`execvp()` seems to not be completing the path search - c

TL;DR -- what sorts of things might cause an execvp call to not fully function/ search the path properly?
I'm on the tail end of building a rudimentary shell with some quality of life features that I've added over time e.g. history, alias's, and completions. I built those features on top of a functional shell that had a working $PATH search for execution e.g. typing in "ls -la" produced the desired behavior. As you might imagine, I accomplished this just using execvp. (This is written in C if it's not already clear)
I have not changed any of my tokenizing logic and have ensured that the file name is correct; in particular, execvp was producing the desired behavior before I had added these features to my REPL. echo "hello" still produces a tokenized char **xyz and the first token is indeed echo, null-terminated, and so on. That is, my call still looks like, with variables filled-in, ... execvp("echo", argv); after which I call perror, which should only trigger when something has gone awry. Each time I just run the above command, though, since I've added in these features, it returns a failure with the no such file or directory --- before I added these features in though, the behavior was as desired. I'll note, though, that running /bin/echo "hello" runs as expected. Examples are WLOG.
I'm not sure where I should even start looking for errors, and my Google-fu has been mostly fruitless: any suggestions?
I'm initially going to omit code because it totals to several hundred lines and a MWE would not be particularly minimal in addition to my desires to keep this general rather than very particular to my code, though I'm not sure what's causing this. My repository is public and up-to-date, and I'm happy to post any code here.
I knew I wasn't explicitly editing the PATH variable, etc., but this block of code was the problem:
// Grab $PATH from env
char *pathvar = getenv("PATH");
if (pathvar) {
char *path;
int i;
// tokenize on colon to get paths
// then use that immediately to
// scandir, and add everything in
// there to the completions system
path = strtok(pathvar, ":");
while (path) {
struct dirent **fListTemp;
int num_files = scandir(path, &fListTemp, NULL, alphasort);
// only adding the names that are completely composed of
// lower case letters; completions are done using a naive
// Trie Node structure that only supports lowercase letters
// for now... e.g. g++ does not work, and the '+' leads to
// a seg-fault. Same holds for . and ..
for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
char *curr = fListTemp[i]->d_name;
if (strcmp(curr, ".")==0 || strcmp(curr, "..")==0){
} else if (notalpha(curr)) {
} else {
tn_insert(completions, curr);
for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
free (fListTemp);
path = strtok(NULL, ":");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "{wsh # init} -- $PATH variable could not be found?");

Note that
The getenv() function returns a pointer to the value in the
environment, or NULL if there is no match.
so my original code was indeed tampering with the PATH variable. The solution I came up with quickly was just to create a copy of that string and use that to parse through the PATH instead:
// Grab $PATH from env
char *pathvar = getenv("PATH");
char *pathvar_cpy = strcpy(pathvar_cpy, pathvar);
if (pathvar_cpy) {
char *path;
int i;
path = strtok(pathvar_cpy, ":");
while (path) {
// Scan directory
struct dirent **fListTemp;
int num_files = scandir(path, &fListTemp, NULL, alphasort);
for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
char *curr = fListTemp[i]->d_name;
if (strcmp(curr, ".")==0 || strcmp(curr, "..")==0){
} else if (notalpha(curr)) {
} else {
tn_insert(completions, curr);
for (i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
free (fListTemp);
path = strtok(NULL, ":");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "{wsh # init} -- $PATH variable could not be found?");


How to get a specific word from a string and eliminate others in C

Hi following is the path of a file (which is stored as a string).
now I want only the file name from that for eg: "filename", rest should be filtered or removed.
How to do that in C?
I want to apply that file name to some other stuffs but i want to avoid .jpg extension and the path " C:/db/OOSA/LIBRARIES/OOSA00/MS/"
Below is the code:
static mgbool gbeadNApply (mgrec* db, mgrec* parent, mgrec* rec, void* gBead)
toolrec* toolRec = (toolrec*)gBead;
if (mgGetCode(rec) == fltXref);
char *xName;
parent = mgGetParent(rec);
return MG_TRUE;
Here xName first collects the filename including path. and in mgSetName also you can see xName ( here xName assigns the collected file name along with path some thing like C:/db/OOSA/LIBRARIES/OOSA00/MS/filename.jpg. Now the thing is I want only the filename part of it to be written to mgSetName. so i want to filter xName for it.
This will be very vague, but you can probably figure out how to write a function to do this:
Write a function to find the "."
Write a function that returns, in a new string, everything before the "."
Write a function that finds the last "/" ( backslash? "\")
Write a function that removes everything before and including the "/"
you will use for loops
int find_period(const char *string)
if(!string) return -1;
int n;
for(n = 0; n < strlen(string); n++){
if(string[n] == '.') return n;
return -1;
Then you probably get the general idea.

bilingual program in console application in C

I have been trying to implement a way to make my program bilingual : the user could chose if the program should display French or English (in my case).
I have made lots of researches and googling but I still cannot find a good example on how to do that :/
I read about gettext, but since this is for a school's project we are not allowed to use external libraries (and I must admit I have nooo idea how to make it work even though I tried !)
Someone also suggested to me the use of arrays one for each language, I could definitely make this work but I find the solution super ugly.
Another way I thought of is to have to different files, with sentences on each line and I would be able to retrieve the right line for the right language when I need to. I think I could make this work but it also doesn't seem like the most elegant solution.
At last, a friend said I could use DLL for that. I have looked up into that and it indeed seems to be one of the best ways I could find... the problem is that most resources I could find on that matter were coded for C# and C++ and I still have no idea how I would do to implement in C :/
I can grasp the idea behind it, but have no idea how to handle it in C (at all ! I do not know how to create the DLL, call it, retrieve the right stuff from it or anything >_<)
Could someone point me to some useful resources that I could use, or write a piece of code to explain the way things work or should be done ?
It would be seriously awesome !
Thanks a lot in advance !
(Btw, I use visual studio 2012 and code in C) ^^
If you can't use a third party lib then write your own one! No need for a dll.
The basic idea is the have a file for each locale witch contains a mapping (key=value) for text resources.
The name of the file could be something like
where <locale> could be something like en, fr, de etc.
When your program stars it reads first the resource file for specified locale.
Preferably you will have to store each key/value pair in a simple struct.
Your read function reads all key/value pair into a hash table witch offers a very good access speed. An alternative would be to sort the array containing the key/value pairs by key and then use binary search on lookup (not the best option, but far better than iterating over all entries each time).
Then you'll have to write a function get_text witch takes as argument the key of the text resource to be looked up an return the corresponding text in as read for the specified locale. You have to handle keys witch have no mapping, the simplest way would be to return key back.
Here is some sample code (using qsort and bsearch):
#define DEFAULT_LOCALE "en"
#define NULL_ARG "[NULL]"
typedef struct localized_text {
char* key;
char* value;
} localized_text_t;
localized_text_t* localized_text_resources = NULL;
int counter = 0;
char* get_text(char*);
void read_localized_text_resources(char*);
char* read_line(FILE*);
void free_localized_text_resources();
int compare_keys(const void*, const void*);
void print_localized_text_resources();
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char* locale = DEFAULT_LOCALE;
if(! *argv) {
printf("No locale provided, default to %s\n", locale);
} else {
locale = *argv;
printf("Locale provided is %s\n", locale);
printf("\n%s, %s!\n", get_text("HELLO"), get_text("WORLD"));
printf("\n%s\n", get_text("foo"));
return 0;
char* get_text(char* key)
char* text = NULL_ARG;
if(key) {
text = key;
localized_text_t tmp;
tmp.key = key;
localized_text_t* result = bsearch(&tmp, localized_text_resources, counter, sizeof(localized_text_t), compare_keys);
if(result) {
text = result->value;
return text;
void read_localized_text_resources(char* locale)
if(locale) {
char localized_text_resources_file_name[64];
sprintf(localized_text_resources_file_name, "resources_%s.txt", locale);
printf("Read localized text resources from file %s\n", localized_text_resources_file_name);
FILE* localized_text_resources_file = fopen(localized_text_resources_file_name, "r");
if(! localized_text_resources_file) {
int size = 10;
localized_text_resources = malloc(size * sizeof(localized_text_t));
if(! localized_text_resources) {
perror("Unable to allocate memory for text resources");
char* line;
while((line = read_line(localized_text_resources_file))) {
if(strlen(line) > 0) {
if(counter == size) {
size += 10;
localized_text_resources = realloc(localized_text_resources, size * sizeof(localized_text_t));
localized_text_resources[counter].key = line;
while(*line != '=') {
*line = '\0';
localized_text_resources[counter].value = line;
qsort(localized_text_resources, counter, sizeof(localized_text_t), compare_keys);
// print_localized_text_resources();
printf("%d text resource(s) found in file %s\n", counter, localized_text_resources_file_name);
char* read_line(FILE* p_file)
int len = 10, i = 0, c = 0;
char* line = NULL;
if(p_file) {
line = malloc(len * sizeof(char));
c = fgetc(p_file);
while(c != EOF) {
if(i == len) {
len += 10;
line = realloc(line, len * sizeof(char));
line[i++] = c;
c = fgetc(p_file);
if(c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
line[i] = '\0';
while(c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
c = fgetc(p_file);
if(c != EOF) {
ungetc(c, p_file);
if(strlen(line) == 0 && c == EOF) {
line = NULL;
return line;
void free_localized_text_resources()
if(localized_text_resources) {
while(counter--) {
int compare_keys(const void* e1, const void* e2)
return strcmp(((localized_text_t*) e1)->key, ((localized_text_t*) e2)->key);
void print_localized_text_resources()
int i = 0;
for(; i < counter; i++) {
printf("Key=%s value=%s\n", localized_text_resources[i].key, localized_text_resources[i].value);
Used with the following resource files
(1) out.exe /* default */
(2) out.exe en
(3) out.exe de
(4) out.exe fr
(1) Hello, World!
(2) Hello, World!
(3) Hallo, Welt!
(4) Hello, Monde!
gettext is the obvious answer but it seems it's not possible in your case. Hmmm. If you really, really need a custom solution... throwing out a wild idea here...
1: Create a custom multilingual string type. The upside is that you can easily add new languages afterwards, if you want. The downside you'll see in #4.
//Terrible name, change it
typedef struct
char *french;
char *english;
} MyString;
2: Define your strings as needed.
MyString s;
s.french = "Bonjour!";
s.english = "Hello!";
3: Utility enum and function
char* getLanguageString(MyString *myStr, int language)
return myStr->english;
case FRENCH:
return myStr->french;
//How you handle other values is up to you. You could decide on a default, for instance
4: Create wrapper functions instead of using plain old C standard functions. For instance, instead of printf :
//Function should use the variable arguments and allow a custom format, too
int myPrintf(const char *format, MyString *myStr, int language, ...)
return printf(format, getLanguageString(myStr, language));
That part is the painful one : you'll need to override every function you use strings with to handle custom strings. You could also specify a global, default language variable to use when one isn't specified.
Again : gettext is much, much better. Implement this only if you really need to.
the main idea of making programs translatable is using in all places you use texts any kind of id. Then before displaying the test you get the text using the id form the appropriate language-table.
instead of writing
printf("%s","Hello world");
You write
Often instead of id the native-language string itself is used. e.g.:
printf("%s",myGetText("Hello world"));
Finally, the myGetText function is usually implemented as a Macro, e.g.:
printf("%s", tr("Hello world"));
This macro could be used by an external parser (like in gettext) for identifying texts to be translated in source code and store them as list in a file.
The myGetText could be implemented as follows:
std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string> > LangTextTab;
std::string GlobalVarLang="en"; //change to de for obtaining texts in German
void readLanguagesFromFile()
LangTextTab["de"]["Bye"]="Auf Wiedersehen";
const char * myGetText( const char* origText )
return LangTextTab[GlobalVarLang][origText ].c_str();
Please consider the code as pseudo-code. I haven't compiled it. Many issues are still to mention: unicode, thread-safety, etc...
I hope however the example will give you the idea how to start.

a recursive function to manipulate a given path

I am working on modifying the didactic OS xv6 (written in c) to support symbolic links (AKA shortcuts).
A symbolic link is a file of type T_SYM that contains a path to it's destination.
For doing that, i wrote a recursive function that gets a path and a buffer and fills the buffer with the "real" path (i.e. if the path contains a link, it should be replaced by the real path, and a link can occur at any level in the path).
Basically, if i have a path a/b/c/d, and a link from f to a/b, the following operations should be equivalent:
cd a/b/c/d
cd f/c/d
Now, the code is written, but the problem that i try to solve is the problem of starting the path with "/" (meaning that the path is absolute and not relative).
Right now, if i run it with a path named /dir1 it treats it like dir1 (relative instead of absolute).
This is the main function, it calls the recursive function.
pathname is the given path, buf will contain the real path.
int readlink(char *pathname, char *buf, size_t bufsize){
char name[DIRSIZ];
char realpathname[100];
realpathname[0] = '/';
if(get_real_path(pathname, name, realpathname, 0, 0)){
memmove(buf, realpathname, strlen(realpathname));
return strlen(realpathname);
return -1;
This is the recursive part.
the function returns an inode structure (which represents a file or directory in the system). it builds the real path inside realpath.
ilock an iunlock are being used to use the inode safely.
struct inode* get_real_path(char *path, char *name, char* realpath, int position){
struct inode *ip, *next;
char buf[100];
char newpath[100];
if(*path == '/')
ip = iget(ROOTDEV, ROOTINO);// ip gets the root directory
ip = idup(proc->cwd); // ip gets the current working directory
while((path = skipelem(path, name)) != 0){name will get the next directory in the path, path will get the rest of the directories
if(ip->type != T_DIR){//if ip is a directory
realpath[position-1] = '\0';
return 0;
if((next = dirlookup(ip, name, 0)) == 0){//next will get the inode of the next directory
realpath[position-1] = '\0';
return 0;
if (next->type == T_SYM){ //if next is a symbolic link
readi(next, buf, 0, next->size); //buf contains the path inside the symbolic link (which is a path)
buf[next->size] = 0;
next = get_real_path(buf, name, newpath, 0);//call it recursively (might still be a symbolic link)
if(next == 0){
realpath[position-1] = '\0';
return 0;
name = newpath;
position = 0;
memmove(realpath + position, name, strlen(name));
position += strlen(name);
realpath[position] = '\0';
ip = next;
realpath[position-1] = '\0';
return ip;
I have tried many ways to do it right but with no success. If anyone sees the problem, i'd be happy to hear the solution.
I think it's clear that after running get_real_path(pathname, name, realpathname, 0, 0) the realpathname cannot possibly start with a slash.
Provided the function executes successfully, the memmove(realpath + position, name, strlen(name)) ensures that realpath starts with name, as the position variable always contains zero at the first invocation of memmove.
I'd suggest something like
if(*path == '/') {
ip = iget(ROOTDEV, ROOTINO); // ip gets the root
realpath[position++] = '/';
} else
ip = idup(proc->cwd); // ip gets the current working directory
P.S. I'm not sure why you put a slash into the realpathname before executing the get_real_path, since at this point you don't really know whether the path provided is an absolute one.
Ok, found the problem...
The problem was deeper than what i thought...
Somehow the realpath was changed sometimes with no visible reason... but the reason was the line:
name = newpath;
the solution was to change that line to
the previous line made a binding between the name and the realpath... which can be ok if we were not dealing with softlinks. When dereferencing a subpath, this binding ruined everything.
Thanks for the attempts

Parsing commands shell-like in C

I want to parse user input commands in my C (just C) program. Sample commands:
add node ID
add arc ID from ID to ID
and so on. Then I want to do some validation with IDs and forward them to specified functions. Functions and validations are of course ready. It's all about parsing and matching functions...
I've made it with many ifs and strtoks, but I'm sure it's not the best way... Any ideas (libs)?
I think what you want is something like this:
while (1)
char *line = malloc(128); // we need to be able to increase the pointer
char *origLine = line;
fgets(line, 128, stdin);
char command[20];
sscanf(line, "%20s ", command);
line = strchr(line, ' ');
printf("The Command is: %s\n", command);
unsigned argumentsCount = 0;
char **arguments = malloc(sizeof(char *));
while (1)
char arg[20];
if (line && (sscanf(++line, "%20s", arg) == 1))
arguments[argumentsCount] = malloc(sizeof(char) * 20);
strncpy(arguments[argumentsCount], arg, 20);
arguments = realloc(arguments, sizeof(char *) * argumentsCount + 1);
line = strchr(line, ' ');
else {
for (int i = 0; i < argumentsCount; i++) {
printf("Argument %i is: %s\n", i, arguments[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < argumentsCount; i++) {
You can do what you wish with 'command' and 'arguments' just before you free it all.
It depends on how complicated your command language is. It might be worth going to the trouble of womping up a simple recursive descent parser if you have more than a couple of commands, or if each command can take multiple forms, such as your add command.
I've done a couple of RDPs by hand for some projects in the past. It's a bit of work, but it allows you to handle some fairly complex commands that wouldn't be straightforward to parse otherwise. You could also use a parser generator like lex/yacc or flex/bison, although that may be overkill for what you are doing.
Otherwise, it's basically what you've described; strok and a bunch of nested if statements.
I just wanted to add something to Richard Ross's reply: Check the returned value from malloc and realloc. It may lead to hard-to-find crashes in your program.
All your command line parameters will be stored into a array of strings called argv.
You can access those values using argv[0], argv[1] ... argv[n].

Recursive CreateDirectory

I found many examples of CreatingDirectory recursively, but not the one I was looking for.
here is the spec
Given input
USING helper API
CreateDirectory (char * path)
returns true, if successful
Condition: There should not be any parsing to distinguish if the path is Local or Server share.
Write a routine in C, or C++
I think it's quite easier... here a version that works in every Windows version:
unsigned int pos = 0;
pos = path.find_first_of("\\/", pos + 1);
CreateDirectory(path.substr(0, pos).c_str(), NULL);
} while (pos != std::string::npos);
pos = path.find_first_of(L"\\/", pos + 1);
This might be exactly what you want.
It doesn't try to do any parsing to distinguish if the path is Local or Server share.
bool TryCreateDirectory(char *path){
char *p;
bool b;
!(b=NULL==(p=strrchr(path, '\\')))
size_t i;
(p=strncpy((char *)malloc(1+i), path, i=p-path))[i]='\0';
return b;
The algorithm is quite simple, just pass the string of higher level directory recursively while creation of current level of directory fails until one success or there is no more higher level. When the inner call returns with succeed, create the current. This method do not parse to determ the local or server it self, it's according to the CreateDirectory.
In WINAPI, CreateDirectory will never allows you to create "c:" or "\" when the path reaches that level, the method soon falls in to calling it self with path="" and this fails, too. It's the reason why Microsoft defines file sharing naming rule like this, for compatibility of DOS path rule and simplify the coding effort.
Totally hackish and insecure and nothing you'd ever actually want to do in production code, but...
Warning: here be code that was typed in a browser:
int createDirectory(const char * path) {
char * buffer = malloc((strlen(path) + 10) * sizeof(char));
sprintf(buffer, "mkdir -p %s", path);
int result = system(buffer);
return result;
How about using MakeSureDirectoryPathExists() ?
Just walk through each directory level in the path starting from the root, attempting to create the next level.
If any of the CreateDirectory calls fail then you can exit early, you're successful if you get to the end of the path without a failure.
This is assuming that calling CreateDirectory on a path that already exists has no ill effects.
The requirement of not parsing the pathname for server names is interesting, as it seems to concede that parsing for / is required.
Perhaps the idea is to avoid building in hackish expressions for potentially complex syntax for hosts and mount points, which can have on some systems elaborate credentials encoded.
If it's homework, I may be giving away the algorithm you are supposed to think up, but it occurs to me that one way to meet those requirements is to start trying by attempting to mkdir the full pathname. If it fails, trim off the last directory and try again, if that fails, trim off another and try again... Eventually you should reach a root directory without needing to understand the server syntax, and then you will need to start adding pathname components back and making the subdirs one by one.
std::pair<bool, unsigned long> CreateDirectory(std::basic_string<_TCHAR> path)
typedef std::basic_string<_TCHAR> tstring;
tstring::size_type pos = 0;
while ((pos = path.find_first_of(_T("\\/"), pos + 1)) != tstring::npos)
::CreateDirectory(path.substr(0, pos + 1).c_str(), nullptr);
if ((pos = path.find_first_of(_T("\\/"), path.length() - 1)) == tstring::npos)
::CreateDirectory(path.c_str(), nullptr);
return std::make_pair(
::GetFileAttributes(path.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES,
void createFolders(const std::string &s, char delim) {
std::stringstream ss(s);
std::string item;
char combinedName[50]={'\0'};
while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) {
struct stat st = {0};
if (stat(combinedName,&st)==-1)
