React native async storage issues - reactjs

In my react native app I am trying to save data into my local storage. It works fine most of the time but sometime I get error while setting the item.
So here is the code for me setting the item
async setString(key: string, value: any) {
try {
return await AsyncStorage.setItem(key, value)
} catch (e) {
`Error setting local storage, key: ${key} error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`,
One of the thing is that my error doesn't prints.
IOS users are having this issues
Do I need to first delete the item and then write to it? Doesn't setString override the value?
Is there any storage problem on the client?

Try using JSON.parse() when getting and JSON.stringify() when setting it

It's worked for me, you can try this.
useEffect(() => {
AsyncStorage.getItem('isLaunched').then((value) => {
AsyncStorage.setItem('isLaunched', 'true'); // No need to wait for `setItem` to finish, although you might want to handle errors
}); // Add some error handling, also you can simply do
}, []);


Duplicate 'ScreenView' in Firebase DebugView

Basically, my 'ScreenView' tracks are being duplicated when I use IOS.
Looking for the same problem, I saw that Firabase advised not to use 'setCurrentScreen', but here we use 'logEvent' for the track.
static screenView = async (info: FirebaseActualScreen) => {
try {
await FirebaseAnalytics.logEvent(LogTypes.SCREEN_VIEW, {
page_name: info?.name ?? '',
} catch (e) {
crashlytics().recordError(new Error(`Error to get actual screen - ${e}`));
Firebase DebugView
I have tried using the 'setCurrentScreen', even though it is not advisable, but the problem persists.

Update React Component With Updated Data From Firestore

I have a chrome extension that stores data in Firestore and populates that data to the frontend. I always have to refresh the page to see newly added data, which isn’t a user friendly experience. How can I update the UI to show the newly updated data without having to refresh the page?
So far, I've tried using useEffect to get the data. Inside of it, I'm using a function that gets data from Firestore cached inside of chrome local storage.
Here is my code
const getFolderData = () => {
getDataFromChrome("docId").then((res: any) => {
getDataFromChrome("content").then((res: any) => {
//console.log("getting in mainfolder",res);
// for (const item of res.content) {
// if (item.type.toLowerCase() === "subfolder") {
// // console.log(item)
// getSubFolder(;
// }
// }
for (const item of res.content) {
setTiersContent((pre: any) => [...pre, item]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
I also get this error. I'm also using the chrome extension API to communicate with a background script. It could be related to the problem
Uncaught (in promise) Error: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received
I've never used firebase so I'm not sure what your functions do, I can only guess. A few things wrong from what I can see:
Your useEffect is set to only run on page load since the dep array is empty, I assume you want to refetch on some condition.
If any of the 2 functions is supposed to be a subscription, your useEffect needs to return a cancel function.
Refetch data when needed is not a new problem, packages like React Query has tools that optimize your requests and refetch when needed. I suggest you give it a shot if your app has more than 2-3 fetch requests.

React-Native unable to store state getting null

I'm new to React-native so if there is a misunderstanding please be super clear and treat me as if I have never seen React-native before.
I have the app so that when you press on a button it will send you into an Auth0 flow where you can log in to the app. This seems working. If I log out the access token directly in the callback I am successful in getting it at the credentials.accessToken variable/location. However, when I am trying to set the state of the accessToken variable I get back null when I try to log it out to the screen via an alert or even via console.log. What am I doing wrong to cause this? I tried searching SO and google but both seem to show this as the right way of doing it.
const [accessToken, setAccessToken] = useState(null)
const onLogin = () => {
scope: 'openid profile email'
.then(credentials => {
Alert.alert('Access token: ', accessToken)
.catch(error => console.log(error)) // Eventually send this to backend for crash reporting
This is probably a case of a state not updating immediately. Try to use a useRef() instead of a useState( If the problem is solved the issue was with the fact that states are updated asynchronously and hence it was not set to its most recent value (the value you expected) when you console logged it.

Axios Response Data not saved in State

I have a custom hook useServerStatus that fetches from a RESTful API with axios. Checking the network tab, the response went through fine, I can see all my data. Using console.log to print out the result or using debugger to check the result in the browser works flawlessly. However, calling the setState method that I get from useState will not save the response data.
ServerStatus Interface (ServerStatus.ts)
interface ServerStatus {
taskid: string
taskmodule: string
taskident?: string
status: string
server: string
customer: string
useServerStatus Hook (useServerStatus.ts)
export default function useServerStatus() {
const [serverStatus, setServerStatus] = useState<ServerStatus[][]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const fetchServerStatus = () => {
.then(res => setServerStatus(;
return serverStatus;
Network Tab
The first request you see in the network tab is handled the same exact way, no problems there.
React Developer Console
const fetchServerStatus = () => {
.then(res => { setServerStatus( });
So, to answer my own question:
I figured out that the problem wasn't about data not being saved in state, but data not correctly being received by axios.
I fixed it with a workaround. Instead of returning a ServerStatus[][] in my backend, I returned a ServerStatus[]. I was able to use this data instead.
Following the lesson here the most obvious thing that jumps out to me is that you aren't returning the state variable serverStatus in your code vs. the example is returning "isOnline". Try to match this by returning serverStatua in your custom effect to see if it helps.

Can't get the Generic Sensor API to work in a React app

I'm trying to implement the Generic Sensor API in a React app.
I keep getting an error when I try to implement any of the sensors in my code.
For example:
var sensor1 = new AmbientLightSensor();
I get the error: Cannot find name: 'AmbientLightSensor'.
I assume that I need an import statement in my code. All of the examples I've found only include LitElement. I've even tried that but still get the unknown error.
What import statements do I need in my typescript code?
What npm packages do I need?
Below is the typescript code I'm using.
I'm getting a typescript error:
Cannot find name 'AmbientLightSensor'. TS2304
export const testAccel = async (
databaseName: string,
) => {
const {state} = await navigator.permissions.query({
name: "ambient-light-sensor"
if (state !== "granted") {
console.warn("You haven't granted permission to use the light sensor");
const sensor = new AmbientLightSensor();
sensor.addEventListener("reading", () => {
sensor.addEventListener("error", (err: any) => {
I was able to get these api's running using the polyfill at:
This would depend entirely on the browser you are using. I don't think FireFox supports it at the moment so I will focus on Chrome.
Firstly, you might need to be serving your site over HTTPS. It seems like this almost varies from permission to permission and also some are available on a localhost URL no matter what.
Secondly, for Chrome, you have to enable the "Generic Sensor Extra Classes" flag in Chrome at the chrome://flags/#enable-generic-sensor-extra-classes page.
Next, you need to make sure that have permission from the user to use the sensor, then you could actually use it. A snippet that would check that is as follows:
(async function(){
const {state} = await navigator.permissions.query({
name: "ambient-light-sensor"
if (state !== "granted") {
console.warn("You haven't granted permission to use the light sensor");
const sensor = new AmbientLightSensor();
sensor.addEventListener("reading", () => {
sensor.addEventListener("error", err => {
