Can't import any apps to Appium Studio - mobile

I installed AppiumStudio 21.2.7916 but I can’t import or open any apps.
First time I opened it I didn't have the default programs:
Every time I try to import any apk file, from my phone or from my computer, this is what I get:
failure: apk 'internet permission' is missing
Any ideas?
I've seen in other places that I should add:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
to my AndroidManifest.xml. I don't know where to find this xml file.
I have a MacBook Pro, Monterey, 2019


Online-only ClickOnce app not updating through web link

I'm working on a ClickOnce app that's set to online-only. I publish it to an internal IIS server, with an HTML page in the same directory that contains this link:
The deployment looks like so, with all files except the HTML page generated by my project's publish target:
-> Application Files
-> MyAppName_2213_20_0_65
-> <The published files>
-> default.html
-> MyAppName.application
When I click the link, the app runs immediately without any confirmation prompt, and I see from the about box that it's the old version. When I browse to the file share and launch MyAppName.application by double-clicking on it in Explorer, I get the prompt asking me if I'd like to run it, and then it downloads and I get an error:
Unable to install this application because an application with the same identity is already installed. To install this application, either modify the manifest version for this application or uninstall the preexisting application.
As part of the build process, I set the InstallUrl property of the project to http://ourserver/MyAppName/MyAppName.application. Is that wrong? Should it be the HTML page that contains the link? How is it determining the "identity" that's generating a conflict?
Since the app's online-only, it's not installed and doesn't show up in the Programs and Features control panel (and therefore that part of the error message doesn't apply).
I'm new to ClickOnce, so let me know if I left out some helpful information.
If I run mage -cc from a Visual Studio command prompt, the new version launches instead of the old one.
Update 2
As I poked around more, I'm seeing something that looks wrong, and could be the problem. I see the following two lines in my MyAppName.application file (the deployment manifest):
<assemblyIdentity name="MyAppName" version="" ...
<dependentAssembly dependencyType="install" codebase="Application Files\MyAppName_2213_20_0_65\MyAppName.exe.manifest" size="82044">
<assemblyIdentity name="MyAppName.exe" version="" ...
You can see the mismatch above. It's deploying to MyAppName_2213_20_0_65, but it thinks the version number of the exe is I'm not sure why it thinks that. My project includes a file that gets generated as part of the build with this line:
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("2213.20.0.65")]
Then, to set the published version number, I have this in my csproj file:
<Target Name="BeforePublish">
<GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="$(TargetPath)">
<Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="MyAppAssemblyInfo" />
Does the assembly version listed for my executable even matter? If it does, why is it stuck on, and could that be affecting the download of updated versions?
My second update put me on the right track. The problem was indeed the incorrect version number for the assemblyIdentity attributes. To fix it, I'm no longer using a BeforePublish target. Instead, I'm passing in the ApplicationVersion when I call MSBuild:
"%msbuild_path%" MyAppName.csproj /target:Publish /p:ApplicationVersion=%VERSION%

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/Documents/android-sdk-linux/build-tools' at Error (native)

I am new to Appium and I am running a selenium script with device connected and while running in terminal i am getting this error:
“Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir ‘/Documents/android-sdk-linux/build-tools’ at Error (native)”
I am running in Linux. Can you please help me out ?
You need to paste this two lines in .bashrc file
export ANDROID_HOME=/home/rijomon/Documents/android-sdk-linux/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
then you will not get that error
This error is caused when Appium can not find a valid path to the Android SDK in the ANDROID_HOME environment variable
...or when the SDK installation is corrupt.
Rijo Mon's answer is correct for his system but the ANDROID_HOME path will need to be changed to point to the actual location of your installed SDK.
Install Android Studio if you aren't already using it.
Make sure only one version of Android SDK is installed in Android studio, and make sure Android Studio does not display any errors or warnings about the SDK installation.
Go to Android Studio Preferences → Appearance and Behavior → System Settings → Android SDK
Uninstall all installed Android SDK versions here by unchecking
their boxes and clicking Apply
Uninstall any other copies of the Android SDK on your system
In Android Stduio, check only one SDK version and install it by clicking Apply.
Close and re-open Android Studio (you may want to reboot your machine)
Go back into the Android SDK window in Preferences → Appearance and Behavior → System Settings → Android SDK
Confirm that Android Studio does not display any warnings about the installed Android SDK.
Make sure the ANDROID_HOME environment variable is in your bash_profile and that it points to the location of your installed SDK. For an SDK installation managed by Android Studio on OSX, this should be ~/Library/Android/sdk
The output of "ls -l ~/Library/Android/sdk" or the ls for your correct path to your SDK should now show a directory listing with the installed SDK files and folders including "build-tools" and "emulator"
Add the following line to ~/.bash_profile (OSX) or ~/.bashrc (Linux)
export ANDROID_HOME="${HOME}/Library/Android/sdk" (replace the path with your actual SDK path)
Restart your terminal or source the modified bash profile with "source ~/.bash_profile" or "source ~/.bashrc"

Golang GAE SDK on XP: Do I have to install it? Are there other ways to use the SDK on XP?

The introduction says:
Follow the instructions on the download page to install the SDK on
your computer.
But the download page has no any instructions about how to install and what to do next. Only links.
All I found is this link to WindowsInstallation:
Download and run the latest Windows installer from our downloads page
Must Windows XP users use the installer? Can they just download the Linux version and unzip it? I'd like to have a portable version rather than one that installs EXEs and registry settings, etc.
Also I do not understand what exactly do I have to choose. There are:
Google App Engine SDK 1.7.7 (.msi file)
Google App Engine SDK for Go 1.7.7 (.zip file)
I've downloaded the second. Do I need to download and install the first too? Just adding the second to the PATH and develop is exactly what I want. Is this enough?
The Linux version will have executables compiled for Linux, so you can't run those on Windows (unless you run linux under a virtual machine with VirtualBox, VMWare or similar).
No, you do not need to install something to run Go GAE on XP.
I just downloaded from
Unzipped it in C:\go_appengine-1.7.7
Added the folder in my PATH. The main goal is to have these files and in the PATH. It is written
here. Not a must, though, only for convenience.
Installed Python 2.7.4. Only works with 2.7.4. At first I installed
the latest 3.3.1 but had to change it to 2.7.4 because Go GAE cannot
run, throws an error.
And that's all. Just created a sample script, ran C:\> myapp and opened my sample app in localhost:8080.
Do not know, though, what benefits the installer offer. I didn't test it.
That was just a sample script. Maybe some serious development requires installation.

can't find where BlackBerry 10 simulator was installed on MacOS, and re-install got "multiple launches of installer not allowed" error

Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5(11G63)
After install the upper two dmg files, I can find qde in the launchpad, but I can not find the "BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_n_nn.vmwarevm" file".
I want to re-install ,so I run the app "" in Finder->devices->BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10-1-x, just get the pop-up-box saying
The Installer cannot be run.
Multiple launches of this installer is not allowed. It will now quit
, and then the installer quit.
How can I find the simulator install path, or
How can I re-Install it successfully.
At the first time installing, I did not change anything while installing, just clicked those "next","accept..." buttons.
I think the simulator should be installed in default file path, but I don't know where is it, and can't find it even searching "BlackBerry10Simulator" in Finder.
Maybe there is something wrong while first time installing simulator?
The BB10 simulators are VMware virtual machines. On a Mac, you need to have VMWare Fusion installed in order to run the simulator VM. This is mentioned in the system requirements. All the dmg installer does is uncompress the VMware image and place it on your hard drive. I just installed this myself, and the default location seems to be:
/Users/<your username>/Documents/Virtual Machines
Inside there should be a folder Blackberry10Simulator-BB10_1_X-338 and inside that there should be BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_1_X.vmwarevm which contains the actual virtual machine .vmx and .vmdk files.
There should also be an alias (shortcut) created on your desktop to point to this location, called Blackberry 10 Simulator.
To uninstall, there is a script in Blackberry10Simulator-BB10_1_X-338/install called uninstaller which should remove everything and allow you to install again.
Unfortunately, VMWare Fusion is not free but you can sign up for a 30-day trial in order to be able to run the simulator and test out your app.
I recently encountered this error with a different installer (but also installanywhere based). There seems to be a problem with the mirroring feature in VM Ware Fusion and the multiple install detection in Install anywhere. If you disable mirroring, I suspect the "Multiple launches of this installer is not allowed." error will no longer occur.

Problem installing Google App Engine from MSI

I downloaded Python and installed it, and when I go download GoogleAppEngine_1.2.0.msi and try to install it and I get this error:
This installation package could not be
opened. Contact the application
vendor to verify that this is a valid
Windows Installer package.
Am I forgetting something? I am assuming this is pretty simple.
I had the same error. The file downloaded by IE was about 190k and would not run. The file ought to be 2.7M. Firefox downloads correctly. Also IE will download correctly if you select RUN instead of SAVE. That is my experience and I now have the SDK installed. I hope this helps you.
Download it again and try to install the newly downloaded file. Maybe the file was damaged during download or not completely downloaded which can both happen sometimes.
If this does not help and the same error message appears you could control the checksum which should be
for this file.
When you are sure that the downloaded file is ok, check if the version of your operating system is supported.
Maybe installing the Windows installer could help?
If not, try out on another machine or inside a virtual machine.
