How can I load a chart table with a default value in Google Data Studio? - google-data-studio

I'm working on a Google Data Studio page which pulls data from a Google Sheet.
The use case of this page is to display the data from a row (from the Google Sheet) based on a selection made from a filter (single select dropdown).
When the Google Data Studio page loads, by default, it loads all the data from the source and displays it on the chart tables, however I would like to display a blank page and the data should load only after a selection is made from the filter dropdown.

There is a simple way to solve this problem. In the drop-down filter settings, in the "default selection" field, you can enter text by default that does not match any of the possibilities of the list items will be displayed in the drop-down list. It might be something like "-".
Thus, defining a default selection that does not exist in the list, it will start by default selected and will not correspond with any existing field, causing no information to be displayed in the table.


How do I populate choices for combo box in powerapps?

Novice business user here: I am trying to build a schedule separated by date in Microsoft PowerApps for Teams. It would look something like the arrival/departure board at an airport. I need my users to be able to change the status of an event on the schedule basically from "no go" to "go."
For my table, I created a table with columns showing the "no go" and "go" choices and set my default choices to "no go".
For my gallery, I created a nested gallery to separate the dates.
In the gallery, I can populate the fields I created in my table with the "no go" default values, but when I click the dropdown arrow in the combo box, I either get irrelevant choices from a different text column, or I don't get any choices at all.
I have tried making different changes to the "text" and "items" properties. I just don't know how to make the choices I created in the table populate in the combo box dropdown.

Why is the advanced filter control not working with IN filter type using Google Data Studio?

I have advanced filter control in one of my dashboard. It's working fine with Starts with, Contains but not working with "In". I am passing value like GANESH, RED (I have all data in upper case) but it's not giving any result.
Sample Data Studio Report
One approach is to use multiple Search Box Community Visualisations (for a full selection of the chart(s), click the icon on the toolbar and select ):
Data Tab
Column to search on: ItemName (the field to search)
Cross-filtering: Select (☑) (this is needed to filter values in other charts, as they are searched using the Search Box)
Additional Details on the Search Box
Case Insensitive: A term such as Red could be found whether it's reD, RED, red, etc.
Real-time suggestions: Values are filtered while typing thus users do not need to press the Enter key after searching
Editable Google Data Studio Report (Embedded Google Sheets Data Source) and a GIF to elaborate:

How can I change DataStudio default display in charts when I don't select anything in the drop-down control filter?

I create drop-down list(Q1,Q2,Q3) to filter the charts and tables. If I don't select anything in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will automatically show everything(Q1,Q2,Q3) -- how can I change the default value charts and tables that are displaying to Q1's value only?
To be more specific, if I don't select anything in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will show Q1's results; if I select Q2 in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will show Q2's result.
enter image description here
Kindly look for default selection at the filter property panel, as circled in screenshot below.
For example, when I enter "US" as the default selection, the entire dashboard is filtered to US by default. However, the user can still look for other selections if they are interested on other available country.
Do note the data here is dummy data, not the real-world data.
If you're interested to check out the dashboard to see what's the expected output, here is the link

Filters are not getting reset after loading new data to grid based on selected date

I'm using the date field as a selection criteria for populating the grid.
I want to reset the previously applied filters once the new data is about to be loaded in grid.
However, the filters are not getting removed and the menu icon for filter is showing additional values under select boxes which is very confusing in case the grid has less number of rows. I'm using this in my angularjs website.
Please assist me in getting this resolved.
I've already opened the issue in github also. Below is the link:

Dynamically populate dropdown list from database based on selection in other dropdown lists using dojo

I just want to know how to design the UI with Dojo
I want to populate the dropdowns based on other dropdown selections,and the relationship can be one-to-many, i.e the 2nd dropdown will be populated based on the first one, but then, the 3rd dropdown would be poupulated based on the 1st and the 2nd one and so on.
my requirement is that whenever i select an option in a dropdown, it should be sent to a servlet(running on a given URL) with the selected choice (and any selections made previous to that), so that the servlet could return the data with which to populate the next dropdown
specific Questions
how do i write the code for dropdown form elements (using dojo)
how do i send the data back from the servlet to the webpage so that it will be read by dojo populated in the dropdown
