Implement useSelector equivalent for React Context? - reactjs

There's a bunch of articles out there that show how Redux can be replaced with context and hooks (see this one from Kent Dodds, for instance). The basic idea is to make your global state available through a context instead of putting it inside a Redux store. But there's one big problem with that approach: components that subscribe to the context will be rerendered whenever any change happens to the context, regardless of whether or not your component cares about the part of the state that just changed. For functional components, React-redux solves this problem with the useSelector hook. So my question is: can a hook like useSelector be created that would grab a piece of the context instead of the Redux store, would have the same signature as useSelector, and, just like useSelector, would only cause rerenders to the component when the "selected" part of the context has changed?
(note: this discussion on the React Github page suggests that it can't be done)

No, it's not possible. Any time you put a new context value into a provider, all consumers will re-render, even if they only need part of that context value.
That's specifically one of the reasons why we gave up on using context to propagate state updates in React-Redux v6, and switched back to using direct store subscriptions in v7.
There's a community-written React RFC to add selectors to context, but no indication the React team will actually pursue implementing that RFC at all.

As markerikson answers, it is not possible, but you can work around it without using external dependencies and without falling back to doing manual subscriptions.
As a workaround, you can let the component re-render, but skip the VDOM reconciliation by memoizing the returned React element with useMemo.
function Section(props) {
const partOfState = selectPartOfState(useContext(StateContext))
// Memoize the returned node
return useMemo(() => {
return <div>{partOfState}</div>
}, [partOfState])
This is because internally, when React diffs 2 versions of virtual DOM nodes, if it encountered the exact same reference, it will skip reconciling that node entirely.

I created a toolkit for managing state using ContextAPI. It provides useSelector (with autocomplete) as well as useDispatch.
The library is available here:
It uses:
use-context-selector to avoid unneccesary rerenders.
createSlice from #reduxjs/toolkit to make the state more modular and to avoid boilerplate.

I've created this small package, react-use-context-selector, and it just does the job.
I used the same approach as used in Redux's useSelector. It also comes with type declarations and the return type matches the selector function's return type making it suitable for using in TS project.
function MyComponent() {
// This component will re-render only when the `name` within the context object changes.
const name = useContextSelector(context, value =>;
return <div>{name}</div>;

Here is my take on this problem:
I used the function as child pattern with useMemo to create a generic selector component:
import React, {
} from "react";
export function createStore<TState>(
rootReducer: Reducer<TState, any>,
initialState: TState
) {
const store = createContext({
state: initialState,
dispatch: (() => {}) as Dispatch<any>
const StoreProvider: FC = ({ children }) => {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(rootReducer, initialState);
return (
<store.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>{children}</store.Provider>
const Connect: FC<{
selector: (value: TState) => any;
children: (args: { dispatch: Dispatch<any>; state: any }) => any;
}> = ({ children, selector }) => {
const { state, dispatch } = useContext(store);
const selected = selector(state);
return useMemo(() => children({ state: selected, dispatch }), [
return { StoreProvider, Connect };
Counter component:
import React, { Dispatch } from "react";
interface CounterProps {
name: string;
count: number;
dispatch: Dispatch<any>;
export function Counter({ name, count, dispatch }: CounterProps) {
console.count("rendered Counter " + name);
return (
Counter {name}: {count}
<button onClick={() => dispatch("INCREMENT_" + name)}>+</button>
import React, { Reducer } from "react";
import { Counter } from "./counter";
import { createStore } from "./create-store";
import "./styles.css";
const initial = { counterA: 0, counterB: 0 };
const counterReducer: Reducer<typeof initial, any> = (state, action) => {
switch (action) {
case "INCREMENT_A": {
return { ...state, counterA: state.counterA + 1 };
case "INCREMENT_B": {
return { ...state, counterB: state.counterB + 1 };
default: {
return state;
const { Connect, StoreProvider } = createStore(counterReducer, initial);
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Connect selector={(state) => state.counterA}>
{({ dispatch, state }) => (
<Counter name="A" dispatch={dispatch} count={state} />
<Connect selector={(state) => state.counterB}>
{({ dispatch, state }) => (
<Counter name="B" dispatch={dispatch} count={state} />
Working example: CodePen

Solution with external store (Redux or Zustand like approach) with new hook useSyncExternalStore comes with React 18.
For React 18: Define createStore and useStore functions:
import React, { useCallback } from "react";
import { useSyncExternalStore } from "react";
const createStore = (initialState) => {
let state = initialState;
const getState = () => state;
const listeners = new Set();
const setState = (fn) => {
state = fn(state);
listeners.forEach((l) => l());
const subscribe = (listener) => {
return () => listeners.delete(listener);
return { getState, setState, subscribe };
const useStore = (store, selector) =>
useCallback(() => selector(store.getState()), [store, selector])
Now use it :
const store = createStore({ count: 0, text: "hello" });
const Counter = () => {
const count = useStore(store, (state) => state.count);
const inc = () => {
store.setState((prev) => ({ ...prev, count: prev.count + 1 }));
return (
{count} <button onClick={inc}>+1</button>
For React 17 and any React version that supports hooks:
Option 1: You may use the external library (maintained by React team)
use-sync-external-store/shim :
import { useSyncExternalStore } from "use-sync-external-store/shim";
Option 2: If you don't want to add new library and don't care about concurency problems:
const createStore = (initialState) => {
let state = initialState;
const getState = () => state;
const listeners = new Set();
const setState = (fn) => {
state = fn(state);
listeners.forEach((l) => l());
const subscribe = (listener) => {
return () => listeners.delete(listener);
return {getState, setState, subscribe}
const useStore = (store, selector) => {
const [state, setState] = useState(() => selector(store.getState()));
useEffect(() => {
const callback = () => setState(selector(store.getState()));
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(callback);
return unsubscribe;
}, [store, selector]);
return state;
A conference talk from Daishi Kato from React Conf 2021
A blog post about same conference talk by Chetan Gawai

Simple approach to prevent additional renders with HoC and React.memo:
const withContextProps = (WrappedComponent) => {
const MemoizedComponent = React.memo(WrappedComponent);
return (props) => {
const state = useContext(myContext);
const mySelectedState = state.a.b.c;
return (
mySelectedState={mySelectedState} // inject your state here

I have made a library, react-context-slices, which can solve what you are looking for. The idea is to break the store or state in slices of state, that is, smaller objects, and create a context for each one. That library which I told you does this, exposes a function createSlice which accepts a reducer, initial state, name of the slice, and a function for creating the actions. You create as slices as you want ('todos', 'counter', etc) and integrate them in a unique interface easily, exposing at the end two custom hooks, useValues and useActions, which can 'attack' all the slices (that is, in your client components you do not use useTodosValues but useValues). The key is that useValues accepts a name of the slice, so would be equivalent to the useSelector from redux. The library use immer as redux does. It's a very tiny library which the key point is how is used, which is explained in the readme file. I have also made a post about it. The library exposes only two functions, createSlice and composeProviders.


React useReducer bug while updating state array

I haven't been in React for a while and now I am revising. Well I faced error and tried debugging it for about 2hours and couldn't find bug. Well, the main logic of program goes like this:
There is one main context with cart object.
Main property is cart array where I store all products
If I add product with same name (I don't compare it with id's right now because it is small project for revising) it should just sum up old amount of that product with new amount
Well, I did all logic for adding but the problem started when I found out that for some reason when I continue adding products, it linearly doubles it up. I will leave github link here if you want to check full aplication. Also, there I will leave only important components. Maybe there is small mistake which I forget to consider. Also I removed logic for summing up amount of same products because that's not neccesary right now. Pushing into state array is important.
import React, { useEffect, useReducer, useState } from "react";
const CartContext = React.createContext({
cart: [],
totalAmount: 0,
totalPrice: 0,
addToCart: () => {},
setTotalAmount: () => {},
setTotalPrice: () => {},
const cartAction = (state, action) => {
const foodObject = action.value;
const arr = [];
if (action.type === "ADD_TO_CART") {
state.foodArr = [...state.foodArr, ...arr];
return { ...state };
return { ...state };
export const CartContextProvider = (props) => {
const [cartState, setCartState] = useReducer(cartAction, {
foodArr: [],
totalAmount: 0,
totalPrice: 0,
const addToCart = (foodObj) => {
setCartState({ type: "ADD_TO_CART", value: foodObj });
return (
cart: cartState.foodArr,
totalAmount: cartState.totalAmount,
totalPrice: cartState.totalAmount,
addToCart: addToCart,
export default CartContext;
import React, { useContext, useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import CartContext from "../../context/cart-context";
import Button from "../ui/Button";
import style from "./Food.module.css";
const Food = (props) => {
const ctx = useContext(CartContext);
const foodObj = props.value;
const amountInput = useRef();
const onClickHandler = () => {
const obj = {
description: foodObj.description,
price: foodObj.price,
value: +amountInput.current.value,
return (
<div className={style["food"]}>
<div className={style["food__info"]}>
<div className={style["food__form"]}>
<div className={style["food__form-row"]}>
<input type="number" min="0" ref={amountInput} />
<Button type="button" onClick={onClickHandler}>
export default Food;
import style from "./Button.module.css";
const Button = (props) => {
return (
export default Button;
The React.StrictMode component is exposing an unintentional side-effect.
See Detecting Unexpected Side Effects
Strict mode can’t automatically detect side effects for you, but it
can help you spot them by making them a little more deterministic.
This is done by intentionally double-invoking the following functions:
Class component constructor, render, and shouldComponentUpdate methods
Class component static getDerivedStateFromProps method
Function component bodies
State updater functions (the first argument to setState)
Functions passed to useState, useMemo, or useReducer <-- here
The function passed to useReducer is double invoked.
const cartAction = (state, action) => {
const foodObject = action.value;
const arr = [];
if (action.type === "ADD_TO_CART") {
arr.push(foodObject); // <-- mutates arr array, pushes duplicates!
state.foodArr = [...state.foodArr, ...arr]; // <-- duplicates copied
return { ...state };
return { ...state };
Reducer functions are to be considered pure functions, taking the current state and an action and compute the next state. In the sense of pure functionality, the same next state should result from the same current state and action. The solution is only add the new foodObject object once, based on the current state.
Note also for the default "case" just return the current state object. Shallow copying the state without changing any data will unnecessarily trigger rerenders.
I suggest also renaming the reducer function to cartReducer so its purpose is more clear to future readers of your code.
const cartReducer = (state, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
case "ADD_TO_CART":
const foodObject = action.value;
return {
...state, // shallow copy current state into new state object
foodArr: [
...state.foodArr, // shallow copy current food array
foodObject, // append new food object
return state;
useReducer(cartReducer, initialState);
Additional Suggestions
When adding an item to the cart, first check if the cart already contains that item, and if so, shallow copy the cart and the matching item and update the item's value property which appears to be the quantity.
Cart/item totals are generally computed values from existing state. As such these are considered derived state and they don't belong in state, these should computed when rendering. See Identify the minimal (but complete) representation of UI state. They can be memoized in the cart context if necessary.

How Exactly useselector works?

As per Doc
useSelector(selector: Function, equalityFn?: Function)
useSelector accepts two params and second one is optional since by default it compare strict === reference equality check but not shallow equality.
const state = useSelector(state => {
console.log("useSelector rerendering");
return state.counter
}, shallowEqual)
Another is
const state = useSelector(state => {
console.log("useSelector rerendering");
return state.counter
In both Cases component rerendering when redux store state changes and also when local state changes then it will render (print console.log inside useSelector)
I really didn't understand exactly how it works
Full source code
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { shallowEqual, useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { decrement, increment } from './store/actions'
export default function CounterHooks(props) {
const [submit, setSubmit] = useState(false)
const state = useSelector(state => {
console.log("useSelector rerendering");
return state.counter
}, shallowEqual)
const dispatch = useDispatch()
console.log("component rerendering");
const increments = () => {
const decrements = () => {
const submitButton = () => {
console.log("component submit", submit);
setSubmit((previousState) => !previousState)
return (
<button onClick={increments} >Incrmeent Counter</button>
<br />
<button onClick={decrements} >Decrement Counter</button>
<br />
<button onClick={submitButton} >Submit</button>
<br />
<h2>total : {state.count}</h2> <br />
<h2>Submit:{String(submit)}</h2> <br />
MY question is how exactly second param works ?
In your example, it does not make a difference.
shallowEquals makes sense when you select an object that might be similar in contents, but different by reference.
See these two objects:
const a = { foo: "bar" }
const b = { foo: "bar" }
console.log( a === b ) // will log false
console.log( shallowEquals(a, b)) // will log true
While a and b are two objects with similar shape and contents, they are not the same object.
Now shallowEquals does a === comparison between and and since both are strings with the same content, === will be true.
This does play a role if you create a new object in your selector, say
const result = useSelector((state) => {
return { a:, b: }
The result of this will always be a new object, so per default useSelector will always assume they are different, even when and actually did not change.
If you use a shallowEqual, useSelector will look at the direct (only 1 level deep) child properties of the objects and compare those. Then it will notice that they are in fact equal and not rerender.
Consider the below as reducer,
const userSlice = (
{name: "user", initialState: {name: "test", isLoggedIn: true},
reducers: {updateUser(state, action) => (state.isLoggedIn=action.payload["isLoggedIn"])}
If we dispatch an action to reducer with same data like below,
const result = useSelector(state => state.users)
dispatch({isLoggedIn: true})
The above code will not cause the component to re-render, since we the state.users we are referring is same as previous one.
We can make it to re-render with the below changes,
const result = useSelector(state => ({name:, isLoggedIn: state.users.isLoggedIn)
dispatch({isLoggedIn: true})
In the above code, we are returning an object directly so whenever the useSelector runs the returned objects will not be same due to referential equality. This make component to re-render
With useSelector you can also override the default strategy for rendering.
This hook takes an optional equality comparison function as the second parameter that allows you to customize the way the selected state is compared to determine whether the component needs to be re-rendered.*

how to get and send data using reactjs and redux

I have problem when trying to send data through the function action in redux,
my code is below
import React from 'react'
import {connect} from 'react-redux'
import {RetrieveCompany} from '../../folder/action/my.actions'
interface Icampaing{
campaing: my_data
const Personal: React.FC<Icampaing> = ({campaing}, props: nay) => {
let pf_id: any = campaing.profile ? : 0
let pc_id: any = campaing.profile_ca
// TypeError: props.RetrieveCompany is not a function
props.RetrieveCompany(pf_id, pc_id)
{campaing.all_data} // HERE WHEN LOAD DATA campaing WORKING WELL
const mapStateToProps = (state: any) =>({
campaing: state.campaing
const mapActionToProps = {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapActionToProps)(Personal)
please help me, I think forget something.
best words, and happy new year.....!
You should use mapDispatchToProps instead of mapActionToProps
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
RetrieveCompany: () => dispatch(RetrieveCompany())
// Important: this could be just
// RetrieveCompany depends on how you define your action.
// For naming, I would use camelCase
Because what you need to do here is to dispatch an action so that the store will update its state. Then you would read the data returned by mapStateToProps.
I think RetrieveCompany is not among props in deed. Try to spread the rest of the props if you do not want to explicitly name it:
interface Icampaing {
campaing: my_data
[propName: string]: any
const Personal: React.FC<Icampaing> = ({ campaing, ...props }) => {
or simply add it explicitly since you use it in the component anyways:
interface Icampaing {
campaing: my_data
RetrieveCompany: (pf_id: number, pc_id: number) => void
const Personal: React.FC<Icampaing> = ({ campaing, RetrieveCompany }) => {

React Context and useCallback API refresh in child component best practice

I am using the Context API to load categories from an API. This data is needed in many components, so it's suitable to use context for this task.
The categories can be expanded in one of the child components, by using a form. I would like to be able to tell useCategoryLoader to reload once a new category gets submitted by one of the child components. What is the best practice in this scenario? I couldn't really find anything on google with the weird setup that I have.
I tried to use a state in CategoryStore, that holds a boolean refresh State which gets passed as Prop to the callback and can be modified by the child components. But this resulted in a ton of requests.
This is my custom hook useCategoryLoader.ts to load the data:
import { useCallback } from 'react'
import useAsyncLoader from '../useAsyncLoader'
import { Category } from '../types'
interface Props {
date: string
interface Response {
error?: Error
loading?: boolean
categories?: Array<Category>
const useCategoryLoader = (date : Props): Response => {
const { data: categories, error, loading } = useAsyncLoader(
// #ts-ignore
useCallback(() => {
return *APICALL with modified date*.then(data => data)
}, [date])
return {
export default useCategoryLoader
As you can see I am using useCallback to modify the API call when input changes. useAsyncloaderis basically a useEffect API call.
Now this is categoryContext.tsx:
import React, { createContext, FC } from 'react'
import { useCategoryLoader } from '../api'
import { Category } from '../types'
// ================================================================================================
const defaultCategories: Array<Category> = []
export const CategoryContext = createContext({
loading: false,
categories: defaultCategories
// ================================================================================================
const CategoryStore: FC = ({ children }) => {
const { loading, categories } = useCategoryLoader({date})
return (
export default CategoryStore
I'm not sure where the variable date comes from in CategoryStore. I'm assuming that this is an incomplete attempt to force refreshes based on a timestamp? So let's complete it.
We'll add a reload property to the context.
export const CategoryContext = createContext({
loading: false,
categories: defaultCategories,
reload: () => {},
We'll add a state which stores a date timestamp to the CategoryStore and create a reload function which sets the date to the current timestamp, which should cause the loader to refresh its data.
const CategoryStore: FC = ({ children }) => {
const [date, setDate] = useState(;
const { loading = true, categories = [] } = useCategoryLoader({ date });
const reload = useCallback(() => setDate(, []);
return (
I think that should work. The part that I am most iffy about is how to properly memoize a function that depends on

Communication Parent and Child component with useEffect

I have issues with communication between a parent and a child component.
I would like the parent (Host) to hold his own state. I would like the child (Guest) to be passed that state and modify it. The child has his local version of the state which can change however the child wants. However, once the child finishes playing with the state, he passes it up to the parent to actually "Save" the actual state.
How would I correctly implement this?
Issues from my code:
on the updateGlobalData handler, I log both data and newDataFromGuest and they are the same. I would like data to represent the old version of the data, and newDataFromGuest to represent the new
updateGlobalData is being called 2X. I can solve this by removing the updateGlobalData ref from the deps array inside useEffect but I don't want to heck it.
My desired results should be:
the data state should hold the old data until updateGlobalData is called
I want updateGlobalData to be fired only once when I click the button
Code from Codesandbox:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
const Host = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState({ foo: { bar: 1 } });
const updateGlobalData = newDataFromGuest => {
return <Guest data={data} updateGlobalData={updateGlobalData} />;
const Guest = ({ data, updateGlobalData }) => {
const [localData, setLocalData] = useState(data);
const changeLocalData = newBarNumber => { = { bar: newBarNumber };
setLocalData({ ...localData });
useEffect(() => {
}, [localData, updateGlobalData]);
return (
<span>{}</span> <br />
<button onClick={() => changeLocalData(}>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Host />, rootElement);
NOTE: Code solution below
Problem 1:
I want updateGlobalData to be fired only once when I click the button
To solve this issue, I have used a mix between React.createContext and the hook useReducer. The idea is to make the Host dispatcher available through its context. This way, you do not need to send the "updateGlobalData" callback down to the Guest, nor make the useEffect hook to be dependant of it. Thus, useEffect will be triggered only once.
Note though, that useEffect now depends on the host dipatcher and you need to include it on its dependencies. Nevertheless, if you read the first note on useReducer, a dispatcher is stable and will not cause a re-render.
Problem 2:
the data state should hold the old data until updateGlobalData is called
The solution is easy: DO NOT CHANGE STATE DATA DIRECTLY!! Remember that most values in Javascript are passed by reference. If you send data to the Guest and you directly modify it, like here
const changeLocalData = newBarNumber => { = { bar: newBarNumber }; // YOU ARE MODIFYING STATE DIRECTLY!!!
and here
<button onClick={() => changeLocalData(}> // ++ OPERATOR MODIFYES STATE DIRECLTY
they will also be modified in the Host, unless you change that data through the useState hook. I think (not 100% sure) this is because localData in Guest is initialized with the same reference as data coming from Host. So, if you change it DIRECTLY in Guest, it will also be changed in Host. Just add 1 to the value of your local data in order to update the Guest state, without using the ++ operator. Like this: + 1
This is my solution:
import React, { useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
const HostContext = React.createContext(null);
function hostReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case "setState":
console.log("previous Host data value", state);
console.log("new Host data value", action.payload);
return action.payload;
throw new Error();
const Host = () => {
// const [data, setData] = useState({ foo: { bar: 1 } });
// Note: `dispatch` won't change between re-renders
const [data, dispatch] = useReducer(hostReducer, { foo: { bar: 1 } });
// const updateGlobalData = newDataFromGuest => {
// console.log(;
// console.log(;
// setData(newDataFromGuest);
// };
return (
<HostContext.Provider value={dispatch}>
<Guest data={data} /*updateGlobalData={updateGlobalData}*/ />
const Guest = ({ data /*, updateGlobalData*/ }) => {
// If we want to perform an action, we can get dispatch from context.
const hostDispatch = useContext(HostContext);
const [localData, setLocalData] = useState(data);
const changeLocalData = newBarNumber => {
// = { bar: newBarNumber };
// setLocalData({ ...localData });
setLocalData({ foo: { bar: newBarNumber } });
useEffect(() => {
console.log("useEffect", localData);
hostDispatch({ type: "setState", payload: localData });
// updateGlobalData(localData);
}, [localData, hostDispatch /*, updateGlobalData*/]);
return (
<span>{}</span> <br />
<button onClick={() => changeLocalData( + 1)}>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Host />, rootElement);
If you see anything not matching with what you want, please, let me know and I will re-check it.
I hope it helps.
