. For example, we like this structure for setting up a network connection because there are many steps that have the possibility of failure. This structure can get tricky to use if you need a switch or another loop embedded within, but it has proven to be a surprisingly handy way to deal with error detection and common cleanup for us.
If you hate it, don't use it. (smile) We like it.

How to deal with function exits on a function that has several exit points?

I'm more of a student than I am a seasoned programmer and the other day I was refactoring a piece of code I wrote some time ago. In there, there was a function that was rather big in code size and had a structure like this:
if (eval)
return code;
if (different test)
return another code;
In all there were about 6 or 7 return points some of them with cleanup code inside of the branch. Some of them also responded to erroneous situations, paths where the function wouldn't fully process the input but rather return an error code.
Even though the code was commented and all it seemed to me hard on the eyes and difficult to read. So I was wondering if there are any best practices on the matter.
Reading code from all around the net I found different approaches to this matter. For example one would follow this scheme:
do {
whole body of the function;
while (false);
clean up code if necessary;
return code;
Mainly to be able to use break; sentences in different evaluations (since we were inside a loop) to exit the loop, do the cleanup if necessary and return the exit code. But that feels the same as gotos to me, with the limitation that they place to go to would only be forward in code.
Another one would be similar to mine, but have only one return statement at the end of the function and having a variable to hold error codes.
You can use goto for that.
code = firstCode;
if (condition != 0)
goto label;
code = secondCode;
if (anotherCondition != 0)
goto label;
exit(code); // may be you should return from the function
but there could be many other options depending on the specific case.
Here is frequently used linux kernel idiom. When something fails, it rolls back and cleanup after previously executed code.
goto fail_a;
goto fail_c;
goto fail_c;
/* rest of the code goes here */
/* if it's ok then set err to 0 and jump to ok */
err = 0;
goto ok;
// otherwise unroll what have been done
return err;
well , we need do differentiate between C and C++ , the way of handling things is quite different between C and C++.
In C , I would recommend use an Enum which states the current state of of the code , for example:
enum {State1,State2,Invalid_Argument,Error}
then , create a function that checkes whatever it needs, then return some constant from the enum above as return value:
int check_statement(arg1,arg2...)
and at last , use a switch case on the function above:
case state1:
return ...
case Error:

Why is this construct used? Mad or genius?

I'm working with a large SDK codebase glommed together from various sources of varying quality / competence / sanity from Linus Torvalds to unidentified Elbonian code slaves.
There are an assortment of styles of code, some clearly better than others, and it's proving an interesting opportunity to expand my knowledge / despair for the future of humanity in alternate measures.
I've just come across a pile of functions which repeatedly use a slightly odd (to me) style, namely:
void do_thing(foo)
do {
if(this_works(foo) != success)
} while (0);
There's nothing complicated being done in this code (I haven't cut 10,000 lines of wizardry out for this post), they could just as easily do:
if(this_works(foo) == success)
Which would seem somehow nicer / neater / more intuitive / easier to read.
So I'm now wondering if there is some (good) reason for doing it the other way, or is it just the way they always do it in the Elbonian Code Mines?
Edit: As per the "possible duplicate" links, this code is not pre-processed in any sort of macro, it is just in the normal code. I can believe it might be due to a coding style rule about error checking, as per this answer.
Another guess: maybe you didn't quote the original code correctly? I have seen the same pattern used by people who want to avoid goto: they use a do-while(0) loop which at the end returns a success value. They can also break out of the loop for the error handling:
int doXandY() {
do {
if (!x()) {
if (!y()) {
return 0;
} while( 0 );
/* Error handling code goes here. */
globalErrorFlag = 12345;
return -1;
In your example there's not much point to it because the loop is very short (i.e. just one error case) and the error handling code is just a return, but I suspect that in the real code it can be more complex.
Some people use the do{} while(0); construct with break; inside the loop to be compliant in some way with MISRA rule 14.7. This rule says that there can be only single enter and exit point in the function. This rule is also required by safety norm ISO26262. Please find an example function:
int32_t MODULE_some_function(bool first_condition,bool second_condition)
int32_t ret = -1 ;
ret = 0 ;
break ;
/* some code here */
ret = 0 ;
break ;
/* some code here */
} while(0) ;
return ret ;
Please note however that such a construct as I show above violates different MISRA rule which is rule 14.6. Writing such a code you are going to be compliant with one MISRA rule, and as far as I know people use such a construct as workaround against using multiple returns from function.
In my opinion practical usage of the do{}while(0); construct truely exist in the way you should construct some types of macros.Please check below question, it was very helpful for me :
Why use apparently meaningless do-while and if-else statements in macros?
It's worth notice also that in some cases do{}while(0); construct is going to be completely optimized away if you compile your code with proper optimization option.
Hm, the code might be preprocessed somehow. The do { } while(0) is a trick used in preprocessor macros; you can define them like this:
#define some_macro(a) do { whatever(); } while(0)
The advantage being that you can use them anywhere, because it is allowed to put a semicolon after the while(0), like in your code above.
The reason for this is that if you write
#define some_macro(a) { whatever(); }
if (some_condition)
printf("this can cause problems\n");
Since there is an extra semicolon before the else statement, this code is invalid. The do { ... } while(0) will work anywhere.
do {...} while(0) arranged with "break" is some kind of "RAII for Plain C".
Here, "break" is treated as abnormal scope exit (kind of "Plain C exceptions"), so you can be sure that there is only one place to deallocate a resource: after a "while(0)". It seems slightly unusual, but actually it's very common idiom in the world of plain C.
I would guess that this code was originally written with gotos for error handling:
void do_thing(foo)
if(this_works(foo) != success)
goto error;
But at some point an edict came down from on high "thou shalt not use goto", so someone did a semi-automatic translation from goto style to loop-break style (perhaps with simple script). Probably when the code was merged/moved from one project to another.

how to deal with error return in c

How does one deal with error return of a routine in C, when function calls go deep?
Since C does not provide an exception throw mechanism, we have to check return values for each function. For example, the "a" routine may be called by "b", and "b" may called by many other routines, so if "a" returns an error, we then have to check it in "b" and all other routines calling "b".
It can make the code complicated if "a" is a very basic routine. Is there any solution for such problem?
Actually, here I want to get a quick return path if such kind error happens, so we only need to deal with this error in one place.
You can use setjmp() and longjmp() to simulate exceptions in C.
There are several strategies, but the one I find the most useful is that every function returns zero on success and nonzero for an error, where the specific value indicates the specific error.
This combined with early return logic actually makes the functions quite easy to read:
func (int param)
int rc;
rc = func2 (param);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = func3 (param);
if (rc)
return rc;
// do something else
return 0;
I'm afraid that's the way it is. Without exceptions, you have to check the return value of every function in the call chain.
In the general case, no. You'll want to make sure your function calls worked as expected. Return codes are your main mechanism for ensuring this (although setting a global error number or error flag may also be appropriate, depending on context - not that it simplifies things much).
Adopting one of the techniques others have suggested should allow you to make your error checking uniform and easier to read. This will go a long way towards keeping things maintainable.
For some basic functions though, the odds of failure may be low enough not to bother, eg.
int sum(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
really doesn't need to be checked. But that system call to create a new window really should be.
The best way is to design functions, whenever possible, in ways that cannot fail. This is impossible if they do I/O or memory allocation or other things with side effects, so avoid those. For example, instead of having a function that allocates memory and copies a string, have a function that gets pre-allocated memory to which it copies a string. Or you might have only one place where I/O happens, the rest of the program just manipulates data in memory.
Alternatively, you may decide that certain kinds of errors warrant killing the process. For example, if you're out of memory, it is hard to recover from that, so you might as well crash. (But do that in a way that is user-friendly: checkpoint relevant data to disk continuously so the user may recover.) This way, functions can pretend they never fail.
The setjmp suggestion Murali VP is also worth checking out.
You make a list of error_codes (I use enum for that) and use them "flat" in all your app.
So if b calls a, and get one of the error codes, you can decide if you go on, or return back the original error code.
The user/programmer should have a list of all error codes...
You can use an ugly if pyramid like:
if (getting resource 1 succeeds) {
if (getting resource 2 succeeds) {
if (getting resource 3 succeeds) {
do something;
return success;
free resource 2;
free resource 1;
return failure;
or the equivalent with goto (which looks much nicer):
if (getting resource 1 failed) goto err1;
if (getting resource 2 failed) goto err2;
if (getting resource 3 failed) goto err3;
do something;
return success;
free resource 2;
free resource 1;
return failure;
AFAIK C is a structural programming language.
If this is the problem, the same would apply to RTL functions like fopen, fscanf etc ...
So I guess it is better to propagate errors.
You could use a macro.
#define FAIL_FUNC( funcname, ... ) if ( !funcname( _VA_ARGS_ ) ) \
return false;
This way you maintain the same system but without having to write the same code each time ...
There's a way similar to what R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE suggests. It's possible to reduce the number of labels using the fact that free(NULL) does nothing.
// initialize all resources to be empty at the beginning
resource1 = NULL;
resource2 = NULL;
resource3 = NULL;
err = SUCCESS;
// allocate resources
// in case of error simply jump to the end
err1 = get_resource_1(&resource1);
if (err1) {
err = FAIL1;
goto end;
err2 = get_resource_2(&resource2);
if (err2) {
err = FAIL2;
goto end;
err3 = get_resource_3(&resource3);
if (err3) {
err = FAIL3;
goto end;
// assignment to the output parameter must come at the end
// where it's known there were no errors
*out_resource2 = resource2;
// if some of the resources are needed outside of the function
// don't forget to assign its local variables to NULL so that
// they don't get freed
resource2 = NULL;
// execution comes here in any case
// all the resources that are still owned need to be freed here
// in case of success err will be SUCCESS
// in case of error err will hold corresponding error
return err;
In order to reduce error handling boilerplate it's possible to use macro as Goz suggested or a function that would convert between external error type and internal one. In which case there would be no need to manually assign err in each branch.
#define E1 convert_error_1
#define E2 convert_error_1
#define E3 convert_error_1
my_error convert_error_1(error1 err) {
switch (err) {
// it's our responsibility not to pass invalid
// argument to get_resource_2, this error means we did
// so it's a bug in our code and it's hard to handle
// in a way other than aborting
// allocate resources
// in case of error simply jump to the end
err = E1(get_resource_1(&resource1));
if (err) goto end;
err = E2(get_resource_2(&resource2));
if (err) goto end;
err = E3(get_resource_3(&resource3));
if (err) goto end;
Decide what kind of errors are worth dealing with.
In some cases, printing an error message on stderr and then calling exit with a non-zero argument is the best way to go.
This is often done when protecting malloc. A wrapper xmalloc is written which calls malloc and in case of failure prints an error message and then exits. You can find a real example of this here: (
