500 Error invalid request ABP framework Login from Angular - abp

I am using ABP framework with Angular.
Upon clicking login button I am getting [500] Error! invalid_request the following network request result
However upon clicking login button. shows me login page and authorize successfully.

This issue generally coused by identity server.if you restor database which use different identity server, you should set the client origns table in database with the appsettings.json in the host project
The tables you should set as in your database

The issue was in setting in Database. Database had wrong value for RedirectUris

An update on the database is needed indeed, specifically in this table:identityserverclientredirecturis, but what made the difference to me was adding a / (slash) at the end of my url. I entered both values
https://test.mysite.com and https://test.mysite.com/
and now it works


Identity Server 4 and BlazorWA X-Frame-Options

I have a Blazor WA Application that is using Identity Server 4 Service for authenticating users. Everything works fine locally. The issue comes when I try and publish to Azure. Since the IDS is published at one address and Blazor at another, i get the X-Frame error when calling from "https://blazor..."
"Refused to display 'https://identity...' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'."
I've added
builder.Services.AddAntiforgery(options =>
options.SuppressXFrameOptionsHeader = true;
to the Blazor startup and to the Identity start up (just for giggles) but the error remains.
Any ideas?
The short answer is to set the CORS settings in Azure to allow all (*) or the specific URL in question "https://blazor...".
I had done that at one point but for some reason it didn't work. After consulting with an Azure tech we tried it again and it worked.

How to create a new watson assistant session on exisiting session expiration in Flask?

I am using watson assistant with flask framework. Once the session expires i get the following error
ApiException(response.status_code, error_message, http_response=response)
ibm_cloud_sdk_core.api_exception.ApiException: Error: NotFound: session id ba62bf14-87e-4c7b071b591e for agent instance 0e5c653c-9-b4e0-5a597c3e541e, Code: 404 , X-global-transaction-id: ffea409d54977b49 - - [03/Jul/2019 11:27:47] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200
Refreshing the page does not create a new session
How to create a new session on this exception, so that I need not restart the local server ?
You mention a 5 minute session timeout.
Watson Plus trial has this set for just testing, and is not intended to be production level. It cannot be changed.
Standard version and lite can use session but both were originally stateless. You should use the V1 API for these. You will have to manage the state, but you will no longer have a time out.
If you are using the paid version of Watson Plus, or premium you can change the time out within the assistant settings.
You need to provide code, as any response will be blind and based on guesswork on what errors you have made, and there are many. But based on the fact that you failed to provide code, and still raised the question expecting someone to tell you what you did wrong then let's go with a rookie error.
I think you are creating the session as a global in your flask app, and maybe saving it it the app object. You probably have a route for the dialog, which makes use of the session. The code in this route, needs to catch the error, or test if the session is still valid, and recreate it. If you are catching the error, and trying to recreate the session, then you may have fallen foul of Python's global variable restrictions. Essentially if in a function you have a variable as the right side of an assignment, then its scope will be limited to the function.
Refreshing the web page, will not force the flask app to re-create the session. As you probably have that logic outside of any routes.

500 internal server error in SharePoint

I'm getting a
'500 internal server error'
while trying to access any web application other than the central administrator page.This problem rise up suddenly on a day when I tried opening it.No password change have been made on the server side,also I have verified all the application pool are in the started state only.I have checked by creatinga new webapplication still the same issue occurs.I have also tried by changing the identity of the specific web application from IIS,but it does'nt works.I was not able to set the user name and password for identity over the advanced settings of SecurityTokenServiceApplicationPoolService in the application pool as it is saying 'invalid credentials'.Please help me to solve this issue.SharePoint is installed on SQLServer 2008R2. When I checked the Event viewer I'm getting two warnings and two errors.Two errors saying `
claims Authentication(8306) and warnings as configuration(8059)
`.(I know this Question is asked in the in the SharePoint community but the answers doesn't solve my issue,so that I'm asking it here)

Single Page App: Force Users to Log Out or Refresh

I have created a single page app using AngularJS and ASP.NET MVC 3. When deploying a new version of the application, it's possible for users to be already logged in as the application is being updated. If these users don't either refresh their browser or log out and back in again to get the new JavaScript files, they will encounter lots of errors and could potentially create invalid data.
Question: in a single page app, is there an elegant way to either prompt users to either refresh their browser or log out and back in again?
I suppose this would be possible through Web Sockets / SignalR, but are there other options?
One generic way I could see is to have your angular app send a client-version # with any http request, and your .NET side watch for that number and when it's out of date ( a newer version has been deployed ) send an error response which you would capture in your angular app. You could then just trigger a refresh or prompt the user to refresh and get the latest version.

Google_AuthException : invalid_grant

I'm trying to setup the config.php with my values but I get this fatal error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_AuthException' with message 'Error fetching OAuth2 access token, message: 'invalid_grant'.
I entered the client ID, secret, simple API key, location and sqlite database as the documentation says here:
Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
This happens when the URL where you're hosting your Glassware is not listed as a valid OAuth 2.0 redirect URI on the API console. Follow these steps to resolve it.
First, determine your OAuth 2.0 redirect URI. This is where traffic goes at the end of the OAuth dance. The correct value depends on where you're running the php quick start. If you're running it on a local web server, it's likely to be http://localhost/mirror-quickstart-php/oauth2callback.php. If you're running it on example.com, it might be https://example.com/oauth2callback.php.
Go to the API console. This link will lead you to the right panel (services), but double check that you're on the correct project.
Scrolling down you should see a section of the page that looks like this: . Click on 'Edit Settings...'.
This triggers a pop-up where you can enter your OAuth redirect URIs. Add your redirect URI to the top text area. Make sure to put each URI on its own line.
Reload the page for the PHP Quick Start and everything should work.
If you're still having an issue, please share the full error message on the page and the value you have for the base url in config.php.
If you're getting the invalid_grant error from Google : Instead of using the client ID from google developer console as your value for client ID in the code, try using the email address value from developer console. This is actually what they expect. So, to confirm - the value for Client ID should be the value from developer console ending #developer.gserviceaccount.com
Had similar problem in Windows PS dotnet environment when trying to connect to DialogFlow Google Cloud Project recently and it appeared to be intermittent fault but it turned out to be global $env:GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in windows PowerShell was pointing to a key file set when first setup access to GCloud days before and since regenereated keys in GCP Console
After generating new key file and setting it with new generated key file using $env:GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="[Path_To_JSON_Key_File]" the problem went away but fix only lasted as long as the window was open, then after a while ran $env:GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS on a newly opened PS window and noticed it was still pointing to the old key file!
setting the system environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the value of [Path_To_JSON_New_Key_File] fixed it, all newly opened PS windows had the correct key file and authenticated correctly using Service Account and .Net Google Cloud API calls worked after that
