localstorage is not defined in Next js to use in useReducer - reactjs

I'm having a problem accessing to localstorage in third argument of useReducer as lazy-initial to get shopping cart items from localstorage. Can anyone help with with this please? I need to access localstorage so that shopping cart which is 'MedicineToBuy' remain the same after page reload.
import React, { useState, createContext, useReducer, useEffect } from 'react'
import { cartReducer } from 'reducers/CartReducers'
export const CartStates = createContext()
export const CartProvider = props => {
const [cartVisibile, setCartVisible] = useState(false)
const [medicineToBuy, dispatch] = useReducer(cartReducer, [],function(){
const storageData = localStorage.getItem('Cart');
return storageData ? JSON.parse(storageData) : [];
useEffect( () => {
localStorage.setItem('Cart', JSON.stringify(medicineToBuy))
}, [medicineToBuy] )
const value = {
visibility: [cartVisibile, setCartVisible],
itemsInCart: [medicineToBuy],
dispatch: dispatch,
return <CartStates.Provider value={value}>{props.children}</CartStates.Provider>

Your componentent is most likely rendered server side where window is not available, therefore local storage or any other browser APIs cannot be used.
You could check if window is defined before using local storage:
const [medicineToBuy, dispatch] = useReducer(cartReducer, [],function(){
const storageData = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? localStorage.getItem('Cart') : null;
return storageData ? JSON.parse(storageData) : [];
You could extract this into a re-usable variable and use it everywhere you need to access a browser API:
export const IS_CLIENT = typeof window !== 'undeinfed';
Important: this will work only when the code runs client side.


Execute Function when a State Variable Changes inside of a useEffect() Hook

so I am trying to create a graph visualization front-end using Antv's G6 and React. I have this useState() variable and function as shown below:
const [hideNode, sethideNode] = useState("");
const hideN = () => {
const node = graph.findById(hideNode);
The function is in charge of hiding the selected node. However, the problem with running this function as it is, is that it will raise the error TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'findById') because graph is assigned inside of the useEffect() hook, as shown below:
useEffect(() => {
if (!graph) {
graph = new G6.Graph();
}, []);
It only works as intended if I call the function hideN() inside of the useEffect() hook, otherwise outside of the useEffect() if I console.log(graph) the result would be undefined.
So I wanted to ask, is there a way I could have this function run when the state changes while inside of the useEffect(), or is there a better way to go about this. I'm sorry I am super new to React so still learning the best way to go about doing something. I'd appreciate any help you guys can provide.
Full code:
import G6 from "#antv/g6";
import React, { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react";
import { data } from "./Data";
import { NodeContextMenu } from "./NodeContextMenu";
const maxWidth = 1300;
const maxHeight = 600;
export default function G1() {
let graph = null;
const ref = useRef(null);
//Hide Node State
const [hideNode, sethideNode] = useState("");
const hideN = () => {
const node = graph.findById(hideNode);
useEffect(() => {
if (!graph) {
graph = new G6.Graph(cfg);
}, []);
return (
<div ref={ref}>
{showNodeContextMenu && (
export { G1 };
Store graph in a React ref so it persists through rerenders. In hideN use an Optional Chaining operator on graphRef.current to call the findById function.
Add hideNode state as a dependency to the useEffect hook and move the hideN call out of the conditional block that is only instantiating a graph value to store in the ref.
const graphRef = useRef(null);
const ref = useRef(null);
//Hide Node State
const [hideNode, sethideNode] = useState("");
const hideN = () => {
const node = graphRef.current?.findById(hideNode);
useEffect(() => {
if (!graphRef.current) {
graphRef.current = new G6.Graph(cfg);
}, [hideNode]);

How to use useEffect correctly with useContext as a dependency

I'm working on my first React project and I have the following problem.
How I want my code to work:
I add Items into an array accessible by context (context.items)
I want to run a useEffect function in a component, where the context.items are displayed, whenever the value changes
What I tried:
Listing the context (both context and context.items) as a dependency in the useEffect
this resulted in the component not updating when the values changed
Listing the context.items.length
this resulted in the component updating when the length of the array changed however, not when the values of individual items changed.
wraping the context in Object.values(context)
result was exactly what I wanted, except React is now Complaining that *The final argument passed to useEffect changed size between renders. The order and size of this array must remain constant. *
Do you know any way to fix this React warning or a different way of running useEffect on context value changing?
Well, didn't want to add code hoping it would be some simple error on my side, but even with some answers I still wasn't able to fix this, so here it is, reduced in hope of simplifying.
Context component:
const NewOrder = createContext({
orderItems: [{
itemId: "",
name: "",
amount: 0,
addOrderItem: (newOItem: OrderItem) => {},
removeOrderItem: (oItemId: string) => {},
removeAllOrderItems: () => {},
export const NewOrderProvider: React.FC = (props) => {
// state
const [orderList, setOrderList] = useState<OrderItem[]>([]);
const context = {
orderItems: orderList,
addOrderItem: addOItemHandler,
removeOrderItem: removeOItemHandler,
removeAllOrderItems: removeAllOItemsHandler,
// handlers
function addOItemHandler(newOItem: OrderItem) {
setOrderList((prevOrderList: OrderItem[]) => {
return prevOrderList;
function removeOItemHandler(oItemId: string) {
setOrderList((prevOrderList: OrderItem[]) => {
const itemToDeleteIndex = prevOrderList.findIndex((item: OrderItem) => item.itemId === oItemId);
prevOrderList.splice(itemToDeleteIndex, 1);
return prevOrderList;
function removeAllOItemsHandler() {
return <NewOrder.Provider value={context}>{props.children}</NewOrder.Provider>;
export default NewOrder;
the component (a modal actually) displaying the data:
const OrderMenu: React.FC<{ isOpen: boolean; hideModal: Function }> = (
) => {
const NewOrderContext = useContext(NewOrder);
useEffect(() => {
if (NewOrderContext.orderItems.length > 0) {
const oItems: JSX.Element[] = [];
NewOrderContext.orderItems.forEach((item) => {
const fullItem = {
name: item.name,
amount: item.amount,
more: item.more,
<OItem item={fullItem} editItem={() => editItem(item.itemId)} key={item.itemId} />
} else {
}, [NewOrderContext.orderItems.length, props.isOpen]);
some comments to the code:
it's actually done in Type Script, that involves some extra syntax
-content (and set Content)is a state which is then part of return value so some parts can be set dynamically
-exit is a function closing the modal, also why props.is Open is included
with this .length extension the modal displays changes when i remove an item from the list, however, not when I modify it not changeing the length of the orderItems,but only values of one of the objects inside of it.
as i mentioned before, i found some answers where they say i should set the dependency like this: ...Object.values(<contextVariable>) which technically works, but results in react complaining that *The final argument passed to useEffect changed size between renders. The order and size of this array must remain constant. *
the values displayed change to correct values when i close and reopen the modal, changing props.isOpen indicating that the problem lies in the context dependency
You can start by creating your app context as below, I will be using an example of a shopping cart
import * as React from "react"
const AppContext = React.createContext({
const AppContextProvider = (props) => {
const [cart,setCart] = React.useState([])
const addCartItem = (newItem)=>{
let updatedCart = [...cart];
return <AppContext.Provider value={{
const useAppContext = () => React.useContext(AppContext);
export { AppContextProvider, useAppContext };
Then you consume the app context anywhere in the app as below, whenever the length of the cart changes you be notified in the shopping cart
import * as React from "react";
import { useAppContext } from "../../context/app,context";
const ShoppingCart: React.FC = () => {
const appContext = useAppContext();
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [appContext.cart]);
return <div>{appContext.cart.length}</div>;
export default ShoppingCart;
You can try passing the context variable to useEffect dependency array and inside useEffect body perform a check to see if the value is not null for example.

React Context and useCallback API refresh in child component best practice

I am using the Context API to load categories from an API. This data is needed in many components, so it's suitable to use context for this task.
The categories can be expanded in one of the child components, by using a form. I would like to be able to tell useCategoryLoader to reload once a new category gets submitted by one of the child components. What is the best practice in this scenario? I couldn't really find anything on google with the weird setup that I have.
I tried to use a state in CategoryStore, that holds a boolean refresh State which gets passed as Prop to the callback and can be modified by the child components. But this resulted in a ton of requests.
This is my custom hook useCategoryLoader.ts to load the data:
import { useCallback } from 'react'
import useAsyncLoader from '../useAsyncLoader'
import { Category } from '../types'
interface Props {
date: string
interface Response {
error?: Error
loading?: boolean
categories?: Array<Category>
const useCategoryLoader = (date : Props): Response => {
const { data: categories, error, loading } = useAsyncLoader(
// #ts-ignore
useCallback(() => {
return *APICALL with modified date*.then(data => data)
}, [date])
return {
export default useCategoryLoader
As you can see I am using useCallback to modify the API call when input changes. useAsyncloaderis basically a useEffect API call.
Now this is categoryContext.tsx:
import React, { createContext, FC } from 'react'
import { useCategoryLoader } from '../api'
import { Category } from '../types'
// ================================================================================================
const defaultCategories: Array<Category> = []
export const CategoryContext = createContext({
loading: false,
categories: defaultCategories
// ================================================================================================
const CategoryStore: FC = ({ children }) => {
const { loading, categories } = useCategoryLoader({date})
return (
export default CategoryStore
I'm not sure where the variable date comes from in CategoryStore. I'm assuming that this is an incomplete attempt to force refreshes based on a timestamp? So let's complete it.
We'll add a reload property to the context.
export const CategoryContext = createContext({
loading: false,
categories: defaultCategories,
reload: () => {},
We'll add a state which stores a date timestamp to the CategoryStore and create a reload function which sets the date to the current timestamp, which should cause the loader to refresh its data.
const CategoryStore: FC = ({ children }) => {
const [date, setDate] = useState(Date.now().toString());
const { loading = true, categories = [] } = useCategoryLoader({ date });
const reload = useCallback(() => setDate(Date.now.toString()), []);
return (
I think that should work. The part that I am most iffy about is how to properly memoize a function that depends on Date.now().

How do I update an array using the useContext hook?

I've set a Context, using createContext, and I want it to update an array that will be used in different components. This array will receive the data fetched from an API (via Axios).
Here is the code:
import React, { useState } from "react";
const HeroContext = React.createContext({});
const HeroProvider = props => {
const heroInformation = {
heroesContext: [],
feedHeroes: arrayFromAPI => {
const [heroesContext, setHeroesContext] = useState(heroInformation);
return (
<HeroContext.Provider value={heroesContext}>
export { HeroContext, HeroProvider };
See above that I created the context, but set nothing? Is it right? I've tried setting the same name for the array and function too (heroesContex and feedHeroes, respectively).
import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react";
import { HeroContext } from "../../context/HeroContext";
import defaultSearch from "../../services/api";
const HeroesList = () => {
const context = useContext(HeroContext);
console.log("Just the context", context);
useEffect(() => {
.then(response => context.feedHeroes(response.data.data.results))
.then(console.log("Updated heroesContext: ", context.heroesContext));
}, []);
return (
//will return something
In the Component.js, I'm importing the defaultSearch, that is a call to the API that fetches the data I want to push to the array.
If you run the code right now, you'll see that it will console the context of one register in the Just the context. I didn't want it... My intention here was the fetch more registers. I have no idea why it is bringing just one register.
Anyway, doing all of this things I did above, it's not populating the array, and hence I can't use the array data in another component.
Does anyone know how to solve this? Where are my errors?
The issue is that you are declaring a piece of state to store an entire context object, but you are then setting that state equal to a single destructured array.
So you're initializing heroesContext to
const heroInformation = {
heroesContext: [],
feedHeroes: arrayFromAPI => {
But then replacing it with ...arrayFromAPI.
Also, you are not spreading the array properly. You need to spread it into a new array or else it will return the values separately: setHeroesContext([...arrayFromAPI]);
I would do something like this:
const HeroContext = React.createContext({});
const HeroProvider = props => {
const [heroes, setHeroes] = useState([]);
const heroContext = {
heroesContext: heroes,
feedHeroes: arrayFromAPI => {
return (
<HeroContext.Provider value={heroContext}>
export { HeroContext, HeroProvider };

Make localStorage retain its content on page refresh in React

I am trying to add a favorite page to my application, which basically will list some of the previously inserted data. I want the data to be fetched from localStorage. It essentially works, but when I navigate to another page and come back, the localStorage is empty again. I want the data in localStorage to persist when the application is refreshed.
The data is set to localStorage from here
import React, { useState, createContext, useEffect } from 'react'
export const CombinationContext = createContext();
const CombinationContextProvider = (props) => {
let [combination, setCombination] = useState({
baseLayer: '',
condiment: '',
mixing: '',
seasoning: '',
shell: ''
const saveCombination = (baseLayer, condiment, mixing, seasoning, shell) => {
setCombination(combination = { baseLayer: baseLayer, condiment: condiment, mixing: mixing, seasoning: seasoning, shell: shell });
let [combinationArray, setCombinationArray] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem('combinations', JSON.stringify(combinationArray));
}, [combination]);
return (
<CombinationContext.Provider value={{combination, saveCombination}}>
{ props.children }
export default CombinationContextProvider;
And fetched from here
import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react'
import { NavContext } from '../contexts/NavContext';
const Favorites = () => {
let { toggleNav } = useContext(NavContext);
let [favorites, setFavorites] = useState(localStorage.getItem('combinations'));
return (
<div className="favorites" >
<img className="menu" src={require("../img/tacomenu.png")} onClick={toggleNav} />
<div className="favorites-title">YOUR FAVORITES</div>
<div>{ favorites }</div>
export default Favorites;
There are a few issues with your code. This code block:
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem('combinations', JSON.stringify(combinationArray));
}, [combination]);
Will run any time the dependency array [combination] changes, which includes the first render. The problem with this is combination has all empty values on the first render so it is overwriting your local storage item.
Also, combinationArray.push(combination); is not going to cause a rerender because you are just changing a javascript value so react doesn't know state changed. You should use the updater function react gives you, like this:
setCombinationArray(prevArr => [...prevArr, combination])
You should push to your combinationArray and set the result as the new state value and be careful not to overwrite your old local storage values
