Extended Bottom Nav Bar like Microsoft Team in React JS - reactjs

I am using the Tab Bar library for the bottom nav bar but Nav bar shows a limited number of items in a bar like 3-4 items.
In my project, I have 15 items to show in the bottom tab bar. Hence we decided to show it as an extended bottom nav bar similar to the Microsoft team mobile app. Please have a look at the attached image.
I am new in react js and tried multiple blog posts but could not find any solution for it. Please help me out.


Responsive SPA prevent mobile nav bar to autohide

I have a fully functionnal SPA website (Reactjs) which I just made responsive. Everything went smooth except that the site refuses any "scroll movement" on the body, preventing the mobile browser bottom bar to disappear. It is a one page website which I created to have everything displayed full-screen (no need to scroll anything), so I suppose that it is CSS linked, but I just have absolutely no clue on what is happening. Actually, on my Samsung S20+, only the opened burger menu accepts any page scroll movement, permitting me to hide those navigator bars (up and bottom). But once again, I see no specific CSS differences between that burger menu and the main page. Could anyone help me on this ? I'm so lost with it that I don't even know what kind of information I could add in this post except the URL of the website: https://www.epistolads.net.
NB: the sources maps are available on the website, for testing purpose
EDIT 1: just noticed that I can achieve the desired result (scroll on page to hide nav bar) by first zooming a little, if it speaks to anyone.
EDIT 2: Also, I may no "refresh the website" by scrolling "out of screen" up.
Ho mine, got it ! Some month ago, to be sure that no forgotten content gets out of the screen, I added a "overflow-y: hidden;" on the body of the index.html file itself! Changing it back to "auto" gave me back full control on mobile. In case of other people would meet the same problem...

How to show a bar while Loading routes on the top of the website?

How do I show the loading bar on top of the website?
For example, when we go to youtube, and we click on any tab in there, a long white red loading progress bar pops on top of the screen. What methods can I use to implement it on my website as well?
You can use this on React to show the progress bar https://www.npmjs.com/package/#badrap/bar-of-progress

Side bar navigation that shows in desktop and pushes on mobile

I have been trying to create a vertical left sidebar navigation that shows when the window size is desktop size and collapses when the users resizes the window, shows the hamburger icon, and when the user clicks the icon it pushes the navigation out.
Trying to find a solution everywhere. It is for a admin dashboard I am building. Please help.
Thank you in advance.

Foundation top bar - how reveal items on small screen

I'm building webapp focused on mobile. I want to have some navigation/action items displayed on topbar, but current logic of Foundation is hiding everything into sliding menu when on small screen. It is just annoying if my topbar items are hidden, when there is 500px of space on my tablet.
Please help, how reveal items on small screen when there is enough space to show them? Twitter Bootstrap have this functionality, it is easy as "not to nest items to div.nav-collapse".
I'm using Foundation 4.2.1, CSS only, no JS.

About the application with the i icon at the bottom of the screen

I searched for this and couldn't find any references to this.
In my iOS universal app, I wanted to display the information icon (same as the utility application) at the bottom right of my main view controller and use the same both for iPhone and iPad to flip over to display information about my app and other things. On the iPadd Utility application template with XCode 4.6, the information icon is displayed as a button on the navigation bar and a UIPopOver control is used to display information.
In my case, I don't want to use a UIPopOver on the iPad but use the same flip over effect both for iPhone and iPad when clicking the information icon. Is this a valid as per Apple's guidelines or guaranteed for rejection?.
I do exactly what you're thinking of doing in my app. I used the flip transition to display my info page using the information icon as the button image. I had no problems with Apple regarding this when I submitted.
