ConfuserEx not encrypting - obfuscation

i have created a simple webForms(.net framework 4.5, C# , Visual Studio 2015) project to test Obfuscate ConfuserEx
i followed the steps in the post How to use ConfuserEx?
Tried both GUI and Command line
i used DotPeak
to test the Obfuscate but no thing is encrypted the encrypted version is the same as the original version same variable names same code
is the previous tutorial still works (the link is 7 years old)
is there any updated Obfuscate
Note i used the latest version ConfuserEx 1.5.0

This post explains the process:
The ConfuserEx download is here :
I used Version 1.6 as of today.
In brief, in ConfuserEx.exe:
In the [Project] tab, set your Base in & Output out paths.
Drag your exe & dlls to the "Drag input modules here" area.
In [Settings] tab either [+] to add a level of obfuscation on the
or do it per individual files you've added.
Try different levels of obfuscation by editing the level (highlight
'true' and click the pen [pen] button).
On the [Protect!] tab, press [Protect!]


Codename one gui builder does not work

I am trying to use code name one new GUI designer tool.
Version - Codename one GUI builder 3.7.3
Eclipse - Used Oxygen and Mars both.
Java - tried 7 and 8 both.
My problem is i cannot add any containers or any component to the design area. Once i add one it suddenly disappear. ( Simply cannot create any UI)
I cannot change the layout even.Always it shows Layered layout and cannot change.
I have created a java 7 as well as java 8 code name projects but nothing works.
I followed -
According to tutorial
Figure 14. The features of the main toolbar
In my editor i don't see 'Component tree icon'.
Also i cannot generate codes such as
private void initGuiBuilderComponents(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources resourceObjectInstance) {
Do i miss anything ?
We don't support Java 7 so make sure your JDK is a Java 8 JDK and the one eclipse is running on top is a Java 8+ JDK.
Make sure you created the GUI component under a package and didn't refactor it after the fact. You can also read about debugging and tracking issues in the designer/gui builder in this article.

Difference between different project files in Netbeans

I have in my working environment always more then one project open, some of the have same files but are from different project, and finding out which of them are from which project can be a real pain in the ass(however 2 sec over the div and see which folder are they from)
Is there a way to mark them so i can tell which file is from which project?
I am using NB 7.3 64bit for Windows.
There is a plugin which shows the path in the title:
And if you are switching files via CTRL+Tab the path of the selected file is shown on the bottom of the window.
Maybe this helps.
The window title for me is: "{project name} - NetBeans IDE 7.2.1". Directly on the tab I don't know how to put this information, but I use "View -> show versioning labels". Instead of various projects open, I have various "instances" of the same project on different branches in my VCS.
I'm using Ubuntu.
Just reinstalled NetBeans 7.3 on a Windows VM and the behavior is the same: project name prepends "NetBeans IDE {version}" in window Title.

Can't revert winforms project to .net 3.5

I have been unable to revert a winforms project from .net 4 back to .net 3.5 due to bugs in visual studio 2010. The program manager says in a forum it was not a design goal to permit round trip development to previous versions (!). The error is in the resx files:
error RG0000: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
"This is the intended way in which the product was designed. And, we do not support round-tripping with previous versions of the product. As such, I am resolving the issue, "By Design"."
I tried manually editing a resx file back to 3.5 and couldn't do it. Any suggestions for this appreciated.
Assuming you haven't got a previous version for what ever reason, the simplest solution would be to delete the .resx files and recreate them in the 3.5 version of the project. Take a copy of the project so you can open the offending .resx files and copy the resources to the clipboard. Pasting them back into the 3.5 version should just paste the content.
Get the last working version just before you did the upgrade from source control. You do use source control right?

How to add Silverlight in Windows CE 6.0?

I want to add Silverlight in my win ce . Can anybody tell how to add the Silverlight application?
And what are the thing I want to add in the catalog menu. Please tell me the steps for this.
You first need to install Windows CE 6 R3 (look at the Required Software section to understand the installation order - it is critical).
You need to look for XAML in the catalog and add those items that suite you. Mainly, you need SYSGEN_XAML_RUNTIME. Now you just need to do a Sysgen and you have Embedded Silverlight included.
To include the sample you need to add SYSGEN_SAMPLEXAMLPERF. It is not in the catalog so add it through a batch file or in a command-line build window. (You can read more here)
You can read Silverlight for Windows Embedded tutorial for a tutorial on a Embedded Silverlight application. This post explains how to add an Embedded Silverlight subproject to a current OSDesign.
Read this for instructions to setup a project without Platform Builder. If you follow these instructions you can setup the same project that is described in the above tutorial, but use a regular smart device project without platform builder.

Where does the silverlight 3 toolkit MSI put the DLL files?

Just downloaded the Silverlight 3 Toolkit and executed the MSI file.
Now I need to reference the Microsoft.Windows.Controls.dll file but don't know where MSI unpacked it. Can't find it at C:\ or in C:\Program Files. Where might it be?
ok, this post says that all the components should be in the toolbox, e.g. DockPanel, they are for Visual Studio 2008 Professional but not for Visual Web Developer 2008 Express (it has some controls but not DockPanel for instance)
Ok, the answer is: reboot and restart everything (until then Silverlight got a AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE error, and brought down both Visual Studio versions and Firefox). After restarting everything, it works fine: the controls are automatically in the toolbox so you just have to drag them in, no need referencing the dll anymore as in Silverlight 2.
It didnt automatically add anything for me for Silverlight Beta 4 Toolkit and Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2.
I followed these instructions. My toolkit bin was located :
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v4.0\Toolkit
In addition I had to select additional DLLs for additional toolkit items from those described in the article. I also had to check the checkbox to indicate I actually wanted those items.
There must be a better way! Anyone?
Just in case anyone was wondering, I was :-).
There is a start menu group named "Microsoft Silverlight 3 Toolkit March 2009" with all the relevant info. The toolkit assemblies can be found in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v3.0\Toolkit\March 2009\Libraries"
The July 2009 release of the Silverlight Toolkit added a "Open the welcome page" choice at the end of the MSI setup.
The path names for the July release are also slightly different, but using the Welcome page (a link is also added to the Start Menu), you'll always have a quick method to find 'em.
Checking that box will make sure that a page opens up with details about everything that's installed, including links to all the binaries, themes, the documentation, etc.
Also, since the controls are all referenced through the AssemblyFolderEx registry key, you can add a GAC-style reference in your C# or VB.NET project...
<Reference Include="System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit" />
And that will just work when built on a machine with the Silverlight SDK.
Hopefully it's a step in the right direction.
