How can I change DataStudio default display in charts when I don't select anything in the drop-down control filter? - google-data-studio

I create drop-down list(Q1,Q2,Q3) to filter the charts and tables. If I don't select anything in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will automatically show everything(Q1,Q2,Q3) -- how can I change the default value charts and tables that are displaying to Q1's value only?
To be more specific, if I don't select anything in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will show Q1's results; if I select Q2 in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will show Q2's result.
enter image description here

Kindly look for default selection at the filter property panel, as circled in screenshot below.
For example, when I enter "US" as the default selection, the entire dashboard is filtered to US by default. However, the user can still look for other selections if they are interested on other available country.
Do note the data here is dummy data, not the real-world data.
If you're interested to check out the dashboard to see what's the expected output, here is the link


How do I populate choices for combo box in powerapps?

Novice business user here: I am trying to build a schedule separated by date in Microsoft PowerApps for Teams. It would look something like the arrival/departure board at an airport. I need my users to be able to change the status of an event on the schedule basically from "no go" to "go."
For my table, I created a table with columns showing the "no go" and "go" choices and set my default choices to "no go".
For my gallery, I created a nested gallery to separate the dates.
In the gallery, I can populate the fields I created in my table with the "no go" default values, but when I click the dropdown arrow in the combo box, I either get irrelevant choices from a different text column, or I don't get any choices at all.
I have tried making different changes to the "text" and "items" properties. I just don't know how to make the choices I created in the table populate in the combo box dropdown.

How can I load a chart table with a default value in Google Data Studio?

I'm working on a Google Data Studio page which pulls data from a Google Sheet.
The use case of this page is to display the data from a row (from the Google Sheet) based on a selection made from a filter (single select dropdown).
When the Google Data Studio page loads, by default, it loads all the data from the source and displays it on the chart tables, however I would like to display a blank page and the data should load only after a selection is made from the filter dropdown.
There is a simple way to solve this problem. In the drop-down filter settings, in the "default selection" field, you can enter text by default that does not match any of the possibilities of the list items will be displayed in the drop-down list. It might be something like "-".
Thus, defining a default selection that does not exist in the list, it will start by default selected and will not correspond with any existing field, causing no information to be displayed in the table.

Use a relationship to filter data in power BI

I am working with a clustered bar chart that is influenced by a relationship to another table. When data is selected in that table I get the following result:
The dark green being the data that matches the relationship and the light green being the whole data set.
However, because sometimes the bars are very small, I would like to have the bar chart adjust to only include the data from the current selected relationship, as shown below.
Is there a way to limit the chart to only the data relevant to the current relationship? Alternatively, is there a way to filter out all values that are zero from the current relationship?
The way to do this is to click on the chart, go to the format tab, click on "edit interactions", and then click on the little filter icon at the top.

Limit data based on UniqueCount

I have charts on a tab, that should only show if 1 value from a column filter is selected.
For example if a field named: BUSINESS_UNIT has values of "HR","FIN","IT" The charts should only show data if 1 value is filtered on. Such as "HR."
These charts do not contain the BUSINESS_UNIT field itself.
I tried using the Limit Data Using expression, but for some reason the limit expression UniqueCount(BUSINESS_UNIT)=1 doesn't work.
How would I hide the data in the charts, unless 1 BUSINESS_UNIT is selected?
What you could do is hide the filters panel and create radio buttons on a new text area for each property to mark data. If you need help setting this up let me know. Then in your visualisations limit data using markings and show an empty visualisation if no items are marked.
One downside to this is maintenance, if the values change you will have to update the UI.
Another possible solution (untested) is to change the filter panel properties from checkboxes to radio buttons.
Filter Panel Properties:
You want it to look something like this:

View criteria missing in jdeveloper 12.1.3

We are having a cascading LOV -> Deaprtment, class(inputComboBoxWithLOV). Class LOV is filtered with selected value of Department. When I follow the below steps:
select a department
click on the down arrow to show filtered results, I see filtered classes with the selected department. Select a class and tab out.
clear the class field, again click on the down arrow to show filtered results.(P.S : Department field is not touched) But the class field is not showing filtered results. But when I clicked on More... to display the Search and select popup, I could see the filtered results.
Only the the combobox dropdown values were unfiltered.
On Debugging, found that the viewCriteria which was applied to filter using Department is missing. The entire Where clause is missing.
This is occurring after our latest migration to 12.1.3, earlier we were using jdeveloper 11g and never faced this issue.
Any pointers about this issue will be highly appreciated.
The LOV UI hints "Filter Combo Box Using" option was unchecked, when I checked it and tried I was able to see filtered results in the dropdown.
However I did not understand why it was not picking values from existing view criteria from the view object definition related to the LOV's view accessor and why should I explicitly check this option.
This sounds like a 12.1.3 ADF BUG. You should fill in a Service Request with Oracle about it.
If you don't have a SR account, I will be happy to fill one in your behalf, if you can provide a sample workspace running on HR schema where we can reproduce the problem.
