Unable to install SQL Server (setup.exe) - sql-server

I used SQL Server 2019 express version on my laptop butI uninstalled. Now I am trying to install SQL Server 2019 Developer edition but I get an error:
Exit code (Decimal): -2068119551 Exit message: Cannot find registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\150\ConfigurationState'.
Error description: Invalid command line argument. Consult the windows installer SDK for detailed command line help.
Environment: Dell/Inspiron/Windows 10 Home/16gb ram/256 SSD / 1TB HDD /Corei7
Can anyone help me how to solve the problem? Thanks
PS: attaching screenshot for kind reference

You can try below options, based on the reference article
Run the setup.exe again, repair the installation.
Run the Setup.exe as administrator
See whether you have clearly uninstalled the previous SQL Server setup and try again.
Did you modify the registry setting earlier. If so, please revert the changes and try the installation. Eg., changing the default installation to D:, instead of C: etc.

I fed up the below problem
Unable to install SQL Server (setup.exe).
Exit code (Decimal): -2068119551 Exit message: Cannot find registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\150\ConfigurationState'. Error description: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
I fixed the above problem
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DR-2033 answered • Dec 21 2021 at 4:03 AM | EricK-0825 commented • Mar 21 2022 at 3:20 AM
Unable to install SQL Server (setup.exe)


MSSQL Insatalation error - perflib 2.0 counter removal failed with exit code 2

I am trying to install SQL2019 Server.
comming This Error. cant Installation
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Setup
The following error has occurred:
PerfLib 2.0 counter removal failed with exit code 2. Command line:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\unlodctr.exe /m:hkengperfctr.xml from directory
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Shared.
• There is incomplete uninstallation of SQL server and we are not able to install in SQL server in your PC due to below errors.
• Database Engine services Failed
• PerfLib 2.0 counter removal failed with exit code 2.
• The MOF compiler could not connect with the WMI server.
• Below is troubleshooter link and search window
• Here, you have to download the troubleshooter in your PC
• After download, you have to run the file and you will get below window & click Next
• Choose based on issue, its related to Installation or Uninstallation
• Choose one by one all relevant SQL Server content and uninstall, it will repeat each time for one item. Once you have done with all SQL server content, then only uninstall successful. Now you have good to install and without any issue.

Trying to install SQL Server 2012 on win 7. Its a 64-bit machine. I get the following error

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Setup
The following error has occurred:
An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC80.ATL, version="8.0.50727.6229", publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b", processorArchitecture="x86",type="win32"'.
Please refer to Help and Support for more information.
HRESULT: 0x80070422.
The problem was with Windows update.The "Windows Module installer" service was disabled once i enabled it and cleared up all the updates in C:\Windows\software distribution folder, it started updating and when i install the sqlserver-2012 i dint get that error anymore.
This is where i found about the service.

Fail on install sql 2017

I tried to install SQL server 2017 on my win 10 desk and got this error:
KB2919355 Check Failed. If you have installed KB2919355, please make
sure you have restarted your machine. For more information, you can
visit https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2919355/
I searched and all solution I founded is download and install update kb2919355, but it for win 8 or server 2012 not for WIN 10. So what I should try?
Step 1: Install patch KB2919442
Step 1: Install patch KB2919355.
Note that KB2919355 is not a single patch but a package of KBs which, as provided in Microsoft’s instructions, need to be installed in the following order:
– clearcompressionflag.exe
– KB2919355
– KB2932046
– KB2959977
– KB2937592
– KB2938439
– KB2934018
install all this and restart will be done!

SQL Server 2016 Service pack 1 not updating version after installation

I have installed SQL Server 2016 in my Windows Server 2016 machine successfully. I am trying to install service pack 1 for the server and I downloaded the file from this link https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54276
But when I check the current version from registry in the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.INSTANCE_NAME\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion it is still showing 13.0.1601.5 instead of 13.0.4001.0.
I am installing in Command prompt using the command SQLServer2016SP1-KB3182545-x64-ENU.exe /QUIETSIMPLE /INSTANCENAME=INSTANCE_NAME /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS.
The summary.txt file after the update is showing me the following message.
Final result: The patch installer has failed to update the shared features. To determine the reason for failure, review the log files.
Exit code (Decimal): -2068643838
Start time: 2018-04-12 11:33:15
End time: 2018-04-12 11:34:06
I could not find and specific log in the Log file Viewer for the time specified in the summary.txt file.

Error Running SSIS Package from Command Line

Ultimately, I'm trying to schedule SSIS packages to run on a regular basis using Task Scheduler in an Azure VM (Windows Server 2016 Datacenter). From the command line on my development machine (Windows 10), I'm able to run...
dtexec.exe /Project "pathToMy.ispac" /Package "pathToMy.dtsx"
...and it works as expected. However, when I try to do the same from the Azure VM I get the following error:
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 11.0.6020.0
for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Started: 2:17:46 PM Could not load package
"MyPackage.dtsx" because of error 0x80131500.
Description: The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008 "Error
loading from XML. No further detailed error information can be
specified for this problem because no Events object was passed where
detailed error information can be stored.". This occurs when
CPackage::LoadFromXML fails. Source: MyPackage
Started: 2:17:46 PM Finished: 2:17:47 PM Elapsed: 0.547 seconds
On both machines, I have the same version of SQL Server 2016 Developer (w/ SSIS) and Visual Studio 2015 installed. Also, I'm able to run the package fine on the VM from within Visual Studio. It's only from dtexec.exe that I have issues.
I've tried every solution on here from other posts getting similar errors and none have helped. Any ideas?
Thanks to #Nick.McDermaid, the answer to this riddle has been found. By running dtexec.exe (with no parameters) on the dev machine and on the VM, I was able to see that the VM version was v11 and the dev version was v13 which explained why I was getting the error and why one worked and another didn't.
I then did a File Explorer search on the VM for dtexec.exe copies and found several. Apparently, the environment path was set to find the older version. I probably could have found the variable causing this problem and changed it. However, out of concern about breaking something else and wanting a quick solution, I chose to execute using the full path to the correct version. For v13, this ended up being...
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Binn\dtexec.exe"
So, for my schedule task I set the following properties for my "Start a program" action.
Program/Script: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Binn\dtexec.exe"
Add Arguments: /Project "bin/Development/myProject.ispac" /Package "myPackage.dtsx"
Start in: c:{path to my .dtsx file}
