React Context and useCallback API refresh in child component best practice - reactjs

I am using the Context API to load categories from an API. This data is needed in many components, so it's suitable to use context for this task.
The categories can be expanded in one of the child components, by using a form. I would like to be able to tell useCategoryLoader to reload once a new category gets submitted by one of the child components. What is the best practice in this scenario? I couldn't really find anything on google with the weird setup that I have.
I tried to use a state in CategoryStore, that holds a boolean refresh State which gets passed as Prop to the callback and can be modified by the child components. But this resulted in a ton of requests.
This is my custom hook useCategoryLoader.ts to load the data:
import { useCallback } from 'react'
import useAsyncLoader from '../useAsyncLoader'
import { Category } from '../types'
interface Props {
date: string
interface Response {
error?: Error
loading?: boolean
categories?: Array<Category>
const useCategoryLoader = (date : Props): Response => {
const { data: categories, error, loading } = useAsyncLoader(
// #ts-ignore
useCallback(() => {
return *APICALL with modified date*.then(data => data)
}, [date])
return {
export default useCategoryLoader
As you can see I am using useCallback to modify the API call when input changes. useAsyncloaderis basically a useEffect API call.
Now this is categoryContext.tsx:
import React, { createContext, FC } from 'react'
import { useCategoryLoader } from '../api'
import { Category } from '../types'
// ================================================================================================
const defaultCategories: Array<Category> = []
export const CategoryContext = createContext({
loading: false,
categories: defaultCategories
// ================================================================================================
const CategoryStore: FC = ({ children }) => {
const { loading, categories } = useCategoryLoader({date})
return (
export default CategoryStore

I'm not sure where the variable date comes from in CategoryStore. I'm assuming that this is an incomplete attempt to force refreshes based on a timestamp? So let's complete it.
We'll add a reload property to the context.
export const CategoryContext = createContext({
loading: false,
categories: defaultCategories,
reload: () => {},
We'll add a state which stores a date timestamp to the CategoryStore and create a reload function which sets the date to the current timestamp, which should cause the loader to refresh its data.
const CategoryStore: FC = ({ children }) => {
const [date, setDate] = useState(;
const { loading = true, categories = [] } = useCategoryLoader({ date });
const reload = useCallback(() => setDate(, []);
return (
I think that should work. The part that I am most iffy about is how to properly memoize a function that depends on


Redux state changes introduced by one component do not reflect on other components that use useSelector hook

I have since modified my code to focus on the problem so its more easier to understand by whoever attempts to help.
I have a redux store created with Redux toolkit with a slice named 'asts' and initialized with 'astsTestData' array.
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
import { astsData, astsTestData } from "../data/astsData/astsData";
const astsSlice = createSlice({
name: "asts",
initialState: { astsData, astsTestData },
reducers: {
astCreated: (state, action) => {
astUpdated: (state, action) => {},
astDeleted: (state, action) => {},
astTestDataCreated: (state, action) => {
console.log(`astTestDataCreated running`);
console.log(`state.astsTestData`, state.astsTestData);
console.log(`action`, action);
return {
astsTestData: [...astsTestData, action.payload],
// state.astsTestData.push(action.payload)
// console.log(`astsSlice`, astsSlice)
export const { astCreated, astUpdated, astDeleted, astTestDataCreated } =
export default astsSlice.reducer;
I have another slice named 'sch'. This slice stores rgv data.
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
import { poData, splData, grvData } from "../data/schData/schData";
const schSlice = createSlice({
name: "sch",
initialState: { poData, splData, grvData },
reducers: {
// Purchase Order reducers
// Goods receiving reducers
grvCreated: (state, action) => {
console.log(`grvCreated running`);
console.log(`state.grvData`, state.grvData);
console.log(`action`, action);
grvUpdated: (state, action) => {},
grvDeleted: (state, action) => {},
// console.log(`schSlice`, schSlice);
export const {
} = schSlice.actions;
export default schSlice.reducer;
I have a react component called 'Sch' that displays 'sch.grvData' on a ag-grid table. 'Sch uses 'ag-grid' on a component called 'GrvTestTable' to display 'sch.rgvData' acquired using useSelctor. This part works well all the time.
import React from "react";
import GrvTestAddAstBtn from "../../components/forms/grvForm/grvTest/GrvTestAddAstBtn";
import GrvTestTable from "../../components/forms/grvForm/grvTest/GrvTestTable";
const Sch = () => {
return (
<div className="sch">
<GrvTestTable />
<GrvTestAddAstBtn />
export default Sch;
The table displays 'sch.grvData' records that are created via dispatch from "handlSubmit" on grv form .
const handleSubmit = e => {
// dispatch data to 'sch.grvData'
// dispatch data to 'asts.astsTestData'
astId: nanoid(),
grvId: grvFormData.grvId,
astCartegory: grvFormData.grvAstCartegory,
astNo: grvFormData.grvAstNo,
From 'Sch', besides the ag grid table, there is a button used to open the 'grv form' where on submission the grv form data is written into the 'sch.rgvData' that's on in redux store after which, same data is used to create a new asts record on 'asts.astsTestData'.
I have another component called 'TestAstTable' that displays the 'asts.astsTestData' using ag data grid table. This is where the problem is.
Both my ag-grid tables ( and ) receive data from the grid store via useSelector.
import React, { useRef, useMemo, useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { AgGridReact } from "ag-grid-react"; // the AG Grid React Component
import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css"; // Core grid CSS, always needed
import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-theme-alpine.css"; // Optional theme CSS
import "react-tippy/dist/tippy.css";
import { useSelector, useStore } from "react-redux";
const TestAstsTable = () => {
const { astsTestData } = useSelector(state => state.asts)
console.log(`astsTestData`, astsTestData);
const [rowData, setRowData] = useState(astsTestData)
const [columnDefs] = useState([
{ field: "astId" },
{ field: "grvId" },
{ field: "astCartegory" },
{ field: "astNo"},
useEffect(() => {
}, [astsTestData]);
const gridRef = useRef();
const defaultColDef = useMemo(
() => ({
sortable: true,
filter: true,
resizable: true,
// console.log(`rowData`, rowData);
return (
<div className={`ag-theme-alpine `}>
ref={gridRef} // Ref for accessing Grid's API
rowData={rowData} // Row Data for Rows
columnDefs={columnDefs} // Column Defs for Columns
defaultColDef={defaultColDef} // Default Column Properties
animateRows={true} // Optional - set to 'true' to have rows animate when sorted
rowSelection="single" // Options - allows click selection of rows
export default TestAstsTable;
// TODO: mouse over tips on the TestAstsTable skipHeader
import React, { useRef, useMemo, useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { AgGridReact } from "ag-grid-react"; // the AG Grid React Component
import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css"; // Core grid CSS, always needed
import "ag-grid-community/styles/ag-theme-alpine.css"; // Optional theme CSS
import "react-tippy/dist/tippy.css";
import { useSelector } from "react-redux";
const GrvTestTable = () => {
const { grvData } = useSelector(state => state.sch);
console.log(`grvData`, grvData);
const [rowData, setRowData] = useState(grvData);
useEffect(() => {
}, [grvData]);
const [columnDefs] = useState([
{ field: "grvId" },
{ field: "grvAstCartegory" },
{ field: "grvAstNo" },
const gridRef = useRef();
const defaultColDef = useMemo(
() => ({
sortable: true,
filter: true,
resizable: true,
// console.log(`rowData`, rowData);
return (
<div className={`ag-theme-alpine `}>
ref={gridRef} // Ref for accessing Grid's API
rowData={rowData} // Row Data for Rows
columnDefs={columnDefs} // Column Defs for Columns
defaultColDef={defaultColDef} // Default Column Properties
animateRows={true} // Optional - set to 'true' to have rows animate when sorted
rowSelection="single" // Options - allows click selection of rows
export default GrvTestTable;
Every time a new 'grv record' is created on 'sch.grvData', there is an ast record created on the 'asts.astsTestData'. This is done on form submit handler (handleSubmit) from 'grv form'.
Through redux devtools, I can can confirm that the store gets updated after I dispatch the action payload from the form submit. Via redux dev tools I can see that both 'sch.rgvData' and 'asts.astsTestData' are updated.
With redux toolkit immer, I'm able to use array push for both 'sch.rgvData' (state.grvData.push(action.payload)) and 'asts.astsTestData' (state.astsTestData.push(action.payload)) in my reducers to update the immutable sate.
'TestAstTable' table component which uses useSelctor to acquire redux state.astsTestData DOES NOT update but the 'GrvTestTable' does update on every grv form submission.
Efforts I've tried to solve the problem
I've looked all over the web in vain
I've tried useState and useEffect to trigger rerender when astsTestData updates but this does not work.
I've looked to see if I'm not mutating the store, and I am NOT
I thought the problem mmay be immutability so I tried on reducers to use old way with immer, no luck. With immer I to push the acton payload on the array. With the old way I used object spread operator. no luck.
I verified that I'm using only one store
Some weird observations
When I look at 'asts' redux page using redux dev tools I don't see updated asts state in redux store, but when I look at 'Sch' redux page using redux dev tools I do see both 'sch.grvData' and 'asts.astsTestData' updated state in redux store. This left me very confused.
It's hard to help you out without a reproducible example in stackblitz etc.

How to use useEffect correctly with useContext as a dependency

I'm working on my first React project and I have the following problem.
How I want my code to work:
I add Items into an array accessible by context (context.items)
I want to run a useEffect function in a component, where the context.items are displayed, whenever the value changes
What I tried:
Listing the context (both context and context.items) as a dependency in the useEffect
this resulted in the component not updating when the values changed
Listing the context.items.length
this resulted in the component updating when the length of the array changed however, not when the values of individual items changed.
wraping the context in Object.values(context)
result was exactly what I wanted, except React is now Complaining that *The final argument passed to useEffect changed size between renders. The order and size of this array must remain constant. *
Do you know any way to fix this React warning or a different way of running useEffect on context value changing?
Well, didn't want to add code hoping it would be some simple error on my side, but even with some answers I still wasn't able to fix this, so here it is, reduced in hope of simplifying.
Context component:
const NewOrder = createContext({
orderItems: [{
itemId: "",
name: "",
amount: 0,
addOrderItem: (newOItem: OrderItem) => {},
removeOrderItem: (oItemId: string) => {},
removeAllOrderItems: () => {},
export const NewOrderProvider: React.FC = (props) => {
// state
const [orderList, setOrderList] = useState<OrderItem[]>([]);
const context = {
orderItems: orderList,
addOrderItem: addOItemHandler,
removeOrderItem: removeOItemHandler,
removeAllOrderItems: removeAllOItemsHandler,
// handlers
function addOItemHandler(newOItem: OrderItem) {
setOrderList((prevOrderList: OrderItem[]) => {
return prevOrderList;
function removeOItemHandler(oItemId: string) {
setOrderList((prevOrderList: OrderItem[]) => {
const itemToDeleteIndex = prevOrderList.findIndex((item: OrderItem) => item.itemId === oItemId);
prevOrderList.splice(itemToDeleteIndex, 1);
return prevOrderList;
function removeAllOItemsHandler() {
return <NewOrder.Provider value={context}>{props.children}</NewOrder.Provider>;
export default NewOrder;
the component (a modal actually) displaying the data:
const OrderMenu: React.FC<{ isOpen: boolean; hideModal: Function }> = (
) => {
const NewOrderContext = useContext(NewOrder);
useEffect(() => {
if (NewOrderContext.orderItems.length > 0) {
const oItems: JSX.Element[] = [];
NewOrderContext.orderItems.forEach((item) => {
const fullItem = {
amount: item.amount,
more: item.more,
<OItem item={fullItem} editItem={() => editItem(item.itemId)} key={item.itemId} />
} else {
}, [NewOrderContext.orderItems.length, props.isOpen]);
some comments to the code:
it's actually done in Type Script, that involves some extra syntax
-content (and set Content)is a state which is then part of return value so some parts can be set dynamically
-exit is a function closing the modal, also why Open is included
with this .length extension the modal displays changes when i remove an item from the list, however, not when I modify it not changeing the length of the orderItems,but only values of one of the objects inside of it.
as i mentioned before, i found some answers where they say i should set the dependency like this: ...Object.values(<contextVariable>) which technically works, but results in react complaining that *The final argument passed to useEffect changed size between renders. The order and size of this array must remain constant. *
the values displayed change to correct values when i close and reopen the modal, changing props.isOpen indicating that the problem lies in the context dependency
You can start by creating your app context as below, I will be using an example of a shopping cart
import * as React from "react"
const AppContext = React.createContext({
const AppContextProvider = (props) => {
const [cart,setCart] = React.useState([])
const addCartItem = (newItem)=>{
let updatedCart = [...cart];
return <AppContext.Provider value={{
const useAppContext = () => React.useContext(AppContext);
export { AppContextProvider, useAppContext };
Then you consume the app context anywhere in the app as below, whenever the length of the cart changes you be notified in the shopping cart
import * as React from "react";
import { useAppContext } from "../../context/app,context";
const ShoppingCart: React.FC = () => {
const appContext = useAppContext();
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [appContext.cart]);
return <div>{appContext.cart.length}</div>;
export default ShoppingCart;
You can try passing the context variable to useEffect dependency array and inside useEffect body perform a check to see if the value is not null for example.

How to link to a show view from an index using react hooks with firestore data

I am trying to figure out how to define a link to reference that can use a firebase document id to link to a show view for that document. I can render an index. I cannot find a way to define a link to the document.
I've followed this tutorial - which is good to get the CRUD steps other than the show view. I can find other tutorials that do this with class components and the closest I've been able to find using hooks is this incomplete project repo.
I want to try and add a link in the index to show the document in a new view.
I have an index with:
const useBlogs = () => {
const [blogs, setBlogs] = useState([]); //useState() hook, sets initial state to an empty array
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = Firebase
.firestore //access firestore
.collection("blog") //access "blogs" collection
.where("status", "==", true)
.then(function(querySnapshot) {
// .onSnapshot(snapshot => {
//You can "listen" to a document with the onSnapshot() method.
const listBlogs = => ({
//map each document into snapshot
id:, //id and data pushed into blogs array //spread operator merges data to id.
setBlogs(listBlogs); //blogs is equal to listBlogs
// () => unsubscribe();
}, []);
return blogs;
const BlogList = ({ editBlog }) => {
const listBlog = useBlogs();
return (
{ => (
<Card key={} hoverable={true} style={{marginTop: "20px", marginBottom: "20px"}}>
<Title level={4} >{blog.title} </Title>
<Tag color="geekblue" style={{ float: "right"}}>{blog.category} </Tag>
<Link to={`/readblog/${}`}>Read</Link>
<Link to={`/blog/${}`}>Read</Link>
export default BlogList;
Then I have a route defined with:
export const BLOGINDEX = '/blog';
export const BLOGPOST = '/blog/:id';
export const NEWBLOG = '/newblog';
export const EDITBLOG = '/editblog';
export const VIEWBLOG = '/viewblog';
export const READBLOG = '/readblog/:id';
I can't find a tutorial that does this with hooks. Can anyone see how to link from an index to a document that I can show in a different page?
I did find this code sandbox. It looks like it is rendering a clean page in the updateCustomer page and using data from the index to do it - but the example is too clever for me to unpick without an explanation of what's happening (in particular, the updateCustomer file defines a setCustomer variable, by reference to useForm - but there is nothing in useForm with that definition. That variable is used in the key part of the file that tries to identify the data) - so I can't mimic the steps.
I found this blog post which suggests some changes for locating the relevant document.
I implemented these changes and while I can print the correct on the read page, I cannot find a way to access the document properties (eg: blog.title).
import React, { useHook } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';
import Firebase from "../../../firebase";
import BlogList from './View';
function ReadBlogPost() {
let { slug } = useParams()
// ...
return (
export default ReadBlogPost;
I tried to use the slug as the to get the post document as follows:
import React, { useHook, useEffect } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';
import Firebase from "../../../firebase";
import BlogList from './View';
function ReadBlogPost() {
let { slug } = useParams()
// ...
useEffect(() => {
const blog =
blog.get().then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:",;;
} else {
// will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting document:", error);
return (
export default ReadBlogPost;
It returns an error saying blog is not defined. I also tried to return {doc.title} but I get the same error. I can see all the data in the console.
I really can't make sense of coding documentation - I can't figure out the starting point to decipher the instructions so most things I learn are by trial and error but I've run out of places to look for inspiration to try something new.
My next attempt is to try and follow the lead in this tutorial.
function ReadBlogPost(blog) {
let { slug } = useParams()
// ...
useEffect(() => {
const blog =
blog.get().then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:",;
} else {
// will be undefined in this case
console.log("No such document!");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error getting document:", error);
return (
<div><Title level={4} > {blog.title}
export default ReadBlogPost;
When I try this, the only odd thing is that the console.log inside the useEffect method gives all the data accurately, but when I log it form inside the return method, I get a load of gibberish (shown in the picture below).
I found this tutorial, which uses realtime database instead of firestore, but I tried to copy the logic.
My read post page now has:
import React, { useHook, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';
import Firebase from "../../../firebase";
import BlogList from './View';
import { Card, Divider, Form, Icon, Input, Switch, Layout, Tabs, Typography, Tag, Button } from 'antd';
const { Paragraph, Text, Title } = Typography;
const ReadBlogPost = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [currentPost, setCurrentPost] = useState();
let { slug } = useParams()
if (loading && !currentPost) {
.then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
console.log("Document data:",;
if (loading) {
return <h1>Loading...</h1>;
return (
<div><Title level={4} >
export default ReadBlogPost;
Maybe this blog post is old, or maybe it's to do with it using .js where I have .jsx - which I think means I can't use if statements, but I can't get this to work either. The error says:
Line 21:9: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw
an expression no-unused-expressions
It points to the line starting with Firebase.
I got rid of all the loading bits to try and make the data render. That gets rid of the above error message for now. However, I still can't return the values from currentPost.
It's really odd to me that inside the return statement, I cannot output {currentPost.title} - I get an error saying title is undefined, but when I try to output {currentPost} the error message says:
Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys
{caption, category, createdAt, post, status, title}). If you meant to
render a collection of children, use an array instead.
That makes no sense! I'd love to understand why I can log these values before the return statement, and inside the return statement, I can log them on the object but I cannot find how to log them as attributes.
First of all: is your useBlog() hook returning the expected data? If so, all you need to do is define your <Link/> components correctly.
// This will look like /readblog/3. Curly braces mean
// that this prop contains javascript that needs to be
// evaluated, thus allowing you to create dynamic urls.
// Make sure to open in a new window
Edit: If you want to pass the data to the new component you need to set up a store in order to avoid fetching the same resource twice (once when mounting the list and once when mounting the BlogPost itself)
// Define a context
const BlogListContext = React.createContext()
// In a top level component (eg. App.js) define a provider
const App = () => {
const [blogList, setBlogList] = useState([])
return (
<BlogListContext.Provider value={{blogList, setBlogList}}>
// In your BlogList component
const BlogList = ({ editBlog }) => {
const { setBlogList } = useContext(BlogListContext)
const listBlog = useBlogs()
// Update the blog list from the context each time the
// listBlog changes
useEffect(() => {
}, [listBlog])
return (
// your components and links here
// In your ReadBlog component
const ReadBlogComponent = ({ match }) => {
const { blogList } = useContext(BlogListContext)
// Find the blog by the id from params.
const blog = blogList.find(blog => === || {}
return (
// Your JSX
There are other options for passing data as well:
Through url params (not recommended).
Just pass the ID and let the component fetch its own data on mount.
I found an answer that works for each attribute other than the timestamp.
const [currentPost, setCurrentPost] = useState([]);
There is an empty array in the useState() initialised state.
In relation to the timestamps - I've been through this hell so many times with firestore timestamps - most recently here. The solution that worked in December 2019 no longer works. Back to tearing my hair out over that one...

Implement useSelector equivalent for React Context?

There's a bunch of articles out there that show how Redux can be replaced with context and hooks (see this one from Kent Dodds, for instance). The basic idea is to make your global state available through a context instead of putting it inside a Redux store. But there's one big problem with that approach: components that subscribe to the context will be rerendered whenever any change happens to the context, regardless of whether or not your component cares about the part of the state that just changed. For functional components, React-redux solves this problem with the useSelector hook. So my question is: can a hook like useSelector be created that would grab a piece of the context instead of the Redux store, would have the same signature as useSelector, and, just like useSelector, would only cause rerenders to the component when the "selected" part of the context has changed?
(note: this discussion on the React Github page suggests that it can't be done)
No, it's not possible. Any time you put a new context value into a provider, all consumers will re-render, even if they only need part of that context value.
That's specifically one of the reasons why we gave up on using context to propagate state updates in React-Redux v6, and switched back to using direct store subscriptions in v7.
There's a community-written React RFC to add selectors to context, but no indication the React team will actually pursue implementing that RFC at all.
As markerikson answers, it is not possible, but you can work around it without using external dependencies and without falling back to doing manual subscriptions.
As a workaround, you can let the component re-render, but skip the VDOM reconciliation by memoizing the returned React element with useMemo.
function Section(props) {
const partOfState = selectPartOfState(useContext(StateContext))
// Memoize the returned node
return useMemo(() => {
return <div>{partOfState}</div>
}, [partOfState])
This is because internally, when React diffs 2 versions of virtual DOM nodes, if it encountered the exact same reference, it will skip reconciling that node entirely.
I created a toolkit for managing state using ContextAPI. It provides useSelector (with autocomplete) as well as useDispatch.
The library is available here:
It uses:
use-context-selector to avoid unneccesary rerenders.
createSlice from #reduxjs/toolkit to make the state more modular and to avoid boilerplate.
I've created this small package, react-use-context-selector, and it just does the job.
I used the same approach as used in Redux's useSelector. It also comes with type declarations and the return type matches the selector function's return type making it suitable for using in TS project.
function MyComponent() {
// This component will re-render only when the `name` within the context object changes.
const name = useContextSelector(context, value =>;
return <div>{name}</div>;
Here is my take on this problem:
I used the function as child pattern with useMemo to create a generic selector component:
import React, {
} from "react";
export function createStore<TState>(
rootReducer: Reducer<TState, any>,
initialState: TState
) {
const store = createContext({
state: initialState,
dispatch: (() => {}) as Dispatch<any>
const StoreProvider: FC = ({ children }) => {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(rootReducer, initialState);
return (
<store.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>{children}</store.Provider>
const Connect: FC<{
selector: (value: TState) => any;
children: (args: { dispatch: Dispatch<any>; state: any }) => any;
}> = ({ children, selector }) => {
const { state, dispatch } = useContext(store);
const selected = selector(state);
return useMemo(() => children({ state: selected, dispatch }), [
return { StoreProvider, Connect };
Counter component:
import React, { Dispatch } from "react";
interface CounterProps {
name: string;
count: number;
dispatch: Dispatch<any>;
export function Counter({ name, count, dispatch }: CounterProps) {
console.count("rendered Counter " + name);
return (
Counter {name}: {count}
<button onClick={() => dispatch("INCREMENT_" + name)}>+</button>
import React, { Reducer } from "react";
import { Counter } from "./counter";
import { createStore } from "./create-store";
import "./styles.css";
const initial = { counterA: 0, counterB: 0 };
const counterReducer: Reducer<typeof initial, any> = (state, action) => {
switch (action) {
case "INCREMENT_A": {
return { ...state, counterA: state.counterA + 1 };
case "INCREMENT_B": {
return { ...state, counterB: state.counterB + 1 };
default: {
return state;
const { Connect, StoreProvider } = createStore(counterReducer, initial);
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Connect selector={(state) => state.counterA}>
{({ dispatch, state }) => (
<Counter name="A" dispatch={dispatch} count={state} />
<Connect selector={(state) => state.counterB}>
{({ dispatch, state }) => (
<Counter name="B" dispatch={dispatch} count={state} />
Working example: CodePen
Solution with external store (Redux or Zustand like approach) with new hook useSyncExternalStore comes with React 18.
For React 18: Define createStore and useStore functions:
import React, { useCallback } from "react";
import { useSyncExternalStore } from "react";
const createStore = (initialState) => {
let state = initialState;
const getState = () => state;
const listeners = new Set();
const setState = (fn) => {
state = fn(state);
listeners.forEach((l) => l());
const subscribe = (listener) => {
return () => listeners.delete(listener);
return { getState, setState, subscribe };
const useStore = (store, selector) =>
useCallback(() => selector(store.getState()), [store, selector])
Now use it :
const store = createStore({ count: 0, text: "hello" });
const Counter = () => {
const count = useStore(store, (state) => state.count);
const inc = () => {
store.setState((prev) => ({ ...prev, count: prev.count + 1 }));
return (
{count} <button onClick={inc}>+1</button>
For React 17 and any React version that supports hooks:
Option 1: You may use the external library (maintained by React team)
use-sync-external-store/shim :
import { useSyncExternalStore } from "use-sync-external-store/shim";
Option 2: If you don't want to add new library and don't care about concurency problems:
const createStore = (initialState) => {
let state = initialState;
const getState = () => state;
const listeners = new Set();
const setState = (fn) => {
state = fn(state);
listeners.forEach((l) => l());
const subscribe = (listener) => {
return () => listeners.delete(listener);
return {getState, setState, subscribe}
const useStore = (store, selector) => {
const [state, setState] = useState(() => selector(store.getState()));
useEffect(() => {
const callback = () => setState(selector(store.getState()));
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(callback);
return unsubscribe;
}, [store, selector]);
return state;
A conference talk from Daishi Kato from React Conf 2021
A blog post about same conference talk by Chetan Gawai
Simple approach to prevent additional renders with HoC and React.memo:
const withContextProps = (WrappedComponent) => {
const MemoizedComponent = React.memo(WrappedComponent);
return (props) => {
const state = useContext(myContext);
const mySelectedState = state.a.b.c;
return (
mySelectedState={mySelectedState} // inject your state here
I have made a library, react-context-slices, which can solve what you are looking for. The idea is to break the store or state in slices of state, that is, smaller objects, and create a context for each one. That library which I told you does this, exposes a function createSlice which accepts a reducer, initial state, name of the slice, and a function for creating the actions. You create as slices as you want ('todos', 'counter', etc) and integrate them in a unique interface easily, exposing at the end two custom hooks, useValues and useActions, which can 'attack' all the slices (that is, in your client components you do not use useTodosValues but useValues). The key is that useValues accepts a name of the slice, so would be equivalent to the useSelector from redux. The library use immer as redux does. It's a very tiny library which the key point is how is used, which is explained in the readme file. I have also made a post about it. The library exposes only two functions, createSlice and composeProviders.

Make localStorage retain its content on page refresh in React

I am trying to add a favorite page to my application, which basically will list some of the previously inserted data. I want the data to be fetched from localStorage. It essentially works, but when I navigate to another page and come back, the localStorage is empty again. I want the data in localStorage to persist when the application is refreshed.
The data is set to localStorage from here
import React, { useState, createContext, useEffect } from 'react'
export const CombinationContext = createContext();
const CombinationContextProvider = (props) => {
let [combination, setCombination] = useState({
baseLayer: '',
condiment: '',
mixing: '',
seasoning: '',
shell: ''
const saveCombination = (baseLayer, condiment, mixing, seasoning, shell) => {
setCombination(combination = { baseLayer: baseLayer, condiment: condiment, mixing: mixing, seasoning: seasoning, shell: shell });
let [combinationArray, setCombinationArray] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem('combinations', JSON.stringify(combinationArray));
}, [combination]);
return (
<CombinationContext.Provider value={{combination, saveCombination}}>
{ props.children }
export default CombinationContextProvider;
And fetched from here
import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react'
import { NavContext } from '../contexts/NavContext';
const Favorites = () => {
let { toggleNav } = useContext(NavContext);
let [favorites, setFavorites] = useState(localStorage.getItem('combinations'));
return (
<div className="favorites" >
<img className="menu" src={require("../img/tacomenu.png")} onClick={toggleNav} />
<div className="favorites-title">YOUR FAVORITES</div>
<div>{ favorites }</div>
export default Favorites;
There are a few issues with your code. This code block:
useEffect(() => {
localStorage.setItem('combinations', JSON.stringify(combinationArray));
}, [combination]);
Will run any time the dependency array [combination] changes, which includes the first render. The problem with this is combination has all empty values on the first render so it is overwriting your local storage item.
Also, combinationArray.push(combination); is not going to cause a rerender because you are just changing a javascript value so react doesn't know state changed. You should use the updater function react gives you, like this:
setCombinationArray(prevArr => [...prevArr, combination])
You should push to your combinationArray and set the result as the new state value and be careful not to overwrite your old local storage values
