c will a const *char function memory leak? [duplicate] - c

I am using json-c library to send json-object to client.And I notice there is no native function to release the memory which json_object_to_json_string allocate.Does the library release it automaticlly? OR I have to "free(str)" to avoid memory leak?
I tried to read its source code but it makes me unconscious...So anybody know this?

It seems that you don't need to free it manually.
I see that this buffer comes from within the json_object (see the last line of this function):
const char* json_object_to_json_string_ext(struct json_object *jso, int flags)
if (!jso)
return "null";
if ((!jso->_pb) && !(jso->_pb = printbuf_new()))
return NULL;
if(jso->_to_json_string(jso, jso->_pb, 0, flags) < 0)
return NULL;
return jso->_pb->buf;
The delete function frees this buffer:
static void json_object_generic_delete(struct json_object* jso)
MC_DEBUG("json_object_delete_%s: %p\n",
json_type_to_name(jso->o_type), jso);
lh_table_delete(json_object_table, jso);
#endif /* REFCOUNT_DEBUG */
It is important to understand that this buffer is only valid while the object is valid. If the object reaches 0 reference count, the string is also freed and if you are using it after it is freed the results are unpredictable.


How to return a string from GetOpenFileNameA

This is a function to open a file dialog in Windows and return a string with the file name:
#include <windows.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <string.h>
char* openFileDlg(char FileTypes[]);
char* openFileDlg(char FileTypes[]){
char szFile[260];
HWND hwnd;
ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn));
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn);
ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd;
ofn.lpstrFile = szFile;
ofn.lpstrFile[0] = '\0';
ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile);
ofn.nFilterIndex = 1;
ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0;
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
char *toReturn;
return toReturn;
return NULL;
When I call this function and open a file, the process ends and returns value 3 (which means there is an error). How can I do so that this function returns a string with the path of the selected file?
Edit: I've changed my code to this and it still doesn't work:
#include <windows.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <string.h>
void openFileDlg(char *toReturn[],char FileTypes[]);
void openFileDlg(char *toReturn[],char FileTypes[]){
Code for the settings of the GetOpenFileNameA, irrelevant in this question.
If you really need to know what's here, look at the code above.
I should also say that if I press the Cancel button in the open file dialog box instead of selecting a file, it works fine. After some tests, I've noticed that it's the line strcpy(*toReturn,ofn.lpstrFile); that causes the error.
The pointer variable toReturn doesn't point anywhere, using it in any way without initializing it (i.e. making it point somewhere valid and big enough) will lead to undefined behavior
You have two solutions really:
Allocate memory dynamically and return a pointer to that. This of course requires the caller to free the memory when done with it.
Have the function take another two arguments: A pointer to a buffer and the length of the buffer. Then copy the string into that buffer, and return a boolean "true" or "false" success/failure status.
I recommend solution number two.
On an unrelated note, there's no need to use the expensive sprintf function in your case, a simple strcpy (or strncpy if you go with the second solution) will do.
You also have to remember in both cases that strings in C have an actual length of one more than e.g. strlen reports, for the terminating '\0' character.
In general, if you want to return a string in C, I'd use one of the following methods:
1) pass in a string buffer for the method to write to:
int openFileDlg(char FileTypes[], char* toReturn, int bufLen) {
/* ... */
snprintf(toReturn, bufLen, /* what you want to print */);
return ERROR; // status-code
/* ... */
char errorBuf[80];
int result;
result = openFileDlg(..., errorBuf, sizeof(errorBuf));
2) allocate memory, expect caller to free it:
char* openFileDlg(char FileTypes[]) {
/* ... */
char *toReturn = malloc(/* big enough */);
sprintf(toReturn, /* what you want to print */);
return toReturn;
/* ... */
char* error = openFileDlg(...);
if (error) {
/* ... */
personally, I'd prefer (1) because it's safer. Option (2) is nicer to the API of the function, but has a risk of memory leaks if you forget to free the returned buffer. In a bigger project (especially with multiple people working on it) this is a very real risk.
(I realise this is pretty much the same as Joachim's answer, but his went up as I was writing mine)
You did not allocate memory for your return value. If you know the length of ofn.lpstrFile you could do this:
char *toReturn = malloc( (sizeOfLpstrFile + 1) * sizeof(char)) ;
return toReturn;
Still I consider this a bad idea because the calling function will have to free the memory which is not obvious from the interface.

Can't free() a char*

void* password_cracker_thread(void* args) {
cracker_args* arg_struct = (cracker_args*) args;
md5hash* new_hash = malloc (sizeof(md5hash));
char* password = fetch(arg_struct->in);
if(password == NULL )
if(compare_hashes(new_hash,(md5hash**)arg_struct->hashes,arg_struct->num_hashes) != -1)
printf("VALID_PASS:%s \n",password);
This is a part of a program, where you get char* passwords from a ringbuffer, calculate md5 and compare them and push them into the next buffer if valid.
My problem is now, why can't I free those I don't need?
The whole program will stop if I try to and if I don't, I get memory leaks.
"You", and by this I mean your program, can only free() storage that was got from malloc()-and-friends, and only in the granularity it was got, and only once per chunk of storage.
In the code you show here, you're attempting to free() something got from fetch(). Since we can't see the definition of that function and you have not provided any documentation of it, our best guess is that
fetch() gives you a pointer to something other than a whole chunk
got from malloc()-et-al; and/or
some other part of the program not
shown here free()s the relevant chunk itself.

Access violation of dynamic array for hashmap

I am having an issue with the table of a little hashmap I am trying to implement.
typedef struct Map Map;
Map *map_create();
int map_set(Map *map, char *key, void *val);
const int MAP_INITIAL_SIZE = 100;
typedef struct MapPair MapPair;
struct MapPair
char *key;
void *val;
struct Map
MapPair **table;
int count;
int limit;
Map *map_create(void)
Map *map = (Map*)malloc(sizeof(Map));
if (!map) return NULL;
map->table = (MapPair**)malloc(MAP_INITIAL_SIZE * sizeof(MapPair));
if (!map->table)
return NULL;
map->count = 0;
map->limit = MAP_INITIAL_SIZE;
return map;
void add(MapPair **context, int start, MapPair *pair, int limit)
int i = start;
while (context[i] != NULL && strcmp(context[i]->key, pair->key) != 0) // crashing here
if (i == limit) i = 0;
context[i] = pair;
int map_set(Map *map, char *key, void *val)
if (map->count >= map->limit / 2)
if (!expand(map)) return 0;
MapPair *pair = (MapPair*)malloc(sizeof(MapPair));
if (!pair) return 0;
pair->key = key;
pair->val = val;
add(map->table, hash(key, map->limit), pair, map->limit);
return 1;
I was originally developing in pelles c but moved to vs2013 for the debugger when I was experiencing problems. Then in vs2013 the program would crash at the add function but not in pelles c. I am assuming it has something to do with my dynamic array that I plan to be able to expand later.
Can anybody tell me why the program seems to crash when I try to access an index of the dynamic array?
In add function you are checking the table, until you reach the NULL pointer:
while (context[i] != N ...
But when you allocate this table you never set any of those pointers to NULL:
map->table = (MapPair**)malloc(MAP_INITIAL_SIZE * sizeof(MapPair));
You should set them to NULL:
for( size_t i = 0 ; i < MAP_INITIAL_SIZE ; i++ )
map->table[i] = NULL ;
Otherwise you will go out of bounds of that array.
I didn't know Visual could compile pure C projects ! Anyway, your crash is caused by a magic string : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)
* 0xABABABAB : Used by Microsoft's HeapAlloc() to mark "no man's land" guard bytes after allocated heap memory
* 0xABADCAFE : A startup to this value to initialize all free memory to catch errant pointers
* 0xBAADF00D : Used by Microsoft's LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED) to mark uninitialised allocated heap memory
* 0xBADCAB1E : Error Code returned to the Microsoft eVC debugger when connection is severed to the debugger
* 0xBEEFCACE : Used by Microsoft .NET as a magic number in resource files
* 0xCCCCCCCC : Used by Microsoft's C++ debugging runtime library to mark uninitialised stack memory
* 0xCDCDCDCD : Used by Microsoft's C++ debugging runtime library to mark uninitialised heap memory
* 0xDEADDEAD : A Microsoft Windows STOP Error code used when the user manually initiates the crash.
* 0xFDFDFDFD : Used by Microsoft's C++ debugging heap to mark "no man's land" guard bytes before and after allocated heap memory
* 0xFEEEFEEE : Used by Microsoft's HeapFree() to mark freed heap memory
(SO source : In Visual Studio C++, what are the memory allocation representations?)
Unlike GCC (or pelles I imagine), Visual Studio set uninitialized heap array pointers as 0xCDCDCDCD, not NULL. So your check of context[i] != NULL returns true even though context is not initialized.
... And that's why explicit is always better than implicit.

How to free a union array in C?

I have a function that return me a union array, I need to free a union array after I use it.
An updated code :
This is a struct
typedef union _data {
float F;
uint8_t B[4];
} floatCharFunction;
This is a Read Function:
void HW_SWversion(version state,floatCharFunction* ver)
floatCharFunction fVersionRead[2] = {0,0};//SW-HW
*ver = *fVersionRead;
//floatCharFunction SW,HW;
if(state == SAVE_VERSION)
fVersionRead[0].F =VERSION_SW;
fVersionRead[01].F =VERSION_HW;
}else if(state == READ_VERSION)
//u16VersionRead = (versions[0] << 8) | versions[1];
}else return;
This is a Main :
floatCharFunction* ver = malloc(2*sizeof(*ver));
if (ver == NULL) {
//printf("out of memory\n");
There are two problems in your code:
ver = HW_SWversion(READ_VERSION); reassigns ver, leaking the memory you allocated in the previous line
HW_SWversion returns a pointer to an automatic variable that immediately goes out of scope. Consequences of accessing this variable are undefined.
The easiest change here would be to change HW_SWversion to update a pointer to a client allocated instance.
void HW_SWversion(version state, floatCharFunction* ver)
/* assign version info */
int main()
floatCharFunction ver[2];
HW_SWversion(READ_VERSION, &ver);
Or, if you want to use dynamically allocated memory
void HW_SWversion(version state, floatCharFunction* ver)
/* assign version info */
int main()
floatCharFunction* ver = malloc(2*sizeof(*ver));
if (ver == NULL) {
printf("out of memory\n");
HW_SWversion(READ_VERSION, ver);
As I can see, the
floatCharFunction fVersionRead[2];//SW-HW
Is a local variable and usage:
ver = HW_SWversion(READ_VERSION);
In this case is an undefined behavior because fVersionRead is allocated on stack. No one guarantees that result will be correct.
Decide, stack or heap? (but not both)
/* Stack (Note static) */
static floatCharFunction fVersionRead[2]; //SW-HW
floatCharFunction *pVersion = fVersionRead;
return pVersion;
/* Heap */
floatCharFunction *ver = (floatCharFunction *)malloc(2*sizeof(floatCharFunction));
The keyword static extends the lifetime of a variable outside the function.
If you go for stack don't call free, else free(ver); is what you need.
i need to free an union array after i use it.
by the time you even get to using it, the array is already "freed". Since it's a local variable with automatic storage duration, it goes out of scope and is deallocated when the function returns. So, you are using a pointer to a nonexistent object, so your code currently invokes undefined behavior.
You'd be better off malloc()ing the array and returning a pointer to its first element. Then, of course, you will need to free() it (just like in your code) afterwards.
But I'm sure any introductory C book could have shown you this.
Problems with your code are::
You are mallocing some memory for floatCharFunction in your main.
You are not giving this memory to your HW_SWversion to populate or modify.
You are using some memory for floatCharFunction on stack in your HW_SWversion,
scope:: local to HW_SWversion.
You are returning the memory address of an automatic variable.
The local variable goes out-of-scope as soon as HW_SWversion exits.
You are trying to free that out-of-scope memory which will cause Undefined Behaviour.
Your malloced memory pointer value is lost, so memory leak.
Either do not use malloc and pass the memory as parameter to HW_SWversion like this::
void HW_SWversion(version state, floatCharFunction* ver)
*ver = /* assign version info */
int main()
floatCharFunction ver[2];
HW_SWversion(READ_VERSION, &ver);
If you want to use dynamic allocation::
floatCharFunction* HW_SWversion(version state)
floatCharFunction *pVersion = malloc(2*sizeof(floatCharFunction));
return pVersion;
floatCharFunction *ver = HW_SWversion(READ_VERSION);
free (ver) ;
maybe you can try this
the system remembers the memory location of ver, and knows the size of memory of the this ptr holds

set different memory allocation function in lua

I'm doing the exercises from the third edition of "Programming in Lua" book by Roberto Ierusalimschy. I have a problem with a bug in my solution to exercise 32.1. The statement is provided as comment in the code.
Exercise 32.1:
Write a library that allows a script to limit the total amount of memory
used by its Lua state. It may offer a single function, setlimit, to set that
The library should set its own allocation funciton. This function, before
calling the original allocator, checks the total memory in use and returns
NULL if the requested memory exeeds the limit.
(Hint: the library can use lua_gc to initialize its byte count when it
starts. It also can use the user data of the allocation function to keep its
state: the byte count, the current memory limit, etc.; remember to use the
original user data when calling the original allocation function.)
#ifdef WIN32
#define LUA_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define LUA_EXPORT
#include <lauxlib.h>
typedef struct MemLimitUData
size_t mem_limit;
size_t currently_used;
lua_Alloc original_alloc;
void *original_ud;
static int l_setlimit(lua_State *L)
MemLimitUData *ud;
size_t mem_limit = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
lua_getallocf(L, &ud);
ud->mem_limit = mem_limit;
return 0;
static int l_getlimit(lua_State *L)
MemLimitUData *ud;
lua_getallocf(L, &ud);
lua_pushnumber(L, ud->mem_limit);
return 1;
static void *l_alloc(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize)
MemLimitUData *udata = (MemLimitUData*)ud;
if (udata->mem_limit != 0 &&
udata->mem_limit < udata->currently_used - osize + nsize)
return NULL;
udata->currently_used += nsize - osize;
return udata->original_alloc(udata->original_ud, ptr, osize, nsize);
static const luaL_Reg memlimit[] =
{ "setlimit", l_setlimit },
{ "getlimit", l_getlimit },
int LUA_EXPORT luaopen_memlimit(lua_State *L)
MemLimitUData *ud =
(MemLimitUData*)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(MemLimitUData));
ud->mem_limit = 0;
ud->currently_used =
lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOUNT, 0) * 1024 + lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOUNTB, 0);
ud->original_alloc = lua_getallocf(L, &ud->original_ud);
lua_setallocf(L, l_alloc, ud);
luaL_newlib(L, memlimit);
return 1;
When I build the source as memlimit.dll and use it from Lua script,
local memlimit = require"memlimit" the program crashes when the script ends. When I use debugger to look for the problem, the problematic statement seems to be in Lua internals. The file is lmem.c line 84:
newblock = (*g->frealloc)(g->ud, block, osize, nsize);
The used version of Lua is 5.2.3.
What wrong I do to break the Lua memory management ?
I haven't tried your code but here is what caught my attention when I read it:
The ud in luaopen_memlimit is created as userdata but is not anchored in Lua. Passing it to lua_getallocf does not count as anchoring. ud is probably being collected when the program ends via lua_close when it tries to free all data using your l_alloc. You should probably use plain malloc or the original allocf to create ud.
