Extraction of matched dataset from MatchThem - matching

I have browsed almost all possible pages on the subject and I still can't find a way to extract a matched data dataset with the MatchThem package.
By analogy, MatchIt allows via the function match.data() to extract the dataset of matched data for example 3:1. Although MatchThem's complete() function is the equivalent, this function apparently does not allow to extract exclusively the imputed AND matched dataset.
Here is an example of multiple imputation with 3:1 matching from which I am trying to extract multiple matched datasets:
#Multiple imputations
mids_object <- mice(data, maxit = 5, m=3, seed= 20211022, printFlag = F) # m=3 is voluntarily low for this example.
mimids_object <- matchthem(primary_subtype ~ age + bmi + ps, data = mids_object, approach = "within" ,ratio= 3, method = "optimal")
#Details of matched data
Printing | dataset: #1
A matchit object
method: Variable ratio 3:1 optimal pair matching
distance: Propensity score
- estimated with logistic regression
number of obs: 761 (original), 177 (matched)
target estimand: ATT
covariates: age, bmi, ps
#Extracting matched dataset
complete(mimids_object, action = "long") -> complete_mi_matched
#Summary of extracted dataset to check correct number of match
classic ADK SRC
702 59
It should show the matched proportion 3:1 with 177 matched (177 classic ADK and 59 SRC)
I am missing something. Thanks in advance for your help or suggestions.


How can I obtain overall p-value in feglm model?

I am running on project to find associated factors of a certain blood test performed, let's says diabetes blood test for this post. The variables that I have are 1) year (2018, 2019, 2020), 2) gender (male, female, other), 3) clinic locations of individual clinics (metropolitan, regional, rural), 4) Age group (20-29,30-39,40-49, 50-59, 60-89yrs old). This data is clustered sample by medical clinic (clinic_id)
I tried survey, srvyr and fixest packages (cluster sample) and found that the of feglm of fixest package were very similar to those of stata.
I fit this model using fixest package using the following script;
model_tested <- feglm (tested ~ year + gender + clinic_location + age_group, data = tested_proportion, family = "binomial", se = "cluster", cluster= ~clinic_id)
I was able to obtain individual p-value like the followings;
pr (>
In glm, I can run Anova (or aov) test to obtain overall p-value of each variable, such as p-value of year, gender and age-group.
However, I cannot run anova(model_tested) and got error message that Anova test was not supported in feglm model.
I tried the following script to obtain overall-p value of each variable, using wald.test
p_overall_year <- aod:wald.test(sigma = vcov(model_tested), b= coef(model_tested), Term = 2:3)
p_overall_gender <- aod:wald.test(sigma = vcov(model_tested), b= coef(model_tested), Term = 4:5)
p_overall_gender <- aod:wald.test(sigma = vcov(model_tested), b= coef(model_tested), Term = 6:10)
My question is, are there better way to obtain overall-p values of each variable?
Also, These showed overall p-value of each group but it was somewhat different to those of stata that i obtained using script, testparm i(2018/2020).year, that showed results of adjusted wald test. For example, overall p-value of year in R was 0.0013 whereas that in Stata was 0.0891.
Any other methods that I can try in R to achieve similar overall p-value to Stata?

Can anybody help be with immediate less than and immediate greater than from a number query in solr

var strQuery = client_education.query().q(
'all_type:current_affairs AND active:1 AND ca_id:123)
var next = client_education.query().q(
'all_type:current_affairs AND active:1 AND ca_id>123)
// should return the greater than 123 ca_id from database
// var previous = client_education.query().q(
'all_type:current_affairs AND active:1 AND ca_id<123)
// should return the less than 123 ca_id from database
How can I retrieve values greater than and less than the given id (123) in solr?
Range searches can be done using [start TO end], where [] is used to mean including, while {} is used to mean excluding the start/end.
For any value larger than 123:
ca_id:{123 TO *]
For any value smaller than 123 (not including):
ca_id:[* TO 123}
This assume that your fields are configured as proper integer fields. If you have configured them a text or string fields, this won't work (and you need to reconfigure them), since 111111 sorts before 123 and thus is considered less than 123.
But as long as you've configured your fields as numeric / integer fields, the range syntax works as expected.

PySpark replace Null with Array

After a join by ID, my data frame looks as follows:
ID | Features | Vector
1 | (50,[...] | Array[1.1,2.3,...]
2 | (50,[...] | Null
I ended up with Null values for some IDs in the column 'Vector'. I would like to replace these Null values by an array of zeros with 300 dimensions (same format as non-null vector entries). df.fillna does not work here since it's an array I would like to insert. Any idea how to accomplish this in PySpark?
Similarly to this post my current approach:
df_joined = id_feat_vec.join(new_vec_df, "id", how="left_outer")
fill_with_vector = udf(lambda x: x if x is not None else np.zeros(300),
df_new = df_joined.withColumn("vector", fill_with_vector("vector"))
Unfortunately with little success:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0in stage 848.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.3 in stage 848.0 (TID 692199,, executor 16): net.razorvine.pickle.PickleException: expected zero arguments for construction of ClassDict (for numpy.core.multiarray._reconstruct)
Py4JJavaError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-193-e55fed27fcd8> in <module>()
5 a = df_joined.withColumn("vector", fill_with_vector("vector"))
----> 7 a.show()
/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/dataframe.pyc in show(self, n, truncate)
316 """
317 if isinstance(truncate, bool) and truncate:
--> 318 print(self._jdf.showString(n, 20))
319 else:
320 print(self._jdf.showString(n, int(truncate)))
/databricks/spark/python/lib/py4j-0.10.4-src.zip/py4j/java_gateway.py in __call__(self, *args)
1131 answer = self.gateway_client.send_command(command)
1132 return_value = get_return_value(
-> 1133 answer, self.gateway_client, self.target_id, self.name)
1135 for temp_arg in temp_args:
Updated: I couldn't get the SQL expression form to create an array of doubles. 'array(0.0, ...)' appears to create an array of Decimal types. But, using the python functions you can get it to properly create an array of doubles.
The general idea is use the when/otherwise functions to selectively update only the rows you want. You can define the literal value you want ahead of time as a column and then dump that in the "THEN" clause.
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
schema = StructType([StructField("f1", LongType()), StructField("f2", ArrayType(DoubleType(), False))])
data = [(1, [10.0, 11.0]), (2, None), (3, None)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(data), schema)
# Create a column object storing the value you want in the NULL case
num_elements = 300
null_value = array([lit(0.0)] * num_elements)
# If you want a different type you can change it like this
# null_value = null_value.cast('array<float>')
# Keep the value when there is one, replace it when it's null
df2 = df.withColumn('f2', when(df['f2'].isNull(), null_value).otherwise(df['f2']))
You could try to make an update request on your dataset with a where, replacing every NULL in the Vector column by an array.
Are you using SparkSQL and dataframes?

MATLAB Extract all rows between two variables with a threshold

I have a cell array called BodyData in MATLAB that has around 139 columns and 3500 odd rows of skeletal tracking data.
I need to extract all rows between two string values (these are timestamps when an event happened) that I have
Column 1 2 3
'10:15:15.332' 'BASE05' ...
'10:17:33:230' 'BASE05' ...
The two timestamps should match a value in the array but might also be within a few ms of those in the array e.g.
TimeStamp1 = '10:15:15.560'
TimeStamp2 = '10:17:33.233'
I have several questions!
How can I return an array for all the data between the two string values plus or minus a small threshold of say .100ms?
Also can I also add another condition to say that all str values in column2 must also be the same, otherwise ignore? For example, only return the timestamps between A and B only if 'BASE02'
Many thanks,
The best approach to the first part of your problem is probably to change from strings to numeric date values. In Matlab this can be done quite painlessly with datenum.
For the second part you can just use logical indexing... this is were you put a condition (i.e. that second columns is BASE02) within the indexing expression.
A self-contained example:
% some example data:
BodyData = {'10:15:15.332', 'BASE05', 'foo';...
'10:15:16.332', 'BASE02', 'bar';...
'10:15:17.332', 'BASE05', 'foo';...
'10:15:18.332', 'BASE02', 'foo';...
'10:15:19.332', 'BASE05', 'bar'};
% create column vector of numeric times, and define start/end times
dateValues = datenum(BodyData(:, 1), 'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
startTime = datenum('10:15:16.100', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
endTime = datenum('10:15:18.500', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
% select data in range, and where second column is 'BASE02'
BodyData(dateValues > startTime & dateValues < endTime & strcmp(BodyData(:, 2), 'BASE02'), :)
ans =
'10:15:16.332' 'BASE02' 'bar'
'10:15:18.332' 'BASE02' 'foo'
References: datenum manual page, matlab help page on logical indexing.

How many times is the DBRecordReader getting created?

Below is what I think of the hadoop framework processing text files. Please correct me if I am going wrong somewhere.
Each mapper acts on an input split which contains some records.
For each input split a record reader is getting created which starts reading records from the input split.
If there are n records in an input split the map method in the mapper is called n times which in turn reads a key-value pair using the record reader.
Now coming to the databases perspective
I have a database on a single remote node. I want to fetch some data from a table in this database. I would configure the parameters using DBConfigure and mention the input table using DBInputFormat. Now say if my table has 100 records in all, and I execute an SQL query which generates 70 records in the output.
I would like to know :
How are the InputSplits getting created in the above case (database) ?
What does the input split creation depend on, the number of records which my sql query generates or the total number of records in the table (database) ?
How many DBRecordReaders are getting created in the above case (database) ?
How are the InputSplits getting created in the above case (database)?
// Split the rows into n-number of chunks and adjust the last chunk
// accordingly
for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++) {
DBInputSplit split;
if ((i + 1) == chunks)
split = new DBInputSplit(i * chunkSize, count);
split = new DBInputSplit(i * chunkSize, (i * chunkSize)
+ chunkSize);
There is the how, but to understand what it depends on let's take a look at chunkSize:
statement = connection.createStatement();
results = statement.executeQuery(getCountQuery());
long count = results.getLong(1);
int chunks = job.getConfiguration().getInt("mapred.map.tasks", 1);
long chunkSize = (count / chunks);
So chunkSize takes the count = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableName and divides this by chunks = mapred.map.tasks or 1 if it is not defined in the configuration.
Then finally, each input split will have a RecordReader created to handle the type of database you are reading from for instance: MySQLDBRecordReader for MySQL database.
For more info check out the source
It appears #Engineiro explained it well by taking the actual hadoop source. Just to answer, number of DBRecordReader is equal to number of map tasks.
To explain further, the Hadoop Map side framework creates an instance of DBRecordReader for each Map task, in case where the child JVM is not reused for further Map tasks. In other words, the number of input splits is equals to the value of map.reduce.tasks in case of DBInputFormat. So, each map Task's record Reader has the meta information to construct the query to get subset of data from the table. Each Record Reader executes a pagination type of SQL which is similar to the below.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.*,ROWNUM dbif_rno FROM ( select * from emp ) a WHERE rownum <= 6 + 7 ) WHERE dbif_rno >= 6
The above SQL is for the second Map tasks to return the rows between 6 and 13
To generalize for any type of Input formats, the number of Record Readers is equals to the number of Map Tasks.
This post talks about all that you want : http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2009/03/database-access-with-hadoop/
