PySpark replace Null with Array - arrays

After a join by ID, my data frame looks as follows:
ID | Features | Vector
1 | (50,[...] | Array[1.1,2.3,...]
2 | (50,[...] | Null
I ended up with Null values for some IDs in the column 'Vector'. I would like to replace these Null values by an array of zeros with 300 dimensions (same format as non-null vector entries). df.fillna does not work here since it's an array I would like to insert. Any idea how to accomplish this in PySpark?
Similarly to this post my current approach:
df_joined = id_feat_vec.join(new_vec_df, "id", how="left_outer")
fill_with_vector = udf(lambda x: x if x is not None else np.zeros(300),
df_new = df_joined.withColumn("vector", fill_with_vector("vector"))
Unfortunately with little success:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0in stage 848.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 0.3 in stage 848.0 (TID 692199,, executor 16): net.razorvine.pickle.PickleException: expected zero arguments for construction of ClassDict (for numpy.core.multiarray._reconstruct)
Py4JJavaError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-193-e55fed27fcd8> in <module>()
5 a = df_joined.withColumn("vector", fill_with_vector("vector"))
----> 7
/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/dataframe.pyc in show(self, n, truncate)
316 """
317 if isinstance(truncate, bool) and truncate:
--> 318 print(self._jdf.showString(n, 20))
319 else:
320 print(self._jdf.showString(n, int(truncate)))
/databricks/spark/python/lib/ in __call__(self, *args)
1131 answer = self.gateway_client.send_command(command)
1132 return_value = get_return_value(
-> 1133 answer, self.gateway_client, self.target_id,
1135 for temp_arg in temp_args:

Updated: I couldn't get the SQL expression form to create an array of doubles. 'array(0.0, ...)' appears to create an array of Decimal types. But, using the python functions you can get it to properly create an array of doubles.
The general idea is use the when/otherwise functions to selectively update only the rows you want. You can define the literal value you want ahead of time as a column and then dump that in the "THEN" clause.
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
schema = StructType([StructField("f1", LongType()), StructField("f2", ArrayType(DoubleType(), False))])
data = [(1, [10.0, 11.0]), (2, None), (3, None)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(data), schema)
# Create a column object storing the value you want in the NULL case
num_elements = 300
null_value = array([lit(0.0)] * num_elements)
# If you want a different type you can change it like this
# null_value = null_value.cast('array<float>')
# Keep the value when there is one, replace it when it's null
df2 = df.withColumn('f2', when(df['f2'].isNull(), null_value).otherwise(df['f2']))

You could try to make an update request on your dataset with a where, replacing every NULL in the Vector column by an array.
Are you using SparkSQL and dataframes?


Extraction of matched dataset from MatchThem

I have browsed almost all possible pages on the subject and I still can't find a way to extract a matched data dataset with the MatchThem package.
By analogy, MatchIt allows via the function to extract the dataset of matched data for example 3:1. Although MatchThem's complete() function is the equivalent, this function apparently does not allow to extract exclusively the imputed AND matched dataset.
Here is an example of multiple imputation with 3:1 matching from which I am trying to extract multiple matched datasets:
#Multiple imputations
mids_object <- mice(data, maxit = 5, m=3, seed= 20211022, printFlag = F) # m=3 is voluntarily low for this example.
mimids_object <- matchthem(primary_subtype ~ age + bmi + ps, data = mids_object, approach = "within" ,ratio= 3, method = "optimal")
#Details of matched data
Printing | dataset: #1
A matchit object
method: Variable ratio 3:1 optimal pair matching
distance: Propensity score
- estimated with logistic regression
number of obs: 761 (original), 177 (matched)
target estimand: ATT
covariates: age, bmi, ps
#Extracting matched dataset
complete(mimids_object, action = "long") -> complete_mi_matched
#Summary of extracted dataset to check correct number of match
classic ADK SRC
702 59
It should show the matched proportion 3:1 with 177 matched (177 classic ADK and 59 SRC)
I am missing something. Thanks in advance for your help or suggestions.

Prepping for apriori

Need to further prep my data set in order to apply apriori algorithm
There are only two columns:
First column as the transaction_id.
Second column is item_name and is formatted as c("" "a" "b" "c"...)
I run:
rules <- apriori(nz.mb, parameter = list(supp = 0.001, conf = 0.8))
I get an error:
Error in asMethod(object) :
column(s) 2 not logical or a factor. Discretize the columns first.
So I run:
nz.mb$item_name <- discretize(nz.mb$item_name)
I get another error:
Error in min(x, na.rm = TRUE) : invalid 'type' (list) of argument
What is my next step with item_name so that's it's formatted correctly for apriori?
Most Apriori implementation support Dataset like this:
a b c d
1 1 1 0 means a,b,c are there
1 0 0 1 means a,d are there
Either use this form or go to documentation and say the supported data for

how to pass array of values to a new column of a dataframe [duplicate]

I want to add a column in a DataFrame with some arbitrary value (that is the same for each row). I get an error when I use withColumn as follows:
dt.withColumn('new_column', 10).head(5)
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-50-a6d0257ca2be> in <module>()
1 dt = (messages
2 .select(messages.fromuserid, messages.messagetype, floor(messages.datetime/(1000*60*5)).alias("dt")))
----> 3 dt.withColumn('new_column', 10).head(5)
/Users/evanzamir/spark-1.4.1/python/pyspark/sql/dataframe.pyc in withColumn(self, colName, col)
1166 [Row(age=2, name=u'Alice', age2=4), Row(age=5, name=u'Bob', age2=7)]
1167 """
-> 1168 return'*', col.alias(colName))
1170 #ignore_unicode_prefix
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'alias'
It seems that I can trick the function into working as I want by adding and subtracting one of the other columns (so they add to zero) and then adding the number I want (10 in this case):
dt.withColumn('new_column', dt.messagetype - dt.messagetype + 10).head(5)
[Row(fromuserid=425, messagetype=1, dt=4809600.0, new_column=10),
Row(fromuserid=47019141, messagetype=1, dt=4809600.0, new_column=10),
Row(fromuserid=49746356, messagetype=1, dt=4809600.0, new_column=10),
Row(fromuserid=93506471, messagetype=1, dt=4809600.0, new_column=10),
Row(fromuserid=80488242, messagetype=1, dt=4809600.0, new_column=10)]
This is supremely hacky, right? I assume there is a more legit way to do this?
Spark 2.2+
Spark 2.2 introduces typedLit to support Seq, Map, and Tuples (SPARK-19254) and following calls should be supported (Scala):
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.typedLit
df.withColumn("some_array", typedLit(Seq(1, 2, 3)))
df.withColumn("some_struct", typedLit(("foo", 1, 0.3)))
df.withColumn("some_map", typedLit(Map("key1" -> 1, "key2" -> 2)))
Spark 1.3+ (lit), 1.4+ (array, struct), 2.0+ (map):
The second argument for DataFrame.withColumn should be a Column so you have to use a literal:
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
df.withColumn('new_column', lit(10))
If you need complex columns you can build these using blocks like array:
from pyspark.sql.functions import array, create_map, struct
df.withColumn("some_array", array(lit(1), lit(2), lit(3)))
df.withColumn("some_struct", struct(lit("foo"), lit(1), lit(.3)))
df.withColumn("some_map", create_map(lit("key1"), lit(1), lit("key2"), lit(2)))
Exactly the same methods can be used in Scala.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{array, lit, map, struct}
df.withColumn("new_column", lit(10))
df.withColumn("map", map(lit("key1"), lit(1), lit("key2"), lit(2)))
To provide names for structs use either alias on each field:
struct(lit("foo").alias("x"), lit(1).alias("y"), lit(0.3).alias("z"))
or cast on the whole object
struct(lit("foo"), lit(1), lit(0.3)).cast("struct<x: string, y: integer, z: double>")
It is also possible, although slower, to use an UDF.
The same constructs can be used to pass constant arguments to UDFs or SQL functions.
In spark 2.2 there are two ways to add constant value in a column in DataFrame:
1) Using lit
2) Using typedLit.
The difference between the two is that typedLit can also handle parameterized scala types e.g. List, Seq, and Map
Sample DataFrame:
val df = spark.createDataFrame(Seq((0,"a"),(1,"b"),(2,"c"))).toDF("id", "col1")
| id|col1|
| 0| a|
| 1| b|
1) Using lit: Adding constant string value in new column named newcol:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
val newdf = df.withColumn("newcol",lit("myval"))
| id|col1|newcol|
| 0| a| myval|
| 1| b| myval|
2) Using typedLit:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.typedLit
df.withColumn("newcol", typedLit(("sample", 10, .044)))
| id|col1| newcol|
| 0| a|[sample,10,0.044]|
| 1| b|[sample,10,0.044]|
| 2| c|[sample,10,0.044]|
As the other answers have described, lit and typedLit are how to add constant columns to DataFrames. lit is an important Spark function that you will use frequently, but not for adding constant columns to DataFrames.
You'll commonly be using lit to create org.apache.spark.sql.Column objects because that's the column type required by most of the org.apache.spark.sql.functions.
Suppose you have a DataFrame with a some_date DateType column and would like to add a column with the days between December 31, 2020 and some_date.
Here's your DataFrame:
| some_date|
Here's how to calculate the days till the year end:
val diff = datediff(lit(Date.valueOf("2020-12-31")), col("some_date"))
.withColumn("days_till_yearend", diff)
| some_date|days_till_yearend|
|2020-09-23| 99|
|2020-01-05| 361|
|2020-04-12| 263|
You could also use lit to create a year_end column and compute the days_till_yearend like so:
import java.sql.Date
.withColumn("yearend", lit(Date.valueOf("2020-12-31")))
.withColumn("days_till_yearend", datediff(col("yearend"), col("some_date")))
| some_date| yearend|days_till_yearend|
|2020-09-23|2020-12-31| 99|
|2020-01-05|2020-12-31| 361|
|2020-04-12|2020-12-31| 263|
Most of the time, you don't need to use lit to append a constant column to a DataFrame. You just need to use lit to convert a Scala type to a org.apache.spark.sql.Column object because that's what's required by the function.
See the datediff function signature:
As you can see, datediff requires two Column arguments.

Replace Null Values of a Column with mean of another Categorcial Column in Spark Dataframe

I have a dataset like this
id category value
1 A NaN
2 B NaN
3 A 10.5
5 A 2.0
6 B 1.0
I want to fill the NAN values with the mean of their respective category. As shown below
id category value
1 A 4.16
2 B 0.5
3 A 10.5
5 A 2.0
6 B 1.0
I tried to calculate first mean values of each category using group by
val df2 = dataFrame.groupBy(category).agg(mean(value)){
case r:Row => (r.getAs[String](category),r.get(1))
I got map of each category and their respective mean values.output: Map(A ->4.16,B->0.5)
Now i tried update query in Sparksql to fill column but it seems spqrkSql dosnt support update query. I tried to fill null values with in dataframe but failed to do so.
What can i do? We can do the same in pandas as shown in Pandas: How to fill null values with mean of a groupby?
But how can i do using spark dataframe
The simplest solution would be to use groupby and join:
val df2 = df.filter(!(isnan($"value"))).groupBy("category").agg(avg($"value").as("avg"))
df.join(df2, "category").withColumn("value", when(col("value").isNaN, $"avg").otherwise($"value")).drop("avg")
Note that if there is a category with all NaN it will be removed from the result
Indeed, you cannot update DataFrames, but you can transform them using functions like select and join. In this case, you can keep the grouping result as a DataFrame and join it (on category column) to the original one, then perform the mapping that would replace NaNs with the mean values:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
// calculate mean per category:
val meanPerCategory = dataFrame.groupBy("category").agg(mean("value") as "mean")
// use join, select and "nanvl" function to replace NaNs with the mean values:
val result = dataFrame
.join(meanPerCategory, "category")
.select($"category", $"id", nanvl($"value", $"mean")).show()
I stumbled upon same problem and came across this post. But tried a different solution i.e. using window functions. The code below is tested on pyspark 2.4.3 (Window functions are available from Spark 1.4). I believe this is bit cleaner solution.
This post is quiet old, but hope this answer will be helpful for others.
from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,"A", None), (2,"B", None), (3,"A",10.5), (5,"A",2.0), (6,"B",1.0)], ['id', 'category', 'value'])
category_window = Window.partitionBy("category")
value_mean = mean("value0").over(category_window)
result = df\
.withColumn("value0", coalesce("value", lit(0)))\
.withColumn("value_mean", value_mean)\
.withColumn("new_value", coalesce("value", "value_mean"))\
.select("id", "category", "new_value")
Output will be as expected (in question):
id category new_value
1 A 4.166666666666667
2 B 0.5
3 A 10.5
5 A 2
6 B 1

Postgresql slow array assignment

I am working on a stored procedure / function in postgresql. I have a table called sports, and I have an array of sports%ROWTYPE:
records = "sports"[10000];
I also have a loop (10 000 iterations), where I create a record and assign it to the records array:
for idx in ....
record.x = something;
record.y = something_else
records[idx] = record;
end loop;
For some reason, the statement records[idx] = record; takes more than 20 seconds to get executed (for the 10 000 iterations).
I don't know why this assignment is taking so long.
I have a stored procedure with 3 parameters
x text;
y integer[][];
z integer[];
My goal is to store these data in a table like below:
x | y[0] | z[0]
x | y[1] | z[1]
x | y[..] | z[..]
x | y[n] | z[n]
PostgreSQL doesn't generally modify arrays in-place. When you modify one it gets copied to make the new one.
You should avoid trying to iteratively build or modify arrays. Instead use sets. In this case I would define a function to build one record, and I'd call it with array_agg to create the array, like
select array_agg(r)
from generate_series(1,10000) i,
into records;
Even better if you can get away without defining the function by using a ROW(...) constructor, like:
select array_agg(ROW(col1, col2, col3))
from generate_series(1,10000) i,
Daniel Vérté noted that this has changed for arrays modified in plpgsql in PostgreSQL 9.5, so it should be more efficient. On 9.5 your code might perform OK, and it'd be interesting to see the difference.
