Error: Could not find or load main class org.arl.unet.UnetBoot in 2 Nodes communication - unetstack

I am a beginner and trying to use Unetstack on Windows 10 to make 2 nodes communication but I get this error in the cmd
Error: Could not find or load main class org.arl.unet.UnetBoot
Can anyone help, please?


Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"a[href*='']"}

I am trying to recreate a script done in my online class thru Udemy. There are 2 findElement commands and it appears to run the first one but i get the above error message when it looks for it. the code is exactly the same in the video but his runs to completion and mine gets the error message. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thank You!

Locating kernel properties in Linux via C driver

so I'm doing research for my thesis but I've run into an issue. I'm using a driver my mentor has given me to analyze memory and extract features from a running process. The driver is written in C and I'm running it in Ubuntu 16.04 and the error I'm having is when I compile. My current kernel version is 4.10.0-42-generic.
The following are the three lines are giving an error because they are not found.
For the first, the error starts on tickets I think. For the second shared_vm isn't found and for the last tickets is also where the error begins. My understanding is that the properties are no found.
I've been going through the kernel source files via in the hopes of locating these properties but if anyone knows where they are or can help me locate them that would be very helpful. I'm new to all this so again any help is really appreciated.
Edit: The specific errors are: has no member named 'tickets', has no member named shared_vm, and has no member named 'tickets' for each respective line of code. Unfortunately I can't share any more code due to my professors request. Screenshot of when I try to 'make'

Unable to start Zookeeper on windows

Hello I am trying to use SolrCloud on different machine. for that I have refereed these documents: here & here
But I am facing an issue: Could not find or load main class org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain in windows
Here is a screenshot:
Can you please help how to Start Zookeeper server on windows.
Please note I have tried to run with command zkServer as well without start word.
Make sure you have zookeeper-3...jar in your classpath.
Its generally placed in zookeeper/dist-maven/
You can add up that location too in ur zkServer.cmd

How to generate client library

I am trying to generate java client library for my existing web application, but each time a select "generate cloud endpoint client library" the eclipse shows progress dialog and freezes.
Is there a command line tool (something like bin/ that can be used to generate client library?
thanks in advance.
Thanks Dan, I managed to generate client library by using this command:
$SDK/ get-client-lib com.test.MyEndpoint
You should be able to find out at least a little bit more information about the error in generating the library by looking at the Eclipse error log. However, I'm guessing the error is something generic like a 503 error from the service that generates the library.
The most common reason for those types of errors is that you're using an incompatible type in your entity class. Using the command line tool won't help in this case.
However, there are some cases where the command line tool has succeeded when GPE has failed. To generate the library without GPE run the following from the root of your application:
$SDK/bin/ get-java-client-lib helloworld.endpoint.HelloWorldEndpoint
Replace helloworld.endpoint.HelloWorldEndpoint with the space-delimited name(s) of your Endpoint class(es).

Calling Communicator.UIAutomation from Silverlight 4

I'm trying to instantiate a COM connection to Communicator 2007 from an Out of Browser Silverlight 4 app. I'm following some sample code - one (slightly different) example of which is here - but I'm getting an error when I run the following line:
dynamic communicator = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("Communicator.UIAutomation");
The error is:
Failed to create an object instance for the specified ProgID.
I've downloaded and installed what I believe is the right SDK, but OLEView isn't showing the DLL's as registered - is there something I need to do to register the DLL's in the SDK? regsvr32 doesn't seem to work.
Am I going about this all wrong? Is there a better option, perhaps with the Unified Communications Client (1.0 or 2.0) SDK?
Is Communicator running at the time? It must be running in order to use the API.
The above code works fine for me, when communicator is running, but I can replicate your error by ensuring that it isn't running when the above line gets hit.
I'm pretty sure the SDK is registered OK, as you'g get a slightly different error if it wasn't:
No object was found registered for specified ProgID.
With regards to the right SDK - it depends on what you're trying to achieve. The automation API (i.e. the one you're using) will allow you to automate the running instance of Communicator, so its great for e.g. obtaining presence info, starting IM conversations, placing phone calls etc uning the Communicator UI. You should only need to look at UCCA if its not guaranteed that Communicator will be running, or if you need to e.g. provide your own UI.
I blogged about the various APIs here
One more thing to bear in mind, if upgrading to Lync is an option, then the SDK has a whole bunch of really useful Silverlight/WPF controls built in - some info here
