I have a DataStax Astra database and I have this example for how to get a user with a specific username:
curl --request GET \
--url https://${ASTRA_DB_ID}-${ASTRA_DB_REGION}.apps.astra.datastax.com/api/rest/v2/keyspaces/${ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE}/user?where=\{"user_username":\{"$eq":"'+*username_value_here*+'"\}\}' \
--header "x-cassandra-token: ${ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN}"
And because of Cassandra i don't have the option ALLOW FILTERING:
{"description":"Bad request: org.apache.cassandra.stargate.exceptions.InvalidRequestException: Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING","code":400}
I can't find anywhere how to enable this option in curl command, so the question is how can i write this (if it's possible) or there are better alternatives. Any help is welcomed.
The REST API does not currently support ALLOW FILTERING but you have some other options.
If usernames are unique in your system and you’re able to alter the data model you could make user_username the partition key. This will allow you to query by that column without needing filtering.
Another option if you can’t change the data model would be to add an index on user_username. The index will enable you to maintain your existing access patterns while also allowing you to query by the username.
We are using Spring Data MongoDB to connect to an Azure CosmosDB instance that is sharded. We currently face the issue, that the default SimpleMongoRepository implementation does not seem to support specifying a shard key that is then used in the query section of the update command sent to the MongoDB (or CosmosDB in our case). Compared to MongoDB, CosmosDB require the shard key in every query hitting a sharded collection. MongoDB only suggests to specify it.
Anyway, we have not yet found a way to manipulate the save operation so that is uses the shard key in the query section of the update command as well. Implementing a custom repository seems to be tricky since most classes we require to implement that are private or package private.
Does anyone have experience with this or is in a similar situation?
We have a Cloudant database on Bluemix that contains a large number of documents that are answer units built by the Document Conversion service. These answer units are used to populate a Solr Retrieve and Rank collection for our application. The Cloudant database serves as our system of record for the answer units.
For reasons that are unimportant, our Cloudant database is no longer valid. What we need is a way to download everything from the Solr collection and re-create the Cloudant database. Can anyone tell me a way to do that?
I'm not aware of any automated way to do this.
You'll need to fetch all your documents from Solr (and assuming you have a lot of them, do this in a paginated way - there are some examples of how to do this in the Solr doc) and add them into Cloudant.
Note that you'll only be able to do this for the fields that you have set to be stored in your schema. If there are important fields that you need in Cloudant that you haven't got stored in Solr, then you might be stuck. :(
You can replicate one Cloudant database to another which will create you an exact replica.
Another technique is to use a tool such as couchbackup which takes a copy of your database's documents (ignoring any deletions) and allows you to save the data in a text file. You can then use the couchrestore tool to upload the data file to a new database.
See this blog for more details.
Is solr just for searching ie it's not for 'updating' or 'inserting' data?
My site is currently MySQL based, and on looking at SOLR as an alt option, I see you make your queries through http requests.
My first thought was - how do you stop someone from making a query that updates or inserts data?
Obviously, I'm not understanding SOLR, hence my question here.
Solr mainly is for Full Text search, and rather should not be used as a Persistent store.
Solr stores its data in the File store and does not provide the features of Relational database (ACID or Nested Entities etc )
Usually, the model followed is use Relationship database for you data management.
Replicate the data into Solr for Full Text search.
You can always control the Insert/Update access for Solr by securing the urls.
I'm working on a cloud-based line of business application. Users can upload documents and other types of object to the application. Users upload quite a number of documents and together there are several million docs stored. I use SQL Server.
Today I have a somewhat-restful-API which allow users to pass in a DocumentSearchQuery entity where they supply keyword together with request sort order and paging info. They get a DocumentSearchResult back which is essentially a sorted collection of references to the actual documents.
I now want to extend the search API to other entity types than documents, and I'm looking into using OData for this. But I get the impression that if I use OData, I will face several problems:
There's no built-in limit on what fields users can query which means that either the perf will depend on if they query a indexed field or not, or I will have to implement my own parsing of incoming OData requests to ensure they only query indexed fields. (Since it's a multi-tenant application and they share physical hardware, slow queries are not really acceptable since those affect other customers)
Whatever I use to access data in the backend needs to support IQueryable. I'm currently using Entity Framework which does this, but i will probably use something else in the future. Which means it's likely that I need to do my own parsing of incoming queries again.
There's no built-in support for limiting what data users can access. I need to validate incoming Odata queries to make sure they access data they actually have permission to access.
I don't think I want to go down the road of manually parsing incoming expression trees to make sure they only try to access data which they have access to. This seems cumbersome.
My question is: Considering the above, is using OData a suitable protocol in a multi-tenant environment where customers write their own clients accessing the entities?
I think it is suitable here. Let me give you some opinions about the problems you think you will face:
There's no built-in limit on what fields users can query which means
that either the perf will depend on if they query a indexed field or
not, or I will have to implement my own parsing of incoming OData
requests to ensure they only query indexed fields. (Since it's a
multi-tenant application and they share physical hardware, slow
queries are not really acceptable since those affect other customers)
True. However you can check for allowed fields in the filter to allow the operation or deny it.
Whatever I use to access data in the backend needs to support
IQueryable. I'm currently using Entity Framework which does this, but
i will probably use something else in the future. Which means it's
likely that I need to do my own parsing of incoming queries again.
Yes, there is a provider for EF. That means if you use something else in the future you will need to write your own provider. If you change EF probably you took a decision to early. I don´t recommend WCF DS in that case.
There's no built-in support for limiting what data users can access. I
need to validate incoming Odata queries to make sure they access data
they actually have permission to access.
There isn´t any out-of-the-box support to do that with WCF Data Services, right. However that is part of the authorization mechanism that you will need to implement anyway. But I have good news for you: do it is pretty easy with QueryInterceptors. simply intercepting the query and, based on the user privileges. This is something you will have to implement it independently the technology you use.
My answer: Considering the above, WCF Data Services is a suitable protocol in a multi-tenant environment where customers write their own clients accessing the entities at least you change EF. And you should have in mind the huge effort it saves to you.
I am using solr to index reports from DB. I am successful in doing that. However, I also need to track user activity to report whether a document has been read by the user or not. I am aware that Solr is not built to index/keep track user activity, but is there a good approach going about this ?
Any suggestions?
No, as you say there is no support for this in Solr. From a Solr perspective it’s more related to how you build you web-application. I would recommend you to ask yourself this:
When tracking the reading statistics of my users do I need to index that information into Solr too?
The answer to this question depends on if you need to the information to facet, search or use it in the relevance model. Say for example you want to have a facet that allows your users to filter on read or unread documents then of course you need to index this into Solr.
If you only want to present whether or not a document has been read or not (in the web interface) you might as well store this information inside a SQL database fetching it when presenting the results.