Connect to snowflake via SSO login (external browser) using DBeaver - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

My SNOWFLAKE database is SSO login enabled and the SSO connectivity works perfectly fine when I connect through my chrome browser.
When I try to connect to SNOWFLAKE database using DBeaver (external browser) I get the below error .
NOTE : I can confirm that I am able to see the identity verification (through explorer browser) page and the identity has also been verified. I feel the issue happens when the explorer browser confirms the identity verification back to DBeaver.
Can anyone please help ?

The above error is a generic message and could be seen due to misconfigurations either at the identity provider end or at the service provider end.
It is recommended to verify the configurations for your identity provider and make sure all the steps are performed correctly.
Below could be the common reasons for this error, However, there might be other improper configs as well which could lead to a similar error message.
a. Mismatch in user configuration details at Idp(Identity provider) and Snowflake.
b. SSO certificates are incorrect.
a. Username configured at the Identity provider end should match with the login_name at snowflake end for that user. For instance, If the SAML response shows NameID as Then login_name configured at Snowflake end should be same as
SAML response snippet:
Set the login_name same as the NameID configured at the identity provider side.
alter user set login_name='';
b. SSO certificate configured at Snowflake end should match with the certificate configured at the identity provider end.
The certificate value contains a number of new lines. Remove the new lines, forming a certificate value with a single line.
If the above suggestions did not help then please check the error codes for the failed login attempt in Snowflake Information Schema using the below query. And check the reason for that error code here. The below query retrieve up to 100 login events of every user your current role is allowed to monitor in the last hour and you can modify it appropriately.
select * from table(information_schema.login_history(dateadd('hours',-1,current_timestamp()),current_timestamp())) order by event_time


Salesforce/Data Factory Authentication Error

Need to connect SFDC Sandbox to Azure Data Factory but getting the following error when setting up the linked service and testing the connection:
Error code9603
DetailsERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][Salesforce] (80) Unknown error received from SOAP response, potentially a problem with user privileges. ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][Salesforce] (80) Unknown error received from SOAP response, potentially a problem with user privileges. Activity ID: ba13abc8-5490-4d7a-afd4-cf4d5ddf5e86.
I confirm the security token for this account has been reset, the SFDC account has been assigned a profile of privileges where 'API enabled' is selected. I have also tried to pass the credentials through Azure Key Vault when setting up the linked account in Data Factory.
Are there any other permissions in Salesforce required so that we can check if everything is selected?
How can we find out what this unknown SOAP error is?
As API Enable is checked, there must be a problem with user access or organization access.
Follow the steps below:
Goto Setup -> Permission sets -> Check the name -> Goto systems permissions -> click on manage assignments
Check whether the integration user is added to those permissions or not. If not, add now.
If the integration is not possible, then mostly your organization or the account using for the operation is not having the API access.
Check whether the organization or the account which is being used for this operation is having API access or not, by visiting Organization Edition

How do I connect to Azure SQL from an Azure function using a managed identity (no credentials in connection string)?

I have an Azure Function app, written in C# and using .NET Core (3.x) running on Linux. I would like this set of functions to be able to connect to an Azure SQL database. I have followed this process:
I ensured that the function app has system-assigned managed identity enabled:
I created a user in my database using CREATE USER ... FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER and added the user to the appropriate roles (db_datareader and db_datawriter in my case). In my case, I had to create an Azure AD group and add the managed identity to the group, and then create the user for the group (there were two AD identities with the name of the function app, for some reason...).
I set up the connection string in the function app's settings. This is where I think I've gone wrong. I am not clear on how to specify the correct connection string. Connection strings I tried:
Data;Initial Catalog=my-database did not work. I saw errors such as this: Login failed for user ''.
Data;Initial Catalog=my-database;Authentication=Active Directory Integrated (using System.Data.SqlClient) did not work. I saw errors such as this: Keyword not supported: 'authentication'.
Data;Initial Catalog=my-database;Authentication=Active Directory Integrated (using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient) I saw errors such as this: MSAL cannot determine the username (UPN) of the currently logged in user.
What is the magic connection string incantation, or step that I am missing?
Use Microsoft.Data.SqlClient instead of System.Data.SqlClient if getting Keyword not supported: 'authentication'
More details on various values for authentication= and suppported library versions can be found here:
I can't claim any credit for this solution, I found it on reddit of all places!

I keep receiving an error while trying to load data to Azure DataBase using Azure Function

I created an Azure Function to load data from Eudonet CRM to my Azure SQL Database. I have two databases :
named Datawarehouse
named Datawarehouse-Dev
Both databases are identical and are in the same server.
When I load data directly to "Datawarehouse" the copy works fine, but when I change the database name to "Datawarehouse-Dev", I receive the following errors :
Index #0 Message: Login failed for user 'AzureFunction'. LineNumber: 65536 Source: Core .Net SqlClient Data Provider Procedure: Error Code:18456
-- Sql server error. If error code <17: => check sql transac code (user error). Else: => software or hardware errors (check availability of database)
Login failed for user 'AzureFunction'.
If anyone has an idea on where the problem could come from I would be very grateful and I also don't understand why there is an authentification error since they're both in the same server and are accessed with the same user/password.
Thanks in advance
Though #adnane already resolved the issue after using the connection string directly into Function application setting instead of storing it into Vault. This approach might compromise the application security because using connection string directly might expose it to unauthorized person.
Azure Key Vault is a good place to keep our application credentials in a secured and centralized manner. Moving the secrets to Key Vault becomes even more important while our Azure solution is growing.
In case, if anyone still looking for the solution by storing the connection string in Azure Key Vault and then using it in the Function, please follow the below steps.
Firstly, open the Azure Key Vault service and from the Settings menu select Access policies. Then select + Add new access policy.
Then choose Select principal and search for the name of the Function App as shown in below example.
Once your principal is selected choose the Secret permissions menu. In this case, we’ll only need to get the secret from the Key Vault (concretely read our connection string). Therefore, check Get permission only and then select OK.
At the end, select Save to store the new functionapp-demo-mw access policy.
Adding a secret to Azure Key Vault is straightforward. From the Key Vault, Settings menu select Secrets and then select + Generate/Import secret.
For Key Vault secret two values are required – name and the value. In this case we’ve called our secret OrderManagementDbConnectionString and as a value we put our SQL Database connection string. Select Create to save the secret.
By default, the secret is Enabled so it’s ready to use. Once the secret is created, we’ll need to get its URI (a unique location identifying the secret). Go to the Settings menu and select Secrets. We’ll find here our recently added secret (OrderManagementDbConnectionString). Select the secret and we’ll see it’s the only version in the list.
Select the current version of secret and copy its secret identifier. The identifier is an URI with pattern : https://<url_of_the_key_value>/<secret_name>/<secret_version>.
Go back to the Azure Function App (functionapp-demo-mw) and on the Overview tab, select Configuration in Configured featured section.
Well, Select + New application settings. Put a name that describes the new setting (we’ve put OrderManagementConnectionString). At the end of the last year, Microsoft has added an option of sourcing Key Vault secrets directly from App Settings. This simplifies a lot the way how the secrets were used before. So, set the value of the setting to a secret reference in the following format:
We just need to replace secret_uri_with_version with the value we’ve previously copied from the secret in Azure Key Vault.
In Azure Function, you’ll just retrieve the value from the application settings and work with it the same way as it was directly a connection string stored in application settings.
// get value from appliction settings
var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OrderManagementConnectionString");
// create connection
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

Why my app user couldn't find always encrypted certificate?

Using SQL Server 2017 I followed this article to apply Always Encrypt tech:
Which is simply says:
Create Column Master key.
Create Column Encryption key.
Encrypt the
columns using the latter.
The certificate that being used for step 1. was generated using the wizard and saved in:
Key Store: Windows Certificate Store - Local Machine
I created very simple console app that is using EF to try to get data from the table that I encrypted the column in.
I added to connection string this: column encryption setting=Enabled.
When I try to get the data:
using (MyEntities en = new MyEntities())
var x = en.TableHasColEnc.ToList();
I get this error:
'Failed to decrypt column 'X'.
Failed to decrypt a column encryption key using key store provider: 'MSSQL_CERTIFICATE_STORE'. The last 10 bytes of the encrypted column encryption key are: 'XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX'.
Certificate with thumbprint '...' not found in certificate store 'My' in certificate location 'LocalMachine'. Verify the certificate path in the column master key definition in the database is correct, and the certificate has been imported correctly into the certificate location/store.
Parameter name: masterKeyPath'
What I got that the user that is running this app is not able to access that location to get the certificate, but why ?
If I ran the app as Admin it'll work normally.
I opened mmc and checked Certificates (Local Computer) and found the certificate that has been used in step 1. and it looks like it's correctly in local machine not current user.
Why I'm getting this error and how to solve it ?
This answer helped me to solve the problem:
How to give ASP.NET access to a private key in a certificate in the certificate store?
The idea is to grant the user who's gonna run the app (or in case of web app the IIS application pool user) the permission to be able to read private keys.
In the correct answer explains how to grant IIS user the permission, you can do the same for who ever is running your app.
If your app is on one server and the DB is on another (so your Encryption Certificate most probably on DB's server) you need to export and then import that certificate from DB's server to your app server and give the user who is running your app the permission to use the private key of this certificate.

Web service connection to SQL Server with AD account

I have a WCF web service that should always use a specific AD account, which has been granted access to the database, to execute SQL transactions. I read a couple of articles, but I'm obviously doing/understanding something wrong because I'm not getting it to work the way I want.
I figured that that web service should impersonate the AD user, so I enabled impersonation in the web service web.config:
<identity userName="dmn\wsusr" password="p#55w0rd" impersonate="true"/>
Then, since I'm technically using a Windows user to connect to SQL, I set the connection string as follows ("Integrated security=true;" for Windows authentication, right?):
Data Source=SQLSVR\INSTNC; Failover Partner=SQLSVR\INSTNC2; Initial Catalog=DB; Integrated Security=true;
For testing the connection I insert some values into a table. One of the columns of the table I'm inserting to has the following definition:
So, theoretically, the AD username of the user who opened the connection will automatically be inserted into the column. Unfortunately, however, the column contains my own AD username every time.
I'm testing the web service via a web site that uses Windows authentication, so I'm assuming that this plays a role in the cause of the problem. But the website authentication should be disregarded since this will be an externally accessible web service and SQL transactions should never rely on authentication between the client and the web service.
I also tried:
Adding Trusted_connection to the connection string, but it yielded the same result as above.
Using User ID and Password in the connection string, but since the connection string only accepts SQL users, this resulted in a Login failure error
I suggested to my superiors that we should try the approach where you create a separate application pool for the service, set it up to run as the AD user, and allow the AD user to log on as a service (something I read somewhere) but they're not keen on that and reckon it should be a "last resort"
