View criteria missing in jdeveloper 12.1.3 - oracle-adf

We are having a cascading LOV -> Deaprtment, class(inputComboBoxWithLOV). Class LOV is filtered with selected value of Department. When I follow the below steps:
select a department
click on the down arrow to show filtered results, I see filtered classes with the selected department. Select a class and tab out.
clear the class field, again click on the down arrow to show filtered results.(P.S : Department field is not touched) But the class field is not showing filtered results. But when I clicked on More... to display the Search and select popup, I could see the filtered results.
Only the the combobox dropdown values were unfiltered.
On Debugging, found that the viewCriteria which was applied to filter using Department is missing. The entire Where clause is missing.
This is occurring after our latest migration to 12.1.3, earlier we were using jdeveloper 11g and never faced this issue.
Any pointers about this issue will be highly appreciated.

The LOV UI hints "Filter Combo Box Using" option was unchecked, when I checked it and tried I was able to see filtered results in the dropdown.
However I did not understand why it was not picking values from existing view criteria from the view object definition related to the LOV's view accessor and why should I explicitly check this option.

This sounds like a 12.1.3 ADF BUG. You should fill in a Service Request with Oracle about it.
If you don't have a SR account, I will be happy to fill one in your behalf, if you can provide a sample workspace running on HR schema where we can reproduce the problem.


How can I change DataStudio default display in charts when I don't select anything in the drop-down control filter?

I create drop-down list(Q1,Q2,Q3) to filter the charts and tables. If I don't select anything in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will automatically show everything(Q1,Q2,Q3) -- how can I change the default value charts and tables that are displaying to Q1's value only?
To be more specific, if I don't select anything in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will show Q1's results; if I select Q2 in the drop-down list, the charts and tables will show Q2's result.
enter image description here
Kindly look for default selection at the filter property panel, as circled in screenshot below.
For example, when I enter "US" as the default selection, the entire dashboard is filtered to US by default. However, the user can still look for other selections if they are interested on other available country.
Do note the data here is dummy data, not the real-world data.
If you're interested to check out the dashboard to see what's the expected output, here is the link

Issue in automating table data filling in firefox using webdriver

This is data driven approach. I am trying to get data from sheet to be entered in table in a web application. Now in the table there are fields as below:
Textfield (To enter name), Datatype drop-down (To select data type), Length field(to enter the length), Status field (Isactive or not)
Now here there is a dynamic logic as for only “String” datatype the “Length” field would appear else in default table “Length” field/column is not shown because for other data types there is static length value provided.
Now when automating I am getting data in sequence from sheet and setting that in table. Switching over the fields is done by using “Tab” mechanism.
The only issue in this whole process is that while selecting “String” data-type from drop-down and after that tab is applied. At this point the “Length” field is supposed to appear for which data can be entered from the sheet but here at only tabbing/loosing focus from one field to another is not revealing the hidden “Length” field.
And at this point automation gets stuck up. Manually selecting the drop-down shows the “Length” field but when same is done manually using tab, the “Length” field does not show up.
It would be of really great help if anyone can please suggest on above issue.
Hoping to hear soon from someone. Thanks for your efforts in advance.
Manually selecting the drop-down shows the “Length” field but when
same is done manually using tab, the “Length” field does not show up.
Seems selenium isn't setting focus to the same object/element that you are. How are you using selenium to tab between fields? Do you have to tab to this element, or can you have selenium select it directly? Also, it would help us if you shared the selenium code and html.

Vaadin: Reload ComboBox List while typing

I got a ComboBox in Vaadin and want to reload (from db) the set of entries in the dropdown list while typing in the text field of the ComboBox. I always got the exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: A connector should not be marked as dirty while a response is being written.
I tried to lock the session (getUI().getSession().getLockInstance().lock();), but it didn't help.
Is it possible to dynamically set/load the selection list of a ComboBox?
why do you want to change the content from DB as the user type? you'll get a postback and a query every key the user presses... isn't better to use the standard combo feature (which tries to autocomplete the value given what the user is typing)?
Anyway, if you really need this feature, you may extend the standard behaviour of combo extending the container behind the combo, as the data shown is taken from a container.

JDeveloper and ADF view criteria

I am new to ADF and JDeveloper. I am trying to create a view criteria and query panel with table using JDEveloper 11g. Right now I am able to create the view criteria, but all my search fields are showing as plain text input boxes. I actually want one of them to be shown as drop down list and one to be shown as the "select many shuttle" component.
Can anyone tell me how it can be done using JDeveloper/ADF.
Did you define an LOV for the fields in the VO?
See if this video helps: Dependent LOVs in an af:query component
1)Create a LOV for that attribute
2)Ensure that in the control hints of the attribute , the control type is "choice list".
if you want a component as LOV then you have to create LOV on that attribute on ViewObject.
but you can not show shuttle in af:query component.

ADF: List of Values Update Multiple Fields

I have an LOV added to my view object which updates 6 fields - done all through the LOV wizard in JDeveloper. It works perfectly fine when test running the application module - all fields update with the proper values after selecting a value from the LOV. However in my JSPX form, the only the field that gets updated is the one that the LOV is attached or is initiated on.
On my form, i only display 2 out of the 6 fields - the field which initiates the LOV and another editable field that the LOV is supposed to update. The part where this gets interesting is that the 4 other fields in my view object that i dont put in my form, are updated successfully by the LOV! But the one additional editable field that i left in my form, isnt updated.
Why is that?
I could just write a method in my View object Row Implementation class to update that editable field manually, but i feel like theres something more straight forward via declarative approach.
Thank you!
I needed to update two settings on my 2nd field of the form.
Removed the default bindings on the "Required" attribute and set it to "false".
Set "ShowRequired" to true
After that, I saved my changes and re-ran my application and the field updated properly!
I hope others find this helpful!
