How can I use wasm-bindgen from a program compiled with Emscripten? - c

I am trying to link a Rust library containing code generated by wasm-bindgen against a program written in C which I would like to compile with Emscripten. My MRE is as follows:
On the Rust side, I have Cargo.toml:
name = "rust_project"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
crate-type = ["staticlib"]
and in I have:
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
extern "C" {
#[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)]
fn log(s: &str);
pub extern "C" fn call_from_c() {
log("Hello, World!");
As a first step, I compile this with cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown which produces a librust_project.a. I then set up the following C project with main.c:
/* forward declare the function from Rust */
void call_from_c();
/* call the function from main */
int main() {
return 0;
and CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
add_executable(c_project main.c)
target_link_libraries(c_project /path/to/librust_project.a)
Finally, I attempt to put it all together using the Emscripten toolchain as follows:
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/Emscripten.cmake ../
Which is where something appears to go wrong at the linking stage with emcc reporting that __wbg_log_941ab916ed5a24bd is an undefined symbol. I suspect that this symbol (among others) is being stripped out as part of an optimization effort but I am not sure at what stage or how I can disable this optimization.
Adding the following linker options in CMake results in compilation with a warning about the undefined symbol:
"-s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=[\"_main\",\"___wbg_log_941ab916ed5a24bd\"]"
but I believe these missing symbols are problematic and when I run wasm-bindgen (the CLI tool) over c_project.wasm I get the following error:
import of `__wbg_log_941ab916ed5a24bd` doesn't have an adapter listed
How can I prevent the wasm-bindgen imported/exported functions from being stripped during this process?

This is a work-in-progress answer, which hopefully I will be able to turn into a complete answer in the near future. If not perhaps, it will at least serve as a starting point for others who have come down this path.
I have been working on making my MWE even more minimal by removing CMake and Emscripten and just compiling with Clang directly. This is sufficient since I don't need to worry about the standard library in this MWE.
My command for compiling then becomes:
clang -Wall --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-standard-libraries \
-Wl,--export-all \
-Wl,--no-entry \
-o main.wasm main.c
Worthwhile noting is that I can trigger the following wasm-bindgen error by adding/removing the --export-all linker argument. Suggesting that the LLVM linker was responsible for removing this section before it could be processed with wasm-bindgen.
import of `__wbg_log_941ab916ed5a24bd` doesn't have an adapter listed


"Compiling" go project as C shared object library on AIX 7.2 results in Executable that doesn't run

EDIT: For any poor soul that finds this, in search of a solution for the shared library from go conundrum: I was unable to find a solution that uses go and I would suggest, that until google go provides native c-shared support for AIX you should find an alternative for your project.
I did not go forward with gccgo because that felt like an entirely different can of worms that I was unwilling to delve further into. FWIW I myself am going forward switching to pure C implementation, because there I at least have a (somewhat) firm(er) understanding of it all.
Should anyone find a solution I'd love to hear from you and see how you got around this limitation.
AIX 7.2
go1.16.12 aix/ppc64
I want to create a C shared object library (in usual unix vernacular a .so file) out of a golang project on AIX 7.2 so that it can be used by a C application.
I can compile it down to a final a.out binary in my example, but it can then not be executed because the shared object is apparently compiled the wrong way.
So far I have achieved the following:
Suppose my example go "library" sharedLibTest.go:
package main
import (
m "fmt"
import "C"
func main() {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", "Golang: main was called")
//export MyPackage_Init
func MyPackage_Init() {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", "Golang: MyPackage_Init was called")
//export MyPackage_Create
func MyPackage_Create() {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", "Golang: MyPackage_Create was called")
And some C application that calls these functions in main.c:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sharedLibTest.h"
int main() {
printf("%s\n", "C: main() called");
Now, because AIX feels the need to do things differently the current golang toolchain does not support directly creating a c-shared object with -buildmode=c-shared. Instead I am trying to do the roundabout way by first creating a static lib with -buildmode=c-archive, compiling that into a shared object using gcc-8 and use that in my "target C application".
I can compile sharedLibTest.go this with
go build -v -buildmode=c-archive -mod vendor -o /home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest/sharedLibTest.a /home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest/sharedLibTest.go
Because the symbols MyPackage_Init and MyPackage_Create are not exported by default in AIX, I need to manually create an extra symbol file with
$ cat > file.exp << EOF
> MyPackage_Init
> MyPackage_Create
(If there are any ideas how i can omit this file.exp step I'd really appreciate it)
Now with that I can compile a shared object out of that by running
gcc -g -O2 -mcpu=power7 -maix64 -shared -lpthread -Wl,-bE:file.exp -o -Wl,-bnoobjreorder ./sharedLibTest.a
Now because AIX does not look for .so files but only .a files even if they are shared libraries, I rename the resulting into libsharedLibTest.a with
mv libsharedLibTest.a
Lastly I want to compile my C applications with
gcc -L/home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest -g -O2 -mcpu=power7 -maix64 -Wl,-bnoobjreorder -lsharedLibTest -lpthreads main.c
This succeeds and I get my a.out file as a result.
However, when I try to run this with the following, I only get the error below
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest ./a.out
$ ./a.out
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ./a.out because of the following errors:
0509-150 Dependent module /home/myuser/workspace/go_proj/sharedLibTest/libsharedLibTest.a( could not be loaded.
0509-187 The local-exec model was used for thread-local
storage, but the module is not the main program.
0509-193 Examine the .loader section header with the
'dump -Hv' command.
Some hours of googling so far have revealed that I might be missing the compile option -fPIC to create "emit position-independent code" however adding that flag to any of the above steps in various combinations has all resulted in the same error.
Clearly I need to add some compile option to tell the shared object not to be thread-local, however I am unclear how. Any ideas?
Few points... mv will not make an archieve, ar will. You need to use ar command to create .a file.
Second, use LIBPATH environment variable in place of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Use of -fPIC option is irrelevant on AIX.

Can you have multiple DLLs with common exports/ordinals and exchange at run-time?

I am trying to create a couple of Win32 64-bit DLLs (Windows 10) which have different implementations but consistent symbol exports. The aim for this is that one would link with whichever one at build time but have the option at deployment to install either DLL and correctly run with that. I have achieved this straightforwardly on Linux where I am much more comfortable and familiar with run-time linking. But on Windows, I have not yet managed this and I am wondering if this is possible at all. I am trying this using both VS2010 and VS2019.
Suppose I have two libraries blah_legacy.dll and blah_modern.dll. They both export 6 symbols which are the interface to using the library, e.g. blah_open, blah_read, blah_write, blah_close, blah_control, blah_status.
I can link with the import library for either blah implementation and a test program calling each symbol loads and executes correctly with the corresponding blah DLL.
However, I cannot yet switch the DLLs at run time. For example, should I actually be able to link with blah-legacy.lib and then run with blah-modern.dll if I rename it to blah-legacy.dll? (Or vice-versa.)
I already got around basic file-naming issues and ensured the DLL needed can actually be found. I still got the application failed to start (0x22).
I used "objdump -xs" on the DLLs and noticed the order of symbols and their ordinals are different. So I created a .def file and ensured that the exported symbols match in number, names and in ordinals. Still nothing - the same error occurs.
There's still something to this I clearly have not figured out and would appreciate some guidance. Is this actually possible? Where do I start to look (which tools) to figure out what step to take next.
I don't use Visual Studio much, but this is the kind of thing that happens all the time if you use MSYS2, and install some MinGW packages, and update them.
Here's what I mean by that: MSYS2 is an open source software distribution for Windows that, among other things, provides a bunch of native Windows software packages. The package manager (pacman) let's you choose which packages to have in your system, and it downloads DLLs and EXEs that were created by the MSYS2 developers. When an MSYS2 developer updates a library, you can download the updated library package, and all the other packages using that library will automatically start using the new DLL. Usually there is no issue with that because the new library version will be ABI-compatible with the old library version.
You do not need to use LoadLibrary or otherwise mess up your source code; the linker and the operating system should be able to take care of this for you.
Here is a minimal example I threw together with MSYS2 showing how this can work.
The file foo_legacy.c represents your legacy DLL. I added some extra symbols so it wouldn't be too similar to the modern DLL.
__declspec(dllexport) int eoo() {
return 0;
__declspec(dllexport) const char * foo_name() {
return "legacy";
__declspec(dllexport) int foo_version() {
return 1;
__declspec(dllexport) int goo() {
return 0;
The file foo_modern.c represents the modern implementation:
__declspec(dllexport) const char * foo_name(void);
__declspec(dllexport) int foo_version(void);
int foo_version() {
return 2;
const char * foo_name() {
return "modern";
The file main.c represents an application using the foo API:
#include <stdio.h>
__declspec(dllimport) const char * foo_name(void);
__declspec(dllimport) int foo_version(void);
int main()
printf("%s %d\n", foo_name(), foo_version());
My file is a Bash script that builds and tests everything:
set -uex
gcc -Wall foo_legacy.c -shared -o foo_legacy.dll
gcc -Wall foo_modern.c -shared -o foo_modern.dll
gcc -Wall -c main.c -I. -o main.o
gcc main.o foo_legacy.dll -o main.exe
./main.exe # output: "legacy 1"
mv foo_modern.dll foo_legacy.dll
./main.exe # output: "modern 2"
rm foo_legacy.dll
./main.exe # fails because foo_legacy.dll is not found
The build script runs main.exe three different times, showing that it can either use the legacy DLL, or use the modern DLL, or fail, depending on what was installed in foo_legacy.dll.

Compilation fails with #include "..." but not with #include <...>

I'm currently toying around with the C library NanoVG library. The library depends on OpenGL fucntions and has 2 header files nanovg.h and nanovg_gl.h. The latter file contains part of the implementation. For convenience, I have placed these two header files in /usr/include/nanovg.
When I try to compile the following code to an object file, gcc does not complain:
// working.c
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <nanovg/nanovg.h>
#include <nanovg/nanovg_gl.h>
(Command: gcc -c working.c -o working.o)
Now, I copy the header files from /usr/include/nanovg/ to the working directory, and replace the code with:
// notworking.c
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "nanovg.h"
#include "nanovg_gl.h"
(Command: gcc -c notworking.c -o notworking.o)
Gcc now complains that some OpenGL functions are not declared:
... (many more similar complaints)
src/nanovg_gl.h: In function ‘glnvg__renderDelete’:
src/nanovg_gl.h:1540:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘glDeleteBuffers’; did you mean ‘glSelectBuffer’? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
1540 | glDeleteBuffers(1, &gl->fragBuf);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Why does one file compile smoothly but not the other?
A bit deeper:
Using the cpp tool, I found that the difference between the two pre-processed files is limited to # directives but I don't see any difference as far as the "C content" goes. Below is a snippet of the pre-processed working.c. If I add the # lines from the pre-processed notworking.c, then gcc no longer compiles the pre-processed working.c and complains about a missing declaration for glDeleteBuffers.
// ...
if (gl ==
// # 1533 "src/nanovg_gl.h" 3 4 // <- uncomment this line and glDeleteBuffers is considered missing by gcc
((void *)0)
// # 1533 "src/nanovg_gl.h" // <- idem
) return;
if (gl->fragBuf != 0)
glDeleteBuffers(1, &gl->fragBuf); // <- the function that gcc complains about is here
// ...
Edit: Just to make sure that I did not do anything sneaky that might have caused the difference, I followed the following steps which hopefully should be reproducible on another computer:
GCC version: gcc (Ubuntu 10.3.0-1ubuntu1) 10.3.0
Copy the version of GL/gl.h can be found here to working directory and call it glfoo.h
Copy the headers of nanovg (as found in the repo) to /usr/include/nanovg/ and nanovg/ (relative to working directory).
Save the following as test.c in the working dir:
#include "glfoo.h"
#include <nanovg/nanovg.h>
#include <nanovg/nanovg_gl.h>
Run gcc -c test.c -o test.o => compilation works
Replace <...> with ".." on lines 2 and 4 and run command => compilation fails.
Just tried these exact steps and I was able to reproduce it.
After investigating this a bit I found the solution. gcc does not apply the same warning level to system headers as it does for "normal" files (this is mainly because system headers are sometimes doing weird things which are not backed up by the C standard, but are "safe" for the platform they are coming with).
The gcc documentation states (emphasis mine):
Print warning messages for constructs found in system header files. Warnings from system headers are normally suppressed, on
the assumption that they usually do not indicate real problems and
would only make the compiler output harder to read. Using this
command-line option tells GCC to emit warnings from system headers as
if they occurred in user code. However, note that using -Wall in
conjunction with this option does not warn about unknown pragmas in
system headers—for that, -Wunknown-pragmas must also be used.
When you include nanovg via <...>, it is treated as a system header.
So doing gcc -Wsystem-headers working.c actually will bring on the warning.
Note that your code is neither working in working.c nor notworking.c, as working.c just hides the warning messages. The proper way to access any GL function beyond what is defined in GL 1.1 is to use the GL extension mechanism, which means you have to query the GL function pointers at run-time. Full GL loader libs like GLEW and glad can do that for you automatically. Many of these loaders (including GLEW and GLAD) work by re-#define-ing every GL function name to an internal function pointer, so when you include the header which comes with the loader, every GL function called in your code (and nanovg's) will be re-routed to the loader-libraries function pointers, and your code can actually work (provided you properly initialize the loader at run-time before any of the GL functions is called).
#include <file.h>
include file from the path listed default to the compiler, while
#include "file.h"
include file from the current folder (where you are compiling).
As in your case , switching from <> to "" makes come files missing which makes that compiler error coming.

How integrate gnatmake/gnatbind/gnatlink in CMake files for C/Ada code?

I wrote a code in a few languages (C, C++, Fortran77, Fortran90) and I can compile it without any sort of problem by using CMake. It works out perfectly.
Now, I would like to add in the main(), which is written in C, some Ada function and I want to compile it by CMake. Given that I am not able to link my Ada function to the main one by using CMake, I get
main.c:(.text.startup+0x16a): undefined reference to adainit
main.c:(.text.startup+0x179): undefined reference to adafunction
main.c:(.text.startup+0x190): undefined reference to adafinal
I did another simplified test by using the main function (written in C) calling the only Ada function, which I coded, and I compiled it by using
gcc -c main.c
gnatmake -c lib_ada.ali
gnatbind -n lib_ada.ali
gnatlink lib_ada.ali main.o -o exe
and it works out. Do you know how I can integrate this approach in a CMakeList.txt?
Note: I think (maybe I mistake) I cannot use the only gnatlink because I need to link all other functions I already have.
Here is reported a minimal reproducible example.
--- main.c ---
#include <stdio.h>
extern int adainit();
extern int adafinal();
extern int Add(int,int);
int main()
printf ("Sum of 3 and 4 is: %d\n", Add (3,4));
return 0;
--- lib_test.adb ---
package body Lib_Test is
function Ada_Add (A, B : Integer) return Integer is
return A + B;
end Ada_Add;
end Lib_Test;
--- ---
package Lib_Test is
function Ada_Add (A, B : Integer) return Integer;
pragma Export (C, Ada_Add, "Add");
end Lib_Test;
1° test: if you compile by using the following commands:
gcc -c main.c
gnatmake -c lib_test.adb
gnatbind -n lib_test.ali
gnatlink lib_test.ali main.o -o exe
and run ./exe you get Sum of 3 and 4 is: 7.
2° test: I tried to use the following CMake file (CMakeLists.txt) linking the *.a
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -O3 -m64")
find_library(TEST_lib lib_test.a PATHS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
message(STATUS "Finding library: ${TEST_lib}")
add_executable(TEST_release ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/main.c)
target_link_libraries(TEST_release ${TEST_lib})
I generate library lib_test.a for the Ada function
gnatmake lib_test.adb
ar rc lib_test.a
I run the cmake and make and I get
main.c:(.text.startup+0x16a): undefined reference to adainit
main.c:(.text.startup+0x179): undefined reference to adafunction
main.c:(.text.startup+0x190): undefined reference to adafinal
More of a comment than an answer, but too long for a comment, so here goes:
Compiling Ada code into your binary means that your binary needs access to the GNAT runtime. This is one thing gnatlink does when you use it to link the final executable. The other thing is the b~<something>.ad{s,b} source gnatbind generates which you need to compile and link against as others mentioned.
The cleanest way to embed Ada in C I've seen so far is to create an encapsulated library. This probably does not make sense if your actual problem is with only one Ada function, but it does with larger chunks of Ada. The encapsulated library will be a shared library that has GNAT's runtime baked in. Being a shared library enables it to implicitly handle initialization during library loading so you don't need adainit() / adafinal() anymore.
The easiest way to create an encapsulated library is to use a ada_code.gpr file:
project ada_code is
for Library_Name use "mylib";
for Library_Dir use "lib";
for Library_Kind use "relocatable";
for Library_Standalone use "encapsulated";
for Library_Auto_Init use "true";
for Library_Interface use ("All", "Packages", "In.Your", "Ada.Code");
for Source_Dirs use ("adasrc");
end ada_code;
In CMake, you can then do:
# tell CMake how to call `gprbuild` on the `.gpr` file.
# you may need to replace `gprbuild` with the absolute path to it
# or write code that finds it on your system.
COMMAND gprbuild -P ada_code.gpr)
# copy the library file generated by gprbuild to CMake's build tree
# (you may skip this and just link against the file in the source tree)
DEPENDS compile_mylib
# ... snip ...
# link to the copied library
# I am not 100% sure this adds the correct dependency to the custom command.
# You may need to experiment a bit yourself
target_link_libraries(TEST_release ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/
In your C file, you can then delete everything related to adainit() and adafinal().

gsoap client compile/link error

Now I am writing a program to call a web service. I write testMain.c. The others are generated by wsdl2h and soapcpp2.
My compiling command is like this:
gcc -Wall -g -c -L. soapC.c soapClient.c stdsoap2.c testMain.c
gcc -o testMain -L/usr/lib -lgsoap -lgsoapck -lgsoapssl soapC.o soapClient.o stdsoap2.o testMain.o
And I get these errors. Please help me.
stdsoap2.o: In function `soap_print_fault':
/test/stdsoap2.c:16279: undefined reference to `soap_check_faultsubcode'
/test/stdsoap2.c:16281: undefined reference to `soap_check_faultdetail'
stdsoap2.o: In function `soap_sprint_fault':
/test/stdsoap2.c:16341: undefined reference to `soap_check_faultdetail'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Recent versions of GCC/ld/the GNU toolchain require that the object and library files be specified in a certain order, so that symbols can be found by the linker in the same order they depend on each other. This means that libraries should go to the end of the command line; your second line (when you're linking) should be
gcc -o testMain -L/usr/lib soapC.o soapClient.o stdsoap2.o testMain.o -lgsoap -lgsoapck -lgsoapssl
I search the web, and found a post which is very similar with my problem. I use this solution and have solved the problem.
You should not need to link stdsoap2.o to your project because it's already included in libgsoap (given through the gcc linker option -lgsoap). Try to exclude stdsoap2.c from your project. From the gSOAP FAQ:
I get a link error with gcc/g++ (GNU GCC). What should I do? For C
apps: use soapcpp2 option -c to generate C code, use only the
package's .c files, link with libgsoap.a (-lgsoap) or use the lib's
source stdsoap2.c (and dom.c when applicable).
I had the same problem with gsoap-2.8.16 compiled from source. (That version was shipped with CentOS 6.)
First I checked for a missing library. According to nm used on all static libraries provided by gsoap-2.8.16:
for X in /usr/local/lib/libgsoap*.a ; do echo $X; nm $X | grep soap_check_faultdetail; done`
it turned out that none of the libraries provided the missing symbols.
A brief look at the source code revealed that the expected return type of both methods soap_check_faultdetail and soap_check_faultsubcode was const char*, and that these were used to generate error messages.
It looked to me as if these are meant to be callbacks that the client must provide. Maybe their implementation is WSDL-dependent and would be supplied by the gsoap code generation utilities - that I don't know, see the answer from #ChristianAmmer above or below.
Anyway, since I knew the symbols were nowhere supplied, and that null-terminated strings were probably acceptable here, I just supplied my own no-op implementation:
// gsoap-missing-symbols.cpp
extern "C" {
const char* soap_check_faultdetail() { return 0; }
const char* soap_check_faultsubcode() { return 0; }
This is a brute-force solution. If you follow this solution, you should maybe check for linker warnings in the future; maybe some mechanism (eg. from the gsoap code generator) will supply conflicting implementations later during development.
For later versions of gsoap, I believe these symbols are no longer used and can be dropped (or renamed), see soap_check_faultX in
