Web service connection to SQL Server with AD account - sql-server

I have a WCF web service that should always use a specific AD account, which has been granted access to the database, to execute SQL transactions. I read a couple of articles, but I'm obviously doing/understanding something wrong because I'm not getting it to work the way I want.
I figured that that web service should impersonate the AD user, so I enabled impersonation in the web service web.config:
<identity userName="dmn\wsusr" password="p#55w0rd" impersonate="true"/>
Then, since I'm technically using a Windows user to connect to SQL, I set the connection string as follows ("Integrated security=true;" for Windows authentication, right?):
Data Source=SQLSVR\INSTNC; Failover Partner=SQLSVR\INSTNC2; Initial Catalog=DB; Integrated Security=true;
For testing the connection I insert some values into a table. One of the columns of the table I'm inserting to has the following definition:
So, theoretically, the AD username of the user who opened the connection will automatically be inserted into the column. Unfortunately, however, the column contains my own AD username every time.
I'm testing the web service via a web site that uses Windows authentication, so I'm assuming that this plays a role in the cause of the problem. But the website authentication should be disregarded since this will be an externally accessible web service and SQL transactions should never rely on authentication between the client and the web service.
I also tried:
Adding Trusted_connection to the connection string, but it yielded the same result as above.
Using User ID and Password in the connection string, but since the connection string only accepts SQL users, this resulted in a Login failure error
I suggested to my superiors that we should try the approach where you create a separate application pool for the service, set it up to run as the AD user, and allow the AD user to log on as a service (something I read somewhere) but they're not keen on that and reckon it should be a "last resort"


How do I connect to Azure SQL from an Azure function using a managed identity (no credentials in connection string)?

I have an Azure Function app, written in C# and using .NET Core (3.x) running on Linux. I would like this set of functions to be able to connect to an Azure SQL database. I have followed this process:
I ensured that the function app has system-assigned managed identity enabled:
I created a user in my database using CREATE USER ... FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER and added the user to the appropriate roles (db_datareader and db_datawriter in my case). In my case, I had to create an Azure AD group and add the managed identity to the group, and then create the user for the group (there were two AD identities with the name of the function app, for some reason...).
I set up the connection string in the function app's settings. This is where I think I've gone wrong. I am not clear on how to specify the correct connection string. Connection strings I tried:
Data Source=my-database-server.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=my-database did not work. I saw errors such as this: Login failed for user ''.
Data Source=my-database-server.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=my-database;Authentication=Active Directory Integrated (using System.Data.SqlClient) did not work. I saw errors such as this: Keyword not supported: 'authentication'.
Data Source=my-database-server.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=my-database;Authentication=Active Directory Integrated (using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient) I saw errors such as this: MSAL cannot determine the username (UPN) of the currently logged in user.
What is the magic connection string incantation, or step that I am missing?
Use Microsoft.Data.SqlClient instead of System.Data.SqlClient if getting Keyword not supported: 'authentication'
More details on various values for authentication= and suppported library versions can be found here:
I can't claim any credit for this solution, I found it on reddit of all places!

SQL Server 2012 Service Broker dialog security

I am new to service broker and I am setting up a distributed topology. Two physical servers in the same domain, to replace a hacked up two way replication that continues to cause data corruption.
I am using the same domain account for both ends of the conversation and I am getting "The certificate's private key cannot be found" in profiler.
I had the same setup working with two separate local logins previously, so I am thinking that my issue is the fact that I am now attempting to use the same user account on both ends.
So my question is, does service broker require separate user accounts on each end of the conversation if I am using domain account with windows authentication, and if so is there any real advantage to using domain accounts instead of the way I had it previously with two local logins.

Pass through Windows user for Datazen SQL Server data sources?

Is it possible to pass-through Windows User logins from Datazen through to SQL Server?
I created a Dashboard which uses a SQL Query as a data source.
The data source is of type "SQL Server" and the flag Integrated Security is set to YES.
I've also configured the data source to be "Real Time," to avoid any issues with caching.
I'm expecting the data view to execute on SQL Server with the credentials of the user which is browsing the final dashboard, unfortunately this is not the case.
In this scenario the authentication against SQL Server is now done with the Windows user account, under which the Service "Datazen Server Data Acquisition Service" is running. I would expect that the "Acquisition Service" will delegate the effective user. Is this possible? Or will the authentication always be done with the service account?
I know about the "personalize for each member" setting, which passes-through the username to a data view query, but this is not the same as my requirement (leverage existing MSSQL-DB-Security for effective windows-users).
Your observations are correct that by default, the service account will be recognized as being logged into SQL Server.
There's no way to get around that with settings, but you can use some T-SQL magic to switch users at runtime. You have to lead your queries with an EXECUTE AS statement, like so:
EXECUTE AS USER = 'DomainName\' + '{{ username }}'
SELECT TOP 1 login_name -- This is just a nice quick test to echo the username.
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions -- You can swap it out for your real query.
WHERE session_id = ##SPID
This, of course, also requires the "Personalize for each Member" setting to be turned on, so that the username is passed through.
It's pretty self-explanatory what's going on here, but basically you have to explicitly impersonate the request via your service account, as SQL Server will be connected to via the database using that account. Once you run this EXECUTE AS statement, it will use that user account for the remainder of the session.
Note that your service account will need permission the IMPERSONATE permission set, or else this will fail. It will also fail, of course, for any users that exist in your Datazen Server but do not have permissions against your SQL Server, and vice-versa. That's definitely the desirable behavior, but it's worth keeping in mind if you ever add users to one, you'll also have to add them to the other.
Disclaimer: I'm a Microsoft Support professional, paid to support Datazen.

How do I configure database connection per user account in Spring Data?

We have a requirement that user account can provide username/password for database. This means that after user account is loaded, the user should use his own database connection for persistence.
How do I configure that in Spring Data?
Which database?
Which ORM implementation?
Spring has the AbstractRoutingDataSource, which lets you change the DataSource at runtime.
You could also use a delegation pattern, where the web server connects as a limited user, and then changes role to a different user if their authentication is successful. See How to run SQL SET statements against db at start of connection/session using Hibernate? and Switch role after connecting to database
You'll probably need to disable caching in your ORM too.

What's the point of creating a user in order to access the DB located at SQL Server 2008

So far, after creating DB with all the schema, all I have done so for was accessing them (tables) by reference through ConnectionStrings.
Now, twice, I've read that it's better to create a DB user and access the DB trhough that user by including him in the connectionString.
I'd like to know why so?
Thank for helping
Your question isn't that clear. It seems that you're asking if it is better to use windows security ("Integrated Security=SSPI" in the connection string) or a username/password ("User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;").
Its always better to use windows security. Having login information within the connection string is a security risk. Its in cleartext (unless you take some complicated steps to secure that section), and is sent across the wire as cleartext unless you set up a trusted connection between application and server.
Is it better to "create a db user and access the db trhough that user by including him in the connection string?" No. Its better to create a sql server login for user's windows identities and let them use those credentials to access the server.
You do this if you wish to connect as a specific user, rather than (for example) just using the context of the current user which your application is running under. However, if you use SQL Server authentication (i.e. username and password), you'd need to provide that password in the connection string, which is something of a security problem.
If the application has a group of anonymous users (or manages users/passwords itself) then its better to use a Windows login and run the application under a service account (which has minimal required access to the database).
If you're running an interactive application on the desktop, you should let those users connect to SQL server in their own context, by adding them to SQL Server with the required rights (e.g. db read/write , remove any higher functions). Obviously you would use groups to make administration simpler rather than adding individual users.
