Can't free() a char* - c

void* password_cracker_thread(void* args) {
cracker_args* arg_struct = (cracker_args*) args;
md5hash* new_hash = malloc (sizeof(md5hash));
char* password = fetch(arg_struct->in);
if(password == NULL )
if(compare_hashes(new_hash,(md5hash**)arg_struct->hashes,arg_struct->num_hashes) != -1)
printf("VALID_PASS:%s \n",password);
This is a part of a program, where you get char* passwords from a ringbuffer, calculate md5 and compare them and push them into the next buffer if valid.
My problem is now, why can't I free those I don't need?
The whole program will stop if I try to and if I don't, I get memory leaks.

"You", and by this I mean your program, can only free() storage that was got from malloc()-and-friends, and only in the granularity it was got, and only once per chunk of storage.
In the code you show here, you're attempting to free() something got from fetch(). Since we can't see the definition of that function and you have not provided any documentation of it, our best guess is that
fetch() gives you a pointer to something other than a whole chunk
got from malloc()-et-al; and/or
some other part of the program not
shown here free()s the relevant chunk itself.


c will a const *char function memory leak? [duplicate]

I am using json-c library to send json-object to client.And I notice there is no native function to release the memory which json_object_to_json_string allocate.Does the library release it automaticlly? OR I have to "free(str)" to avoid memory leak?
I tried to read its source code but it makes me unconscious...So anybody know this?
It seems that you don't need to free it manually.
I see that this buffer comes from within the json_object (see the last line of this function):
const char* json_object_to_json_string_ext(struct json_object *jso, int flags)
if (!jso)
return "null";
if ((!jso->_pb) && !(jso->_pb = printbuf_new()))
return NULL;
if(jso->_to_json_string(jso, jso->_pb, 0, flags) < 0)
return NULL;
return jso->_pb->buf;
The delete function frees this buffer:
static void json_object_generic_delete(struct json_object* jso)
MC_DEBUG("json_object_delete_%s: %p\n",
json_type_to_name(jso->o_type), jso);
lh_table_delete(json_object_table, jso);
#endif /* REFCOUNT_DEBUG */
It is important to understand that this buffer is only valid while the object is valid. If the object reaches 0 reference count, the string is also freed and if you are using it after it is freed the results are unpredictable.

Memory leaks from splitting and duplicating strings

I am working on a fairly simple application written in C with GTK+ that is leaking memory badly. It has a few basic functions on timers that check the clock and poll an external networked device, parsing the string returned. The application runs on a small touch panel, and through TOP I can watch the available memory be eaten up as it runs.
I'm pretty new to C, so not surprised that I'm doing something wrong, I just can't seem to figure out what. I've been trying to use Valgrind to narrow it down, but honestly the output is a little over my head (10k+ line log file generated from running the application less than a minute). But in digging through that log I did find some functions repeatedly showing up with permanently lost blocks, all using some similar structure.
Example 1:
This is a short function that gets called when an option is selected. The last line with the g_strdup_printf is the one called out by Valgrind. select_next_show and select_show_five_displayed are both global variables.
static void show_box_five_clicked ()
gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE(select_show_1_cb_image), "./images/checkbox_clear.png");
gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE(select_show_2_cb_image), "./images/checkbox_clear.png");
gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE(select_show_3_cb_image), "./images/checkbox_clear.png");
gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE(select_show_4_cb_image), "./images/checkbox_clear.png");
gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE(select_show_5_cb_image), "./images/checkbox_checked.png");
select_next_show = g_strdup_printf("%i",select_show_five_displayed);
Example 2:
This is another function that gets called often and came up a lot in the Valgrind log. It takes the incoming response from the networked device, parses it into two strings, then returns one.
static gchar* parse_incoming_value(gchar* incoming_message)
gchar *ret;
GString *incoming = g_string_new(incoming_message);
gchar **messagePieces = g_strsplit((char *)incoming->str, "=", 2);
ret = g_strdup(messagePieces[1]);
g_string_free(incoming, TRUE);
return ret;
In all the cases like these which are causing problems I'm freeing everything I can without causing segmentation faults, but I must be missing something else or doing something wrong.
To answer questions in comments, here is an example (trimmed down) of how I'm using the parse function and where the return is freed:
static void load_schedule ()
...other code...
gchar *holder;
gchar *holder2;
holder = read_a_line(schedListenSocket);
holder2 = parse_incoming_value(holder);
schedule_info->regShowNumber = holder2;
holder = read_a_line(schedListenSocket);
holder2 = parse_incoming_value(holder);
schedule_info->holidayShowNumber = holder2;
...other code....
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
It looks like you free 'ret' once when calling g_free(holder2), but you've done multiple allocations for that one free - you call parse_incoming_value multiple times, each time causing an allocation, but you only free once right at the end.
As you copy the holder2 pointer into schedule_info elements each time, they actually have the "leaked" memory at the end.
If you do not free holder2 anywhere, but just free all the elements in schedule_info at the end of the code. I presume that shows no leak?
holder2 = <result of dynamic alloc>;
schedule_info->a = holder2;
holder2 = <result of dynamic alloc>;
schedule_info->b = holder2;
// instead of g_free(holder2) at the end, do this...

Linux kernel: why does this call to kstrtol crash?

I am learning kernel programming and have a simple call to kstrtol I am using to convert a string to a number. However, everytime I compile this module and use insmod to place it in the kernel, I get "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at f862b026" and then a register and stack dump.
I'm following the definition from here: It seems like a really simple call. What am I doing wrong here?
#include <linux/kernel.h>
static int __init convert(void)
long myLong;
char *myNumber = "342";
myNumber[2] = '\0'; //Overwriting the '2', just so I know for sure I have a terminating '\0'
if (kstrtol(myNumber, 10, &myLong) == 0)
printk("We have a number!\n");
return 0;
static void __exit convert_exit(void)
printk("Module unloaded\n");
You cannot modify string literals. Copy it into an array firstly.
edit: use this instead
char mystr[] = "abdc";
the underlying reason for this is, that a char pointer to a string literal points to a data segment, usually readonly. If you alter this memory you might get a crash.
When you create an array of chars instead, the string literal gets copied into the array on the stack, where you safely can modify it.

C memory management in server application

I am student and I am writing HTTP proxy application in C. I have trouble with memory management. In all my previous applications I simply wrote a wrapper around malloc which aborted when malloc failed.
void *xmalloc(size_t size)
void *ptr;
ptr = malloc(size);
if (!ptr)
return ptr;
This I now find insufficient as I just want to refuse client and continue serving other clients when memory allocation fails due to temporary shortage of memory. If I don't want to clutter my code with checks after each malloc call (I have quite lot of them per function in parsing code), what are other options to handle memory management and which one is the best for my purposes and how what is a common way for server applications to handle memory management and shortage of memory?
Consider this function from my current code which parses one line from header portion of HTTP message (xstrndup calls xmalloc):
int http_header_parse(http_hdr_table *t, const char *s)
const char *p;
const char *b;
char *tmp_name;
char *tmp_value;
int ret = -1;
p = b = s;
/* field name */
for (; ; p++) {
if (*p == ':') {
if (p-b <= 0) goto out;
tmp_name = xstrndup(b, p-b);
b = ++p;
if (is_ctl_char(*p) || is_sep_char(*p)) goto out;
while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') {
p++; b++;
/* field value */
for (; ; p++) {
if (is_crlf(p)) {
if (p-b <= 0) goto err_value;
tmp_value = xstrndup(b, p-b);
p += 2;
if (!*p) goto err_value;
http_hdr_table_set(t, tmp_name, tmp_value);
ret = 0;
return ret;
I would like to keep things simple and handle memory allocation errors at one place and to not clutter code with malloc error handling code. What should I do? Thank you.
P.S: I am writing the application to run on POSIX/Unix-like systems. Also feel free to criticize my current coding style and practices.
If you want to use a relatively low level language like C, then you shouldn't be too worried about adding something like if(tmp_value == NULL) goto out; in 2 places.
If you can't stand the idea of 2 trivial lines of extra code, then maybe try a language that supports exceptions properly (e.g. C++) and add throw/try/catch instead. Note: I really don't like C++, but using C++ would have to make more sense than implementing your own "exception like" features and an entire layer of automated resource de-allocation in C.
Modern languages give you garbage collection and exceptions. C doesn't, so you have to work hard. There's no magical solution here.
Some tips:
Create a session structure, and keep all your allocated memory pointed from it. When the session is aborted, always call a cleanup function. This way, even if you have to check for failures in many places, at least all failures are handled the same way.
You can even create a session_allocate() function, which allocates memory and keeps it on a linked list pointed from the session structure. Everything you allocate using this function would be freed when the session is destroy.
Try to concentrate all allocations in the beginning of the session. After you've allocated all you need, the rest of your code won't need to worry about failures.
If you're on a system that supports fork(), which linux does, you can run each client connection in it's own process. When a client connection is first established, you fork your main process into a child process to handle the rest of the request. Then you can abort() like you always have and only the specific client connection is affected. This is a classic unix server model.
If you don't want to or can't use fork(), you need to abort the request by throwing an exception. In C, that would be done by using setjump() when the connection is first established and then calling longjump() when out of memory is detected. This will reset execution and the stack back to where setjump() was called.
The problem is, this will leak all the resources allocated up to that point (for example, other memory allocations that had succeeded up to the point of getting out of memory). So additionally, your memory allocator will have to track all the memory allocations for each request. When longjump() is called, the setjump() return location will then have to free all the memory that was associated with the aborted request.
This is what apache does using pools. Apache uses pools to track resource allocations so it can auto free them in the case of an abort or because the code just didn't free it:
You should also consider the pool model and not just simply wrap malloc() so one client can't use up all the memory in the system.
Another possibility would be to use Boehm's GC by using its GC_malloc instead of malloc (you won't need to call free or GC_free); its
GC_oom_fn function pointer (called internally from GC_malloc when no memory is available any more) can be set to your particular out of memory handler (which would deny the incoming HTTP request, perhaps with a longjmp)
The major advantage of using Boehm GC is that you don't care any more about free-ing your dynamically allocated data (provided it was allocated using GC_malloc or friends, e.g. GC_malloc_atomic for data without any pointers inside).
Notice that memory management is not a modular property. The liveness of some given data is a whole program property, see garbage collection wikipage, and RAII programming idiom.
You could of course use alloca, but that has issues that mean it must be used with care. Alternatively, you can write your code so that you minimise and localise the use of malloc. For example your function above could be rewritten to localise the allocations:
static size_t field_name_length(const char *s)
const char *p = s;
for ( ; *p != ':'; ++p) {
if (is_ctl_char(*p) || is_sep_char(*p))
return 0;
return (size_t) (p - s);
static size_t value_length(const char *s)
const char *p = s;
for (; *p && !is_crlf(p); p+=2) {
/* nothing */
return *p ? (size_t) (p - s) : 0;
int http_header_parse(http_hdr_table *t, const char *s)
const char *v;
int ret = -1;
size_t v_len = 0;
size_t f_len = field_name_length(s);
if (f_len) {
v = s + f_len + 1;
v = s + strspn(s, " \t");
v_len = value_length(s);
if (v_len > 0 && f_len > 0) {
/* Allocation is localised to this block */
const char *name = xstrndup(s, f_len);
const char *value = xstrndup(v, v_len);
if (name && value) {
http_hdr_table_set(t, name, value);
ret = 0;
return ret;
Or, even better, you could modify http_hdr_table_set to accept the pointers and lengths and avoid allocation completely.

using malloc for the life of the program

gcc 4.4.4 c89
I have always thought of using malloc for the life of the project for being the scope.
But I am just wondering if my idea is the best practice. For example, I initalize an instance of the struct in main. And create 2 functions for creating and destroying. I am just wondering if this is the right thing to do.
I have some skeleton code below.
Many thanks for any advice,
typedef struct Network_dev_t {
size_t id;
char *name;
} Network_dev;
Network_dev* create_network_device(Network_dev *network)
network = malloc(sizeof *network);
if(network == NULL) {
return NULL;
return network;
void do_something(Network_dev *network)
/* Do something with the network device */
void destroy_network_device(Network_dev *network)
int main(void)
Network_dev *network = NULL;
network = create_network_device(network);
/* Do something with the network device */
return 0;
Looks good.
I have a point or 2 about create_network_device
Network_dev* create_network_device(Network_dev *network)
no need to pass in a pointer; I'd rather have Network_dev* create_network_device(void)
network = malloc(sizeof *network);
the if is not really necessary; if malloc failed the return network at the end of the function is the same as return NULL.
if(network == NULL) {
return NULL;
If the allocation succeeded you might want to insure the struct members are in a know state here
/* if (network) { */
/* id = 0; */
/* name = NULL; */
/* } */
return network;
This code looks fine to me. I agree with pmg that your create_network_device could use a little work. Just to pull together what he said and make things clearer, here is exactly how I would write the function:
Network_dev *create_network_device()
Network_dev *network = malloc(sizeof(*network));
if (network) {
network->id = 0;
network->name = NULL;
return network;
It is best to allocate memory and free memory in the same function. Just like you open and close files in the same function. You did this by creating and destroying a Network_dev in the main() function, which is good. This makes it easy to confirm that all malloced locations are also freed.
It is best to malloc() something as late as possible and free() it as soon as possible. That is, hold the memory for as short as possible. If your program's job is to do something with Network_dev, you did all right. If your program does a lot of other things, you should do them before malloc() or after free().
