Fail on install sql 2017 - sql-server

I tried to install SQL server 2017 on my win 10 desk and got this error:
KB2919355 Check Failed. If you have installed KB2919355, please make
sure you have restarted your machine. For more information, you can
I searched and all solution I founded is download and install update kb2919355, but it for win 8 or server 2012 not for WIN 10. So what I should try?

Step 1: Install patch KB2919442
Step 1: Install patch KB2919355.
Note that KB2919355 is not a single patch but a package of KBs which, as provided in Microsoft’s instructions, need to be installed in the following order:
– clearcompressionflag.exe
– KB2919355
– KB2932046
– KB2959977
– KB2937592
– KB2938439
– KB2934018
install all this and restart will be done!


Unable to install SQL Server (setup.exe)

I used SQL Server 2019 express version on my laptop butI uninstalled. Now I am trying to install SQL Server 2019 Developer edition but I get an error:
Exit code (Decimal): -2068119551 Exit message: Cannot find registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\150\ConfigurationState'.
Error description: Invalid command line argument. Consult the windows installer SDK for detailed command line help.
Environment: Dell/Inspiron/Windows 10 Home/16gb ram/256 SSD / 1TB HDD /Corei7
Can anyone help me how to solve the problem? Thanks
PS: attaching screenshot for kind reference
You can try below options, based on the reference article
Run the setup.exe again, repair the installation.
Run the Setup.exe as administrator
See whether you have clearly uninstalled the previous SQL Server setup and try again.
Did you modify the registry setting earlier. If so, please revert the changes and try the installation. Eg., changing the default installation to D:, instead of C: etc.
I fed up the below problem
Unable to install SQL Server (setup.exe).
Exit code (Decimal): -2068119551 Exit message: Cannot find registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\150\ConfigurationState'. Error description: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
I fixed the above problem
DR-2033 avatar image
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DR-2033 answered • Dec 21 2021 at 4:03 AM | EricK-0825 commented • Mar 21 2022 at 3:20 AM
Unable to install SQL Server (setup.exe)

Nothing provides python needed by mssql-server-is

I'm trying to install SQL Server Integration Services on RHEL 8. I have SQL Server 2019 (version v15) installed and running successfully, but when I try and follow this:
The RHEL 8 repo doesn't have the mssql-server-is package in it, and using the RHEL 7 repo throws this error:
Error: Problem: conflicting requests
- nothing provides python needed by mssql-server-is-15.0.2000.5-4.x86_64 (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
I have both Python2 and Python 3 installed, and when I run this:
alternatives --config python
I see that /usr/bin/python2 is selected
Any ideas how I can get SSIS installed for RHEL 8 and SQL Server 2019?
I could install it by downloading the rpm and then installing it using --nodeps option as below:
sudo yum download mssql-server-is
sudo rpm -Uvh --nodeps mssql-server-is*rpm
Worked pretty smooth for me.

install not complete mongodb on windows 7 64 bit

when install mongo database on windows 7
is not complete instillation
image of the problem
how to solve this problem
I too have the same issue while installing mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.6.3-signed.msi
Follow the below steps to resolve the problem
Run the installer with a double-click.
Click next.
Accept the License Agreement.
Select the Complete installation type and click Install
Uncheck the Install Compass option (by default this checked and Compass requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5 or later)
With in a minute time installation will get complete and you can see the exe files under C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin
You can follow the url for installing Compass (The GUI for MongoDB) later.

PostgreSQL 9.3 Uninstall error - Windows 2012

I am trying to uninstall PostgreSQL 9.3 from a Windows 2012 server using the uninstall-postgresql.exe. During the uninstall, I get an error:
The uninstall-postgresql.dat file cannot be found and is required to uninstall the application, aborting. Uninstallation did not complete successfully
The uninstall-postgresql.dat exists. Not sure if its corrupt or something.
Is there anyway to get rid of this error message and still use the uninstall-postgresql.exe to uninstall the DB from the Windows system?

Microsoft's Node.JS driver does not work

I tried following this but with no luck.
Every time I try to build it, it fails.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why does it fail to build. I am also using the latest version of Node if that helps.
Thanks for your question. Just to clarify you are using the msnodesql driver right?
One of the reasons that you might not be able to build is because you are using the latest node version.
The Microsoft Node.js driver is not forward compatible. The next version is in the pipeline. In the meanwhile you will have to downgrade your node.js version to 0.8.9.
Additionally there are a few other requirements. Follow these steps and you should be good.
Node.js – Version 0.8.9 (32 bit version). Make sure you download the x86 version and not the x64 version. You might have to uninstall your current version and re-install this version to ensure compatibility.
Python 2.7.6.
Visual C++ 2010 - the Express edition is freely available from Microsoft.
SQL Server Native Client 11.0 - available as Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client found in the SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack.
Then just enter these in your node.js command prompt
1. npm install msnodesql
2. npm install -g node-gyp
3. node-gyp configure
4. node-gyp build
You should now see a build folder inside msnodel.
Navigate to build > release. Copy the sqlserver.node file and paste it in the msnodesql > lib folder. Replace the old file if needed.
Now you can follow the rest of the instructions on the blog you mentioned which will help you with connection string and connecting to your db. Let me know if you are still stuck.
