Discord.js V.13 collect once with Collector - discord

I'm making a suggest system for my bot which starts of with the user pressing a button in a channel which then prompts them to say what they want to suggest and then their suggestion gets sent to a different channel where others can vote on it. So what I want to make it do is I want it to create a createMessageComponentCollector and then register all the good/bad votes under a a period of 24h, if the suggestion got 10 good votes it's approved, otherwise it's not. Here is my code for it so far but what I'm having issue with is to start the ComponentCollector one time and then make it register the votes for each suggestion. this is the part of my code that I'm having trouble with
client.channels.cache.get("909420357285474334").send({ embeds:[embed], components:[row] })
const filter1 = m => m.customId === "Yes" && i.messageId === interaction.messageId
collector1 = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({filter: filter1, time: 86400000});
const filter2 = m => m.customId === "No" && i.messageId === interaction.messageId
collector2 = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({filter: filter2, time: 86400000});
if (interaction.customId === "Yes") {
collector1.on('collect', async i => {
client.logger("collector1 collected")
collector1.on('end', collected => {
// if (collected.size < 10) {
// }
if (interaction.customId === "No") {
collector2.on('collect', async i => {
client.logger("collector2 collected")
collector2.on('end', collected => {
// if (collected.size < 10) {
// }

your question is a little bit unclear but I think I get what your looking for, if you want to check if a user already has pressed a button you could add them to a Set() constructor, now you need to set a new Set() which you can define in your startup file like this:
client.alreadyPressed = new Set()
and when you've done that one possible way to do it in your suggestion code could be like this:
collector1.on('collect', async i => {
client.logger("collector1 collected")
if (client.alreadyPressed.has(interaction.user.id)) {
i.reply({ content: `You've already voted ${i.user.username}!`, ephemeral: true })
} else {
i.reply({ content: `Thank you for your vote ${i.user.username}!`, ephemeral: true });
collector1.on('end', collected => {
// if (collected.size < 10) {
// }
collector2.on('collect', async i => {
client.logger("collector2 collected")
if (client.alreadyPressed.has(interaction.user.id)) {
i.reply({ content: `You've already voted ${i.user.username}!`, ephemeral: true })
} else {
i.reply({ content: `Thank you for your vote ${i.user.username}!`, ephemeral: true });
collector2.on('end', collected => {
// if (collected.size < 10) {
// }
one problem with this is that they only can vote once in the whole channel which im not sure if that's what you wanted


how do i make sure that only one reaction can be added to a message?

I am creating a role reaction bot and I want that if a member has already clicked on a reaction and clicks another it removes the previous one and the role associated with it and gives him the role that corresponds to the last one clicked (there are 15 reactions available) , I was writing code similar to this:
let msg = reaction.message;
let msgGuild = msg.guild;
let userGuild = msgGuild.members.cache.get(user.id);
let userRole = userGuild.roles;
if(reaction.message.channel.id === "764148072498200589") {
if(reaction.emoji.name === "RedRoleID") {
if(userRole.cache.has("BaseRoleID")) {
} else if(userRole.cache.has("OrangeRoleID")) {
is there an easier and shorter way to do what I want without creating an else if for each role?
I think you could probably make an array of all the emoji names, then use Array.prototype.forEach to check all of them.
let { emoji, message, message: { guild, channel }} = reaction;
let { roles } = guild.member(user.id);
const emojis = ['BaseRoleID', 'RedRoleID', 'OrangeRoleID', 'etc'];
if (channel.id === '764148072498200589') {
emojis.forEach((id) => (roles.cache.has(id) ? roles.remove(id) : id));
Edit: My mistake, I thought you had named the emojis as the corresponding role IDs. Here's an alternate method if you do not want to do that:
let { emoji, message, message: { guild, channel }} = reaction;
let { roles } = guild.member(user.id);
const emojis = [
{ emote: 'EmojiID', role: 'RoleID' },
'continue this pattern for all roles and emotes'
if (channel.id === '764148072498200589') {
emojis.forEach(({ emote, role }) => {
if (roles.cache.has(role))
return roles.remove(role)
if (emoji.id === emote) roles.add(role)

Discord await messages timing out | Discord V12

I am stuck on a problem. When "Player 2" (player[1]) types !yes in the channel then reason it times out. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. player[1] is defined as msg.mentions.members.first();
let answer = true;
if (players[1].user.bot) {
} else {
answer = await msg.channel.awaitMessages((msg) => {
console.log(msg.author.id === players[1].id && msg.content === `!yes`) // returns true
if (msg.author.id === players[1].id && msg.content === `!yes`) {
console.log("Player has accepted") // The console does print "Player has accepted"
return true;
return false;
}, {maxMatches: 1, time: 30000, errors: ['time']})
.catch(() => {
console.log("Timed out!") // The console does print "Timed Out as well"
return false;
// if user refuses to play
if (!answer) {
return channel.send(`${players[1]} preferred to run away.`);
You have incorrect syntax for awaitMessages() - the first argument should be a CollectorFilter (see here), not a callback.
Consider using createMessageCollector() instead. It reads much more nicely than awaitMessages() and makes more sense than forcing async/await into a collector. Should look something like this:
const filter = m => (m.author.id===players[1].id && m.content==="!yes");
const collector = msg.channel.createMessageCollector(filter, {max: 1, time: 30000});
collector.on("collect", (m) => {
// Player has accepted... do whatever
collector.on("end", (reason) => {
if(reason === "time") {
// Ran out of time

Unsubscribe from timer in rxjs

Hi I have a timer running which is like it should show a component for 30sec after every 10 seconds. My code is like this`
import { timer } from "rxjs";
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, nextState) {
console.log("RECEIVED PROPS");
if (this.props.venuesBonusOfferDuration === 0) {
// if (this.state.isMounted) {
if (
nextProps.showBonusObj &&
(!nextProps.exitVenue.exitVenueSuccess || nextProps.enterVenues)
) {
// console.log("isMounted" + this.state.isMounted);
//if (this.state.isMounted) {
let milliseconds = nextProps.venuesBonusOfferDuration * 1000;
this.source = timer(milliseconds);
this.firstTimerSubscription = this.source.subscribe(val => {
console.log("hiding bonus offer");
this.secondTimerSubscription = bonusApiTimer.subscribe(val => {
console.log("caling timer" + val);
} else {
try {
if (this.secondTimerSubscription != undefined) {
console.log("secondTimer UNSUBSCRIBED");
if (this.firstTimerSubscription != undefined) {
console.log("firstTimer UNSUBSCRIBED");
} catch (error) {
"error when removing bonusoffer timer" + JSON.stringify(error)
Problem is if I try to unsubscribe this * this.firstTimerSubscription* and this.secondTimerSubscription like this
try {
if (this.secondTimerSubscription != undefined) {
console.log("secondTimerunmount UNSUBSCRIBED");
if (this.firstTimerSubscription != undefined) {
console.log("firstTimerunmount UNSUBSCRIBED");
} catch (error) {
console.log("error bonusoffer timer" + JSON.stringify(error));
its still prints logs within timer like "hiding bonus offer" and "calling timer".
Can someone please point out the issue. It been a day since am into this.
Any help is appreciated.
The problem is that you subscribe multiple times (whenever component receives props) and reassign newest subscription to firstTimerSubscription or secondTimerSubscription references. But doing that, subscriptions does not magically vanish. To see how it works here is a demo:
const source = timer(1000, 1000);
let subscribe;
subscribe = source.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
subscribe = source.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
Even though you unsubscribed, the first subscription keeps emiting. And the problem is that you lost a reference to it, so you can't unsubscribe now.
Easy fix could be to check whether you already subscribed and unsubscribe if so, before subscribing:
this.firstTimerSubscription ? this.firstTimerSubscription.unsubscribe: false;
this.firstTimerSubscription = this.source.subscribe(...
I wouldn't use a second timer. Just do a interval of 10 seconds. The interval emits the iteration number 1, 2, 3..... You can use the modulo operator on that tick. Following example code (for example with 1 second interval) prints true and false in console. After true it needs 3 seconds to show false. After false it needs 1 second to show true.
map(tick => tick % 4 !== 0),
).subscribe(x => console.log(x));

How to iterate through an enmap?

I'm trying to iterate through an enmap for my discord.js bot, I've managed to set and get values from a single entry but I'm trying to set up a command that adds people to a newsletter like DM about minor major updates.
if (args[0] === 'minor') {
if (devlog.updates === 'minor') return message.channel.send('You are already recieving minor updates.').then(m => m.delete(5000))
await client.devlog.set(userID, "yes", 'subscribed');
await client.devlog.set(userID, "minor", 'updates');
return message.channel.send('You will now recieve minor and major updates.').then(m => m.delete(5000))
if (args[0] === 'major') {
if (devlog.updates === 'major') return message.channel.send('You are already recieving major updates.').then(m => m.delete(5000))
await client.devlog.set(userID, "yes", 'subscribed');
await client.devlog.set(userID, "major", 'updates');
return message.channel.send('You will now recieve only major updates.').then(m => m.delete(5000))
if (!args[0]) {
if (devlog.subscribed === 'yes') {
await client.devlog.set(userID, "no", 'subscribed');
await client.devlog.set(userID, "none", 'updates');
return message.channel.send('You will stop recieving updates about RoboTurtle all together').then(m => m.delete(5000))
if (devlog.subscribed === 'no') {
return message.channel.send(`Please choose wether you\'d like to recieve minor or major updates! (minor has both) **devlog minor/major**`).then(m => m.delete(10000))
It kind of works but it won't trigger the message if they already are subscribed to the same type of update and if they do just !devlog it's meant to either set them to not receive updates if they already are, or tell them to choose between the two if they aren't, however it just sends the last message either way.
I tried setting up my enmap iteration for DMing all subscribed people with a for...of function based off the .map related docs (since they're meant to be just "fancier" maps) but to no avail, since they don't really show discord style use cases.
if (args[0] === 'minor') {
for (let entry of client.devlog) {
if (entry.updates === 'minor') {
let user = client.users.get(entry)
user.send(`**[Minor Update]\n${args.slice(1)}`)
if (args[0] === 'major') {
for (let entry of client.devlog) {
if (entry.subscribed === 'yes') {
let user = client.users.get(entry)
user.send(`**[Major Update!]\n${args.slice(1)}`)
In case anyone wanted to look at the full code to get a better idea of what Im trying to do here ya go: https://pastebin.com/bCML6EQ5
Since they are just an extension of the normal Map class, I would iterate through them with Map.forEach():
let yourEnmap = new Enmap();
yourEnmap.set('user_id', 'your_values');
yourEnmap.forEach((value, key, map) => {
In your case it would be something like:
client.devlog.forEach((values, user_id) => {
// you can check your subscription here, the use the user_id to send the DM
client.users.get(user_id).send("Your message.");

How can I change a data parameter in Angular 2?

I have a problem changing a data parameter in my component file:
this.commandList.ListesCommandesATransmettre.forEach(data => {
this.catalogs.forEach(catalog => {
if (catalog.Libelle === data.Catalogue) {
if (catalog.selected === false) {
data.isSelected = false;
This code displays:
But the value of isSelected in console.log(data) is still true. So, why is the result false?
Try this if it's a loop problem with the callback
for (let data of this.commandList.ListesCommandesATransmettre) {
for (let catalog of this.catalogs) {
if (catalog.Libelle === data.Catalogue) {
if (catalog.selected === false) {
data.isSelected = false;
I cant understand logic of your code. What happen if this.catalogs has many catalogs that meet the condition? isSelected will be setted many times in false.
Maybe this works (if I understand your logic):
this.commandList.ListesCommandesATransmettre = this.commandList.ListesCommandesATransmettre.map(data => {
const mutateData = Object.assign({}, data);
// If condition math, then isSelected set in false. Else, isSelected keep the his value
mutateData.isSelected =
this.catalogs.some(catalog => catalog.Libelle === data.Catalogue && !catalog.selected) ? false : mutateData.isSelected;
return mutateData;
Try this code to test if it is updating correctly. the loop will tell which are true/false and you can see if that is the case in the updated data.
this.commandList.ListesCommandesATransmettre.forEach((data, index) => {
this.catalogs.forEach(catalog => {
if (catalog.Libelle === data.Catalogue) {
if (catalog.selected === false) {
data.isSelected = false;
console.log(index + 'is selected: ' + data.isSelected)
Something I have noticed is that web browsers will only keep the the 'most current' reference of an object in memory. So after a loop has ended, the 'most current' reference is the last one to fire. So you may be looking at your last object and not the one you are trying to test. If someone else knows more, or has a reference to what is actually happening, please edit this post.
