Microsoft Graph API search function doesn't work as expected - azure-active-directory

I am trying to do a basic search for displayName of my organization using the Microsoft Graph API.
The problem is, the search function doesn't work as expected. Based on my tests the search function doesn't actually do fuzzy searching properly, the logic is obviously based on startsWith and endsWith and not contains. For my needs this doesn't suffice because my organization's displayName contains both Korean name and English name. For example :
A user with displayName : 이선빈(Annie Lee)$search="displayName:이선" returns the correct result.$search="displayName:Annie" returns no result.$search="displayName:Lee" returns no result$search="displayName:Lee)" returns the correct result
What was the point of updating the API with the search function if actual fuzzy searching wasn't supported? $filter using startsWith and endsWith operator has been supported since the beginning, but the reason why people wanted the $search function was to be able to actually query for displayName properly using a contains function. It seems Microsoft essentially "added" a search function when functionally it's basically the $filter with startsWith and endsWith query.
Am I missing something with the API? Is there a possible workaround in my case?

Thanks for the clarification in your last comment.
You can solve the issue by taking advantage of $search behavior for non-tokenized properties: it will default to startsWith operator.
Your final query should look like this:
/users?$search="displayName:<INPUT>" OR "givenName:<INPUT>" OR "surname:<INPUT>"
Let me know if this works for you.


How to query solr field for a substring

My use case:
I have a single-valued field called cqpath. This is a textfield and has a values that look something like the following:
I wanted to form a query that would return me 1. and 2. I'd been trying along the lines of writing:
cqpath: "/content/domain/en"
which has been discovered to be erroneous, since it retrieves items 3. and 4. as well. Could any of you think of a way to write a query that returns only 1. and 2. and not 3. and 4.?
This is a normal textfield field-type. Really do appreciate your help.
Starting from Solr 4.0 you can use a regex query. You can find some useful examples here.
In your case, you can get the results that you're looking for using something like:
It looks like you are trying to match partial paths here with boundaries on path elements (slashes). The usual generic solution is to tokenize during index to generate all alternative completions and not tokenize during query. So, the field type declaration is not symmetric. There are examples of that in Solr distribution. And you would look at using something like (index-time only) EdgeNGramFilterFactory instead of much more expensive regex matching.
For your specific case, you may want to look at testPathHierarchyTokenizer which does that for you automatically.
And if your content were more like full URLs than just path, you could also be interested by a custom update request processor chain that includes URLClassify URP. It is not very documented, but mentions generating url parts, which is what I think you would want.

Adding raw query parameters via Criteria API

I could not find an answer to this. I found the previous similar question unanswered. I'd like to use Spring data solr for queries. But #Query is insufficient for my needs. As I understood, whatever you give here becomes a q parameter to `select' handler of solr.
In my case I need to add more parameters for example sfield for a spatial search. If #Query wont cut it, I am ready to write a custom repository implementation by autowiring SolrTemplate, But then the Criteria API does not seem to let me add a raw query parameter either.
Any help/points will be greatly appreciated.
I worked around it by creating a QueryParser decorator that adds the required parameters to a parsed solr query. The QueryParser was registered using solrTemplate.registerQueryParser().
Note however that I had to do a really nasty hack to get this working, since all queries that are sent to solrTemplate.queryForPage are wrapped by a static package protected inner class in QueryBase. So my registration code above had to be in a package

GAE Full Text Search: can only match exact word? how to search like contains(...)?

Just tried GAE(1.7.7 Java) Full Text Search and found if the search string is work, surprisingly it will not match working, worked, or hardworking, homework, I'd like to know if i miss something in the API, i read the tutorial but did not found any document about this except plural match.
P.S. I tried unit test for search service, not in working environment.
Tucked away in the docs (but unfortunately not in the table of operators), there is a '~' operator
To search for plural variants of an exact query, use the ~ operator:
~"car" # searches for "car" and "cars"
Not sure how far that will get you. Unfortunately thats about it.
There is so little documentation on this,but just having tried it, it just works on plurals.
One approach would be to do your own stemming on the words in the document, (though you wouldn't return that as the text ;-) Then you could perform stemming on your search term and be able to match worked, working etc..
This is a late answer, but to follow up the previous answer, what you want to do is not possible with the basic API functions. The search API works on full-text searching principles. To get around this you can tokenise your searchable data pre-index and store this in a field with the relevant document.
See: Partial matching GAE search API

Stemming with GAE Full Text Search

In the new GAE API for Full Text Search, I can't find any option to activate stemming. I have tried to search for singular/plural words in my application, and indeed searching for "document" does not return the same result set as searching for "documents". Same goes for accentuated characters, searching for "vehicule" or "véhicule" does not return the same result set.
Is there an option somewhere, either in the API or in the query language syntax, that I can use to activate stemming ? Or do I have to build my own stemming by pre-processing the query and translate for example "document" into "(document OR documents)" ?
In this other SO question they discuss the same. You should use the now documented ~ operator
you should assume charset type.

Solr configuration

I'm very new with Solr,
And I really want a step by step to have my Solr search result like the google one.
To give you an idea, when you search 'PHP' in , the word 'php' shows up in bold .. This is the same result I want to have.
Showing only a parser even if the pdf is a very huge one.
You can use highlighting to show a matching snippet in the results.
By default, it will wrap matching words with <em> tags, but you can change this by setting the hl.simple.pre/ parameters.
You may be looking at the wrong part of the returned data. Try looking at the 'highlighting' component of the returned data structure (i.e. don't look at the response docs). This should give you the snippets you want.
