Codename one gui builder does not work - codenameone

I am trying to use code name one new GUI designer tool.
Version - Codename one GUI builder 3.7.3
Eclipse - Used Oxygen and Mars both.
Java - tried 7 and 8 both.
My problem is i cannot add any containers or any component to the design area. Once i add one it suddenly disappear. ( Simply cannot create any UI)
I cannot change the layout even.Always it shows Layered layout and cannot change.
I have created a java 7 as well as java 8 code name projects but nothing works.
I followed -
According to tutorial
Figure 14. The features of the main toolbar
In my editor i don't see 'Component tree icon'.
Also i cannot generate codes such as
private void initGuiBuilderComponents(com.codename1.ui.util.Resources resourceObjectInstance) {
Do i miss anything ?

We don't support Java 7 so make sure your JDK is a Java 8 JDK and the one eclipse is running on top is a Java 8+ JDK.
Make sure you created the GUI component under a package and didn't refactor it after the fact. You can also read about debugging and tracking issues in the designer/gui builder in this article.


iOS theme on desktop builds?

Recently I created a desktop app with Codename One, that through REST calls implements the backend of a website. Since the graphics were relatively very simple, I could use includeNativeBool: false; and create the graphics from scratch, in order to have the desired graphic look.
Soon I will have to make another desktop app with Codename One, both for Windows and MacOS. In this new app, however, the graphics will be more complex and I don't think it's a good idea to create it from scratch. I wish I could use includeNativeBool: true; and have iOS graphics as a starting point (both on Windows and MacOS). Is it possible?
Note that when I tried to use the desktop.theme build hint it didn't work, but maybe I didn't understand how to use it.
You need to pass a theme file to the desktop.theme build hint. So just download the native iOS theme and place it under your native/javase directory. Then set the build hint as such: desktop.theme=iOS7Theme.

Still no Codename One Library project option when using Eclipse?

I recently read FIRST CLASS ECLIPSE SUPPORT which made me expect a cn1lib-wizard. But there still is none, right?
The gist of the article is that we will update the Eclipse plugin with the NetBeans & IntelliJ versions. With the trend of migrating towards common code across IDE's within our plugin (the new settings UI) this should be much easier and Eclipse should no longer be out of date with the other IDE's.
I'm not sure when we'll get around to do the library template, unlike the other features it requires some work since the Ant implementation on Eclipse is rather different. So it's hard to give a specific date.

Cocs2d-x + XAML on windows phone 8

A couple of weeks ago the new cocos2d-x (version 2.2.1) was released with great support for windows phone. However, there is one thing missing in the templates and examples: integration of XAML with Cocos2d-x. A feature that is absolutely necessary for free to play games that use ads since every single ad network uses a silverlight component.
I tried to implement the integration myself but I am stuck and all I get is a black screen. I used the following strategy for implementing it:
modified the CCEGLView class. The create method takes the follwing arguments:
bool CCEGLView::Create(In IDrawingSurfaceRuntimeHostNative* host, In ID3D11Device1* device)
in the XamlComponent class of the visual studio template I have added CCApplication member variable and the Connect methos create the CCEGLView and runs theCCAplication.
Everything compiles without any errors and runs without any crashes. However, the screen remains black :-( My guess is that the drawing surface / windows is not correctly passed but I do not know how I can do this.
Any help and ideas appreciated.
Cocos2dx 2.2.1 used native mode, currently it's not support XAML+native hybrid mode.
CoreWindow is a fundamental component, do you remove all the referene to CoreWindow?
You can look up from this project, they've a branch for wp8+waml.

How to add Silverlight in Windows CE 6.0?

I want to add Silverlight in my win ce . Can anybody tell how to add the Silverlight application?
And what are the thing I want to add in the catalog menu. Please tell me the steps for this.
You first need to install Windows CE 6 R3 (look at the Required Software section to understand the installation order - it is critical).
You need to look for XAML in the catalog and add those items that suite you. Mainly, you need SYSGEN_XAML_RUNTIME. Now you just need to do a Sysgen and you have Embedded Silverlight included.
To include the sample you need to add SYSGEN_SAMPLEXAMLPERF. It is not in the catalog so add it through a batch file or in a command-line build window. (You can read more here)
You can read Silverlight for Windows Embedded tutorial for a tutorial on a Embedded Silverlight application. This post explains how to add an Embedded Silverlight subproject to a current OSDesign.
Read this for instructions to setup a project without Platform Builder. If you follow these instructions you can setup the same project that is described in the above tutorial, but use a regular smart device project without platform builder.

How to add Windows 7 Jump Lists to a application

I want to add custom jump list entries to my application in Windows 7.
The menus I am referring to are the following.
Pin a application to the taskbar.
Now right click on the application.
Some applications like windows media player etc. have custom options that you can run.
How do I go about adding these to my application.
The Windows Team Blog has some articles about Jump Lists and other new Windows 7 Shell features:
Developing for the Windows 7 Taskbar – Jump into Jump Lists – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Those are geared towards C++ applications, there are also managed code APIs which package those in a way a little easier accessible to .NET developers.
For .Net code, there are some good example and libraries in the Windows API Code Pack
The Samples\Shell\TaskbarDemo specifically deals with the TaskBar APIs and shows how to do Jump Lists and control the icon.
Not sure if it has any examples of custom actions like Media Player.
