VS SQL Schema Compare - sometimes missing schema on create [dbo].[xxxxxx] - sql-server

I am using VS 2019 and comparing 2 databases using Schema Compare. Most of the time it finds the differences just fine and replicates them across. However, on some Stored Procedures it highlights a difference because of a schema name missing. e.g. [dbo]
Left Panel (local DB)
CREATE Procedure MyNewProcedure
#prmParam1 int
Select * from TableA where Id = #prmParam1
And on the Right hand Panel (remote DB) it shows the schema name correctly:
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[MyNewProcedure]
#prmParam1 int
Select * from TableA where Id = #prmParam1
If I run the update, it will create another version of this stored procedure but it won't belong to the dbo schema - it will take on the schema name of the connection.
It only does this for a handful of stored procedures. All the rest it adds the [dbo]. to each of the create statements.
I can not figure out why as I have to manually create the SP on the remote DB and then do an Exclude for each of these in the compare so it won't delete my new SP on the remote and create the new one without the [dbo].
Anyone got any ideas or seen this before?
I don't think I am creating the original SP (local) in any different way. Just a blank New Query window and type it in and hit F5.
Thanks in advance,


T-SQL - Where is #tempimport?

I have a legacy db from an application that is no longer supported. I'm trying to deconstruct a stored procedure to make a modification, but I can't figure out where #tempimport is located. I've searched high and low through the schema, but I'm not finding anything close. This is how it's used:
SELECT TOP 1 #saleid = [sale_id] FROM #tempimport;
Is this a T-SQL specific thing, or can I actually find the data in this table somewhere?
Tables with the # preceding the name are temporary tables.
You can find them in the tempdb database under System Databases
Tables that are prefixed with a # are temporary tables that are created in the tempdb system database.
try to find code of this table creation in you DB schema
select * from information_schema.routines
where object_definition(object_id(routine_name)) like '%#tempimport%'
try find #tempimport in schemas of neighboring DBs
try find #tempimport in your application sources if exists.
try to profile(SQL Profiler tool) your application and search #tempimport here.
#tempimport can be created by any connected application. Not only from your DB runnable code
you can research deeper and try to monitoring the moment of #tempimport creation. Example
select left(name, charindex('_',name)-1)
from tempdb..sysobjects
where charindex('_',name) > 0 and
xtype = 'u' and not object_id('tempdb..'+name) is null
and left(name, charindex('_',name)-1) = '#tempimport'
source: Is there a way to get a list of all current temporary tables in SQL Server?

Connection scoped temp tables across stored procedures

I'm working on a data virtualization solution. The user is able to write his own SQL queries as filters for a query i make. I would like not having to run this filter query every time i select something from the database(It will likely be a complex series of joins).
My idea was to use a # temp table at script level and keep the connection alive. This #temp table would then be selected from but updated only when the user changes the filter. The idea being i can actually use it from stored procedures and the table is scoped to that connection.
I got the idea from someone who suggested to use dynamic sql and ## global temp tables named with the connection process ID so to make each connection have a unique global temp table. This was to overcome sharing temp tables across stored procedures. But it seems a bit clumsy.
I did a quick test with the below code and seemed to work fine
-- Run script at connection open from some app
FROM dataTable
-- Now we can use stored procedures with #test table
EXECUTE selectFromTempTable
EXECUTE updateTempTable #sqlFilterString
EXECUTE selectFromTempTable
Only real problem i can see is the connection have to be kept alive for the duration which can be a few hours maybe. A single user can have multiple connections running at the same time. The number of users on a single database server would be like max 20.
If its a huge issue i could make it so the application can close and open them as needed so each user only have 1 connection open at a time. And maybe even then close it if not in use, and reopen when needed again with the delay of having to wait for the query to run.
Would this be bad practice? or kill any performance benefit from not running the filter query? This is on SQL Server 2008 and up.
I think I would create a permanent table, using the spid (process ID) as a key value. Each connection has its own process ID, so anyone can use it to identify their entries in the table:
create table filter(
spid int,
filternum int,
filterstring varchar(255),
<other cols> );
create unique index filterindx on filter(spid, filternum);
Then when a user creates filter entries:
delete from filter where spid = ##spid
insert into filter(spid, filternum, filterstring) select ##spid, 1, 'some sql thing'
insert into filter(spid, filternum, filterstring) select ##spid, 2, 'some other sql thing'
Then you can access each user's filter values by selecting where spid = ##spid etc

Error when adding values to an Access ADP form bound to a SQL stored procedure with a join

I have an Access 2003 ADP project that connects to SQL Server 2008 Express Edition.
When I try adding values to a form that has as it's RecordSource a SQL Strored Procedure that uses a JOIN, I get the following error:
You can't update the record because another user or application deleted it or changed the value of its primary key.
The code for the Stored Procedure is:
SELECT F.Description, T.Quantity, T.Points
RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblCriteriaCategory1 F
ON T.FunctionalityID = F.tblCriteriaCategory1ID
(The values I'm trying to add are those for Quantity and Points to table Test)
I have also created the appropriate ForeignKey relationship on the Test and tblCriteriaCategory1 tables.
Thank you for any assistace with the above
You probably need to make FunctionalityID the primary key for Test.
This knowledge base article show almost the exact same scenario as you are experiencing

Unable to carry out operations (create trigger, drop table) for a table I created

I am using a SQL Server database with SQL Server Management Studio where I have existing tables. I add a few tables to it and it works just fine. However, for subsequent operations such as
Drop table XXX --OR
Create Trigger YYY on XXX
I run into a error statement that reads:
i) Cannot drop table XXX as it does not exist or you do not have permissions
ii) The object 'XXX' does not exist or is invalid for this operation
I tried to carry out an Insert operation but that showed me a similar error (The object 'XXX' does not exist). I can see this maybe a permissions issue since I am using an existing database. However, in that case, I should have been unable to create a table as well?
Can anyone pinpoint how I can work myself around this and what the problem is?
What is your default schema?
SELECT name, default_schema_name
FROM sys.database_principals
WHERE type = 'S';
Try qualifying your references to the table as SchemaName.XXX and see if that helps.
Most of times when I had similar situations tables were created in system databases (master, tempdb..). Of course it was my mistake.
So maybe try to search for a tables in other databases?

Can DTS Test for Presence of MS-Access Table

I have an Access database in which I drop the table and then create the table afresh. However, I need to be able to test for the table in case the table gets dropped but not created (i.e. when someone stops the DTS package just after it starts -roll-eyes- ). If I were doing this in the SQL database I would just do:
IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'Table-Name-to-look-for'))
drop table 'Table-Name-to-look-for'
But how do I do that for an Access database?
Optional answer: is there a way to have the DTS package ignore the error and just go to the next step rather than checking to see if it exists?
SQL Server 2000
I'm not sure whether you can query the system objects table in an Access database from a DTS package.
If that doesn't work, why not just try doing a SELECT * from the Access table in question and then catch the error if it fails?
Try the same T-SQL, but in MS ACCESS the sys objects table is called:
Try this:
SELECT * FROM MSysObjects WHERE Name = 'your_table';
and see if it works from there.
You can take a look at these tables if you go to Tools -> Options -> View (a tab) -> and check Hidden Objects, System Objects. So you can see both. If you open the table, you should see your table names, queries, etc. Do not change this manually or the DB could panic :)
P.D.: Your If Exists should also check of object type:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Your_Table_Name]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
Microsoft Access has a system table called MSysObjects that contains a list of all database objects, including tables. Table objects have Type 1, 4 and 6.
It is important to reference the type:
... Where Name='TableName' And Type In (1,4,6)
Otherwise, what is returned could be a some object other than a table.
