okta does not validate issuer, coming from sp - saml-2.0

I'm using okta as IDP for saml2 authentification, howver its works well, but I noticed that that octa does not check issuer , im confused about that, he shouldnt accept a request from any source provider, otherwise that will be a big issue


Is SP signing certificate mandatory in setting up trust

I have a basic question on setting up trust between a SP and IDP.
Usually a two way trust is required when we setup an IDP with SP by uploading certificates on either side.
Is signing certificate from SP mandatory to be configured in the IDP side ?
Best Regards,
You only need a signing keypair on the SP side if you send the subject in the AuthnRequest, and your IdP utilizes the information when provided. If your SP isn't sending the subject attribute or your IdP won't consume it, you don't need it.
The defined SAML 2.0 specifications doesn't mandate that the request is signed. <AuthnRequest> Is Issued by Service Provider to Identity Provider
...The <AuthnRequest> message MAY be signed, if authentication of the request issuer is required.
You can check with your Identity Provider documentation, but for example, Microsoft Azure AD does not validate signed requests, and there's no way to upload a request signing certificate.

Okta - OAuthError - Unable to process the username transform. A required property is missing. Missing field email

I am integrating Okta in my React application for SSO. I use the following method to create token using redirect:
I am using https://www.npmjs.com/package/#okta/okta-auth-js package.
Users are directed to the Identity Provider (idp) in order to authenticate and then redirected to Okta once verification is successful.
The SSO works fine but when I keep the React application idle for sometime, I am getting the following error:
OAuthError - Unable to process the username transform. A required property is missing. Missing field email.
It looks like you have configured email as the incoming claim from your IDP but Okta can't find it in the incoming assertion/token.

OKTA Logout SAML App

I have setup an Application that's is using OKTA as IDP. The app is SAML Based.This part is working fine.
But I am unable to log out. For this we have
1. Enabled Single Logout
2. Set the Single Log out URL (I received this from Metadata of IDP under header Identity Provider Single Logout URL)
3.Sp Issues (I received this from Metadata of IDP under header Identity Provider Issuer )
4. Signature Certificate (This is the certificate of IDP)
Now when I call the Logout URL I am receiving 403. On checking the Logs of OKTA I see the (User Single Sign out from App Failure:- Malformed Request)
Can any one please help me how to fix it.
I am assuming that I just need to call the logout URL and the session will kill off. Is my understanding correct?
Reviving a very old thread, check that you have a ?ReturnTo=<path> at the end of the logout URL.
Okta requires strictly post binding requests for logout. Please make sure you are making POST requests for logout and you are using correct entity Id in request.
I think the setting values below need to be set for sp side.
Set the Single Log out URL
Sp Issues
Signature Certificate
It is not on idp side.

How to use SAML authentication in a mobile application?

I'm trying to understand how an saml authentication flow could work in a mobile environment where the client (AngularJS based), api server (Node & passport based), and idp exist on different domains.
From what I've gathered the general practice is to have the server return a 401 to the client if there's no authentication present (i.e. the client didn't include a bearer token in the request). The client understands that a 401 response indicates to open up the login endpoint on the server. When the login endpoint is opened it makes a passport call to the auth provider (which redirects the user to the auth provider's site) and supplies a callback URL. When the user authenticates, the auth provider redirects to the provided callback URL, which allows the server to retrieve information from the auth provider's response and construct a token of some sort (e.g. JWT) that can be used by the client (i.e. included in the headers) when making REST calls to identify itself.
My question is: How does the client get the token from the server? Because we're in a redirect-based authentication flow, I can't just return token from the callback function; that would just display the token in the browser without handing it off of to the client. Does the server just issue a 302 redirect pointing back to the client domain and include the authentication token in a header? Maybe I should not redirect from the client to the server in the first place and instead window.open() and use window.opener.postMessage or is that too old fashioned/mobile-unfriendly?
This question talks about authentication against a SAML IDP, but I'm interested in getting more details specifically about that last bullet point and how it would work with an AngularJS-based client.
Many examples I've seen online are either a single domain using OAuth/SAML (passport-saml-example), which avoids the issue of having the client exist on a separate domain, or use two domains with basic authentication, which avoids the issue of redirecting to some third party for authentication, but I'm having trouble finding good examples that uses all the bits and pieces I'm trying to work with.
This blog post seems very close to what I'm trying to accomplish (see googleSignInCallback) and uses a 302 redirect like I imagined but that solution relies on explicitly knowing the client URL to redirect to, which seems like it could be problematic if I wanted to support multiple client types (i.e. Native applications) in the future.
Eventually I was able to work together a solution by having my application open a browser window (Cordova's InAppBrowser) to a SAML-enabled application, have that application complete the normal SAML flow, and then that SAML-enabled application generated a JWT. My mobile application was then able to extract the JWT string from the browser window with the InAppBrowser's executeScript functionality. Then I could pass that JWT string along to my API server, which was able to validate the JWT is properly signed and trusted.
After I implemented my solution I saw that there was similar functionality available on github:
Hopefully this helps anyone else trying to deal with this issue!

When using Okta as an IdP with SP initiated workflow, login never leaves Okta portal

So I am trying to setup Okta as an identity provider, and I want to login to an application using the Service Provider initiated workflow. I've setup the template SAML 2.0 application in Okta and setup the entry point and SAML certificate on the Service provider. The Service Provider initiates the workflow just fine, a popup opens with the Okta login dialogue. But once the login is complete I am taken into the Okta portal with a list of my apps. What should be happening is a re-direct back to the Service Provider so that it can use the userID to login the user there.
I followed the instruction here for setting up the IdP https://support.okta.com/entries/23364161-Configuring-Okta-Template-SAML-2-0-application
Here is what my config in Okta looks like
Application Label: App Name
Force Authentication: no
Name ID format: EmailAddress
Recipient: https://serviceprovider.com/_saml/validate/okta/
Audience Restriction: https://serviceprovider.com/
authnContextClassRef: Password Protected Transport
Destination: https://serviceprovider.com/_saml/validate/okta/
Response: signed
Assertion: signed
Request: uncompressed
Default Relay State: Leave blank since we are only doing SP initiated workflow
Post Back URL: https://serviceprovider.com/_saml/validate/okta/
Attribute Statements: none
Group Name: leave blank
Group filter: leave blank
I don't see any errors in the Okta portal or in the Okta administration panel, so I can't figure out why it is not completing the workflow and re-directing back to the SP.
Is there a place in Okta to see any errors that might be getting thrown by the process?
Anyone know what might be up?
I had a similar problem a while back. In my case, the "Rquest" was set to "compressed". changing it to "uncompressed" solved the issue. But in your case I see it is already "uncompressed"...
However, try to contact OKTA's support - they can help you out.
The answer is different depending on the type of SAML HTTP BINDING used for the SAML Authentication Request.
For HTTP Redirect Bindings you need to set the Okta Request to "compressed".
For HTTP POST Bindings you need to set the Okta Request to "uncompressed".
