Custom button for record edit form - salesforce

I have used a custom button to submit the updated record on LWC, used as quick action. In onclick funtion, I have used "this.template.querySelector('lightning-record-edit-form').submit(this.totalFieldList);" But when I submit the the values are still referred to the old values. Please help me on this.


how to fix validate some values in material ui table in reactjs and to validate some newly added table values

I'm doing a mini task on React.js in that I have used material UI table and gave values through states and I wrote a onChange handler to edit that states.
If I click edit button all the states are changed to empty and if I click a new button new table is adding but I cant validate it, so how do I validate for the new tables and for the existing ones?
You can see my code here.
I expected output should be if i click name only it should change name but not all fields and if click add new table should be added and that should be validated.
Upon Analyzing the code, updated the fixes in the code sandbox. We need to update state when clicking 'edit' and '+' icon.

Disable submit button redux forms

How to disable submit button until all fields are filled in in reactjs with redux-forms.
To be more specific i have a form that consists only from radio buttons. So for every question there is 5 radio buttons to choose from. And i want by submit button to be disabled until all question are answered.
You need to leverage sync validation as shown here this will validate whole form if it's valid and pass necessary props to the component
invalid, valid
Then you can just bind disabled={invalid}
I created a sandbox to better illustrate it

Remove focus from first invalid input in angularjs form

I having html form with angular-js and there is need to remove focus on required fields which are failed on submission.
Actually I am showing all error messages in Pop-Up box. So there is no need to focus on failed controls.
Please help me for it.
This depends on way you are starting you validation.
Assume you are doing this by clicking on some btn.
If so, you should create directive which will subscribe to the click event
and do focus to the document or other element you choose for this.
Don't forget to unsubscribe your listner from the element on $destroy event with .off()
If you are using another way for starting validation you should subscribe to it and do the same.
Hope this was helpful.
Previously I was using type="submit" for input #time of submitting form and Now by using type="button", resolved this issue.

Redux Form always validates even on a normal button press

I have a redux form with a submit button and a normal html button. I dont want the form to be validated when the normal button is pressed. But looks like the form is always validated once and then when I click the button again the onclick on the button is executed. How do I prevent this?
I replicated the same issue with same form. For example if you go to ,enter 4 in the age field and click on clear values. First time the validation triggers and stops the button action. Second time the button action works i.e, the form values are cleared..
The example you link to has that behavior because by default Redux Form will call the validation function for touched Fields on a blur event. The fact that you are clicking a button is irrelevant - you could click on any element or anywhere on the page and you would get that behavior.
The only real way to stop this behavior is to stop Redux Form from touching your Fields on a blur event. You can do this by setting touchOnBlur to false in the Redux Form config object.
export default reduxForm({ form: 'myForm', touchOnBlur: false })(MyForm);
Please Add type="button" to prevent the button from submitting the form.If you don't give any type it will consider submit.

wicket : how to know the current value of checkbox before submission

Is there any way to know the current value of a checkbox in wicket before any action takes place?
wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() is not useful for me, I want to know the value of the checkbox before clicking on it.
first of all in the server you cannot know the state of the input with out a form.
use AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior or AjaxFormSubmitBehavior to attach the event to the checkbox and submit their form. with this aproach you going to submit all components inside the form, if you just want the value of the check you could use a nested form(wicket include support for it)
