char * array not valid anymore when modified from a function (C99) - arrays

In Vulkan, but it is more a c99 problem, I create my extensions list this way :
const char *extension_list[7];
uint32_t extension_count = 0;
extension_list[ extension_count++ ] = VK_KHR_SWAPCHAIN_EXTENSION_NAME;
extension_list[ extension_count++ ] = VK_KHR_MAINTENANCE1_EXTENSION_NAME;
Then I can call vkCreateDevice with this extensions array and count:
VkDeviceCreateInfo desc;
desc.enabledExtensionCount = extension_count;
desc.ppEnabledExtensionNames = extension_list ;
// (...)
vkCreateDevice( physical_device, &desc, NULL, &vk.device );
I need to add others extensions from a function addOtherExt(). (I simplified the code to only shown my problem, but I have severall extensions to add.)
void addOtherExt( const char *list[], uint32_t *count )
*count += 1;
Code is the same except the function call :
extension_list[ extension_count++ ] = VK_KHR_SWAPCHAIN_EXTENSION_NAME;
addOtherExt( extension_list, &extension_count );
vkCreateDevice doesn't return an error, but I got a crash with message "Failed to find entrypoint vkAcquireNextImageKHR".
I print the array extension_list and it's look exactly like in version without function (extension is added), and the extension_count is correct.
I have suspected the terminating '\0' but did not manage to make it work.


Is concatenating arbitrary number of strings with nested function calls in C undefined behavior?

I have an application that builds file path names through a series of string concatenations using pieces of text to create a complete file path name.
The question is whether an approach to handle concatenating a small but arbitrary number of strings of text together depends on Undefined Behavior for success.
Is the order of evaluation of a series of nested functions guaranteed or not?
I found this question Nested function calls order of evaluation however it seems to be more about multiple functions in the argument list rather than a sequence of nesting functions.
Please excuse the names in the following code samples. It is congruent with the rest of the source code and I am testing things out a bit first.
My first cut on the need to concatenate several strings was a function that looked like the following which would concatenate up to three text strings into a single string.
typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
TCHAR *RflCatFilePath(TCHAR *tszDest, int nDestLen, TCHAR *tszPath, TCHAR *tszPath2, TCHAR *tszFileName)
if (tszDest && nDestLen > 0) {
TCHAR *pDest = tszDest;
TCHAR *pLast = tszDest;
*pDest = 0; // ensure empty string if no path data provided.
if (tszPath) for (pDest = pLast; nDestLen > 0 && (*pDest++ = *tszPath++); nDestLen--) pLast = pDest;
if (tszPath2) for (pDest = pLast; nDestLen > 0 && (*pDest++ = *tszPath2++); nDestLen--) pLast = pDest;
if (tszFileName) for (pDest = pLast; nDestLen > 0 && (*pDest++ = *tszFileName++); nDestLen--) pLast = pDest;
return tszDest;
Then I ran into a case where I had four pieces of text to put together.
Thinking through this it seemed that most probably there would also be a case for five that would be uncovered shortly so I wondered if there was a different way for an arbitrary number of strings.
What I came up with is two functions as follows.
typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
typedef struct {
TCHAR *pDest;
TCHAR *pLast;
int destLen;
} RflCatStruct;
RflCatStruct RflCatFilePathX(const TCHAR *pPath, RflCatStruct x)
TCHAR *pDest = x.pLast;
if (pDest && pPath) for ( ; x.destLen > 0 && (*pDest++ = *pPath++); x.destLen--) x.pLast = pDest;
return x;
RflCatStruct RflCatFilePathY(TCHAR *buffDest, int nLen, const TCHAR *pPath)
RflCatStruct x = { 0 };
TCHAR *pDest = x.pDest = buffDest;
x.pLast = buffDest;
x.destLen = nLen;
if (buffDest && nLen > 0) { // ensure there is room for at least one character.
*pDest = 0; // ensure empty string if no path data provided.
if (pPath) for (pDest = x.pLast; x.destLen > 0 && (*pDest++ = *pPath++); x.destLen--) x.pLast = pDest;
return x;
Examples of using these two functions is as follows. This code with the two functions appears to work fine with Visual Studio 2013.
TCHAR buffDest[512] = { 0 };
TCHAR *pPath = L"C:\\flashdisk\\ncr\\database";
TCHAR *pPath2 = L"\\";
TCHAR *pFilename = L"filename.ext";
RflCatFilePathX(pFilename, RflCatFilePathX(pPath2, RflCatFilePathY(buffDest, 512, pPath)));
printf("dest t = \"%S\"\n", buffDest);
printf("dest t = \"%S\"\n", RflCatFilePathX(pFilename, RflCatFilePathX(pPath2, RflCatFilePathY(buffDest, 512, pFilename))).pDest);
RflCatStruct dStr = RflCatFilePathX(pPath2, RflCatFilePathY(buffDest, 512, pPath));
// other stuff then
printf("dest t = \"%S\"\n", RflCatFilePathX(pFilename, dStr).pDest);
Arguments to a function call are completely evaluated before the function is invoked. So the calls to RflCatFilePath* will be evaluated in the expected order. (This is guaranteed by ยง6.5.2.2/10: "There is a sequence point after the evaluations of the function designator and the actual arguments but before the actual call.")
As indicated in a comment, the snprintf function is likely to be a better choice for this problem. (asprintf would be even better, and there is a freely available shim for it which works on Windows.) The only problem with snprintf is that you may have to call it twice. It always returns the number of bytes which would have been stored in the buffer had there been enough space, so if the return value is not less than the size of the buffer, you will need to allocate a larger buffer (whose size you now know) and call snprintf again.
asprintf does that for you, but it is a BSD/Gnu extension to the standard library.
In the case of concatenating filepaths, there is a maximum string length supported by the operating system/file system, and you should be able to find out what it is (although it might require OS-specific calls on non-Posix systems). So it might well be reasonable to simply return an error indication if the concatenation does not fit into a 512-byte buffer.
Just for fun, I include a recursive varargs concatenator:
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static char* concat_helper(size_t accum, char* chunk, va_list ap) {
if (chunk) {
size_t chunklen = strlen(chunk);
char* next_chunk = va_arg(ap, char*);
char* retval = concat_helper(accum + chunklen, next_chunk, ap);
memcpy(retval + accum, chunk, chunklen);
return retval;
} else {
char* retval = malloc(accum + 1);
retval[accum] = 0;
return retval;
char* concat_list(char* chunk, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, chunk);
char* retval = concat_helper(0, chunk, ap);
return retval;
Since concat_list is a varargs function, you need to supply (char*)NULL at the end of the arguments. On the other hand, you don't need to repeat the function name for each new argument. So an example call might be:
concat_list(pPath, pPath2, pFilename, (char*)0);
(I suppose you need a wchar_t* version but the changes should be obvious. Watch out for the malloc.) For production purposes, the recursion should probably be replaced by an iterative version which traverses the argument list twice (see va_copy) but I've always been fond of the "there-and-back" recursion pattern.

C code gives different return value, depending on usage of "puts("..")

I'm doing some C programming and got a problem, I haven't done a lot of C programming so it's probably something stupid, excuse me then. But I just can't figure out why this code block gives different output depending on if I execute the line //puts("is_in_group called"); or not.
GHashTable *is_in_group(GPtrArray *groups, char *city, int elements_in_groups){
//puts("is_in_group called"); If I uncomment this line, the function works, but otherwise it doesn't
GHashTable *temp_set = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < elements_in_groups; i++){
temp_set = g_ptr_array_index(groups, i);
if(g_hash_table_contains(temp_set, city)){
printf("Found: %s\n",city );
return temp_set;
printf("City: %s not found\n", city);
return temp_set;
OUTPUT WITH //puts("is_in_group called");:
is_in_group called
Found: Wheeling
is_in_group called
Found: Sumter
OUTPUT WITHOUT puts("is_in_group called");
City: Wheeling not found
City: Sumter not found
If I move around my puts/prints I can get other combinations of the output, for example one found and one not.
Full code here, but I don't expect anyone to look at it. The whole parser() part is 100% so nothing wrong there.
Here is how the function is used:
/*runs kruskal's algorithm on #param edges and stores
a minimal spanning tree in #param min_tree*/
void run_kruskal(Edge edges[], GPtrArray *result)
int elements_in_groups = 0;
GPtrArray *groups = g_ptr_array_new();
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
char *city_a = edges[0].city_a;
char *city_b = edges[1000].city_b;
// Check if city A and B are already in a group
GHashTable *t1 = g_hash_table_new (NULL, compare_strings);
g_hash_table_add(t1, city_a);
g_ptr_array_add (groups, t1);
GHashTable *t2 = g_hash_table_new (NULL, compare_strings);
g_hash_table_add(t2, city_b);
g_ptr_array_add (groups, t2);
GHashTable *group_A = is_in_group(groups, city_a, elements_in_groups);
GHashTable *group_B = is_in_group(groups, city_b, elements_in_groups);
Going over your code, a few issues I spotted that could explain the behavior you see :
You don't allocate enough memory when copying strings in the parse function :
temp_copy = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(temp1));
strcpy(temp_copy, temp1);
edges[index].city_a = temp_copy;
You need to also allocate memory for the '\0' terminator :
temp_copy = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(temp1) + 1));
As a side note, sizeof(char) is always 1 (by definition), so there's no need to mention it explicitly.
Your compare_edges function does not follow the requirements of qsort. You don't cover the case where both edges are equal :
return e1 -> weight > e2->weight ? 1 : -1;
Something like this is better :
return (e1->weight > e2->weight) ? 1 : ((e1->weight < e2->weight) ? -1 : 0);
When you create hash tables (using g_hash_table_new) in the run_kruskal function, you don't specify a hash function :
GHashTable *t1 = g_hash_table_new (NULL, compare_strings);
Instead, use the built-in g_str_hash and g_str_equal functions for strings :
GHashTable *t1 = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
There might be other issues lurking in the code, but try fixing these first, and see if things improve.

Where does the error come from? Valgrind / C / insertString

for one of my project i have to make a new version of the function insertString,you could see the code below:
This function always gives me the desired result, (I made some Unit test), however the main issue is this one: even if it works in my IDE (compilation etc) it won't pass unit test using Valgrind, is there anyone who could see the error?
char * insertString(const char * src, int insertPosition, const char * toBeInserted,int insertLength)
size_t outputSize=stringLength(src)+(size_t)insertLength;
char* output=malloc(sizeof(char)*(outputSize+1));
int i;
fatalError("error during memory allocation in InsertString");
return output;
thank's for everything, and have a good Sunday!
The terminating condition, i<=insertLength, in your last loop:
has nothing to do with the length remaining in src. If insertLength is large enough, the code will read past the end of src.
Change it to something like (I think):
Also, in my opinion the code could be made much more easily understood (and therefore verifiable) by using a running index for the output buffer instead of resetting it to 0 for each loop and adding other values for the subscript. Alternatively, I think using pointers to traverse the various buffers would be more readable:
char* tmp = output;
*tmp++ = *src++;
*tmp++ = *toBeInserted++;
*tmp++ = *src++;
*tmp++ = '\0';

Entry Point Obscuring

I've been writing an EPO program and so far I've been able to find a call opcode and get the RVA from the following address in the binary, then parse the IAT to get names of functions that are imported and their corresponding RVA's.
I've come to a problem when trying fill arrays with the names + RVA's and going on to compare the WORD value I have from the call address against the RVA's of all the imported functions.
Here's the code I've been working with;
DWORD dwImportDirectoryVA,dwSectionCount,dwSection=0,dwRawOffset;
PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pThunkData, pFThunkData;
// Arrays to hold names + rva's
unsigned long namearray[100];
DWORD rvaArray[100];
int i = 0;
And the rest:
/* Import Code: */
dwSectionCount = pNtHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
dwImportDirectoryVA = pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[1].VirtualAddress;
for(;dwSection < dwSectionCount && pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress <= dwImportDirectoryVA;pSectionHeader++,dwSection++);
dwRawOffset = (DWORD)hMap+pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData;
pImportDescriptor = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)(dwRawOffset+(dwImportDirectoryVA-pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress));
pThunkData = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)(dwRawOffset+(pImportDescriptor->OriginalFirstThunk-pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress));
pFThunkData = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)pImportDescriptor->FirstThunk;
for(;pThunkData->u1.AddressOfData != 0;pThunkData++)
if(!(pThunkData->u1.Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32))
namearray[i] = (dwRawOffset+(pThunkData->u1.AddressOfData-pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress+2));
rvaArray[i] = pFThunkData;
for (i = 0 ; i <= 100 ; i++)
//wRva is defined and initialized earlier in code.
if (rvaArray[i] == wRva)
printf("Call to %s found. Address: %X\n", namearray[i], rvaArray[i]);
NOTE: A lot of this code has been stripped down ( printf statements to track progress.)
The problem is the types of arrays I've been using. I'm not sure how I can store pThunkData (Names) and pFThunkData (RVA's) correctly for usage later on.
I've tried a few things a messed around with the code but I'm admitting defeat and asking for your help.
You could create a list or array of structs, containing pThunkData and pFThunkData.
#define n 100
struct pdata
PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA p_thunk_data;
PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pf_thunk_data;
struct pdata pdatas[n]

Win32 - Backtrace from C code

I'm currently looking for a way to get backtrace information under Windows, from C code (no C++).
I'm building a cross-platform C library, with reference-counting memory management. It also have an integrated memory debugger that provides informations about memory mistakes (XEOS C Foundation Library).
When a fault occurs, the debugger is launched, providing information about the fault, and the memory record involved.
On Linux or Mac OS X, I can look for execinfo.h in order to use the backtrace function, so I can display additional infos about the memory fault.
I'm looking for the same thing on Windows.
I've seen How can one grab a stack trace in C? on Stack Overflow. I don't want to use a third-party library, so the CaptureStackBackTrace or StackWalk functions looks good.
The only problem is that I just don't get how to use them, even with the Microsoft documentation.
I'm not used to Windows programming, as I usually work on POSIX compliant systems.
What are some explanations for those functions, and maybe some examples?
I'm now considering using the CaptureStackBackTrace function from DbgHelp.lib, as is seems there's a little less overhead...
Here's what I've tried so far:
unsigned int i;
void * stack[ 100 ];
unsigned short frames;
HANDLE process;
process = GetCurrentProcess();
SymInitialize( process, NULL, TRUE );
frames = CaptureStackBackTrace( 0, 100, stack, NULL );
for( i = 0; i < frames; i++ )
SymFromAddr( process, ( DWORD64 )( stack[ i ] ), 0, &symbol );
printf( "%s\n", symbol.Name );
I'm just getting junk. I guess I should use something else than SymFromAddr.
Alright, now I got it. : )
The problem was in the SYMBOL_INFO structure. It needs to be allocated on the heap, reserving space for the symbol name, and initialized properly.
Here's the final code:
void printStack( void );
void printStack( void )
unsigned int i;
void * stack[ 100 ];
unsigned short frames;
SYMBOL_INFO * symbol;
HANDLE process;
process = GetCurrentProcess();
SymInitialize( process, NULL, TRUE );
frames = CaptureStackBackTrace( 0, 100, stack, NULL );
symbol = ( SYMBOL_INFO * )calloc( sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO ) + 256 * sizeof( char ), 1 );
symbol->MaxNameLen = 255;
symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO );
for( i = 0; i < frames; i++ )
SymFromAddr( process, ( DWORD64 )( stack[ i ] ), 0, symbol );
printf( "%i: %s - 0x%0X\n", frames - i - 1, symbol->Name, symbol->Address );
free( symbol );
Output is:
6: printStack - 0xD2430
5: wmain - 0xD28F0
4: __tmainCRTStartup - 0xE5010
3: wmainCRTStartup - 0xE4FF0
2: BaseThreadInitThunk - 0x75BE3665
1: RtlInitializeExceptionChain - 0x770F9D0F
0: RtlInitializeExceptionChain - 0x770F9D0F
Here's my super-low-fi alternative, as used for reading stacks from a C++ Builder app. This code is executed within the process itself when it crashes and gets a stack into the cs array.
int cslev = 0;
void* cs[300];
void* it = <ebp at time of crash>;
void* rm[2];
while(it && cslev<300)
/* Could just memcpy instead of ReadProcessMemory, but who knows if
the stack's valid? If it's invalid, memcpy could cause an AV, which is
pretty much exactly what we don't want
Once I've got the stack, I then go about translating it into names. I do this by cross-referencing with the .map file that C++Builder outputs. The same thing could be done with a map file from another compiler, although the formatting would be somewhat different. The following code works for C++Builder maps. This is again quite low-fi and probably not the canonical MS way of doing things, but it works in my situation. The code below isn't delivered to end users.
char linbuf[300];
char *pars;
unsigned long coff,lngth,csect;
unsigned long thisa,sect;
char *fns[300];
unsigned int maxs[300];
FILE *map;
map = fopen(mapname, "r");
if (!map)
...Add error handling for missing map...
} while (!strstr(linbuf,"CODE"));
csect=strtoul(linbuf,&pars,16); /* Find out code segment number */
pars++; /* Skip colon */
coff=strtoul(pars,&pars,16); /* Find out code offset */
lngth=strtoul(pars,NULL,16); /* Find out code length */
} while (!strstr(linbuf,"Publics by Name"));
fns[lop] = NULL;
maxs[lop] = 0;
if(cs[lop]<coff || cs[lop]>coff+lngth)
if(thisa<cs[lop]-coff && thisa>maxs[lop])
while(*pars==' ')
fns[lop] = fnsbuf+(100*lop);
fnlen = strlen(pars);
if (fnlen>100)
fnlen = 100;
strncpy(fns[lop], pars, 99);
} while (!feof(map));
After running this code, the fns array contains the best-matching function from the .map file.
In my situation, I actually have the call stack as produced by the first piece of code submitting to a PHP script - I do the equivalent of the C code above using a piece of PHP. This first bit parses the map file (Again, this works with C++Builder maps but could be easily adapted to other map file formats):
$file = fopen($mapdir.$app."-".$appversion.".map","r");
if (!$file)
... Error handling for missing map ...
$mapline = fgets($file);
} while (!strstr($mapline,"CODE"));
$tokens = split("[[:space:]\:]", $mapline);
$codeseg = $tokens[1];
$codestart = intval($tokens[2],16);
$codelen = intval($tokens[3],16);
$mapline = fgets($file);
} while (!strstr($mapline,"Publics by Value"));
fgets($file); // Blank
$addrnum = 0;
$lastaddr = 0;
while (1)
if (feof($file))
$mapline = fgets($file);
$tokens = split("[[:space:]\:]", $mapline);
$thisseg = $tokens[1];
if ($thisseg!=$codeseg)
$addrs[$addrnum] = intval($tokens[2],16);
if ($addrs[$addrnum]==$lastaddr)
$lastaddr = $addrs[$addrnum];
$funcs[$addrnum] = trim(substr($mapline, 16));
Then this bit translates an address (in $rowaddr) into a given function (as well as the offset after the function):
$thisaddr = intval($rowaddr,16);
$thisaddr -= $codestart;
if ($thisaddr>=0 && $thisaddr<=$codelen)
for ($lop=0; $lop!=$addrnum; $lop++)
if ($thisaddr<$addrs[$lop])
$lop = $addrnum;
if ($lop!=$addrnum)
$lines[$ix] = substr($line,0,13).$rowaddr." : ".$funcs[$lop]." (+".sprintf("%04X",$thisaddr-$addrs[$lop]).")";
$stack .= $rowaddr;
$lines[$ix] = substr($line,0,13).$rowaddr." : external";
#Jon Bright: You say "who known whether the stack is valid...": Well there's a way to find out, as the stack addresses are known. Assuming you need a trace in the current thread, of course:
NT_TIB* pTEB = GetTEB();
UINT_PTR ebp = GetEBPForStackTrace();
HANDLE hCurProc = ::GetCurrentProcess();
while (
((ebp & 3) == 0) &&
ebp + 2*sizeof(VOID*) < (UINT_PTR)pTEB->StackBase &&
ebp >= (UINT_PTR)pTEB->StackLimit &&
nAddresses < nTraceBuffers)
pTraces[nAddresses++]._EIP = ((UINT_PTR*)ebp)[1];
ebp = ((UINT_PTR*)ebp)[0];
My "GetTEB()" is NtCurrentTeb() from NTDLL.DLL - and it is not only Windows 7 and above as stated in the current MSDN. MS junks up the documentation. It was there for a long time. Using the ThreadEnvironment Block (TEB), you do not need ReadProcessMemory() as you know the stack's lower and upper limit. I assume this is the fastest way to do it.
Using the MS compiler, GetEBPForStackTrace() can be
inline __declspec(naked) UINT_PTR GetEBPForStackTrace()
mov eax, ebp
as easy way to get EBP of the current thread (but you can pass any valid EBP to this loop as long as it is for the current thread).
Limitation: This is valid for x86 under Windows.
